I have a form which contains two canvas.In the first canvas, i have a data block which contains two columns(database item of both are no). In second canvas i have a list item.
My problem is how to pass the value(s) of this data block to the item list which is present in second canvas.
The requirement user has given is such that the user will enter different categories, and in the second canvas where the main datablock is present, will contain a list item in data block which should show the data entered by the user.
We have a master detail form block A (master) contains an item, this item is in the record group's where-clause used to fill a list item on block B (detail block) (database item) we fille the list item in a pre-record trigger on the master block this works fine but when we navigate through the records in block a we intermittently get the following error : FRM-41337 : cannot populate the list from record group;
how should we filll our list item, in which trigger (when-new-record-instance of master block doesn't work correctly, the list item only gets filled after clicking it twice)
I am modifying an existing form and wanted to do this with less number of modifications. The existing form has one checkbox item ( displayed and attached to database)..and its not in use ( was created for some enhancement that never implemented but code is there)..and in the form at several places its mentioned/calculated based on Updatabale/Enable/Queryable/Insert..all properties.
Since I want to use the same position of this check box so ..i simply detached the canvas from this item..it compiles fine but when login into application it gives al those errors like..FRM--item not update able.etc etc..
Is there any property to just hide an item inspite having related codes in the form ?
FRM-30425: Summarized database item must reside in a block with Query All Records or Precompute Summaries set to Yes. Item: TOTAL Block: SALE_DETAIL FRM-30085: Unable to adjust form for output.
Version information: Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production) Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
When an user enters a value in a field of a Screen, I want to query up the next screen records based on that user input value in the previous screen.The previous screen is based on a control block i.e.
Upon form load, TList will be populated with predefined item. The behavior i am trying to achieve is to have a text item so user could entered specific text which will then filter the values in TList .
DECLARE CURSOR GRP IS SELECT RowNum rn, Letter_Group_ID||'-'||A_Desc AName,Letter_Group_ID FROM Hrs_Group; BEGIN Clear_list('Letter_Group_ID'); FOR I IN GRP LOOP Add_List_Element('Letter_Group_ID',I.rn,I.AName,I.Letter_Group_ID); end loop; END;
FRM-30351: No list elements defined for list item.
I am having trouble changing a non-displayed field when a displayed field is changed.
When a user wants to un-assign a territory they want to just null the ID field (non-database item). I then need to null the PIDM field(not visible, database item) for that one record.
I tried this, but I end up putting null on all the records instead of just the one record, which ends up un-assigning all the territories not just the one.
Is there a way to assign the null to the PIDM field associated to the ID field of that particular record.
I have developed a form with some text items,a list item and a image item...
list item......account_list(values....company,individual) text_item..... company_name.. text_item.....image_path...
i have attached a pop up menu to image item... Add image and upload image...
When i click on 'Add image' the image path is getting enabled.. it is fine but when i am changing the account_list i need enable and disable the 'Company_name' text item... How can i achieve this??
I have tried it in when-validate-trigger on account_list...
if account_list=individual then set_item_property('company_name',enabled,property_false); else set_item_property('company_name',enabled,property_true); end if;
I am populating the list item from predefined record group. the form is running fine but it didnt show the data present in the record group. I have placed the following code in Pre-Form trigger.
I created one list item.which is populating values from list item query dynamically.If i select a particular value from list it will create new record.for the new record line i want to display list item as 'complete' (i.e not exists in the list).At this time i don't want the list also.How can i assign value to the list item in this scenario?
i have a form having 5 listitems for making selections. once selecting through listitems i am adding this selection into below datablock by a ok button and saving it into database by a ok button. as i made one selection and press ok buttton it's working fine but after this when i want one more selection through listitems, listitems becomes inactive. it's not working after one selection. my coding on ok button is like this:
begin select distinct lcode intolcode_ss from vac_view where locality=:vac_view.locality; select distinct hid intohid_ss from vac_clr_vu where vr_no=:vac_view.vr_no; :prop_temp.vr_no :=:vac_view.vr_no; :prop_temp.qtr_type :=:vac_view.qtr_type; :prop_temp.locality :=:vac_view.locality; [code]....
may be it's all because of clear_list('vac_view.locality'); but i have to put this as i want to make clear all listitems after making each selections.
I want to dynamically populate a list item such that the item list should show the name and its value should enter in the background.
I have tried by writing a query in record group, populated it. the list is showing the name in a list item which is not database item. On this List I have written a trigger which is fetching the value to another text item. It is working well but I am not convinced by this method.
for reference, i want if customer select A then list should show balanced and its value is 1when B then list should show lag,lead,advanced... values 2,3,4,.. respectively.
I have a multiple data block. There is a list item present on the form having three types INVOICE,BOE and MANUAL. When I select 'MANUAL' , that LOV should not appear for a particular item on the form and the user should be able to insert the value manually and validate manually. I did use set_lov_property, but did not get the correct usage.
I think set_item_property with VALIDATE_FROM_LIST property won't work as it sets the same property to whole column once it is fired. So if I write set_item_property for MANUAL it would set the the column, VALIDATE_FROM_LIST property at once when it is fired, not allowing me to the set properties for that column according to INVOICE and BOE where I would require the LOV. I want it to go with the item instance and therefore opting for set_lov_property but not clear with the syntax given
1) SET_LOV_PROPERTY (lov_name VARCHAR2, property NUMBER, value NUMBER);
i have a listitem, in which items populates as required but when i select any value out of these populated value, it is not displaying as selected, means i'm unable to select value from that listitem.
I have a list item with two values,0 and 1. However when i click on the list item scroll bar appears. My tester is saying for two items she doesn't need a scroll bar.
i have created a small table which contains only name of cities.On form level i want to create a dynamic list of the name of these cities just by clicking on the textbox without doing any hardcoding.
i am facing a problem in functionality of a form as there are different search parameters: date from: text item-->mandatory date to: text item---->mandatory house type: list item-->optional form_status: list item->optional order by: list item---->optinal
untill i don't select house type by list item everything is working fine and gives desired result, even with house type if i select any house type result is fine but as i select last list item of house type which is null as i want result without house type then it gives no any data as data is present in database.
for example: date from: 20-05-2009 date to: 21-05-2009
with these two i got the correct result, then i select house type: 3
i got the correct result and when i change list item to any value like: 1,2,3.....it is working fine but as i want result without house type by selecting the null value in list item as: date from: 20-05-2009 date to: 21-05-2009
it is not picking any data from database. but the same search criteria in 1st case as i described above giving result. declare qry varchar2(5000); n number; alert number;
In the attachement, i have one record. if i click on the list_item then it is showing fully blue as background colour, but i want like if i click on the list item then only current value background should show as blue rest of the values white in background colour.
I have control block. In which user enters two values. Next is data block in which two items have property 'copy value from item' set to 'control block.item1' and 'control block.item2' resp. If thees items are made database items then in execute query will they be sent as parameters in addition to default where clause? if I check last query then query does not hv these parameters but the records returned are already filtered by control block items.
I have a form in which i had 6 items in a block,like sno,task,responsible,totaldays,date,status .Except 'totaldays' item all items will be updated when i press button called 'Update'.am doing this in on - update by using if(:system.block_status='changed').
Now i want only if a specific item 'totaldays' is changed , the on-update should happen.
i have 6 items in a block sno task responsible, totaldays date, status
only if i change totaldays item the on - update should happen
I have a list block of two fields item_name, item_price. User can enter as many item`s as she/he wants. But, before saving the record system should calculate the total and give error if sum is grater then or less than 100.