Insert Or Update On A Table
Jul 30, 2009
i have 2 identical tables....the trick is with regards to one column say column A,the first table TableA is constantly having data inserted and data updated, what im trying to do is create a before insert or update trigger that looks at column A and if column A=20 it changes this to 5 and inserts this into the tableB, everything else with the exception of Column A will be the same:-
this trigger i have done works but doesnt change the value of column A (INPUT_NADI) as i dont know how to do this:-
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May 14, 2010
I have a base table (Table A) block with multiple records displayed. I need to track audits to this underlying table in the following way:
If user updates a field in the block I want the pre-changed record's audit fields to be set and I need to create a copy of the record with the changed values. Basically any changes will result in the record being logically deleted, and a copy record created with the newly changed values.
Tried to implement in the block's pre-update trigger which will call a package to directly update Table A then Insert into Table A, then requery the block. Is there a clean and efficient way to do this?
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May 29, 2012
i want to create a trigger that will update a table when there is an insert or update.i can't across this error that i don't even know what it means "table %s.%s is mutating, trigger/function may not see it".
*Cause: A trigger (or a user defined plsql function that is referenced in this statement) attempted to look at (or modify) a table that was in the middle of being modified by the statement which fired it.
*Action: Rewrite the trigger (or function) so it does not read that table.
BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF issued ON shares_amount
INSERT INTO shares_amount(date_end) VALUES(SYSDATE);
END set_date_end;
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Aug 24, 2013
My scenario is I need to insert into History table when a record is been updated into a tabular form(insert the updated record along with the additional columns Action_by,Action_type(Like Update or delete) and Action Date Into History table i.e History table contains all the records as the main table which is been visible in tabular form along with these additional columns ...Action_by,action_type and action_date.
So now i dont want to create a befor/after update trigger on base table rather i would like to create a generic procedure which will insert the updated record into history table taking the page alias and pade ID as the parameters(GENERIC procedure is nothing but whcih applies to all the tabular forms(Tables) contained int he application ).
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Dec 28, 2010
I need to take a snapshot of a table before insert or update happens to that table.... in oracle 10g. I am reading the MV docs from oracle and below link..
how MV should be written for this and how to schedule it in dbms_jobs for auto refresh?
assuming that t1 is the table where DML operation are goin to happen so before any insert or update, snapshot has to be taken, and I am assuming that to do this it would look something like this?
create materialized view my_view refresh fast as select * from t1;
create materialized view log on my_view;
and then schedule in a dbms_jobs?
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Jun 2, 2011
Select * from Table A where emp=1;
1 111
select * from Table B where emp=1 ;
AID, emp, start_dt, End_dt
111 1 01-jan-2011 31-dec-2011
112 1 01-jan-2011 31-dec-2011
113 1 01-jan-2011 31-dec-2011
I have After insert or update trigger on Table B. This will update AID column on Table B.
after insert update on table B
update A
set AID=:new.AID where emp=:new.emp;
if i end date any record on table B i wanted to update max(AID) on Table A.
EX update table b
set end_dt= sysdate-1
where aid=111;
So I wrote the trigger on Table A as below
before insert or update on trigger A
v_aid number;
v_strt_dt date;
v_end_dt date;
select max(AID) from table B
where emp=:new.emp;
select v_end_dt from table B where aid=:new.Aid;
if v_end_dt<sysdate then
end if;
But the problem here is its giving mutating error.Then i tried with autonomus transaction but it willreturn old value when it fiers.
So how can i achive both the task at a time.That means i have to endate Table A , Same time i have to update active max(AID) to table B.
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Feb 1, 2011
I am calling an after insert Trigger on table1.
In the trigger I am calling a procedure that returns an error if there is any error returned from procedure. I have to update the table table1's column error_desc (for the same new inserted record for which the trigger was called) with the error received by OUT parameter of procedure called in trigger. I have to update the same record on whose insert this trigger was called.
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Jun 15, 2012
I've a one history table in which I'm putting approval history data.
For any transaction id you may have more than one record with approval status APPROVED,REJECTED,ERRORED,OVERLIMIT etc
Another program selects records from this table by passing transaction_id. For transaction id, it needs to check the most recent approved record exist or not ? If it's there then updating the record by adding comments to comments field of the same record and then delete all other records for the same transaction id.
If it does not exist then delete all other records and create one with approved status?
What's the simple and best approach to do this (sql or pl/sql)?
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Dec 21, 2012
I am trying to insert rec into target table if those rec are not existing and trying to update those rec if they already exists from three source tables.I had seen in posts that merge cannot be used with cursor.
