Forms :: Display Item Not Showing Result?

Oct 8, 2010

am facing a Problem in creating display items .First I create a display item and name it ITEM6This Display item will show Department name of employees .I create a Block Level Trigger to invoke this display item .

select dname into :ITEM6 FROM DEPT where :EMP.DEPTNO=DEPT.DEPTNO;

In Property Palette I edit following
Data Type : char
canvas :canvas4

Then I save ,compile and Run it successfully .But when i press Execute Query button . It shows me Following error message .


ORA-00904: "ITEM6": invalid identifier

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Forms :: List Item Values Showing With ALT + DOWN Key Combination

Jan 9, 2013

In my forms(version 9i), list item values showing with ALT + DOWN key combination but I want to change it to only DOWN key.I search this combination in FMRWEB.RES file but there isn't any entry of ALT + DOWN.

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Forms :: Display Record On Non Database Item?

Sep 17, 2012

I want to display my query select * from Clinical_Chart_CCHPI in non database item which is 1000 Char. I want to display that query when my forms execute.below is the test case.

Create table Clinical_Chart (Chart_Number Char(12),MR_NO Char(13));
Create table Clinical_Chart_CCHPI (Chart_Number Char(12),serial_number number,Date Date, Remarks Varchar(1000));
insert into Clinical_Chart(1,1);
insert into Clinical_Chart_CCHPI (1,1,01-JAN-


I have taken one non database block and my item Test which is non-database too. But no result is coming i have attached JPEG file too.

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Forms :: Changing Text In A Display Item

Dec 20, 2010

I have text in a display item on my Oracle Form. When my user hovers over the text with my mouse I want it to show my user that the text is active. The text may change color(no tool tip).

Is this possible?

Environment: Client / Server

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Not Showing Proper Result When Report Taken For All Codes Available In Table

Nov 26, 2010

I am trying to build a report.My query is working fine when i take out this report for a single area_code.But it is not showing proper result when report is take for all are_code's available in table.I have used two tables transactions and balance

create table transactions ( glcode varchar2(10), area_code varchar2(10), debit number,credit number );
insert into transactions values(2000,'ap',200,200);
insert into transactions values(3000,'ap',222,222);
insert into transactions values(4000,'ap',123,123);
insert into transactions values(2000,'dp',200,200);
insert into transactions values(3000,'dp',222,222);
insert into transactions values(4000,'dp',123,123);
insert into transactions values(2000,'pp',200,200);
insert into transactions values(3000,'pp',222,222);
insert into transactions values(4000,'pp',123,123);

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Forms :: Retrieve Value From Database And Then Print In Display Item?

Jun 29, 2013

i want to retrieve a value from the database and then print in a display item. how can i do it?

this code is the retrieval part but it doesn't work:

num number(10);
INTO num
FROM cd_details
WHERE price=599;

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Forms :: Display Sysdate And User On Item Form

Aug 7, 2010

query also a button click the trigger used when button press event user then the write this query.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Display Missing Item Names For Each Item Code

Feb 16, 2010

I have a table with the following data.

item_code item_name
101 Pen
101 Pencil
101 Scale
102 Pen


My aim is to display the missing itemnames for each itemcode.

For each ITEM_CODE there should be four items i.e Pen,Pencil,Scale and Marker If any itemcode missed any of the itemnames those records should display in the output.

So the output should be like this

101 Marker Because the item Marker is missed.
102 Pencil Because the items Pencil and Marker are missed.
102 Marker Because the items Pencil and Marker are missed.

For itemcode 103 no records should be displayed because it having all four itemnames.

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Application Express :: Page Item Session State Not Showing?

Sep 20, 2013

I have searched for comment on this, but could'n find. So problem is ... not all of the page items are showing in SESSION STATE.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Display Result

Aug 7, 2012

I need to return the stored result in a record by ref cursor. In the below code I am displaying the result through DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE but i need to do it through ref cursor to display the result.

type r_cursor is REF CURSOR;
c_emp r_cursor;
type rec_emp is record
name varchar2(20),
sal number(6)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Display Result Horizontally

Feb 11, 2013


deptno ename
10 a,d,e,g
20 b,c,j
30 k,l,o

2.How to swap the column values ? ex. col2 into col1 and col1 into col2

3.What is the major Diff. b/w Right outer join & Left outer join ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display Result Of Sql For Loop

May 7, 2013

I have the below PL/SQL Block in which it iterates through the id stored in local table and passes this value to the select statement which runs on a remote DB.

