Server Administration :: Why 3 Mount Points For Datafiles

Feb 3, 2013

i encoutered lately on such statement:

Table D-7 shows a hierarchical file mapping of a sample OFA-compliant installation with two Oracle home directories and two databases. The database files are distributed across three mount points, /u02, /u03, and /u04. URL....

why three mount points (/u02, /u03, and /u04) for datafiles? don' understant this. isn't it better to store all datafiles in one mountpoint?

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Server Administration :: Error In Startup Mount After Shutdown Immediate?

Apr 1, 2009

I want to shutdown the database using shutdown immediate and startup the database using startup mount.

1.)My system is client system if I connect start--> program -->Accessories --> communication --> Remote Desktop connection (connect server system) , open Run type cmd after

Shutdown immediate (database is shutdown)

Startup mount (database is mounted no problem it's working fine)

2.) But if I, open Run type cmd in client system If I run same command, I'm getting below error (ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error).

C:>set oracle_sid=dbadb
C:>sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on ╘± ╠ß± 31 18:09:27 2009
Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error


3. If I run same command in Sql Plus I'm getting below error(ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor).

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Ôñ Ìáñ 31 18:23:13 2009
Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options


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Server Administration :: Which Commands Only Can Use In Database Mount Mode

May 3, 2011

which commands only we can use in database mount mode?

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Server Administration :: ORA-01102 Cannot Mount Database In Exclusive Mode

May 10, 2002

I performed Shutdown Immediate in Oracle 8I and now I am unable to mount the database.I'm getting the following message: ORA-01102 Cannot mount database in Exclusive mode/I only have one database running on this machine. It was automatically created by Oracle installer upon installation of Oracle software. I can no longer connect via SQL * Plus,Only through Server Manager (connect internal)

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Server Administration :: Change Current Redo Log Size In Oracle Mount Stage

Jun 8, 2012

We have one primary oracle database 10.2 and standby by database with no data guard. Initially we have 2 redo log group in primary and standby database.

We have recently add 2 more redo log and increase the size of log member from 50m to 200m in primary database. We don't have any problem in primary database.but in standby database we face a problem because we cannot open it. It always in mount stage in which . How we change the size of current redo log because we can't run. Alter system switch logfile command in mount stage.

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Server Administration :: Removing A Tablespace And Its Associated Datafiles?

Jul 12, 2010

Due to improper documentations of a certain project, I need to drop a DEFAULT tablespace of a newly created instance including it's associated datafiles by using this command:


The default tablespace name is QWER (qwer01.dbf) and I added 2 datafiles in it, re: OPD_SML01.dbf & EXYT_SML01.dbf.

Do I have to do it online or offline?

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Server Administration :: Adding Datafiles To Tablespace

Dec 20, 2011

Can we add a datafile mapped to a shared network drive in windows server.

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Server Administration :: MR Lock / Show All Datafiles

Nov 25, 2010

Just noticed MR(media recovery lock ) in our database,further check showd all datafiles had this lock since our database was shutdown abortly but was startup gracefully.

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Server Administration :: 10g Change Disk With Datafiles

Nov 17, 2011

What is best practice to change small disk D:? I am beginner with Oracle. 10g on W2008. 5 datafiles (all indexes,second data file, 2 undotabs)*.dbf (34;30;1;34;12 GB) is on D:. Part of tablespaces (1 data, 1 undo)has files on c:.

1.Shutdown 2008 server.
2.Copy D: image with GHOST to USB, network.
3.Connect new D, create RAID.
4.Restore image to D.
5.Start 2008 server.

1.Stop application.
4.Copy files *.dbf at OS level from d: to ... USB disk, network.
5.Shutdown 2008 server.
6.Change disks, create RAID in BIOS.
7.Start W2008.
Is Oracle at this moment in SHUTDOWN mode?
8.Copy back *.dbf to new D: (with directory structure).
9.STARTUP Oracle.

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Server Administration :: Estimating Size Of Database / Datafiles

Jul 3, 2010

I have checked the space of my tablespaces/datafiles in my database. I have 8 GB space left in my database server. I cant add more hard-disk as there is no slot left. We r planning to buy a new server with latest config.

My question is, how can we know upto what size our database can increase and when a datafile need to be added in advance. Sometimes even though datafiles have space left,it shows errors abt extents cannot be extended. We have coalesce the tablespaces and added a new datafile.

