Can Partition A Table Based On Date If It Does Not Have A Date Column
Jun 21, 2012
How can we partition a table based on date if it does not have a date column.
Actually I have to compare two tables on daily basis and fetch few rows from those two tables and enter it to a third table.But both these tables does not have a date column.
I am confused if i need to alter those tables and add date column or if there is some way in which i can compare the data from the two tables for that particular day only and not the whole table data.
INSERT INTO DAN_DATES (ID,YEAR,TERM,START_DATE) VALUES ('1','2012','1201',to_date('20120227','YYYYMMDD')); INSERT INTO DAN_DATES (ID,YEAR,TERM,START_DATE) VALUES ('1','2012','1201',to_date('20120626','YYYYMMDD')); INSERT INTO DAN_DATES (ID,YEAR,TERM,START_DATE) VALUES ('2','2011','1101',to_date('20110226','YYYYMMDD')); INSERT INTO DAN_DATES (ID,YEAR,TERM,START_DATE) VALUES ('2','2011','1101',to_date('20110725','YYYYMMDD')); INSERT INTO DAN_DATES (ID,YEAR,TERM,START_DATE) VALUES ('2','2012','1201',to_date('20120227','YYYYMMDD'));
Want to take the Start_Date for that year, CREATE A NEW COLUMN and place that START_DATE (which is row 1 for the year (min)) in it. So for ID 1 TERM is 1201 and 1202 BUT we want the top start date (earliest start date) and CREATE a clumn (NEW_START_DATE) and place that date in there wherever year is 2012.
I want to get IDYEARTERMSTART_DATEMIN_DATE 12012120127-Feb-1227-Feb-12 12012120126-Jun-1227-Feb-12 22011110126-Feb-1126-Feb-11 22011110125-Jul-1126-Feb-11 22011110126-Sep-1126-Feb-11 22012120227-Feb-1227-Feb-12
My requirment is to find out the period names and transactions which are in valid date formats and are less than sysdate and the non date formats are adjustments made by different users for their transactions
I want to load data from a file using sqlldr.I have a table commissions ( technician_id char(5) , tech_name char(30) , Comm_rcd_date DATE , Comm_Paid_date DATE , comm_amt number(10,2) )
my file is 00001,TIMOTHY TROENDLY,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0006,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0007,123.56 00002,KENNETH KLEMENZ,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0006,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0009,123.56 00003,SHUNDAR ARDERY,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0006,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0005,123.56 write a ctl file to load this data.
I Know we can create dynamic partitions on table in oracle 11g. Is it possible to create normal partition and sub partition both dynamically.I have to create Normal partition range on date and sub partition list on Batch ID (varchar).
say for example there is a column called 'date_txn' in a table .When i select that particular column it display output as 'June 2013'.But i want output "with date and time".
I have a table with modifieddate column with 'DATE' data type.I am facing date format exception and tried with to_char, to_date but its throwing invalid number exception. how to format date accordingly.
SELECT * FROM EMP WHERE modifieddate > '31-Dec-2011 18:30';
ORA-01722: invalid number 01722. 00000 - "invalid number"
I have table and it will contain huge data, so we have implemented as partitioned table. Every day when we load data into table there will be one partition created by the ETL Process by default with the Date Column(day wise). Now we may receive data for the previous days as well(Date column in table will have the date associated to the Data). No i would like the data should be inserted into partition which assocites to its own date.
How to write a single query for the below scenario?I got only start date column, but I need show the end date based on next (start date-1). For the last row, need to show the same date in the end date column.
For Example:I have the data as shown below,
Start date End date 1-Jan-10 3-Mar-10 3-May-10 5-Jul-10 1-Aug-10
I wanted to output as shown below
Start date End date 1-Jan-10 2-Mar-10 3-Mar-10 2-May-10 3-May-10 4-Jul-10 5-Jul-10 31-Jul-10 1-Aug-10 1-Aug-10
how to get the output in below format. Count how many times each file is selected in a month.
