Oracle 11gr2 64 Bit Database Software Installed - Not Register

Feb 19, 2013

1. oracle 11gr2 64 bit database software installed
2. oracle 11gr2 32 bit clinet software installed

The above software has been installed on server, Pop pup- Error messages coming during installing 3rd party software packages...on server.

Error is - igrORASPConnect412.dll not register...

what could be issues & how to resolve this problem? do we need to reinstall client software again not available this DLL file after searching on oralce home directory .

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Real Application Clusters :: Newly Installed 11gR2 - Inserted Rows Completely Gone When Restart Cluster

Jan 2, 2013

I have recently setup a 2 node Rac on oracle linux 5.4 with oracel 11gR2, the installation went smoothly and all the cluster resources are up and running however the data is not syncing across the nodes, when I create a table it shows up on the other node but when I insert rows into the tables they don't show up on the other node and when I restart the cluster the inserted rows are completely gone even from the node where I inserted them.

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Oracle Installed In Workgroup - Not Able To Login Database

Oct 15, 2011

I am new in oracle I have installed Oracle in work group, while i work group it is working fine. But latter I have change the server from work group to domain. At that time Oracle was not working , not able to connect.

After that I change the Domain to work group again. And same problem exist. But I found that lsnrctl is working fine. But OracleServiceXXX is not able to startup in services.msc

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Server Administration :: Installed Database Oracle With Installation

Nov 17, 2011

Yesterday i installed oracle 11g r2 by default i installed database Oracle with the installation .but today i tried to create the database with the name green tat also completed successfully..the problem is in startup

export oracle_sid=green
sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
database mounted

select instance_name from v$instance; But it SHowing the instance name as Oracle...i tried with the other method also

export oracle_sid=green
sqlplus /nolog
conn sys/b123 as sysdba

database mounted

select instance_name from V$parameter;

and it shows instance name as green..i tried to see the datafile location for green database

select file_name from dba_data_files; it shows the orcl datafile locations.

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RMAN :: Error - Register Database With Catalog Database

Mar 4, 2013

I have created database with in RHEL 5. I have catalog database(RMAN) with version and 5 databases with different versions(,, registered with this catalog databases.

Now I want to register the database with catalog (RMAN) database.

Am getting error while I register :

#rman target / catalog=rman/rman@rman

connected to target database: TEST (DBID=12345678)
connected to recovery catalog database

RMAN> register database;

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of register command on default channel at 03/04/2013 10:27:12
RMAN-10015: error compiling PL/SQL program
RMAN-10033: error during compilation of job step 1: ORA-04023: Object RMAN.DBMS_RCVCAT could not be validated or authorized

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Register A Database With Two Different Catalogs?

Dec 13, 2012

Can I register a database say MYDB in datacenter1 with two different catalogs i.e., I have one rman catalog a datacenter1 location and another rman catalog in datacenter2 location. So, can I register MYDB to rman catalogs at datacenter1 and datacenter2. If, so how can we keep rman catalogs at datacenter1 and datacenter2 in sync. For MYDB rman backups I just want to use local rman catalog which is datacenter1. But I just want to keep a redundant copy of the rman catalog.

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Unable To Register Database?

Aug 15, 2013

 RMAN> register database; RMAN-00571:

===========================================================RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============RMAN-00571: ===========================================================RMAN-03002: failure of register command at 08/15/2013 19:48:59RMAN-03014: implicit resync of recovery catalog failedRMAN-03009: failure of full resync command on default channel at 08/15/2013 19:48:59ORA-01580: error creating control backup file +ORALIN_RECO/snapcf_oralin.fORA-

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Register Standby Database On Catalog Server For RMAN Backup

Jun 12, 2012

We have production database and standby database in 11g.

Production db server is taking care by different team even I don't have any access of the production server and I am responsible only for standby server. As of now everything is working fine except database backup on standby server because standby server is not register in catalog.

How to register standby server in catalog for RMAN backup?

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Server Administration :: Oracle 11gr2 Database And 11.1 ASM

Jun 26, 2012

I have oracle 10g running on oracle ASM 11.1, I want to know that if i install oracle 11gr2 database , can i use oracle 11.1 ASM which is already installed ?

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Oracle Database Migration From 9iR2 / 10gR2 To 11gR2

Apr 22, 2013

Which is the best method for migration of database from Oracle 9iR2,10gR2 to 11gR2.