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Server Administration :: RMAN Restore Failure All Datafiles

Jul 1, 2013

I am facing an issue while rebuilding a DR (Physical Standby) site using RMAN.Rman is failing to restore all the datafiles to the stanby site.

There are 403 datafiles that should be restored among which after restoring 50-60 datafiles the channel is abruptly getting terminated.Please note this exercise is not new I have done this many times (once a year after a DR testing) and the same script is being used.The rcv file is as follows

connect auxiliary sys/XXXX@YYY
run {
duplicate target database for standby nofilenamecheck dorecover;
configure_dr.rcv: END

The trace file says "krso_proc_add: Detected dead process 13828326; subsuming V$MANAGED_STANDBY slot
INFO: krsr_rfs_atc: RFS processes are temporarily disallowed"

I have also started RMAN debug tracing and the trace is also scanned as it is huge.I have seen the following in the trace error 3015 signalled during compilation..I do not find any specific oracle error to check on .

The only change that happened is that the Primary production server has been moved to a new datacentre and after its move all the connections seems to be working fine.

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Server Administration :: To Reduce Number Of Datafiles In Tablespace

Feb 25, 2012

We have two tablespace xyz_ts & pqr_ts having 167 datafiles . We have to reduce this number of files. These tablespace having 580 GB size .

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Server Administration :: Check Tables Located In Which Datafiles?

Aug 6, 2010

would want to check which tables located in which datafiles.

Tried with this command:
select B.FILE_NAME from dba_segments a, dba_data_files b
where a.header_file=b.file_ID and segment_name='TABLE_NAME'

Seems like it only shows 1 datafile. Some tables are large and i suppose it's resided in more than 1 datafile.

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Server Administration :: Big Datafile Vs Multiple Small Datafiles

Jun 17, 2010

what's the difference between having BIG datafile (32GB) vs many small datafiles (4GB) replacing a Big one.

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Server Administration :: Recover Database With Some Datafiles And Archivelogs?

Dec 24, 2010

We have lost some datafiles and some archivelogs. We have backup of whole database taken on Dec 20 and archivelogs until Dec 23.So we dont have 1 day worth of archivelogs which can lead to incomplete recovery.

Now question is do we need to restore all datafiles or only lost datafiles for incomplete recovery since we dont have all archivelogs ? lost datafiles belong to different tablespaces.

Datafiles which are still intact are with current SCN and we restore lost datafiles only and recover unitl our last available archivelog it will have different SCN. Will we be able to open database or we need to resotre whole database for this scenario?

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Server Administration :: Find Tablespace Usage Including Datafiles

May 25, 2010

I am looking for a script to find the tbs usage including datafiles. Tablespaces Datafile Size Used Free Used% Free% Max MB

Need all the data in MB and all the datafile space in every tablespace.I have searched internet,but couldn't find this type of format.

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Performance Tuning ::Distributing Datafiles In Server

Oct 26, 2010

How to distribute the datafiles among various disks of a server, so that I/O operations are improved.

I mean is there any area we need to focus while distributing the disk like:

1)Particular types of datafiles should be placed in one disk.
2)Temp/Undo/Rollback tablespaces in another disk.
3)Indexes in another disk

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PL/SQL :: Two Decimal Points

Aug 10, 2012

What would be the syntax if I want to use use '999G999G990D00' to show only two decimal points for outstanding_receipt_value in the following

((declared_quantity - delivered_qty) * po_unit_price) outstanding_receipt_value

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Get Total Points From Various Factors

Oct 20, 2011

I am trying to calculate the total points of each customer

create table Customers(Customer_no number,revenue varchar2(30),Regularity varchar 2(30)
insert into Customers values(1,'25','2');
insert into Customers values(2,'50','3');

Table customers:

Customer_no, revenue, regularity

create table Points(ponts ID number,Factor varchar2(30),Weight number);

insert into Points values(1,revenue,2);
insert into Points values(1,Regularity,4);

Table points
Points ID,Factor,Weight

So for customer_no: 1

revenue is 25 * 2(weight for revenue ) =50
regularity is 2*4(weight for regularity) =8
Total =58

So for customer_no: 2

revenue is 50 * 2(weight for revenue ) =100
regularity is 3*4(weight for regularity) =12
Total =104

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PL/SQL :: Generate All Dates Between To Date Points

Sep 8, 2012

Is there a way I can generate a list of date using a simple SELECT statement to generate all dates between to date points? For example between SYSDATE AND SYSDATE-7?

