Real Application Clusters :: Newly Installed 11gR2 - Inserted Rows Completely Gone When Restart Cluster

Jan 2, 2013

I have recently setup a 2 node Rac on oracle linux 5.4 with oracel 11gR2, the installation went smoothly and all the cluster resources are up and running however the data is not syncing across the nodes, when I create a table it shows up on the other node but when I insert rows into the tables they don't show up on the other node and when I restart the cluster the inserted rows are completely gone even from the node where I inserted them.

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Real Application Clusters :: How To Completely Shutdown The Entire Crs Stack In All Nodes

Nov 11, 2013

Grid version: : OEL 6.4 

To shutdown the entire crs stack, I ran crsctl stop cluster -all from one node. After the command execution,  the below mentioned processes were still running on all nodes.   

[root@intsmdp01 ~]# ps -ef | grep d.binroot     38562 33228  0 19:12 pts/2    00:00:00 grep d.binroot     80820     1  0 Nov09 ?        00:20:56 /crs/product/11.2.0/bin/ohasd.bin rebootgrid     81448     1  0 Nov09 ?        00:01:22 /crs/product/11.2.0/bin/mdnsd.bingrid     81459     1  0 Nov09 ?        00:01:55 /crs/product/11.2.0/bin/gpnpd.bingrid     81473     1  0 Nov09 ?        00:17:26 /crs/product/11.2.0/bin/gipcd.binroot     81484     1 20 Nov09 ?        09:10:27 /crs/product/11.2.0/bin/osysmond.bin  

So , I had to manually run crsctl stop crs on all nodes. 

[root@intsmdp01 ~]# /crs/product/11.2.0/bin/crsctl stop crsCRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'intsmdp01'CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.crf' on 'intsmdp01'CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'intsmdp01'CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.mdnsd' on 'intsmdp01'CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.crf' on 'intsmdp01' succeededCRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gipcd' on 'intsmdp01'CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'intsmdp01' succeededCRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'intsmdp01' succeededCRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gipcd' on 'intsmdp01' succeededCRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gpnpd' on 'intsmdp01'CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'intsmdp01' succeededCRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'intsmdp01' has completedCRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.[root@intsmdp01 ~]#  

Is there a way to bring down the entire crs stack in all the nodes in the cluster from one node ?

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Real Application Clusters :: 11g DB Standalone To Cluster Upgrade Approaches?

Jul 6, 2012

We have to upgrade our existing 11g R-1standalone DB to Cluster & ASM. Upgrade DB from to & Enable RAC.

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Real Application Clusters :: 11GR2 RAC Deadlock Trace File - Where Have Reported Row IDs Gone?

Jun 3, 2013

I have a deadlock trace file to analyse and i used to be able to see the rowid as a 16 bit hex value in the trace file, which i could then query on to get the actual real world row name.I see in the 11GR2 deadlock trace the formatting is different and for the life of me i am unable to see the rowid. Has Oracle stopped reporting this now, or is their another way to get this value? The deadlock graph shows me

*** 2013-05-14 14:49:15.047
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]
Global blockers dump end:-----------------------------------
Global Wait-For-Graph(WFG) at ddTS[0.16e] :
BLOCKED 0x4362890f8 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TX 0x3d001b.0x18a3021 [FF000-0001-00000002] inst 1
BLOCKER 0x436288f38 5 wq 1 cvtops x28 TX 0x3d001b.0x18a3021 [102000-0001-00000002] inst 1

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Real Application Clusters :: 11gR2 Verification Of Shared Storage Accessibility

Sep 18, 2012

I am trying to apply psu on a 2-node cluster running on RHEL 5.5 vms. Followed ORACLE-BASE examples when installed this laptop RAC. I am not using any ACFS and none of GI and DB homes are shared. But, on node 2, cluvfy THINKS database home is shared.

[oracle@rac1 trace]$ /oracle_grid/product/ comp ssa -t software -s /oracle/product/ -n rac1,rac2 -display_status
Verifying shared storage accessibility

Checking shared storage accessibility...

"/oracle/product/" is not shared

Shared storage check failed on nodes "rac2,rac1"

Verification of shared storage accessibility was unsuccessful on all the specified nodes.

[oracle@rac1 trace]$ /oracle_grid/product/ comp ssa -t software -s /oracle_grid/product/ -n rac1,rac2 -display_status

Verifying shared storage accessibility

Checking shared storage accessibility...

"/oracle_grid/product/" is not shared

Shared storage check failed on nodes "rac2,rac1"

Verification of shared storage accessibility was unsuccessful on all the specified nodes.

