Forms :: Get Data From Ref Cursor On Oracle Forms?
Mar 14, 2012How can i get data from Ref cursor on Oracle forms?
View 1 RepliesHow can i get data from Ref cursor on Oracle forms?
View 1 RepliesI want to fetch the data through the cursor and cursor is getting the value of group_code through the variable 'a'. but when i am writing the code like this it is not coming.
My code is like this :
a varchar2(400):='';
cursor c1 is select ref_no,ref_code,company_id from stock_detail where company_id=:global.company_id
i want to use cursor to get data from db to "control block "(db item =no ) this data had where clause depend on item on other block
this my code :
cursor get_sol is
when am using when_validate_item trigger error raise :
FRM-40737:Illegal restricted procedure next_record in when_validate_item
that's the trigger ? or how to solve ? in case of execute query in what trigger i will write the same code to get data in case of execute query by user .
The above query is not returning any value. But, when I put this within a begin-end block, its fetching data.
why its not returning any data without the begin-end block.
The entire code has an outer begin-end block within which the cursor is also defined.
I am creating a button , on this button i call a procedure
e.g. excel
on this procedure i call parametrized cursor ...but i give me error i dont know what is this code is like this
CURSOR C2(v_link_nm varchar2) is
select alt_loc LOC, alt_inv_no INV_NO, alt_inv_dt INV_DT, alt_amt AMOUNT, alt_rvc2 ALT_RVC,
alt_doc_no DOC_NO, alt_doc_typ DOC_TYP, alt_authid AUTH_ID, alt_authdt AUTH_DT
from v_link_nm
when i compiled i get error v_link_nm not defined...
Need PARAMETRIC CURSOR EXAMPLE with fmb i am unable to use PARAMETRIC CURSOR in oracle forms.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to get current mouse cursor position dynamically,what should i do.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a table with a BLOB column ;
I want read data from table and insert to another table with a cursor
My code is :
procedure read_data is
cursor get_data is
select id,image from picture1;
id1 number;
pic blob;
open get_data;
when I run form , error FRM-40734 occurred
error in line " fetch .... "
i have a form and i have just one field on it and it's item_type is "List Item" and list style is "Poplist"...
my requirement is , when i press tab then i want that my cursor move in next row.
To change the mouse pointer in D2K, which is the built-in to be used?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a button "clear" , I want when the button is clicked the items will be cleared and the cursor is at the first item, here is the;
=>but the problem that the item changes color, but the cursor remains at the button "clear"
I used the "when-new-item-instance" trigger to change the color of text items
i am migrating from forms 6i to forms 10g but i am facing a problem. when i enter to my new form and i try to navigate thru the items with my mouse the validation of the item doesn't work properly. the cursor change position but the functionality works like it is still in the first item. the validation work when you use enter or tab.the same thing when you try to fetch the LOV, the LOV of the first item is populated not where the cursor is positioned.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'd like to join tables in a cursor.
I tried coding this way...
CURSOR studgrade_cur IS
SELECT g.stud_id, g.grade, subj_code, s.description
FROM studgrades g JOIN subjects s
ON(g.subj_code = s.subj_code)
WHERE stud_id = :Studentprofile.student_id;
but i got an error, saying:
Quote:encountered the symbol JOIN when expecting one of the following:
,; for group having intersect minus order start union where
Is it not allowed to use JOIN statement in a cursor?
this is just the continuation of my previous topic,
After I bound data into the textboxes, now I want to delete it when I mistakenly click on the same data twice.
this is my screenshot:
when I updated a record in my form check my screenshot: and clicked save button the result was:
as you can see in the message at the bottom, it has 18 records. And since my original data(subjects) are just 9. And also the grades that I input didn't display all.
This is my code in when-new-block-instance trigger:
CURSOR studgrade_cur IS
SELECT e.student_id, s.subject_code --, g.grade
I have made changes in my form
1st step:-
for Inserting records created below cursor, records are inserted and I can see on my screen (form) also.
select * from Tempinvest;
OPEN Invest;
2nd step:-
Updating records
I wan to update some columns in this table so I created a 2nd cursor to update records but this cursor is not working accordingly. my requirement is: before Update first of all Find inv_co_code & inv_fnd_code when find then update column Redunits
2nd Cursor
ddate date; refdate date; co_code number; co_name varchar2(50); fnd_code number; fnd_name varchar2(50); units number; amount number; stat varchar2(1);
select Ddate,refdate,co_code,co_name,fnd_code,fnd_name,units,amount,stat from (
select inv_date DDate,Vdate RefDate,inv_co_code Co_code,inv_co_name Co_name,inv_fnd_code Fnd_code,inv_fnd_name Fnd_name,
inv_nofu Units,inv_amount Amount,Status Stat from (
------------- Bonus -------------------
select inv_date,vdate,inv_co_code,inv_co_name,inv_fnd_code,inv_fnd_name,inv_nofu,Inv_amount,inv_uprice,'B' Status from investment
where code is null and inv_date <= :dd1
---------------- Redemption --------------
Union All
select red_date,null,red_co_code,red_co_name,red_fnd_code,red_fnd_name,red_nofu,red_amount,red_uprice,'R' Status from redemption
where red_date <= :dd1
where co_code = 13 and fnd_code = 1
order by co_code,fnd_code,ddate ;
vrefdate refdate%type;
i have created a procedure to open a query using a reference sys_refcursor as output parameter. i referenced the cursor in a pl/sql and is working correctly. however it throws error "ORA-01001: invalid cursor ORA-01403: no data found" when use on the oracle forms builder.