One way I know is have a table and run PL/SQL script to put all dates in it and query that but was wondering if it can be achieve via SQL SELECT query at all without creating a table (querying DUAL).

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Spatial :: Splitting Line At Multiple Points

Apr 22, 2013

I see that I can use SDO_LRS.SPLIT_GEOM_SEGMENT to split a line at a single point (and get 2 resulting lines).

However, how I could split a line, at multiple points, into multiple segments? I need to do this for many rows, therefore a function or procedure would be good if any exists.

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Spatial :: Decimal Points - Geometry - Sql Developer Geographer?

Aug 13, 2013

I have loaded shape files with SQL developer Georaper and limited number of decimals to 8. There is option to limit number of decimals in georapter.But there are some X, Y with many decimals. This may create problem in spatial functions in which geometries are compared and filtered

how to control the decimal points of X,Y to be loaded in geometry column.  -0.4695623500000000172249770002963487058878                    51.47160360000000167701728059910237789154-0.4702653600000000211345252409955719485879                    51.47174944999999723904693382792174816132-0.4713475400000000092859409051015973091125                    51.47330664999999783049133839085698127747-0.4717886499999999760923685698799090459943  

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Spatial :: Sdo_nn To Fetch Points From Point Cloud And Georaster

Mar 9, 2013

I have a requirement to fetch the nearest neighbor from a given point coordinates inside a point cloud/georaster data. how can i retrieve a collection of all neighboring points from a given point.

I guess i will have to use sdo_nn operator. how to use the operator to achieve the result.

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Application Express :: How To Manage Positions Of Different Display Points Of Theme

Apr 6, 2013

I'm developing, or trying, on Apex 4.2...The issue is about themes and how to manage the positions of diferents Display Points of a theme.

Everybody know that any theme have a map where its position all differents parts of this map (Body1, Body2, Body3, position01, position02 and so). So when you choice any theme, it come with all this Display points defined. You can see this map rendering any region page and in the item Display Point you can see this map clicking on the light.

There is anyway to can manage this map and change position or behavior of those points?. For example , I'm interested that under the tabs, to have at the same height, 3 diferentes position, one at left, one at center and other at right.

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Unable To Mount The DB?

Jan 15, 2013

i am not able to mount my database created today. I uninstalled the RDBS software and all peoplesoft database content to start from a fresh again. But now i am not able to mount my DB. I am working on 11g. The error is -

SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 744910848 bytes
Fixed Size 1374696 bytes
Variable Size 226493976 bytes
Database Buffers 511705088 bytes
Redo Buffers 5337088 bytes
Database mounted.
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-39700: database must be opened with UPGRADE option
Process ID: 2192
Session ID: 5 Serial number: 1

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11.2 - How To Mount Oracle Database

Jun 10, 2013

While I was trying to configure an Oracle DB called "NW6" using the Database Configuration Assistant, I have Oracle 11.2 database installed on a Windows 2008 Server, the configuration wizard thrown an error : ORA-01507:database not mounted

So I am not able to successfully complete the DB configuration. Also I tried to test the service using the net configuration assistant, it throws an error: ORA-27101 shared memory realm does not exist.

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How To Mount A Database From Dbf And Ctl Files

May 20, 2013

I recovered dbf and ctl files, how to mount that database again. Using oracle 9i.

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Make Tablespace Offline In Mount State?

May 7, 2012

I started database in mount state;startup mount; alter tablespace users offline;

I tried to make tablespace offline In another case online but showing error database not open same for command alter tablespace begin backup; do think we can make tablespace offline in mount...

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RAC & Failsafe :: Unable To Mount Ocfs2 Filesystem

Feb 7, 2011

I am configuring RAC with two nodes. I have mapped iscsi targets successfully. I am unable to mount the ocfs2 filesystem.

mount -t ocfs2 -o datavolume,nointr -L "oracrsfiles" /u02

When execute the above command, it displays the follwing error:

ocfs2_hb_ctl: Device name specified was not found while reading uuid
mount.ocfs2: Error when attempting to run /sbin/ocfs2_hb_ctl: "Operation not permitted"

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RMAN BACKUP ACFS Mount Point That Are Used For DBHOME?

Oct 24, 2012

We are Using ACFS File system for DBHOME and its Called "/u01/app/oracle". I would like to know, can i use RMAN to backup my oracle home?

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