SQL> create or replace
2 PACKAGE sis_l_cpl_sis_reb_pgm_hist_pkg
3 IS
4 /********************************************************************
5 PACKAGE: sis_load_cpl_sis_reb_pgm_hist
6 PURPOSE: Load CMPLY_SIS_REB_PGM_HIST with data from cmply_sis_p
7 cmply_sis_excl_dtl(intial load)
8 *********************************************************************
Package created.
SQL> create or replace
3 IS
4 /**********************************************************************
5 PACKAGE: sis_l_cpl_sis_reb_pgm_hist_pkg
6 PURPOSE: Load CMPLY_SIS_REB_PGM_HIST with data from cmply_sis_pur
7 cmply_sis_excl_dtl(intial load)
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
SQL> sho err
-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
67/7 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
75/19 PL/SQL: ORA-00926: missing VALUES keyword
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Aug 5, 2010
i have a tabular form select * from emp and i want to create table and store there data in goup select empono,sal,com group by dept i want to insert in another table.
how i insert the data in table by forms front end and then update also when again click the button or any change occur in form insert into a select empono,sal,com group by dept
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Mar 4, 2013
We would like to create functions to insert and update our tables and would like to make it not possible to update and insert the table directly outside of the function. Is there a way to do that in the trigger?
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May 15, 2013
Global temporary Table Name:
Base Table Name:
My Steps:
1.Insert all data from global table to base table.
2.Update all data (that means retrieved all data from base table to global table and update this data). Question: How to Insert and Update from Global temporary table ??
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May 31, 2010
I would like to UPDATE the columns p1 and p2 of my table student (studentid:pk,name,p1,p2,...) for a given studentid.and I have a when-button-pressed trigger with this
UPDATE student
SET student.p1=:validation.proj1,
where UPPER(student.studentid)=UPPER(:validation.studentid);commit_form;
when I run my form with a correct studentid, I got this error: FRM-40508: ORACLE error: UNABLE to INSERT record
but it is cworking correctly in sqlplus; and I have all priveligies.
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Jul 4, 2013
Table A basically has 4 rows of interest, an outside event changes/inserts let's say row 1.
Row 2 and 3 have to be changed in a trigger depending on the new value of 1.(or not if the value stays the same)
Row 4 is the reference for the update and will not be changed.
My first simple AFTER INSERT or UPDATE trigger obviously failed because of the mutating table error.
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Aug 8, 2012
how to adjust a total (counter) after a record is inserted into a table.
the dilemma i am facing is we are using third party software for our fundraising operations so I have no control over what gets done in the background as users process their daily batches into the system. below is the scenario:
create table paytable(
idnumber number(12),
appealcode varchar2(20),
batchno number(8),
trantype varchar2(3),
transnum number(8),
split_transnum number(8));
---------- -------------------- ---------- --- ---------- --------------
16084 DVFG1206 20120808 PP 23853576 1133821
16084 DVFG1206 20120808 PPO 23853577 1133821
1234 DVFG1206 20120808 PP 23853578 1133822
create table appealtable
(appealcode varchar2(20),
total# number(9),
total$ number(13,2));
-------------------- ---------- ----------
DVFG1206 100 2500
during batch posting records are inserted into the paytable, on some pledge donations donors will send overpayments when fulfilling a PLEDGE(as is the case with donor 16084) therefore the system will split the payment during the process and will assign a trantype of 'PP' to the exact pledge amount and a 'PPO'(pledge payment overage) towards the balance. additionally as records get inserted into paytable there is counter of those paytable records going into the appealtable for that particular appealcode so in the case above when batchno 20120808 is completed will show 103 and total$ will show $2532($10,$12,$10,,,I did not include payment$ since that is not the focus of this issue and will not change).
mgt wants the counter into the appealtable to be 2 instead of 3 records since the two records that were split(same split_transnum) should be recorded as one response not two.
I have tried writing an after insert trigger(dreaded mutating table error) and can't seem to figure out how to update the counter to the appealtable after records are inserted into paytable. below is some code I've been working with but it's not working.
p_cnt NUMBER :=0;
show errors
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Sep 6, 2013
I want to update a row in a table say Table A and the updated row should be inserted into another table say Table B. I need to do it in a single SQL query and i don't want to do it in PL/SQL with triggers. And i tried with MERGE statement but its working with this scenario.
(Note: I'm using Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release
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May 7, 2010
I have to write a trigger where when the table is updated then one column named 'Status' should be updated as 'U' and if arow is inserted in the table then the column 'Status' needs to be inserted with value 'I'.
Create table test_trig
vempno number,
vempname varchar2(20),
status char
New to to go with both insert and update conditions together.
Can we write a trigger which takes care of both insert and update. I have used Merge statement where I can write conditions based on insert/update done.
