Forms :: Display Record On Non Database Item?

Sep 17, 2012

I want to display my query select * from Clinical_Chart_CCHPI in non database item which is 1000 Char. I want to display that query when my forms execute.below is the test case.

Create table Clinical_Chart (Chart_Number Char(12),MR_NO Char(13));
Create table Clinical_Chart_CCHPI (Chart_Number Char(12),serial_number number,Date Date, Remarks Varchar(1000));
insert into Clinical_Chart(1,1);
insert into Clinical_Chart_CCHPI (1,1,01-JAN-


I have taken one non database block and my item Test which is non-database too. But no result is coming i have attached JPEG file too.

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Forms :: Retrieve Value From Database And Then Print In Display Item?

Jun 29, 2013

i want to retrieve a value from the database and then print in a display item. how can i do it?

this code is the retrieval part but it doesn't work:

num number(10);
INTO num
FROM cd_details
WHERE price=599;

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Forms :: Insert Record In Table When One Of Item In Database Block Is Filled?

Sep 11, 2012

i want to insert a record in table when one of item in database block is filled..from which property i knw my one of field in block is filled or not.

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Forms :: Choose Lov In First Record That Won't Be Display In Second Record Lov

Sep 10, 2012

I have one multi record block in that i have one LOV..If i choose lov in first record that won't be display in second record lov...

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Forms :: Update Database Item When Non-database Item Is Manually Updated?

Mar 10, 2011

I am having trouble changing a non-displayed field when a displayed field is changed.

When a user wants to un-assign a territory they want to just null the ID field (non-database item). I then need to null the PIDM field(not visible, database item) for that one record.

I tried this, but I end up putting null on all the records instead of just the one record, which ends up un-assigning all the territories not just the one.

Is there a way to assign the null to the PIDM field associated to the ID field of that particular record.

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Forms :: Display Item Not Showing Result?

Oct 8, 2010

am facing a Problem in creating display items .First I create a display item and name it ITEM6This Display item will show Department name of employees .I create a Block Level Trigger to invoke this display item .

select dname into :ITEM6 FROM DEPT where :EMP.DEPTNO=DEPT.DEPTNO;

In Property Palette I edit following
Data Type : char
canvas :canvas4

Then I save ,compile and Run it successfully .But when i press Execute Query button . It shows me Following error message .


ORA-00904: "ITEM6": invalid identifier

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Forms :: Changing Text In A Display Item

Dec 20, 2010

I have text in a display item on my Oracle Form. When my user hovers over the text with my mouse I want it to show my user that the text is active. The text may change color(no tool tip).

Is this possible?

Environment: Client / Server

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Forms :: Display Sysdate And User On Item Form

Aug 7, 2010

query also a button click the trigger used when button press event user then the write this query.


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Forms :: Display Next Record?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a form in which the fields are not database items i want to display the next record, i know i can use the next_record for the same but it does not work since it is not the database item, is there any way when the item is not the database item and i can see the next record. I use the cursor for loop but since it fecthes all the records in one go it cannot display one record at the time in the form..

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Forms :: Populate Record In List Item?

Aug 6, 2010

i want to popultate record in list item.... and write the follwing code...



when i call this code then it returns the 2 errors:

1. FRM-41072: Cannot create Group RGGROUP.

2. FRM-41076: Error populating Group.

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Forms :: How To Display Current Record

Mar 12, 2013

I have problem about displaying current records with same table(tbl_pawnitem). I have 2 transactions which are the pawned transaction and for sale transaction. and both transactions save into tbl_pawnitem table..i want to display only in my list the for sale transaction without deleting the records of pawned transaction. what condition i will use?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Display Missing Item Names For Each Item Code

Feb 16, 2010

I have a table with the following data.

item_code item_name
101 Pen
101 Pencil
101 Scale
102 Pen


My aim is to display the missing itemnames for each itemcode.

For each ITEM_CODE there should be four items i.e Pen,Pencil,Scale and Marker If any itemcode missed any of the itemnames those records should display in the output.