In the loop the select statement is executed for each id in local table.Now i am trying to display the output of the execute statement which does not work.

let me know how can i show the output of this and store in a file or display on screen.

server output on
v_sql VARCHAR2(9000) := NULL;


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How To Display Result From 2 Queries - UNION ALL

Oct 21, 2012

I am trying to display the results from 2 queries, one is supposed to display the count of the employees, per department, who win over the average of the entire company and the other one is supposed to display the count of the employees, per department, who win under the average of the entire company.

I used a UNION ALL, but all it does is merge the results from the ones that win over and under the average into one row, is there a way to separate them? I tried assigning names to each salary using AS but it only displays the first I put in.

- sql Code

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Display Result Column 10610 In Second Row?

Mar 28, 2012

QUOTE (thiyagusham @ Mar 27 2012, 11:40 PM) SQL> select * from samp;

---------- --------------- ---------- -----
sam 21-mar-2012 mca
sony 03-jan-2000 mba 10610
maya 21-mar-2012 m.arch
sonna 18-mar-2012 mis


i want to display in result column 10610 in second row , because emp sony having id "10610 "should i use sub-query ? without sub-query how can i display ?

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Application Express :: How To Use Display Image Item On Page

Sep 24, 2012

APEX 4.0 Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server

I have a table which contain 3 columns, see below:

id primary key
pic1 blob
pic2 blog

there is 1 row in it(id=1), just for display 2 images.

Uploaded 2 images into above Blob fields by file browse function. Now, I want to show the 2 pictures in a Region by using display image item P1_AR, but it didn't work.

Based on: BLOB Columns specified in item source
Alternative Text Column: null
Filename Column: null
BLOB last update Column: nullSource used: Only when current value in session state is null
Source type: SQL Query(return single value)
Source value or express: select dbms_lob.getlength(PIC) from cp_pic where id=1

I got the error below after runing:
ORA-20999: P1_AR has to have a valid BLOB column as source

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Reports & Discoverer :: Display Text Item In Second Page Of Report

Jul 12, 2010

I have a Report With Group G_Emp, having Columns Eno, Ename etc. in a Repeating frame R_1 and I have put A frame below this repeating frame R_1 with a Text Item Just for Displaying Comments, so just i want to display this Text Item in the second page and the Employee details in the first page, the restriction is that the Text item should not print in the first page.

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Forms :: Filter Hard Coded Values In List Item (Tlist) Based On Value Entered In Text Item

May 22, 2010

I have 2 items in my form:

1) Text Item
2) Tlist

Upon form load, TList will be populated with predefined item. The behavior i am trying to achieve is to have a text item so user could entered specific text which will then filter the values in TList .

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Application Express :: Possible To Display Null Item Value As All In Blank HTML Region

Jul 2, 2012

Apex 4.1
Theme 21

I have select list which has null and other values. I have created a blank HTML region with the following text

Report for the year &P2_YEAR. and for geography &P2_GEOG.

Now P2_YEAR works fine because, it is always populated with a year. However, &P2_GEOG has 'All' as null value since we can see the report for all geographies. However, if the all option is selected, the above &P2_GEOG. shows as null. Since its not a PL/SQL proc, I cannot put in a NVL. I am guessing one possible way is to write a PL/SQL code before region and then check if its null and then try to populate a new hidden field and show, something like that. Wondering if there is a way to do it directly in the HTML region?

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Application Express :: How To Create A Display Image Item With Apex Functions

Jul 28, 2012

I'm working on Apex in a 11g XE Data Base, I want to display a Image in a Report, I can do it using the "+BLOB Download Format Mask+", but the images displays at original size and I want to display them smaller.

I've read that you have to create a procedure, a SYNONYM and call them in the src of the img tag. as Zsuzsi Vadasz mentions here [URL] But I remember that I was able to create some items in reports with Apex functions, I think they were from APEX_ITEM Package, so I want to know if there is a way to create the "+Display Image+" item with one function of APEX.

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Application Express :: Display Page Item Values In HTML Table

Sep 7, 2012

I would like to have a table in HTML region and to display in the table some Page Items from the page.

I got the code like this:

It shows the Page Item names as text, not the values. However this code without the table tags:

ECEMEA Request for CQT Assistance: &P1_ECEMEA_ASSISTANCE.
ECEMEA CQT Work in Progress: &P1_ECEMEA_WIP.

works and the Page Item values are displayed.

