Database Cloning Installed On ZFS Storage Appliance

May 14, 2013

I have an update Oracle database 11g installed on ZFS Storage, and I need to make cloning for it. HCC feature is enabled.

How can I make this?

Using RMAN backup + ZFS Snapshot + ZFS Cloning ?

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Automatic Storage Management :: Cannot Start ASM On Oracle Database Appliance

Apr 11, 2013

I cannot start ASM on my Oracle Database Appliance.

crsctl status resource -t says:
ONLINE ONLINE node1 Started
ONLINE ONLINE node2 Started

however, if I try to access the ASMCMD it says:
[grid@node1 ~]$ asmcmd
Connected to an idle instance.
ASMCMD> startup
ORA-00304: requested INSTANCE_NUMBER is busy
Connected to an idle instance.

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ODA Database Appliance Oakcli Create ORACLE_HOME

May 15, 2013

When using oakcli to create an oracle home in ODA, are there any parameters or configuration files to determine the directory to install the database software? I want to create 3 separate ORACLE_HOMEs in these directories, all owned by the 'oracle' user..


But oakcli seems to accept only the version parameter:

oakcli create dbhome -h
oakcli create dbhome [-version <version>]

version - Version information for creating the database home.

That would install Oracle into /u01/app/oracle/product/ only. The reason for the separate homes is for flexibility to patch them independently of each other (ie dependent on only the requirements of the products they support)

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Reg :: Cloning Of Database?

Sep 23, 2013

Oracle Database 11g SE1 I have a production database server which is currently having about 1TB of data.I need to shift this server to a different location with minimum possible downtime. Which is the best option this?RMAN backup, or datapump export and import

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Cloning Database Strategy

Aug 23, 2012

i have production database (1102.0.3.0) in Windows 2008 server R2 64 bit version . My database has some schemas which has partition tables and Db links and M views also .

Now my team lead asked me to setup the same environment(As cloning ) in testing environment also ... I have lots of options to create the same setup database using options like export/Import , data pump , hot backup and cold backup, Rman .

My doubt is which option will be best and optimal to achieve the same ?which approach i should proceed ?

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Oracle Database Cloning From ASM To Non-ASM

Jan 23, 2013

I have to do oracle database cloning from asm to non-asm.

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RMAN - Cloning Database To Another Server

Feb 14, 2012

Using RMAN to clone production DB to another server. After the recover database , rman keeps asking the archivelog which is not available.

I had taken the RMAN full backup (backup database plus archivelog) and restore the same with mentioned steps in the below link.

[URL] ...........

But during the recover database statment not getting completed instead its keep asking archive log file which is not existing.

HOw to open the database.

===error msg====

dbf thread=1 sequence=38
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of recover command at 02/09/2012 05:45:32
RMAN-11003: failure during parse/execution of SQL statement: alter database recover logfile '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/dbs/arch1_37_772998244.dbf'
ORA-00310: archived log contains sequence 37; sequence 38 required
ORA-00334: archived log: '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/dbs/arch1_37_772998244.dbf'

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Backup & Recovery :: Cloning Database?

Jul 24, 2012

I've cloned one database manually and tried to open it only mounts and it comes up with this error:

"ORA-01589: must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open"

Now, I issue "ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS" but still getting following errors:

ORA-01194: file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent

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Oracle Installed In Workgroup - Not Able To Login Database

Oct 15, 2011

I am new in oracle I have installed Oracle in work group, while i work group it is working fine. But latter I have change the server from work group to domain. At that time Oracle was not working , not able to connect.

After that I change the Domain to work group again. And same problem exist. But I found that lsnrctl is working fine. But OracleServiceXXX is not able to startup in services.msc

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Procedure For Cloning Database On Same Machine / Server

Jul 19, 2012

Send me the procedure for cloning a database on the same machine / server .

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Server Administration :: Database Cold Cloning

Apr 5, 2013

I am trying to perform cold cloning at my home pc. when i am trying to create control file , i got this error.


ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01163: SIZE clause indicates 12800 (blocks), but should match header 74112
ORA-01110: data file 2: 'C:appIndraoradatafclonesysaux01.dbf'


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Cloning Database Through RMAN On Personal Machine

Jul 19, 2012

i have started cloning the database thru RMAN on my personal machine .the problem now is the database which i tried to clone and the database for which i was doing this task both are not working.I tried changing the database name and log file name using the parameters


the main database files are on disk1 and the clone database files are on disk2...i have restored the controlfile by command

>alter database recover using backup controlfile ; after some time its giving cannot alter and giving message that system datafile needs recovery even i tried
> alter database recover automatic not worked then i used the command

>> alter database recover using backup controlife until cancel;it gave message saying change generated so i cancelled the recovery and tried to open the database using RESETLOGS even now its giving the message SYSTEM file needs media recovery

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RMAN :: Sanity Backup - Cloning Database?

May 5, 2013

oracle 11g ASM RAC under OEL 5.6

i have a task to do do a sanity backup just to check the backup is recoverable or not , but i failed to install the agent in my server due to we have a HP DATA Protector for a backup and my manager told me i need to take the backup from HDP not as i always do take the backup on disk and then move this backup on test server and do a task cloning ,i do the cloning by rman but the backup on tape drive , i mean by rman open a channel to take the backup from PROD to TEST?

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Server Administration :: Installed Database Oracle With Installation

Nov 17, 2011

Yesterday i installed oracle 11g r2 by default i installed database Oracle with the installation .but today i tried to create the database with the name green tat also completed successfully..the problem is in startup

export oracle_sid=green
sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
database mounted

select instance_name from v$instance; But it SHowing the instance name as Oracle...i tried with the other method also

export oracle_sid=green
sqlplus /nolog
conn sys/b123 as sysdba

database mounted

select instance_name from V$parameter;

and it shows instance name as green..i tried to see the datafile location for green database

select file_name from dba_data_files; it shows the orcl datafile locations.

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Oracle 11gr2 64 Bit Database Software Installed - Not Register

Feb 19, 2013

1. oracle 11gr2 64 bit database software installed
2. oracle 11gr2 32 bit clinet software installed

The above software has been installed on server, Pop pup- Error messages coming during installing 3rd party software packages...on server.

Error is - igrORASPConnect412.dll not register...

what could be issues & how to resolve this problem? do we need to reinstall client software again not available this DLL file after searching on oralce home directory .

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Backup & Recovery :: Query On Cloning Database Across Platform

Mar 16, 2011

As I understand we can't clone database across platform using Rman, as Rman backup taken on say Unix is useless to be recovered on Windows. Though I think of Export and Import, will copying the datafiles, logfiles, controlfile will serve purpose for cloning across platform?

Note that I do not mean Transportable tablespace here. Only copying cold backup across platform

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Backup & Recovery :: Manual Cloning Of Oracle 10g Database

Nov 29, 2011

I need the step by step procedure for the cloning of database in linux environment .

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Server Administration :: Installed 10gr2 And Implemented 3GB - Database Hang?

Jan 26, 2010

My server RAM is 12GB. i installed 10gr2 and implemented /3GB also. Eventhough my database is giving problem.

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Backup & Recovery :: Cloning Of Database On Standalone PC Having Oracle 10g On Windows 7

Mar 20, 2013

I want to do cloning of a database on my standalone pc having oracle 10g on windows 7. PC is P4 with 2GB RAM.

The database is installed on my pc and i want to clone it on the same pc.

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Automatic Storage Management :: Oracle ASM With Nimble Storage?

Mar 1, 2013

My organisation is currently discussing different storage options for the database storage. Our production database is nearly 2TB and we do not want to continue with the existing NetApp storage (we use a 2 node RAC running 11.2.02 with nfs filesystem from NetApp filer).