Current Environment
Operating System: Sun OS 5.10
Oracle Database: Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (32 bit)
Average Db Size: 600Gb
RAc Configuration: No
Operating System: Sun OS 5.10
Oracle Database: Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (64 bit)
Average Db Size: 600Gb
RAC Configuration: No

Proposed Environment
Server1 and Server2
Operating System: Sun Solaris 10
Oracle Database: Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (64 bit)
RAC Configuration: No
Hardware is New : Yes

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Error In OS Level Authentication For Oracle 11gR2 Database Access?

Mar 18, 2011

We have an issue regarding OS level authentication to access Oracle 11gR2( database.

Our environment -
UNIX - AIX 5.3 (OS user id password is having kerberos security).
Oracle (32 bit client) installed in server 1
Oracle (64 bit server) installed in server 2.
Everything works fine when we created a general userid test_db in the database and connect through sqlplus test_db@dbname.

But when we try to use the option of OS level authentication using "sqlplus /", it throws following error and could not be connected.

ERROR: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

I have created the same OS user name in database (with external password authentication) with prefix OPS$. we have set ORACLE_SID as well.

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Oracle Database Concepts 11gr2 - Incremental Checkpoints Behavior?

May 3, 2012

Oracle database concepts 11gr2 manual states that "An incremental checkpoint is a type of thread checkpoint partly intended to avoid writing large numbers of blocks at online redo log switches. DBWn checks at least every three seconds to determine whether it has work to do. When DBWn writes dirty buffers, it advances the checkpoint position, causing CKPT to write the checkpoint position to the control file, but not to the data file headers."

As i have understand the DBWR write DIRTY BUFFER (that are under active checkpoint requests in the ACQ) to the datafiles from The Buffer Checkpoint Queues and after that the CKPT process may write the checkpoint RBA to the control files.[URL]...

The CKPT porcess write the chekpoint RBA to the controlfile after that the DBWR write the Dirty BUFFER in the datafiles, so as i understand at some point the datafiles containt block with higher RBA than the controle files. am i wrong ?

So if the instance craches before the CKPT record the chekpoint RBA in the controlfile what will be the recover behavior.Will the redo record be reapplied from the last recoded chekpoint RBA in the controlfile to the tail of the log ?

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Server Administration :: Oracle Database Migration From 11gR2 32bit To 64bit?

May 28, 2012

"How to Migrate Oracle 11gR2 32bit to 11gR2 64bit on Microsoft Windows"

Currently we are having Microsoft Windows Server 2003 standard Edition service pack 2 and we are trying to migrate it to microsoft windows server 2008 Release 2 standard Edition

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Installation :: Oracle Database 11gR2 On Virtual Box on Windows 32bits Machine

Oct 31, 2013

I have an issue during the database configuration using DBCA at 85% it blocs, then it displays an error asking to reconfigure ORACLE_UNQNAME.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Load DMP File Into Oracle 11gR2 Database Schema

Mar 24, 2013

i have a .dmp file and i want to use the data in this file for my further practices. so, i need to dump the data in the .dmp file to the any schema exists in data base.

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Networking And Gateways :: Oracle 11gR2 Database - Performance Difference Between Windows PC And On VMware

Feb 9, 2012

We are having major differences in performance when accessing an Oracle 11gR2 database from two different environments.

I won't sadden you with the gory details of the full application but I will use an indicative example of our problem.

We have SQL Developer in both environments. In each of these SQL Developer instances is a defined a connection to the same database on another machine. So there is the PC looking at a database and a virtual instance looking at the same database.

Selecting the '+' sign next to 'tables' for that connection, on the PC the list of four tables comes back in 4 seconds but on the virtual instance the list of the same four tables comes back in 1 minute and 50 seconds.

This sort of timing issue is repeatable for all accesses to the Oracle database on the third machine.

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Database Cloning Installed On ZFS Storage Appliance

May 14, 2013

I have an update Oracle database 11g installed on ZFS Storage, and I need to make cloning for it. HCC feature is enabled.

How can I make this?

Using RMAN backup + ZFS Snapshot + ZFS Cloning ?

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Can Oracle 9 / 10 And 11 Be Installed On Same PC

Nov 4, 2010

I have new PC going to be used for Oracle 9, 10 & 11. It has Windows 2008, system processor - Intel® Xeon® CPU, Installed memory 2.00 GB and it is 64-bit operating system. My question is if it is possible to have 3 different versions of Oracle on the same box. I want to make sure that they are not going to create any problem! If it is ok to install all three on the same box then should i start installing from the lowest version (9)?

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Server Administration :: Installed 10gr2 And Implemented 3GB - Database Hang?

Jan 26, 2010

My server RAM is 12GB. i installed 10gr2 and implemented /3GB also. Eventhough my database is giving problem.