Output format should be like below.. ============================================== File_Name Jan Feb Mar Apr ---------- Dec ============================================== file1 2 1 3 0 ---------- 2 file2 1 0 2 1 ---------- 3 file-n 8 2 3 0 ---------- 2
Our term (strm) is dictated by the term_begin_dt and term_end_dt dates but I want to keep selecting that term until 1 week before the next term opens and then switch to that term.
Basically, I don't want any gaps between a term.
select strm when sysdate is between term_begin_dt and term_end_dt (strm would equal 3943) select strm until 1 week before the start of the next term (4027) (strm would equal 3943) select strm when 1 week before term_begin_dt (strm would equal 4027)
Repeat for the next term and so on 12/16/2011 select strm from term where trunc(sysdate) between trunc(term_begin_dt) and trunc(term_end_dt)
Output: 3943 12/17/2011 - 01/01/2012
select strm from term where ?
Output: 3943
01/02/2012 - 5/4/2012 select strm from term where ?
Output: 4027
Test Case:
Insert into TERM (STRM, DESCR, TERM_BEGIN_DT, TERM_END_DT) Values ('3943', '2011 Fall Semester', TO_DATE('08/22/2011 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/16/2011 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')); Insert into TERM [code].....
i need to be increasing the sequence no by 1 for every calender date.For example lets say if i receive 5 dumps of data for 24/09/2013 it should be as below. For next day the 25th the sequence no should again begin with 1.
select to_char(report_date, 'YYYY MM Mon'), count(1) no_of_times from ( select to_date('&&YYYYMMDD', 'YYYYMMDD')+rownum report_date , mod(rownum,14) mod_result from all_objects
need to convert as procedure based on input date parameter.I will pass the input date from java environment and need to see the sql query output in front end.
I want to get top two rows based on ACCT_UNIT & order by status_date, if there is only one row on acct_unit, get one row. IF more than two rows available, want to get the top two rows based on status_date.
I have one view which displays the information of all the receipts with date now i want to make ageing report based on this date. the columns will be 0-30 , 30-60,60-180 and > 180 , i want to distribute the receipts qty based on number of days.
i'm trying to do an export/import process using command prompt and the idea is export a records based on the date condition. and the date will be the parameter. my code is like this:
exp <username>/<password>@<database> file=<table_name>.dmp tables=<source_table> query="where <date> between &start_date AND &end_date";
is it possible to do like this, that it should prompt you to enter the start and end date?
i am trying to create Procedure which will create the partitions based on the other table date values one per each day.
It is not creating the partitions and even not giving any errors.
I need to partition a existing table based on varchar2 field (which is actaully date value but storing as character in the table). Using below statement for creating table, but getting error.
Version : 4.1.1, I have a tabular form on a DB table. One of the columns is a date field. When the user hits the "add Row" button on the tabular form, I want the Date field to be defaulted to sysdate. Here is what I have tried so far,
1. Created a "hidden" item P1_SYSDATE and populated the default value with sysdate. After this, under the DB tabular report date field, I used default type - Item/application on this page and entered P1_sYSDATE
2. Instead of populating the default value of the P1_SYSDATE hidden item, I created a before regions process and added
:P1_SYSDATE := sysdate
and added P1_SYSDATE to default type of the tabular date field with default type as "ITem/application on this page.
I get the error
ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression
I tried to_Char(sysdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') and then converting it back to to_date. still no luck.
When I run a query form the the Query Window in Visuial Studios 2012 all the date fields truncated to 'mm/dd/yyyy', but i need the full date returned. I am able to get full date from TO_char(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), but if I do TO_DATE(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') it only returns 'mm/dd/yyyy'. I'm sure this is a simple setting in Visual studios but I cant find it to save my life. Is there there a way to have the full date returned by default?
->Col1 with experience in years entered as an integer ->Col2 with current date
I need to add another column as a date value adn for that i need to subtract Currentdate-Col1 when i tried currentdate-Col1 it just subtracted the days i need the formula to subtract years and give a date
I have worked in DB2 and all u need to do there was add the keyword years at the end but in oracle the same does not work
I would like to inquire how do I code my select statement if my user enter a search date range(search startDt: 01/08/2012 and search endDt :30/09/2012) and I will like to retrieve only the 7records out from my table as shown below ?