Installation :: Reinstall Software After Uninstall With Home Using Universal Installer

Apr 29, 2013

after uninstalling 10g software with home using universal installer how to re-install without deleting all components of database like the database exists i just want to put the oracle software on it and reusing x home location.

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XE :: Uninstall Database And Reinstall It?

Oct 23, 2012

I have a Oracle 11g R2 XE installed in my PC. I also have a licensed VB2010 Ultimate(free from class). I have made three systems using this database, 1 using php and 2 using .net.

My question is, if I uninstalled my database and then reinstall it, will it affect my the systems I made(I already backed-up my tables etc.)?

for example, the components for my oracle-vb connection.Why I need to uninstall? Because I got locked out of the System account:, I can't change my password.
C:UsersDavide>SQLPLUS system/secret@
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Oct 23 10:26:31 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

ORA-28001: the password has expired

Changing password for system
New password:
Retype new password:
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

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Server Administration :: Exit Of Oracle Universal Installer While Clicking Next Button

Mar 1, 2012

I am facing a problem while installing Oracle11gR2 in my laptop having windows 7 basic edition. Initially i reached till step 16 which is "Prerequisite check" after giving the schema password . But then suddenly the installer got excited. After that when i again tried to run the installer at the 3rd stage of installation when i am clicking the next button the installer is getting excited.

How to reslove this issue and get oracle 11gR2 installed in my laptop.

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Installation :: How To Uninstall Some Database Features And Options

May 2, 2013

I want to remove some db features and options from our production database:

- Virtual Private Database
- XStreams

For removing of XML DB I have found: XML DB FAQ. Is it still actual? But I found nothing for uninstalling of VPD and XStreams.

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Installation :: Oracle 11g - After Select System Class - Installer Just Closes Out?

Apr 16, 2013

Having trouble installing Oracle 11g. After I select system class, the installer just closes out. I have re-download the software from the Oracle and made sure both files were unzipped into the same folder correctly. Searching around this forum found same problems, none of the solutions have worked so far. Tried setup -jreLoc (Location of Java), tried using it with different versions of java. If it tries to start the installer it gives an error about not being able to locate java runtime.

Specs: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
8GB Memory
930GB Free (on drive i want to install oracle on)

Files Download:

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: High Memory Usage By Grid / Database Installer

Oct 31, 2012

I am running oracle linux 5.7 on VMware Workstation 9 and trying to install Grid 11gr2, during installation my system freezes and I see out of memory errors. Actually Java installer is eating up too much memory over 1gb. Is there a way ? I can limit memory usage by Java process to a certain extent ?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: RAC 11g CRS Home Locked / Unlocked

Sep 10, 2012

We are using Redhat Linux OS with ASM on RAC Clusterware and DB is running on

I would like to know whether the CRS/GRID home is locked or unlocked...? How can we know that ?

Also with out root how can we find the Disk Size with out logging into ASM /ASMCMD ?

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Installation :: Does Windows 7 Home Basic Support Oracle 11g

Jun 7, 2012

Does windows 7 home basic support oracle 11g?

i am getting some error during installation.

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Reinstall Oracle Server Using Existing Directory Structure?

Sep 28, 2010

howto to setup an oracle server and "import" my old databases just from the copied directory structure d:\oracle\product\... ("cold backup") to the new install.i was trying to setup an new server by shutting down the db and just copying back my data/control/log/*.ora files which doesnt seem to work.

i could see the old tables structures in the local sqlplus console, but the databases are not reachable over the net.
also the enterprise manager is not able to startup the dbs, it show just an running listener.

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RAC & Failsafe :: ASM Candidate Disks Not Found On Grid Reinstall

Aug 27, 2011

I am trying to install 2-node 11gR2 RAC on CentOS 5.6 using VMWare Fusion. I'm in the middle of Grid Infrastructure installation and while choosing the ASM diskgroups I don't see any candidate disks but when I click on all disks i can see them but can't select them.

I tried installing the grid before and ended up with and issue running the on all the nodes so had to deconfigure the grid binaries using the and then deinstalled the grid software using the ./desintall utility.

when tried installing again ...I ran the cluvfy utility doesn't show any errors.

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How To Uninstall Oracle Client

Sep 13, 2013

I have a windows server 2008 machine and I have installed the oracle client win64_11gR2_client and I need to uninstall it. It does not appear in the program list and there is no uninstall in the Oracle menu items. I need to uninstall this client. How do I do that?

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Where To Download OUI Installer

Feb 5, 2012

I'm studying to 1Z0-052 and i want to know where can i download the OUI for oracle 11g.Actually, i'm using this oracle version:URL....Also, oracle site has this: URL.... Where can i download the OUI Installer? or am i using the correct one?

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How To Uninstall Oracle Advanced Security

Sep 20, 2012

I have Oracle Advanced Security installed on database:

SQL> set line 400
SQL> select NAME
*3 WHERE name IN ('Advanced Security')*
*4 /*

Advanced Security
Advanced Security

I need to uninstall this option, how to uninstall oracle advanced security ?

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Forms :: Setup Or Installer In Oracle?

Sep 28, 2011

My question is that can i want to make setup or installer in Oracle to deploy in clients machine like other tools did.

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Application Express :: How To Uninstall 4.2 And Install 4.2.2 Full Version From OTN

Apr 29, 2013

I have installed Oracle 11g XE with Apex 4.2 and I want to upgrade it to the apex 4.2.2. However, I do not have access to My Oracle connect. How do I uninstall apex 4.2 and install apex 4.2.2 full version from OTN?

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Windows :: Download R2 Of Oracle 9i Database Installer?

Nov 10, 2010

would you know where can i download the R2 of Oracle 9i database installer?