So the output should be like this

101 Marker Because the item Marker is missed.
102 Pencil Because the items Pencil and Marker are missed.
102 Marker Because the items Pencil and Marker are missed.

For itemcode 103 no records should be displayed because it having all four itemnames.

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Forms :: Fetch Record From Table Using Item Code

Jun 7, 2013

i want to fetch the data in my form from table, by using item_code.

eg when i write the item_code its value get matched in same table and fetch the another

columns by item_code.

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Forms :: Retrieving Previous Record Value Of Same Item In A Block

Jul 17, 2012

I am creating a record with the items - S_No, Product_Name, Selling_Qty, Price.

Checking the total qty (Tot_Qty) from the purchase stock - table1 and already sold out qty (Sold_Qty) of the product from table2.

Consider the following values: Tot_Qty = 200; Sold_Qty = 50;

Now i create a first record of the form as follows: here on selecting the Product_name from LOV, will display the Selling_Qty item - which can be edited (Selling_Qty = Tot_Qty - Sold_Qty) and its price.

S_No Product_Name Selling_Qty Price
1. KeyBoard 50(150) 200
2. KeyBoard 30(150) 200
3. KeyBoard 50(150) 200

[value given within () are displayed automatically after selecting the prod]

My prob is, when i am entering next record, it displays the same 150 as qty, which have to be 100. After selecting the product from LOV, it should calculate & validate as shown below: which means, previous record value of Selling_Qty also have to be subtracted and displayed.

S_No Product_Name Selling_Qty Price
1. KeyBoard 50(150) 200
2. KeyBoard 30(100) 200
3. KeyBoard 50(70) 200

Is there any built-in functions to retrieve previous record value?

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Forms :: How To Find Sum Of Item From Multi-record Block

Apr 21, 2010

i have form have one multi record block and sing record block. In multi record block having an item namely Excise_value. I want to find the sum of total Excise_Value for all the record. How to accomplish this.

PS: I want to use the Formula/summary property in forms

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Forms :: Hide A Single Row Field Of Multi Record Item?

Nov 3, 2010

Consider below is a multi record block rows, i want to hide "23". Is it possible using Set_Item_Instance_Property or any other built-in is there in oracle forms to hide a single row field in a multi record block.

11 12 13
21 22 23
31 32 33
. . .

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Forms :: How To Enable One First Record Item Under One Block With Multiple Records

Dec 8, 2010

I'm using Oracle forms 10g. In the form i have this multiple records under one block. After performing the query, all records are cannot be updated. And i have this buttons at the right side that will enable the certain item that can only be updated. My problem is i cannot enable the item in the first record,instead of first record all records in that item was enable.

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Forms :: Display Record Counts / Unique Names

Sep 25, 2012

I have a table

TAB1 with data
no name
1 abc
2 abc
3 xyz
4 xyz
5 cvb

now I would like to create a form with name counts as

abc 2
xyz 2
cvb 1

I would like to create a datablock to display all the unique names, not sure where I should be writing the query to display unique names. I would like to create a textitem box to display the counts when the form is compiled, but not sure which trigger to use to write the query.

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Forms :: How To Check For Unique Value In Text Item In Multi-record Block

Mar 13, 2013

I have a multi-record block with several text items.

On one of the text items i want to enter a value and then check whether the same value for the item has already been entered on any other records within the block.

If it has already been entered then i want to display a message and null out the field.

I have tried using app_record.for_All_records from a when-validat-item trigger but this does not work as you get a 'FRM-40737 Illegal restricted procedure go_block in when-validate-item trigger ' error

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Forms :: Trigger Form When-new-record-instance To Assign Values For Item

Mar 28, 2011

I am developing form, but there is issue when I Press F11 to query data.I make trigger form when-new-record-instance to assign values for item.But when i Press F11 then Block no clear.

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Forms :: Display Alert When Click On Insert Record In Tool Bar?

Jun 26, 2013

I want to display an alert when we click on Insert Record in tool bar. I put allow update->yes and insert->no.

but when i click on the insert record in tool bar it showing message only.

