for Inserting records created below cursor, records are inserted and I can see on my screen (form) also.
select * from Tempinvest;
OPEN Invest;
2nd step:-
Updating records
I wan to update some columns in this table so I created a 2nd cursor to update records but this cursor is not working accordingly. my requirement is: before Update first of all Find inv_co_code & inv_fnd_code when find then update column Redunits
2nd Cursor
ddate date; refdate date; co_code number; co_name varchar2(50); fnd_code number; fnd_name varchar2(50); units number; amount number; stat varchar2(1);
select Ddate,refdate,co_code,co_name,fnd_code,fnd_name,units,amount,stat from (
select inv_date DDate,Vdate RefDate,inv_co_code Co_code,inv_co_name Co_name,inv_fnd_code Fnd_code,inv_fnd_name Fnd_name,
inv_nofu Units,inv_amount Amount,Status Stat from (
------------- Bonus -------------------
select inv_date,vdate,inv_co_code,inv_co_name,inv_fnd_code,inv_fnd_name,inv_nofu,Inv_amount,inv_uprice,'B' Status from investment
where code is null and inv_date <= :dd1
---------------- Redemption --------------
Union All
select red_date,null,red_co_code,red_co_name,red_fnd_code,red_fnd_name,red_nofu,red_amount,red_uprice,'R' Status from redemption
where red_date <= :dd1
where co_code = 13 and fnd_code = 1
order by co_code,fnd_code,ddate ;
vrefdate refdate%type;
I would like to update the particular employee name by using the cursor ..For that I would like to show the steps which I did . as in the below screen it updated John but it removed the other ename ...I like to update John only and remaining ename should be as it ..
The code which I have written on KEY-COMMIT is below.
I am having a table with 4 columns as mentioned below
For a particular prod the value greater less than 5 should be rounded to 5 and value greater than 5 should be rounded to 10. And the rounded quantity should be adjusted with in a product starting with order by of rank with in a prod else leave it
I have taken all the records in to a cursor. Once after rounding the request of 1st rank and adjusting the values of next rank is done. Trying to round the value for 2nd rank as done for 1st rank. Its not taking the recently updated value(i,e adjusted value in rounding of 1st rank).
This is because of using a cursor having a value which is of old value. Is there any way to handle such scenario's where cursor records gets dynamically updated when a table record is updated.
I have a base table (Table A) block with multiple records displayed. I need to track audits to this underlying table in the following way:
If user updates a field in the block I want the pre-changed record's audit fields to be set and I need to create a copy of the record with the changed values. Basically any changes will result in the record being logically deleted, and a copy record created with the newly changed values.
Tried to implement in the block's pre-update trigger which will call a package to directly update Table A then Insert into Table A, then requery the block. Is there a clean and efficient way to do this?
I have come across a code where i need to know exact logic for the use of FOR UPDATE and COMMIT used in a cursor.The code is like :
Declare Cursor c1 is select * from emp FOR UPDATE; Z c1%rowtype; Begin Open C1; Fetch c1 into Z; dbms_output.put_line(z.ename); Commit; Fetch c1 into Z; dbms_output.put_line(z.ename); end;
When i run above code, i get error as below, but first value from table emp i.e. emp.ename is displayed :
Error at line 1 ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence ORA-06512: at line 9
But when i run by removing FOR UPDATE, i get first 2 values displayed without any error message:
Declare Cursor c1 is select * from emp; Z c1%rowtype; Begin Open C1; Fetch c1 into Z; dbms_output.put_line(z.ename); Commit; Fetch c1 into Z; dbms_output.put_line(z.ename); end;
I need to write a script which copies 4 col data from one table to another table. there are three tables
cwat_curr_mst and cwat_assigned_customer and cwat_assignment_mst. Cwat curr mst has PK curr_id and cwat_assigned_customer has PK assignment_id. Also cwat_assigned_customer has customer_id. In cwat_assignment_mst has Curr_id and Assignment_ID.
cwat_curr_mst and cwat_assigned_customer tables has 4 cols in common they are ASRT_SNM_NO, SNM_NO, FLORIDA_NO, CBRN_NO.
So from curr_mst all these 4 cols data needs to come/copy into cwat_assigned_customer.
I'm currently facing a non-critical situacion while trying to update a table. Here's the PL/SQL Code. It's a pretty straight-forward script, It just update one single column of the table. The only problem is that I have to update over 15 milions records. When I use the for update cursor, I put inside the loop a counter, when it reaches 1000 records, then commit, else keep counting.
The block throws the exception ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence.
I've tried to do some reserch on Google, buy it only says it is an out of secuence fetch caused by a commit inside a for update cursor.
My question is. Is there any risk by putting the commit under the end loop, I mean by doing this I'd be updating over 15.000.000 records at the same time. Will I have any issue with the rollback segment ?
Here's the code as along with the Create Table and Insert statements.
I have this requirement in Oracle FORMS ver 6i where I populate some records in a table in a datablock and display them on the screen. A facility needs to be provided to the end users to select the records randomly by just entering the count of the records in a non-d/b text field. The number entered in the count field will decide how many records are to be selected randomly.
I tried using the query -
UPDATE <table a> SET <col 1> = <value 1> WHERE rowid IN (SELECT rowid FROM (SELECT * FROM <table a> ORDER BY DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE) WHERE <col 2> = <value 2>) /
which I found on the link [URL] but while compiling, the Form gives a compilation error for the ORDER by clause - i'm sure there's no syntax error in the way I have written it...