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How To Add Another Home

Aug 26, 2010

I have installed oracle 10gr2( on a solaris box.But to test it and to install the patch we need to set up the ORACLE_HOME.On the same server we have oracle 11g Db as well and the existing oracle_Home is pointing to 11g Database.

Now how to set up another ORACLE_HOME on the same server so that it points to the 10g as well.Is it possible to have two Oracle Homes on the same server.

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Same Home For ASM / Oracle

Dec 17, 2010

can we have same asm and oracle_home? did you see any technical difficulty in having same home for database as well as asm?

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11g - Change ORACLE Home?

Aug 30, 2011

i have requirement to change the oracle home from /u04/....../dbhome_2 to /u03/...../dbhome_4

application version=R12.

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Oracle Oradiag_oracle $HOME

Sep 13, 2010

From what I read so far this directory and sub directories get created everytime a user connects to Oracle. I have a few more questions:

1) Is there any other reason why this directory is needed?

2) is there anyway to re-direct the directory to a different location other than $HOME? is so how?

3) is there any way to disable the creation of this directory, is so how?

4) If it can't be disabled, I can write a script to remove information under that directory, what is safe to remove?

BTW, I am running on AIX 6.1 box if this information is pertinent to the issue.

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Client Tools :: How To Work With SQL From Home PC

Feb 16, 2012

I want to practice Oracle SQL from home.What software i need to install. Even if i install SQL developer,SQL+ which database i can access n how.

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Restoring Oracle Home Patch Fails

Apr 29, 2011


The oracle documents mentions this file


But what I find in that directory is


Where is the file that the document is talking about.

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Upgrade :: DBUA On Cloned Oracle Home

May 1, 2013

I am currently in the process of trying to upgrade a database to I am using DBUA to complete this work. I have a small issue which I cant work out and cant find anything on Google or oracle docs about it.

The home where the software for is an ORACLE_HOME that was recently cloned from another 11g home. When im in the DBUA summary page before I kick off the upgrade the summary page lists the "TARGET" oracle home as the old 11g home and not the new "CLONED" one.

Obviously DBUA is picking up the target ORACLE_HOME from a file in the cloned home that has not been updated with the new CLONED home info. I have made sure all variables are set correctly including the PATH variable.

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11g Database - Opatch Can't Find Oracle Home

Jul 15, 2011

I am trying to patch an Oracle 11g database. I can see from the logs that is was patched after it was created by a consultant but I cannot get Opatch to work.

C:\app\Oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1>java -version
java version "1.5.0_17"
Java™ 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_17-b03)
Java HotSpot™ Client VM (build 1.5.0_17-b03, mixed mode)
C:\app\Oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1>opatch>set ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\Oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1
C:\app\Oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1>opatch lsinventory -all
ORACLE_HOME is NOT set at OPatch invocation
The Oracle Home C:\app\Oracle\product is not OUI based home. Please give proper Oracle Home.
OPatch returns with error code = 1

OPatch failed with error code = 1

Java is set in the environment path but the Oracle home seems to be the issue. I checked the LOC parameter in the Oracle/Inventory folder and it is set correctly to C:\app\Oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1.

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Networking And Gateways :: Multiple Home Listener Configuration?

Jul 29, 2011

I have installed Oracle 10g in windows 2003 two times with two different homes. (D:oraclehome and E:oraclehome).Databases db01 and db02 created in these homes respectively. how to configure listener and tnsnames to aceess these databases.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Multiple Oracle Home Machine On Two Node ENV?

Mar 6, 2012

I have two node RAC database running on linux machine (Oracle10G SE), our requirnment is to install new oracle binaries for Oracle10G EE on diffrent home location.after install Oracle10G EE binaries on new oracle home , i want to point our existing database to new Oracle10G EE home to adotp a features of Oracle10G EE features.

But at the same time i dont want to deinstall our Oracle10G SE binaries.So it is possible to rollback our process to point our database back to Oracle10G SE from Oracle10G EE in case anything going wrong.

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Forms :: Logo And Home Page Picture Quality?

Nov 29, 2012

, i want to use picture on my home page (main.fmx) & logo picture on top of my oracle forms 11gR2 application.i try with 2 different ways, but i am loosing the quality of picture.

A. Form Menu - Edit - Import - Image - Even i select excellent quality
B. Through Webutil Read_Image_File ()

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While Applying Patches In Oracle Home Space Not Sufficient

Mar 18, 2011

Im applying patch which is an upgrade to from Its a 2 node RAC. While applying patches the installer mentioned space are sufficient, but while applying patches it throws message that in oracle home space not sufficient. Im able to apply patches in cluster home successfully. How much space required in oracle home for this patch? There is no information mentioned the document as well.

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Application Express :: No Navigation Region On Home Page?

Sep 21, 2012

I've created a new appliacation which has a home page and I've created a report page which updates a table. I want to add a link to my homepage, as a text line for example UpdateTable, and when I click the link, it goes to my report page. I've had a look in my Apex CookBook, and it says I do this by using the Navigation region in my home page. The problem is I don't seem to have a navigation region in my home page. I thought initially it meant the navigation bar, but I now realise this is the header bar. Do you know how I can create a navigation region in my home page..?

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Application Express :: Clearing Cache From Home Link

Sep 29, 2012

I am using theme 4, topaz. Region_Position_06 is a home link.

I have placed a company graphic at this position on page zero, and when a user clicks it on any page, she exits that page and goes to the home page, a main menu page. So no matter how deep a user may be into the application's pages, she may always click this logo image and return directly to the main menu page.

This is convenient, but there is one problem. Clicking this logo does not clear the cache on the page the user is exiting or, for that matter, on any page in the trail of pages the user took to get to the current page. I navigate primarily with buttons and always clear the cache on a page when I exit it. I need to find a way to do this when a user clicks the logo image.

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