Forms :: Trigger Form When-new-record-instance To Assign Values For Item
Mar 28, 2011
I am developing form, but there is issue when I Press F11 to query data.I make trigger form when-new-record-instance to assign values for item.But when i Press F11 then Block no clear.
I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".
And then i call: Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True); Form status change to "QUERY"
And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.
One Text item is there in FormPARN, near to that Text item, Button is there.While clicking Button FormCHLD will be opened. Inside the FormCHLD, i will do some calculation and i need to store the result in FormPARN's Text Item.
I have a multi record control block (basically a text item displaying 6 records) where user enters values and I want to process the values using pre-insert trigger.
I want to read value in each record and then do some tasks using a pre-insert trigger before I commit the values. To navigate between the records I was using first_record, next_record, clear_record built-ins but it gives errors like "40737-illegalrestricted procedure next_record in pre-insert trigger".
assigning values to a particular variable that i need for my button trigger. I Understand that you can assign multiple values to a variable that has a varchar or char data there a way to assign multiple values to a variable that has a 'number' data type?? I need this for my 'where' clause
declare usergrade varchar(4) := 'pass'; user_unitcode number(6) := ;--needs three unit codes to equal pass
Upon form load, TList will be populated with predefined item. The behavior i am trying to achieve is to have a text item so user could entered specific text which will then filter the values in TList .
I used Region, Process by to search the report which appears as shown above. Then I use Choose Auditors column to select my Auditor and copy paste it into the report under To be Audited By col. Is there a way to automate the process. I am here using a tabular form in APEX. My main aim is to assign auditors based on Region, not equal to Processed by.
I have a multi row form (Order Entry form in E Business Suite). When I enter data in a row and error down the validate-item trigger fires and runs some code to check for duplicates, etc and after the cursor should go down to the next row. It goes back to the original row.
I am asked to change an existing field (Category_Desc) from a data block (applications) from a current form with a different field (Facility) from another table (Places) that is not used in the current data blocks. How do i do that and how should i populate the data... The common string between the table used in the form (applications) and the non used table (Places) is the ID No.
make this change and also with a possible trigger to generate the data....
i need to pop up an alert using a trigger to test the data type of a field per example if the input is not a number an alert will popup "Please insert a number"
In my form, for an item there is code for pre-text-item trigger. In query mode when i go to next record, previous record etc, whether this trigger gets fired? In other forms it is getting executed. Only in this form it is not getting executed. What should be reason for not executing this pre-text-item? Only this item is enabled and cursor is there.
i have a text field where i am putting values from an LOV and i want to check for wrong entries like if the user enters a wrong code it should display the message "wrong code".so this is the code i am using in the when validate item trigger:
begin declare pc number; begin select count(*)
But it doesn;t work, it acepts the wrong code also.
Let me explain, I have two items in my page, the first is not required, if it is null the second field is a value list based on selection A (select from A. .. A. .. where . A..) but if the field is not null then the list of values of the second field is based on the selection B (Select B from B where B. ..).
I create a dynamic action on the event "change" of my first field, on the "true action" I tried this:
SQL Plus version Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release - Production PL/SQL Release Production Forms Version : 6i Reports Version: 6i O/S : Microsoft Windows Xp professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3
With reference to the above version details here is the requirement. How do I restrict user on key next item trigger i.e I want the cursor to move to next field only when user presses "ENTER" button on the key board any other key like mouse should not allow user to move to the next field.
IF :item1 IS NULL AND :item3 IS NOT NULL THEN alert_id := FIND_ALERT('blank_alert'); SET_ALERT_PROPERTY(alert_id,ALERT_MESSAGE_TEXT,'Item3 must have a value.'); v_alert := SHOW_ALERT(alert_id); RAISE Form_trigger_Failure; END IF;
My problem was as it fires, the cursor will be on the item1. I've already use
but it was all illegal. The cursor must be in the item3.
Don't question me why I do not set the item3 to required and why post triggers. It is just that. It is the requirement.
i want to get the x-pos of item at the radio-change trigger but it return the error
declare x_pos number; lnum_x_pos number; lnum_width number; begin
if :radio_group = 'E' then lnum_x_pos := Get_item_property('Remarks',x_pos); Message('Position of x...'||lnum_x_pos); lnum_width := get_item_property('Remarks',width); Message('width of remarks field..'||lnum_width);
I want to display my query select * from Clinical_Chart_CCHPI in non database item which is 1000 Char. I want to display that query when my forms execute.below is the test case.
I am trying to make a particular field (called reason_code) "required" on a form I am working on. Now this field has two fields before it, and I have to tab to reach my reason_code field.
But the functionality I want is that when I tab into the reason_code field, the WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger should fire even when this field is NULL.
IF :REASON_CODE IS NULL THEN MESSAGE ("Please enter a reason code!"); end if;
The trigger doesn't fire when I don't enter a reason_code field and I can tab past this field and not get the ("Please enter a reason code!") error message.
On researching the problem, I saw that this field has to be of status "CHANGED" in order for the trigger to fire.
I have a master-detail form, before filling up all the item in master cursor should not go to details, if user clicks in detail he should get a message.
When I am pressing ENTER to navigate from one item to another is asking'do u want to save the changes'.how to control this message and when pressedenter cursor should go to next item.