I am trying to develop a form consisting of a key block and a single data block. The problem is that the driving table is not the table that needs to be updated.
user wants the following layout:student Advisor ID# name degree major Concentration ID# name The driving table (TABLE A) will supply the first 5 fields. The advisor ID comes from (TABLE B).
The user needs to update the adviser ID# field associated with the student ID# field. The form is to be tabular listing all students. I've seen some info on using procedures to insert, delete, update, query and lock tables, but i'm just not sure if that's what is needed.
i have a tabular form select * from emp and i want to create table and store there data in goup select empono,sal,com group by dept i want to insert in another table.
how i insert the data in table by forms front end and then update also when again click the button or any change occur in form insert into a select empono,sal,com group by dept
i have two tables test1 and test2. i want to update the column(DEPT_DSCR) of both the tables TEST1 and TEST2 using select for update and current of...using cursor.
I have a code written as follows :
The above code when run says that it runs successfully. But it does not updates the desired columns[DEPT_DSCR].
It only works when we want to update single or multiple columns of same table...i.e. by providing these columns after "FOR UPDATE OF" I am not sure what is the exact problem when we want to update multiple columns of different tables.
1.Insert all data from global table to base table. 2.Update all data (that means retrieved all data from base table to global table and update this data). Question: How to Insert and Update from Global temporary table ??
I would like to UPDATE the columns p1 and p2 of my table student (studentid:pk,name,p1,p2,...) for a given studentid.and I have a when-button-pressed trigger with this
UPDATE student SET student.p1=:validation.proj1, student.p2=:validation.proj2 where UPPER(student.studentid)=UPPER(:validation.studentid);commit_form;
when I run my form with a correct studentid, I got this error: FRM-40508: ORACLE error: UNABLE to INSERT record
but it is cworking correctly in sqlplus; and I have all priveligies.
i want to create a trigger that will update a table when there is an insert or update.i can't across this error that i don't even know what it means "table %s.%s is mutating, trigger/function may not see it".
*Cause: A trigger (or a user defined plsql function that is referenced in this statement) attempted to look at (or modify) a table that was in the middle of being modified by the statement which fired it.
*Action: Rewrite the trigger (or function) so it does not read that table.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER set_date_end BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF issued ON shares_amount FOR EACH ROW DECLARE BEGIN INSERT INTO shares_amount(date_end) VALUES(SYSDATE); END set_date_end; /
I have a column "empno" in EMP table and "deptno" in DEPT table . I want to update both the columns with single UPDATE statement. With out a creation of stored procedure or view(updating it through view).
I have a table with more than 200 columns. I would like to declare a cursor to query all the columns for each record (if c1%found then ....). As the table has more than 200 columns is it a good practice to declare a cursor
creating an sql script that can update info from one table in dbase1 to another table in dbase2 that has the same columns and if possible insert date and time in one column when the synchronized is done?
i am trying to fetch the cursor returned from a stored procedure and insert into a physical table. but i am unable to populate the table. below is how my code looks.
declare p_out sysadm.CGF_PKG_REFCUR.rcDataCursor; a table1.node%TYPE; b table1.acct%TYPE; c table1.descr%TYPE; [code]......
In the above, stored_proc is the stored procedure from OLAP database. Above code i am executing is from EPM database.
p_out returns a result set of (select a,b,c from table2).
I am trying to get the result set from OLAP database and populate a table in the EPM database.
I am trying to merge into test table using a cursor. If the contract number in the test table matches with the contract number from the cursor then i need to update the creation_date else i need to insert values from the cursor into the test table.
MERGE INTO test USING cursortest ON (i.contract_number = test.contract_number) WHEN MATCHED THEN [code]......
I want pass the tablename to cursor. The tablename will be a dyanamic one, as we have the data in different sources tables[multiple systems - all systems will provide the data dump to oracle] with same set of columns.
I have inserted all the tablenames in a parameter table and based on conditions daat should be fethced from each system.
I need to pass the tablename to the cursor to fetech the coloumn list from the table(the table that is passed as parametr).
My objective is to select the table names from all_tables table where the number of rows is greater than zero. Use this table name and choose a single record from those tables. Below is the code i am trying. but it throws me an error as
Quote: ERROR at line 9: ORA-06550: line 9, column 24: PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist ORA-06550: line 9, column 2: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
DECLARE CURSOR c1 IS SELECT owner ||'.' ||table_name table_name [code]........
select * from function('input') where the function dynamically returns different tables.
I have gotten to the point where I can return the cursor but I cannot format it as a table to use in the query. It return's it as XML. This is my function:
This is my query:
select * from CAMS_FUN_GEN_REPORTS('')
So normally you would do this
select * from TABLE(CAMS_FUN_GEN_REPORTS('') as tabletype)
But I will never know the end result table as it will be dynamic so I have to find a way to cast the result of the function into a new table I can select on.
I have looked into pipe lining also but from what I can tell you still need to know the table definition. Which I can't know from the client side. The server will control the 'routing' and thus the end result of the select.
My scenario is I need to insert into History table when a record is been updated into a tabular form(insert the updated record along with the additional columns Action_by,Action_type(Like Update or delete) and Action Date Into History table i.e History table contains all the records as the main table which is been visible in tabular form along with these additional columns ...Action_by,action_type and action_date.
So now i dont want to create a befor/after update trigger on base table rather i would like to create a generic procedure which will insert the updated record into history table taking the page alias and pade ID as the parameters(GENERIC procedure is nothing but whcih applies to all the tabular forms(Tables) contained int he application ).