SQL & PL/SQL :: Pass Table Name To Cursor?

Dec 16, 2010

I want pass the tablename to cursor. The tablename will be a dyanamic one, as we have the data in different sources tables[multiple systems - all systems will provide the data dump to oracle] with same set of columns.

I have inserted all the tablenames in a parameter table and based on conditions daat should be fethced from each system.

I need to pass the tablename to the cursor to fetech the coloumn list from the table(the table that is passed as parametr).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Parameter To Cursor And Print Details

Aug 15, 2010

Create a PL/SQL block that declares a cursor called DATE_CUR. Pass a parameter of DATE data type to the cursor and print the details of all the employees who have joined after that date.


Test the PL/SQL block for the following hire dates: 08-MAR-00, 25-JUN-97, 28-SEP-98, 07-FEB-99.

I don't know how to pass parameters. So far I have this:

SET serveroutput ON;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Output Of Regexp_substr As Number Input To A Cursor

Sep 13, 2012

I am using regexp_substr to break the pipe delimited string. Want to use the output as the NUMBER input to a cursor.Its not working and not getting any error also.

Here is an example.

initial input : '5545|4124|12456'
using the sql below to break the string into columns.
select regexp_substr('5545|4124|12456','[^|]+', 1, level)) from dual
connect by regexp_substr(, '[^|]+', 1, level) is not null;

But when i try to pass the output of the above query to a cursor with input defined as number, its not accepting. I tried using to_number for the output of above query.

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Application Express :: How To Pass A Cursor Result To Javascript Code

Jun 15, 2012

what document I should look for to pass a cursor generated by PL/SQL to java script code in APEX?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Table As Parameter To Procedure

Jun 2, 2010

I am trying to pass a PL/SQL table as a parameter to a procedure and then using that table, update the records, but I am getting an error like:

ORA-06550: line 30, column 10:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'UPDATE_STATUS'

Find the code below:

CREATE TABLE test_pl(empno VARCHAR2(20), empname VARCHAR2(40), empsts VARCHAR2(10));
VALUES ('0001', 'A', 'Y');
VALUES ('0002', 'B', 'N');
VALUES ('0003', 'C', 'Y');
VALUES ('0004', 'D', 'Y');

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pass Table As Parameter To Procedure?

Sep 1, 2010

I want to pass a table as a parameter to a procedure.

As an example:


However, I want to give this parameter a default of null... is this possible?

procedure myproc(p_param1 in varchar2, p_tab in my_tab default null)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can Pass Nested Table To Procedure

Nov 12, 2011

cursor c is
select employee_id from employees;
type nst_type is table of employees.employee_id%type;
emp nst_type;
open C;
exit when C%notfound;
fetch c bulk collect into emp;
end loop;
close c;

Above is the sample code, and now i want to pass 'emp' as an input parameter to the procedure.

How can I do that, as emp is of nst_type type and I do not know how my procedure will recognize the datatype...

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PL/SQL :: How To Pass Value From A Table Into Parameter Of A Function

Nov 8, 2012

I have written as function :

create FUNCTION Cov(p_str1_x IN VARCHAR2,p_str2_x IN VARCHAR2, p_str1_y IN VARCHAR2,p_str2_y IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER is
TYPE ty_varchar_assoc IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100) INDEX BY VARCHAR2(100);
v_x ty_varchar_assoc;
v_y ty_varchar_assoc;
v_inter ty_varchar_assoc;


Now i need to pass the values to the parameter from a table? How can i do that?

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Forms :: How To Pass Table Name By Reference To Function

Oct 1, 2011

I have to create a function which count the max id in the provided table.

For example: I have two table customer and book


create or replace function Row_Count(tab_nam) return varchar2 is

CONTR_NO varchar2;
select NVL(MAX(t.contract_num), 0) + 1
FROM tab_nam t;
end Row_Count;

when I call

Function( customer) ;
Function( book) ;

It should tell the max number with addition of one.

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PL/SQL :: How To Pass Input Parameter For Nested Table

May 10, 2013

I have a doubt how to pass input parameter for nested table which is declared as input parameter in procedure.

CREATE TYPE t_example AS OBJECT(msg_text VARCHAR2(100), bundle_msg_text VARCHAR2(100), version NUMBER(10))
create type t_msg_details ia table of t_example
/CREATE TABLE table_nested_sample
(msg_codes NUMBER(10),
language_id NUMBER(10),


How to call this procedure I want to insert data like this

Msg_codes               Language_id                 Language_name           msg_text_details
101                            1                              ENG                            "msg_test"         "Bundle_msg_text"   1
                                                                                                    "msg_test_1"  "Bundle_msg_text_2"   2

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Reports & Discoverer :: Pass Parameters In Table Section?

May 31, 2012

I have a problem here.Normally, we use &p_where inside a sql script in condition sectione.g :
select name from member where name like 'a%' &p_where order by name;

may i use this kind of parameter in table section?e.g :
select name from &p_table where name like 'a%' and status = 'a' order by name;

the reason i need to do is there are 2 different server. but i need retrieve same info.server ABC have table A but don't have table B and server DEF have table B but don't have table A.

Is there any other method to solve this problem?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pass Object (or) Table As Argument To Remote Procedure?

Jul 18, 2012

Does it possible to pass object (or) table as an argument to a remote procedure?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pass Table As Input Parameter In Stored Procedures?