Instead of message I need an alert using triggers. I added the image also.

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Forms :: Display All Records One By One As User Click On Next Record Button

Jul 13, 2010

I have created one tab canvased form

On first tab I am taking input (search criteria)
on that input i am trying to display all records one by one as user click on next record button....

for that i used when-tab-page-change trigger for first record display and it display correctly.but for further record what should i need to write on next_record command button so all record i can see one by one.

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Forms :: Unable To Display A Message When Record Status Is Changed?

Jun 2, 2010

I have one requirement.i.e I want to display 'Do you want to save the changes you have made?[YES/NO]' message when record status is changed.In my form if i enter some value to the actual qty(db item) and press 'x' button it does't prompting 'Do you want to save the changes you have made?' message.

For displaying this message i have written following code in the APP_CUSTOM body:

IF (wnd = 'XXMZ_MRS_DET')
lv_wnd_stat := get_window_property('XXMZ_SUMMARY',VISIBLE);
if lv_wnd_stat = 'TRUE' THEN
IF :SYSTEM.form_status = 'CHANGED' THEN


if i write above code in the app_custom body it's prompting the above message.But if i click 'YES' it does't save the records?

How can i save the records when i click 'yes'?

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Forms :: Update From Non Database Item?

Mar 9, 2010

I am preparing a query form based on one will return the result set based on parameters passed.What i need is i will add 3 non database item in entry mode along with result set.Once the user inputs these 3 fields in non database fields , it should update the relevant records mapped to it in database table. How to do this.

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Forms :: Database Block To List Item?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a form which contains two canvas.In the first canvas, i have a data block which contains two columns(database item of both are no). In second canvas i have a list item.

My problem is how to pass the value(s) of this data block to the item list which is present in second canvas.

The requirement user has given is such that the user will enter different categories, and in the second canvas where the main datablock is present, will contain a list item in data block which should show the data entered by the user.

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Forms :: Populating Non Database Item Via LOV After Query

Dec 1, 2010

I have the scenario where I have a table(table 1) which stores the car code and the meaning of that code. I then have another table (table 2)which just stores the code. My datablock is based on the table which just contains the code(table 2). On my form if the user wishes to populate this field in the record I have a Lov which goes to the table 1 and retrieves the code and the meaning of it.

The code is then returned to the corresponding field in the datablock for table 2. this works fine in adding and editing. the user sees the meaning and whilst selecting from the lov populates the code field behind the scenes and everything works fine. However, my problem is when the user does a query only the code field is populated from table 2 (the code field is hidden to the user) therefore the meaning field is left blank as if there is no data there when in fact this is not the case.

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Forms :: Database Item In A Block / Canvas

Jan 24, 2011

I am modifying an existing form and wanted to do this with less number of modifications. The existing form has one checkbox item ( displayed and attached to database)..and its not in use ( was created for some enhancement that never implemented but code is there)..and in the form at several places its mentioned/calculated based on Updatabale/Enable/Queryable/Insert..all properties.

Since I want to use the same position of this check box so ..i simply detached the canvas from this compiles fine but when login into application it gives al those errors like..FRM--item not update able.etc etc..

Is there any property to just hide an item inspite having related codes in the form ?

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Forms :: Summarized Database Item Must Reside In A Block

Nov 11, 2010

FRM-30425: Summarized database item must reside in a block with Query All Records or Precompute Summaries set to Yes.
FRM-30085: Unable to adjust form for output.

What can i do ?

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Forms :: Database Username Display

Jun 18, 2012

I want to display the current database username in a text field after logging in at run time,i.e after logging in the username should should display in a text field.e,g. if i login as scott then 'scott' should display in the text box.

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Forms :: Non Database Block Item Value Passing To Query Up Records

Oct 28, 2011

Version information:
Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

When an user enters a value in a field of a Screen, I want to query up the next screen records based on that user input value in the previous screen.The previous screen is based on a control block i.e.

items- Q_EMP.emp_id, Q_EMP.FY, Q_EMP.hire_flag.

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