Is it possible to display the Page Item values in the HTML table at all or I have to use a different method of showing the values in a table? The above is only a snippet of the code. I need to display about 30 Page Items, formatted in a table with headings.

what kind of region is the best to be used or if I should only use some escape symbols in the table code.

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Application Express :: Change Font Size For Item Of Type Display

Jul 13, 2012

how to change the font size for an item of type display only ?

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Forms :: Move Cursor To Another Item From WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM

Apr 19, 2012

I need to move to control to another item in a same block from WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger. [WITH OUT USING ANOTHER TRIGGER]

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Forms :: Icons Not Showing On Buttons?

Sep 26, 2012

We are using ERP based on Oracle 10g forms, there is icons on the buttons those icons are displaying when we uses the ERP in Windows based client and browser Internet Explorer.But when we uses Opera browser we are getting ERP but icons are not displaying.

Same way when we uses Linux client machine using Mozilla Firefox there also the icons are not displaying.

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Forms :: Showing Message When Canvas Changing?

Jan 6, 2012

I am facing one confusion with canvas changing and message displaying issue i have one login page. in that there are three fields username,password and department in the department i having 5 departments including salesandmarketing

the requirement once i entered every credentials correctly and i am logging in as salesandmarketing. When the salesandmarketing canvas opens a message should display saying "you are successfully entered into sales and marketing".

i have my home page as content canvas and sales and marketing as tab canvasi need to do the same message when i am entering into 5 departments with corresponding department name in the message end instead of salesandmarketing
is it possible to do with when_new_canvas

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Forms :: Vertical Scroll Bar Is Not Showing Properly?

Mar 1, 2010

When I first access the form and query for records, it works as per the expectation and with scroll bar to scroll up and down. But when I do "View>Record>Last", it reaches to last record, but not able to use the scroll bar to scroll the records up(I am on last record, so can't do downward scrolling).

The scroll bar is displaying in Full, no room to scroll up down.It happens only when I do "View>Record>Last".

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Forms :: Showing Number Of Records Affected (saved)

Jul 31, 2010

We are building a custom form extension with our EBS R12 where against certain parameters we are inserting and updating records in a table through a PL/SQL procedure.This PL/SQL doesn't use a commit exclusively, instead the user must click the Save button after verifying the data (new records are inserted, existing ones are updated and after the insert and update routines, execute_query is fired to fetch the latest data)

Everything works fine, however, when the user clicks on the Save button form status bar says "FRM-40401: No changes to save"

We would like to alter this message with our own custom message stating how many records were inserted and hows many were updated (We have counters counting this information)

Under which particular trigger we should write the code to enhance this requirement?

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Forms :: Multiline Data / Showing In One Text Field

Mar 1, 2011

I have got data in a table like

ID Service
1 A
1 B
1 C

I have written a cursor which is fetching it like A,B,C and assigning it in a display field.

It is working fine.

I want to display it in single text field but in multiple lines.i have set the property multiline to yes in property insepector.

I want to display it like


but it should remain in single field/text box. Infact i am unable to break the line in cursor.

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Forms :: Data Between Dates But Parameter Not Working And Showing All?

May 4, 2011

i am seting runtime where clause on Forms as follow:

set_block_property('FORMC', onetime_where,'where to_char(INVOICE_DATE,'||'DD-MON-YYYY'||') >='||'to_date('||:search.inv_frm||','||'DD-MON-YYYY'||')'||
' and to_char(INVOICE_DATE,'||'DD-MON-YYYY'||') <' || 'to_date('||:search.inv_to||','||'DD-MON-YYYY'||')');

:search.inv_from is from date
:search.inv_to is up to date

i wann data between this dates but date parameter is not working it showing all data...... where synatx get wrong..

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Forms :: Vertical Scrollbar Not Showing All Records When Scroll Down?

Sep 14, 2011

Vertical scrollbar not showing all the records when I scroll down.

Using Oracle forms 10g , operating system windows.

I have two fields with number of items dispayed = 15.

I have a vertical scroll bar with them. There are 34 records in the table but the scrollbar only shows 15 records.

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Forms :: Update Database Item When Non-database Item Is Manually Updated?

Mar 10, 2011

I am having trouble changing a non-displayed field when a displayed field is changed.

When a user wants to un-assign a territory they want to just null the ID field (non-database item). I then need to null the PIDM field(not visible, database item) for that one record.

I tried this, but I end up putting null on all the records instead of just the one record, which ends up un-assigning all the territories not just the one.

Is there a way to assign the null to the PIDM field associated to the ID field of that particular record.

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