[oracle@rac1 trace]$ hostname
[oracle@rac1 trace]$ echo $ORACLE_HOSTNAME
[oracle@rac1 trace]$
[oracle@rac2 trace]$ /oracle_grid/product/ comp ssa -t software -s /oracle/product/ -n rac1,rac2 -display_status

Verifying shared storage accessibility

Checking shared storage accessibility...

"/oracle/product/" is shared

Shared storage check was successful on nodes "rac2,rac1"

Verification of shared storage accessibility was successful.

[oracle@rac2 trace]$ /oracle_grid/product/ comp ssa -t software -s /oracle_grid/product/ -n rac1,rac2 -display_status

Verifying shared storage accessibility

Checking shared storage accessibility...

"/oracle_grid/product/" is not shared

Shared storage check failed on nodes "rac2,rac1"

Verification of shared storage accessibility was unsuccessful on all the specified nodes.

[oracle@rac2 trace]$ hostname
[oracle@rac2 trace]$ echo $ORACLE_HOSTNAME
[oracle@rac2 trace]$

I can not determine any reasons and do not know how to fix.

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Real Application Clusters :: Oracle 11GR2 - Test All Applications On Dev Environment

Jun 13, 2012

I've just patched a development oracle environment (RAC 11GR2) with temporary patch 8730312. I would like to do same thing on Production RAC. Is it necessary to test all applications on dev environment with this kind of patch before deploy it on Production ?

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Real Application Clusters :: Removing 2 Nodes From A Cluster Of 4 Nodes?

Nov 6, 2012

[URL] I arrived at step 2 (Step 2: Delete Nodes from the Cluster) point 4 and 5.

I executed this correctly (on 2 nodes):

For a nonshared home:

To delete a node from a cluster:

./runInstaller -updateNodeList ORACLE_HOME=Oracle_home CLUSTER_NODES="" –local


[oracle@server03 bin]$ ./runInstaller -updateNodeList ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME CLUSTER_NODES="" -local
Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB.   Actual 20127 MB    Passed
The inventory pointer is located at /etc/oraInst.loc
The inventory is located at /u01/app/oraInventory
'UpdateNodeList' was successful.then I executed:

To deinstall the Oracle home from the node you are deleting, run the following command from the Oracle_home/oui/bin directory:

./runInstaller -deinstall -silent "REMOVE_HOMES={Oracle_home}" -local

[oracle@server03 bin]$ ./runInstaller -deinstall -silent "REMOVE_HOMES=$ORACLE_HOME" -local
Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB.   Actual 20127 MB    Passed
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2012-11-06_12-05-36PM. Please wait ...[oracle@server03 bin]$ Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production
Copyright (C) 1999, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.


When I arrive to the point 5 I see one resource ora.DPCTTest.db ONLINE on one server (server02 or server03 that are the nodes I want to remove).
If I execute:

crs_relocate ora.db_name.db

I obtain:
[oracle@server03 bin]$ ./crs_relocate  ora.DPCTTest.db
Attempting to stop `ora.DPCTTest.db` on member `server02`
Stop of `ora.DPCTTest.db` on member `server02` succeeded.
Attempting to start `ora.DPCTTest.db` on member `server03`


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Application Express :: Restart Admin Login Credentials In 4.0 / Oracle 11gr2

Jul 26, 2012

We are unable to connect our admin account for some unknown reason. We keep receiving the following message "Invalid Login Credentials". We tried to change the admin credentials with sqlplus. We tried the usual procedure "apxchpwd" successfully, but we still cannot log in.We then tried to create a new admin2 account with the following pl/sql block.

SQL> connect APEX_030200 as sysdba
Enter password:

We cannot connect with either admin & admin2.

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Real Application Clusters :: 10G RAC ON 11.2 ClusterWare

Dec 27, 2012

I m trying to make ORACLE RAC 10gr2 on two nodes with openfiler , with ocfs and asm.but i didn't have clusterware 10.2 software to install because oracle has removed software to download, that's why i install clusterware 11.2 . after installation clusterware 11.2 i check status and output is below on both nodes.

[oracle@linux2 bin]$ ./crsctl check crs
CRS-4638: Oracle High Availability Services is online
CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online

but when i try to install oracle 10gr2 software and when i reach to configure asm disks it says "in order to use AUTOMATIC STORAGE MANAGEMENT the oracle cluster synchronization service (CSS) must be up and running. and says to run "/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/ localconfig reset* as root user.. I run it and it give no error.

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Real Application Clusters :: Alert Log Clean Up In Rac?

Jun 18, 2012

is there any alarm in moving alert logs generated in the grid infrastructure. The alert log in the grid log directory has grown around 2gb .Our CRS version 11.2.02. on linux. Also pls, Sample script for automating the same.