create or replace procedure mrch.prc_proj_list (p_add_clause in varchar2, p_rec_set out sys_refcursor) as
Open p_rec_set for
'Select mp2.REGION region, '||
' mp2.ID proj_id, '||
' mppm2.PHASE phase, '||
' mm2.muni muni_id, '||
' mm2.MUNINAME muni_name, '||
' nvl((select Sum(ma.AMOUNT) From MRCH.MRC_AGREEMENT ma '||
' Where ma.PROJECT_ID = mp2.ID '||
' And ma.PHASE = mppm2.phase '||
' And ma.MUNI = mm2.MUNI),0) agreement, '||
' nvl((Select Sum(NVL(ma.GREEN_BOOK_AMOUNT,0) + NVL(ma.GB_ADJUST,0)) From MRCH.MRC_ALLOCATION ma '||
I have a multi-record block like amount and date columns, its not able to move the cursor to another column if pressing enter button,(eg: amount column to date column), i have given 'NEXT_ITEM' in that field too, but oops not working
other columns cursor navigation is OK.
I have used a dynamic cursor for fetching value from different tables hence table name assigned dynamically during run time but i face an error ORA-06562 type of argument must match type of column and bind variable with error ORA-06212 But i frequently check the table structure and Declared variable there is no mismatch between them.
C_YEAR number(38);
I would like to update the particular employee name by using the cursor ..For that I would like to show the steps which I did . as in the below screen it updated John but it removed the other ename ...I like to update John only and remaining ename should be as it ..
The code which I have written on KEY-COMMIT is below.
I am working with forms 6i version in which i developing a entry screen the first two fields are date and number which are having default values like current date and auto number respectively, my query is when new form instance the cursor should always in the third text filed shown in the attached picture.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen LOV is invoked, i want that my control/cursor should be in FIND text box (as default behavior).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI create a master detail form. I created also a post quey trigger, inside I wrote the code below.A cursor looks to another table and returns to the form some values i need!
cursor C1 is
select apofaa, startdate, enddate, transport
from trapofdet
where trapofdet.apofcode = :trapof.apofcode;
How to solve the
a. frm-40737, illegal restricted procedure go block in post-query trigger
b. It seems tha returns all the records but it appears only the last one.
How To Display Runtime Calculation in cursor for example in loop i define xyx number then add + 1 in xyz and move its value to block item until loop valid but in display no value shown but if i apply message(xyz) then it also shown the answer is correct but with message style i click every time in message but i want that with some delay form automatically show the value of xyz in block field.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn my form line level block contains 100 records.i will check the check box for line number 96 and 97. Then i will press save(I have written some logic here) button it will generate one number for selected check boxes. After generating this number cursor(control) should be on same line number 96 or 97.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a delete button at the bottom of the form and have two blocks on top of it. I need to know which block i have the focus on or selected the record on pressing the delete button so that I go to that block and do a delete_record from that block. I came across :system.trigger_block which says it gives the name of the block where the cursor was located when the current trigger initially fired. But whenever i use it only returns the name of the block the delete button is located in. Instead i wanted to know where the focus of the cursor was or which record was selected in the above 2 blocks to go to that block and delete the record.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhen i create db link then it show below:
SQL> conn sys as sysdba
Enter password: ********
SQL> show user
SQL> create database LINK orafaccess using 'ORAFACCESS';
Database link created.
SQL> desc emp@orafaccess
ORA-02085: database link ORAFACCESS.APEX.COM connects to HO.WORLD
I am trying to develop a form consisting of a key block and a single data block. The problem is that the driving table is not the table that needs to be updated.
user wants the following layout:student Advisor
ID# name degree major Concentration ID# name
The driving table (TABLE A) will supply the first 5 fields. The advisor ID comes from (TABLE B).
The user needs to update the adviser ID# field associated with the student ID# field. The form is to be tabular listing all students. I've seen some info on using procedures to insert, delete, update, query and lock tables, but i'm just not sure if that's what is needed.
Is there a way to apply changes to a data field on oracle forms for specific users?
For example, I have an oracle form that applies the below masking code for a certain field called CUSTOMER_ID
But I only want this masking to be applicable to CERTAIN users. For example, the psuedo code would be like
Note that this users_list is a group of oracle database users, so I am a member of this group. Also note that this form is applied via the web via the application server.
I have designed a form to import data from an excel worksheet into an Oracle Form and It works pretty fine.
I use either Ole2.get_char_property or Ole2.get_num_property depending to the property of the column to read data but there are some columns used by both property which means that database is designed as VARCHAR2. The user can maintain either a numeric or characteristic data there. So I am looking for a solution to be able to make the program more flexible that he can read the property of the cell in excel file and decide what to use between Ole2.get_char_property and Ole2.get_num_property to read from excel file properly.
solve the problem regarding reading from Varchar2 columns.