We were looking at different options and came across Nimble Storage, they are very fast growing company aiming mid-range storage customers. The initial talks and demonstration looked very promising in terms of IO performance (they claim 40,000 - 60,000 IOPs for their CS400 series Nimble Storage array) and other options they are providing but we understand that majority of their customers are using it for VDI and other infrastructures.

They have demonstrated us using if for Oracle database with ASM storage over iSCSI LUNs. We are yet to do the POCs and benchmarking.

Has anyone come across Nimble Storage for running Oracle databases?

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Backup & Recovery :: ORA-19870 / Error Reading Backup Piece During Database Cloning

Mar 15, 2011

I am trying to clone a database on another server with different direcory structure. So that path on the source db server are /u04 whereas on on target db server it would be /u03.

Since this I am testing it on small database initially I have kept all datafiles, backup and archivelogs at /u04 and /u03 on the source and target db servers respectively Now I have copied the backups from source db server to target and since path is changed, I cataloged it

However during restore I am getting

Quote:ORA-19870: error reading backup

Here are the session details

RMAN> catalog start with '/u03/oradata/db7fra';
searching for all files that match the pattern /u03/oradata/db7fra
List of Files Unknown to the Database
File Name: /u03/oradata/db7fra/DB7/archivelog/2011_03_15/o1_mf_1_16_6qyvpb3w_.arc
File Name: /u03/oradata/db7fra/DB7/backupset/2011_03_15/o1_mf_annnn_TAG20110315T123018_6qypyv5v_.bkp


I have altered permissions on the backup files as well but of no use

oracle@dev-biz:/u03/oradata/db7fra/DB7/backupset/2011_03_15 $ls -ltr
total 545260
-rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 12419072 Mar 15 13:52 o1_mf_ncsnf_TAG20110315T123008_6qypyrz2_.bkp
-rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 3072 Mar 15 13:52 o1_mf_annnn_TAG20110315T125043_6qyr54to_.bkp
-rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 426496 Mar 15 13:52 o1_mf_annnn_TAG20110315T125006_6qyr3zk4_.bkp
-rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 14336 Mar 15 13:52 o1_mf_annnn_TAG20110315T123018_6qypyv5v_.bkp


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Indexing Changes Most Of The Blocks Of Database On Storage

Jun 20, 2011

DB: Oracle 10g R2
OS: SUSE Linux SP 1 x864

We are maintaining a DR of our Database Server(oracle 10g R2 atop SUSE SP1 Linux) using Platespin(


Platespin is set to replicate(block based), incremental data(delta) every 1.5 hour from Production to DR site over a 30 Mbps dedicated fiber link.

Our maximum changes of data per day(during business hours) wont exceed 300 MB. During business hours Platespin replicates at least 1 GB at every replication cycle, while during off hours it replicates 300 to 500 MB per replication cycle. We are facing this strange issue with this box only(SLES 10 SP1 + Oracle 10g R2), we have protected MS Exchange 2007 Server based workloads without this strange issue, i.e in case of Exchange only delta replicates from Production server to DR site on Platespin.

Platespin support says us that Oracle re-indexes its database for better performance, so it is possible that re-indexing causes the blocks level changes on the storage, and since Platespin works on Block level, thats why it replicates so much(even though data is not changed that much)

here is actual words of Platespin support


I think whenever Oracle database Indexing happens, it changes almost most of the Blocks of database and Platespin replicate all those Blocks.

As you know, Platespin checks the Date/Time attribute of every blocks before replication and if Date/Time attribute changes from last replication, it considers as changed block and replicate those blocks on Platespin Appliance. So, my suggestion is just look into the Oracle server behaviour before/after Data indexing process and do needful or do some workaround to overcome this issue.


is there anything we can do at oracle level ?

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LOB - Storage - Reclaim Space In Database?

Jan 5, 2008

I am having an issue with the LOBs in our Database. Our production DB is about 71G right now - if i do export/import using the DataPump - I see the data volume becomes 40G. I am sure its because of the LOBs in my Database. Our application uses lots of LOB datatype and I think the space is not being released.