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Real Application Clusters :: Oracle 11g ASM Under OEL 5.6 - How To Do Cloning

May 5, 2013

oracle 11g ASM RAC under OEL 5.6 . i just want to do a cloning so first i create cloning of my oracle home and then i create pfile and i get this error

SQL> startup nomount;
ORA-29702: error occurred in Cluster Group Service operation
SQL> exiti google it , i found this issue is with relink RAC binaries due to the souce database is RAC and destination is not

[oracle@backuptest ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
[oracle@backuptest lib]$ make -f rac_off
bash: make: command not found

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Real Application Clusters :: Using FRA For Archive Logs?

Jan 21, 2013

Trying to find a best practices document from Oracle regarding the use of ASM to store the archivelogs in RAC. Most of the DBA's I know create a non-ASM location to store the archivelogs. Are there any considerations if you are also using dataguard?

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Real Application Clusters :: Oracle 11g.2 Rac With ASM RHEL 5

Nov 13, 2012

oracle 11g.2 rac with asm RHEL 5


why it's offline , what this means , what the useuage of this? did have any affect on database availability? the below it's from OEM

[Critical]      ABSNL     Cluster     Resource State     State Change     
     ora.gsd has instances in OFFLINE State      Nov 12, 2012 12:15:03 PM
[Warning]      ABSNL     Cluster     Resource State     State Change     
     ora.abs.db has instances in OFFLINE State      Nov 12, 2012 12:15:03 PM

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Real Application Clusters :: ONS Configuration For Scan?

Oct 4, 2012

We have java application which uses the ons configuration. Currently app's ons nodes parameter is pointing to vip i.e Node1-vip:6200,Node2-vip:6200. Will Ons nodes parameter support the RAC scan? Can i change to Nodes:RAC-scan:6200?

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Real Application Clusters :: Manually Create RAC DB?

Sep 30, 2013

Grid Version: : RHEL 5.8  I have succesfully installed cluster (GI) and installed RDBMS software on my 2-Node RAC . But, I don't want to use dbca to create the database due to some custom requirements. Instead , I want to run CREATE DATABASE command manually to create the RAC DB. Once the DB is created in one node, what are the steps I need to do to make this DB a RAC DB?

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Real Application Clusters :: Information On Oracle 11g R2 (11.2.x) For RAC

Dec 11, 2012

1. RACcheck - RAC Configuration Audit Tool - RACcheck 2.1.6

2. In the service add command syntax using the srvctl command, there is a new option that can be used with the srvctl add service command which is [-l <primary, physical-standby, logical_standby>], this option allows the service to be able to start up only when the service role matches the database role that is saved in the OCR.

We can now add a service to a database in the OCR using the following command:

srvctl add service -d <db_unique_name>
-s <service_name>
[-l <primary, physical_standby, logical_standby>]

3. NFS options for RMAN disk backups on Linux 64-bit

4. In RAC environment from 11.2 onwards Backup Or Snapshot controlfile needs to be in shared location

1. Check the snapshot controlfile location:

RMAN> show snapshot controlfile name;

2. Configure the snapshot controlfile to a shared disk:


Or in case of ASM use


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Real Application Clusters :: Deployment On Websphere?

Jan 7, 2013

I have an java application deployed on websphere that is using Oracle. Datasource are created in websphere using URL like this:


Now, that we plan to move move to oracle rac, I learnt that we need to make change to datasource like this:


would that be enough, or I need to make other changes as well from application perspective.

Another thing is that application deployment is done through ant scripts, which at the moment copies some data on /tmp/.. folder on db server and then run db scripts. These scripts make some ddl changes and some record updates. Now with rac implementation, these scripts will be run on one of the rac node(instances), so do I need to run these ddl scripts/record updates scripts on other node in oracle rac or oracle rac would take care of this automatically.

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Real Application Clusters :: Two Node - Installing OEM

Sep 19, 2013

RHEL 5.811gr2.

I have two node RAC on a test server. I have installed database software but it failed with an error that OEM could not be installed. Now I need installing Enterprise manager.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Installing / Configuring Real Application Cluster Using NFS Instead Of ASM?

Feb 28, 2012

i want to install oracle real application cluster using shared file system and not using ASM. we are not creating LUN for our data to kept and SAN admin will give us NFS share where we will place the database.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Oracle 9i - Difference Between Real Application Cluster And OPS

Jul 17, 2002

What is the different between the new RAC feature - real application cluster and OPS... for me it sound the same..