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Oracle 11g R2 Installed With Zero Bytes On IBM AIX

Dec 27, 2012

I have installed 11g r2 using silent mode. but all the executable like lsnrctl, expdp, sqlldr,impdp etc.... installed with 0 (zero) bytes.

couldn't trace out what the problem is,

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Installed Oracle 11.2.0 On Windows 7 64 Bit - Initialization Error

Mar 20, 2011

I install Oracle 11.2.0 on Windows 7 64bit and i install PL/SQL Developer.

when i run the PL/SQL and connect to Oracle i get this error:

Initialization error
Could not load "C:\app\MyComp\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\oci.dll"

OCIDLL forced to C:\app\MyComp\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\oci.dll
LoadLibrary(C:\app\MyComp\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\oci.dll) returned 0

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Backup & Recovery :: Error While Backup On Windows 7 Client Of Oracle 11gR2 Database

May 2, 2011

I have facing problem while taking backup on Windows 7 client of Oracle 11g R2 database. I have installed oracle 11gR2 for windows on windows 7 machine. I have created a directory like below in database.

On Database Server

SQL> create directory win_expdp_dir as 'd:expimp';

Directory created.

SQL> grant read, write on directory win_expdp_dir to lab;

Grant succeeded.

On Windows 7 machine (client machine)

D:appproduct11.2.0client_1BIN>expdp lab/lab@wbdata.wbh-db11g DIRECTORY=win_expdp_dir DUMPFILE=lab.dmp LOGFILE=lab.log
Export: Release - Production on Mon May 2 12:51:44 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORA-39002: invalid operation
ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.

I have give all sharing rights on d:expimp directory. My main question is why i'm getting this error. Is there any thing missing in setup. how to take export on windows 7 client.

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Windows :: Detect Oracle Version And Platform Installed?

Mar 14, 2012

Is there a way to check which versions or oracle installed on the machine from command line?

The thing is I don't want to login to the database so I can't use SQL Plus also, till now I ran tnsping and checked the output but in case there are several versions of different platform I got only one version that was first on the path env.

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Server Administration :: How To Spot Which Oracle Packages Are Installed / Licensed

Feb 22, 2011

I need to figure out which Oracle Database packages are installed on a certain server.

First problem: no Enterprise Manager available. So I need some command line tools or SQL statements.

I've already found some with them I was able to spot RAC, partitioning and so on. But I'm still missing a option/command to spot

- diagnistic pack
- tuning pack
- web logic
- web server

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XML DB :: Register One XML Schema

Apr 18, 2013

I am new to XML Db.I want to Register one XML schema,but i am getting error like

ORA-30937: No schema definition for 'Project' (namespace '') in parent '/'

SCHEMAURL => 'Schema.xml',
SCHEMADOC => bfilename('DIR','Schema.xml'),
CSID => nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'));

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PL/SQL :: Find Out In Database Package Where Package Is Installed

May 28, 2013

I need to find out in DB Package where this Package is installed (in which schema). The problem is this DB Package can be installed in various schemas. This means that I can't use select user from dual or system environment SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'OS_USER').

What I would need is something like $$PLSQL_UNIT

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Expdp Slower After 11gR2 Database Upgrade?

Aug 6, 2012

After upgrading 11gR1 database ( to 11gR2 (, the datapump exports have been taking quite a bit longer. When database was 11gR1, a full expdp took approx. 40-45 minutes. After upgrade, it takes approx. 1 hour 40-50 minutes. These times were with parallel=4. I tried with parallel=8 and parallel=12, both of these took around 1 hour 5-10 minutes, better but still quite a bit slower than pre-11gR2 upgrade. I tried with exclude=statistics, index_statistics, indexes; it still took approx. 1 hour 40-45 minutes. This is a PeopleSoft database so there are many, many objects to be exported. The database was upgraded using dbua.

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Forms :: Read / Write In Unix From Oracle Forms Installed In Windows

Nov 24, 2011

I have a requirement to read a file from windows m/c and write into Unix Server. How can i do that in Oracle forms.

I tried TEXT_IO package.But that is not allowing to access Unix path.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Upgrade Database With ASM Storage From 10gR2 To 11gR2?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a database running on 10205 version. It is a RAC database with ASM storage.

I want to migrate this database to other server and upgrade this database to 11202 version .

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RMAN :: Restore Database 11GR1 On Binaries 11GR2?

Jul 27, 2012

I 'm trying restore database 11GR1 on other host with 11GR2.Using this steps:

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Fri Jul 27 09:00:32 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
RMAN> connect target sys/password@PRD
Recovery Manager incompatible with TARGET database: RMAN to required



Is posible do this?

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