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Aug 10, 2007
I have a single table with a TOTAL_TIME column which I want to increment by a certain amount every time I get a request from a specific user. If the row for that user does not exist, it should be created and the TOTAL_TIME column should be set to the value that just came in. Otherwise, if it does exist, it should be incremented by the value passed in.
How can I accomplish this in oracle? I don't want to just first do a select, then insert, because that can cause race conditions. I want something that'll do the check and insert/update in one statement (locked).
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Dec 7, 2011
Store procedure code, I want to insert data in a database in this fashion,I want to check first if the record exist, if not Insert or else Update.
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May 3, 2013
I have two identical tables from different DB's and I need to copy a row from db1 and insert into db2 if it does not exist or update it if it does(on the tables pk).
This is what i was trying until i realized replace drops the whole table where i thought it dropped the row and inserted the new.
from db1
to db2
replace table2
select *
from table1
where x = blah
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Jul 7, 2010
how can i insert and update to a table in oracle database 10g through a select statement. not using merge.
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May 27, 2011
i Have Write A SP But Show me Error when i Compile It.
Create or Replace Procedure PREPAIDEXPENSE(v_OperationType varchar2(1))
Error:SQL command not properly ended
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Oct 12, 2010
check my query and correct it basically I want to insert/update data from one user to other therefore I write this coding at my form button, when user press button first time its insert data successfully but if user press button again then it should update because data have been inserted in first step.
Actually it is detail table so it can have more then one record against any master. My query fails in updation, it inserts a new record instead of update.
find the attached file for checking QUERY.
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Jul 23, 2012
i have a given pl/sql program that first deletes records out of a table and afterwards inserts new rows. now for example 2 rows out of 10 have a foreign constraint and can not be deleted that easily anymore. so i delete the ones i am able to (with the where not exists clause).
now i want to update the records who have a foreign key constraint and the rest with a regular insert. how would i do this the easiest way. i thought i could use insert with a where clause!!
here i have some part from the original
procedure add(
i_id pls_integer,
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Jun 11, 2013
how to insert or update a number which is having value like 08,09 in forms 6i while insert its inserting only 8 and 9 not 08 or 09 the first digit zero is not inserting,,,i want to use time file which is 24 hrs format, so i am giving value like 0835 (08:35) but 835 only saving.
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Feb 6, 2009
I am trying to write a trigger that will do an insert/delete/update into a audit table when a change has occurred on the primary table. The change will be recorded in the audit table by a incemental sequence number and the updated data.
there will be an extra column in the audit table
how to get a simplified version of this trigger.
the primary table will look like so
Id_num varchar (20)
code Integer
desc varchar(20)
sequence_num Integer
audit table
Id_num varchar(20)
code Integer
desc varchar(20)
timestamp date
sequence_num Integer
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Jan 20, 2011
I need to generate a report by showing the select, insert, update transactions count per day.
I have been use V$SYSSTAT veiw but there is not include my requested data exactly!
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Mar 5, 2012
I would like to insert a value if that value is not existing in the table (example for a column which contains date only new dates should be inserted and if the date already exists in the column then it needs to get updated )
example of scenario...
date s1 s2 s3
in the above if the date is should get inserted with the appropriate slot no.(s1,s2,s3) if the date already exists it needs to update the slot no.
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Aug 10, 2011
I am looking at an existing utility which inserts data into configuration tables. The utility is fairly basic, you simply add the UPDATE / INSERT / DELETE sql commands to a .sql file, set up a few params in a .sh script in order to tell it which Database / Schema to run against and away it goes, doing some logging, etc on the way.
Most of the time this is fine. However there is one table that causes big performance problems. This large table holds rating data and it has two large triggers on it. It also gets updated quite a bit with new rating tariffs.
The triggers check that many fields are not null or are certain values... but they also check that dates of the rates do no overlap, etc. So, in short, they do a lot of work. I can see that these are the main performance obstacle. I have no ability to alter or disable these triggers, this is a core table supplied by the vendor and as such I cannot manipulate it.
So looking at the things I can change, what am I left with?... only the way I load the data..
I can consider using SQLloader in order to handle INSERTS or using the APPEND hint in order to perform a direct path insert rather than having individual INSERT statements.
I can try to ensure that my data is sorted along the same lines as the index on the table in order to ensure that I am updating the index nodes in as streamlined way as possible. I can improve performance still more, or even circumnavigate the drag of the triggers?
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Jun 8, 2011
how can i make this script into a function or procedure which instead of user change the crime_id :=4 or 5 directly it actually can grab the id from a update statment like
pick 9 and insert into the above statment so it runs as normal
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