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Real Application Clusters :: Number Of Local Disks

Jan 20, 2013

We are in preparation for the purchase of equipment for two- node Oracle10g RAC (on Windows Server 2008) and I need to configure the disks on servers. We have an existing EMC VNX5500 storage and SAN 8Gb switches.

My question is with how many disks to configure servers?Originally we planned four SSD discs (two in RAID 1 for OS and two in RAID 1 for locally Oracle home) for each node/server, and everything else on storage disks (Shared Disks Storage).

Whether it is necessary to have more local disks and for what? Where should be redologs files, archivelogs files, backup files…

Whether it is better server to be configured with six SSD disks:
-     two in RAID 1 for OS,
-     four in RAID 10 (or RAID 1) for locally Oracle home, archivelogs files, or something else…?

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Real Application Clusters :: Possible To Have Three Undo Tablespaces For 2 Node

Oct 12, 2012

Version: 5.4

I was under the impression that you need only one UNDO Tablespace for each instance. But , for our 2-node RAC, I can see three Undo tablespaces.

SQL> select tablespace_name,status from dba_tablespaces where CONTENTS = 'UNDO';

------------------------------ ---------
UNDOTBS1                       ONLINE
UNDOTBS2                       ONLINE
UNDOTBS3                       ONLINE

SQL> select distinct inst_id from gv$session;


$ olsnodes -n
thclst214   1
thclst215   2

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Real Application Clusters :: DB Not Coming Up Along With Crs After Node Reboot?

Oct 2, 2013

Grid Version: OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6  Node2 of our two node RAC got rebooted. Upon reboot, CRS and ASM instance came up. But the DB didn't come up.  How can I check if DB is linked to CRS startup ?How can I enable DB startup upon CRS startup ?

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Real Application Clusters :: - Windows Bundle Patches?

May 29, 2013

My client asked me to "apply the newest patch" on his RAC environment on Windows.

I've downloaded Patch 20 (the newest version).

My question is: Should i apply it using OPatch to both: ORACLE_HOME and CRS_HOME? or only in ORACLE_HOME? What with CRS Patch? Should i apply earlier CPU patches?

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Real Application Clusters :: Grid Control Agent

May 7, 2013

I have a 2 node RAC database, OS version is RHEL 6.1

Our existing grid control server setup is 10gR2.Can i install agent on my RAC servers and use the 10g grid to monitor my database(RHEL 6.1) ?

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Real Application Clusters :: DBA Daily (Routine) Tasks

Dec 17, 2012

What are the RAC DBA daily(routine) tasks?

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Real Application Clusters :: 10g Oracle - Failover Not Happening?

Apr 6, 2013

I have installed Oracle RAC 10g on Redhat Linux 4.0. Till yesterday failover was happening that is when i stopped one instance on node01 the vip of node01 was transferred to node02.This was shown using ifconfig -a but now that is now happening.

Below information is given:

[oracle@node01 ~]$ crs_stat -t
Name Type Target State Host
ora.hitesh.db application ONLINE ONLINE node02
ora....h1.inst application ONLINE ONLINE node01


[root@node01 oracle]# ps -ef | grep lmon

oracle 5741 1 0 12:07 ? 00:00:03 ora_lmon_hitesh1
root 22582 20805 0 13:01 pts/2 00:00:00 grep lmon
oracle 23643 1 0 11:58 ? 00:00:01 asm_lmon_+ASM1

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Real Application Clusters :: Unable To Start CRS In One Node?

Aug 30, 2013

Unable to start the crs in one node, totally it's four node rac and Database version - 10gR2?

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Real Application Clusters :: 2 Node Instances On AIX - Row Lock

Jan 24, 2013

I am wokring on oracle rac 2 node instances on AIX. We have one table having multiple rows defilning jobs will be done by users ...the functionality is that ..when even one user will pick on row (job) , one update statement will issue and it will update status column to 1 which menas job is allocated , this means now this should not allocate to any other user ..

but we are facing issue that once any user will pick that job , in application log files we can see that row gets lock and updates the status to 1 . but then also users connecting to other or some time same instance will get that job...means multiple users can pick same job .. even after already picked by another user ..

Is this can be issue with rac configuration ... like whenever one user updates a row will be in cache of one instance and when another user trys to again update 2nd instance does not have that information and allows user connected to that instance to pick that delay in block transfer or cache fusion..

is this can be issue with rac or it is purely application issue..

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Real Application Clusters :: RACSIG Recorded Presentations

Jul 25, 2012

I am Oracle RACSIG (URL....) member, but from last week, I am not able to play any of the recorded web seminars. I am getting error "The webpage cannot be found HTTP 404". I am able to look at the PDF but not the recording.

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