The challenge is I cant do a full export/import in my Production DB as its a 24/7 system and to do export/import I need min. 5 hrs - which my business will not permit. I can I claim the unused space here. I have used Segment Advisor - but it has only given me 6G of space gain.

Is there any script I can try to use to reclaim space in the database.

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Structure Handled In Physical Database Storage

Jun 18, 2012

I have a question about Oracle schemas. Oracle schema is the user with its datase objects (table, index, eg) .In two different Oracle schemas, there can be two tables with same names. When the users connect to same Oracle instance they can access these tables with schema.tablename convention.

However, how is that structure handled in physical database storage. Are there two tables created with same name physically? I mean are these two tables with same name stored in different database files?

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PL/SQL :: Find Out In Database Package Where Package Is Installed

May 28, 2013

I need to find out in DB Package where this Package is installed (in which schema). The problem is this DB Package can be installed in various schemas. This means that I can't use select user from dual or system environment SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'OS_USER').

What I would need is something like $$PLSQL_UNIT

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RAC & Failsafe :: Upgrade Database With ASM Storage From 10gR2 To 11gR2?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a database running on 10205 version. It is a RAC database with ASM storage.

I want to migrate this database to other server and upgrade this database to 11202 version .

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Automatic Storage Management :: Create Database First Before Creating ASM

Oct 14, 2013

Sun Solaris 10, Oracle 11gr2 x86 How are you doing?  I am trying to build a test system.  I never build ASM before.  if I need to install database first then Migrating to ASM?  The other problem I am having is that I only have a Raw disk.  I have one disk for root and oracle and the other one for Raw disk for ASM.  Do you know it's possible to build ASM on 1 raw disk? 

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Automatic Storage Management :: Database Not Coming Up After Bounce

Jun 4, 2013

We have standalone database running on ASM. Its 11Gr2 linux version5 server. After the Database bounce, the DB isnt coming up and is showing the below error.

SQL> startup nomount
ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
ORA-01565: error in identifying file '+DATA/test/spfiletest.ora'
ORA-17503: ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +DATA/test/spfiletest.ora
ORA-15056: additional error message
ORA-17503: ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +DATA/test/spfiletest.ora
ORA-15001: diskgroup "DATA" does not exist or is not mounted
ORA-00450: background process 'ASMB' did not start
ORA-00443: background process "ASMB" did not start
ORA-06512: at line 4

Also i checked the ASM disk groups. I can see all those are MOUNTED properly. In fact i could also see the spfile present in ASM disk physically. It looks like it couldn't identify the spfile to start up the db. however i could see it physically present in ASM disk group.
Find below snapshot.

State    Type    Rebal  Sector  Block       AU  Total_MB  Free_MB  Req_mir_free_MB  Usable_file_MB  Offline_disks  Voting_files  Name
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576    358400   329103                0          329103              0             N  DATA/
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  4194304    358368   358288                0          358288              0             N  FRA/
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  4194304     20480    18780                0           18780              0             N  REDO/

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Automatic Storage Management :: RAC - ASM Created - DBCA Could Not Create Database

Jul 30, 2012

I am using on OEL5. I have installed CRS, Oracle home, ASM on both nodes and everything is fine.

When invoked dbca to create a database, it says:

*'DBCA could not startup the ASM instance configured on this node. To proceed with database creation using ASM you need the ASM instance to be up and running. Do you want to recreate the ASM instance on this node?'*

Is it a bug? because some blogs say this is a bug. And patch 8288940 will solve this. They also say this patch is to solve the incompatibility between 11g ASM incompatibility with 10g. But here I am using everything of

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Automatic Storage Management :: Multiple Database On Same Machine - Identify Disk Group?

Jan 21, 2013

Db :
Os :Aix

We have 3 database under an ASM on same machine.Each db has 2 disk group's.

Db Name :DT6

Db Name :DT7

Db Name :DT8

How these database instance correctly identify the disk group? Can we use two database instance for One disk group?

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