Feb 22, 2011

i need to pass table as input parameter in stored procedures. during the run time, i am getting error

CREATE OR replace TYPE emp_type IS OBJECT (
id NUMBER(4),
ename VARCHAR2(10));
CREATE OR replace TYPE emp_type_tab
CREATE OR replace PROCEDURE Test_proc (in_emp_type IN EMP_TYPE_TAB)
FOR i IN 1.. in_emp_type.COUNT LOOP

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PL/SQL :: How To Pass Table Of Record As Parameter To Server Page

Apr 20, 2013

Is there any way to pass table of record as parameter to the plsql server page? For instance, I can define a new type in package specification:

create or replace package tst_type
type tab_expr_sec is table of varchar2(50) index by pls_integer;

type rec_expr is record (
prim_expr varchar2(50),
expr tab_expr_sec

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Pass Array Of Strings To And Return Table Set From Proc

Jan 24, 2011

I have to write a PL/SQL procedure, which is supposed to take an array of strings as input. This array will have simple strings as elements, like


Now I have a query in the procedure, which will return a row, for each of the array elements. For example:


In the place of the '?' in the above query, the array elements have to be passed. So we will get one row from the above query for each array element.

Now we either have to loop through the array elements to fetch the result set for the above query for each array element, or we can use some other method too. Our objective is to collect all the rows of the above query for each array element as a table data and this procedure has to return this table set.

what will be the best way to pass such a set of data to the proc and best way for the proc to return this result set. Like we can use arrays, table type data,ref cursors, etc.

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Forms :: Read Data From Table And Insert To Another Table With A Cursor?

Feb 20, 2013

I have a table with a BLOB column ;

I want read data from table and insert to another table with a cursor

My code is :

procedure read_data is
cursor get_data is
select id,image from picture1;
id1 number;
pic blob;
open get_data;


when I run form , error FRM-40734 occurred

error in line " fetch .... "

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PL/SQL :: Cursor On A Table

Oct 22, 2012

I have a table with more than 200 columns. I would like to declare a cursor to query all the columns for each record (if c1%found then ....). As the table has more than 200 columns is it a good practice to declare a cursor

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Inserting Cursor Into A Table

Aug 27, 2010

i am trying to fetch the cursor returned from a stored procedure and insert into a physical table. but i am unable to populate the table. below is how my code looks.

p_out sysadm.CGF_PKG_REFCUR.rcDataCursor;
a table1.node%TYPE;
b table1.acct%TYPE;
c table1.descr%TYPE;

In the above, stored_proc is the stored procedure from OLAP database. Above code i am executing is from EPM database.

p_out returns a result set of (select a,b,c from table2).

I am trying to get the result set from OLAP database and populate a table in the EPM database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Merge Into Table Name Using Cursor

Jun 28, 2010

I am trying to merge into test table using a cursor. If the contract number in the test table matches with the contract number from the cursor then i need to update the creation_date else i need to insert values from the cursor into the test table.

USING cursortest
ON (i.contract_number = test.contract_number)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor Referring Table Name

Aug 10, 2012

My objective is to select the table names from all_tables table where the number of rows is greater than zero. Use this table name and choose a single record from those tables. Below is the code i am trying. but it throws me an error as

ERROR at line 9:
ORA-06550: line 9, column 24:
PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-06550: line 9, column 2:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

SELECT owner
||table_name table_name

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Ref Cursor Into New Table

Sep 21, 2010

I am working on a POC. The goal is to do a

select * from function('input')
where the function dynamically returns different tables.

I have gotten to the point where I can return the cursor but I cannot format it as a table to use in the query. It return's it as XML. This is my function:

create or replace
p_recordset SYS_refCURSOR;
RETURN p_recordset;

This is my query:

select * from CAMS_FUN_GEN_REPORTS('')

So normally you would do this

select * from TABLE(CAMS_FUN_GEN_REPORTS('') as tabletype)

But I will never know the end result table as it will be dynamic so I have to find a way to cast the result of the function into a new table I can select on.

I have looked into pipe lining also but from what I can tell you still need to know the table definition. Which I can't know from the client side. The server will control the 'routing' and thus the end result of the select.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Table By Using REF Cursor Results?

Oct 4, 2011

I want to create table by using the ref cursor results which is returned by the function / procedure. We need achieve this simple query .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can Use Temp Table In Function Which Uses Ref Cursor

Dec 6, 2012

example to use temp table in function with only ref cursor.

I need to use for the reporting purpose.

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Forms :: Update Table With Cursor

Oct 5, 2010

I have made changes in my form

1st step:-

for Inserting records created below cursor, records are inserted and I can see on my screen (form) also.

select * from Tempinvest;
OPEN Invest;

2nd step:-

Updating records
I wan to update some columns in this table so I created a 2nd cursor to update records but this cursor is not working accordingly. my requirement is: before Update first of all Find inv_co_code & inv_fnd_code when find then update column Redunits

2nd Cursor

ddate date; refdate date; co_code number; co_name varchar2(50); fnd_code number; fnd_name varchar2(50); units number; amount number; stat varchar2(1);

select Ddate,refdate,co_code,co_name,fnd_code,fnd_name,units,amount,stat from (
select inv_date DDate,Vdate RefDate,inv_co_code Co_code,inv_co_name Co_name,inv_fnd_code Fnd_code,inv_fnd_name Fnd_name,
inv_nofu Units,inv_amount Amount,Status Stat from (
------------- Bonus -------------------
select inv_date,vdate,inv_co_code,inv_co_name,inv_fnd_code,inv_fnd_name,inv_nofu,Inv_amount,inv_uprice,'B' Status from investment
where code is null and inv_date <= :dd1
---------------- Redemption --------------
Union All
select red_date,null,red_co_code,red_co_name,red_fnd_code,red_fnd_name,red_nofu,red_amount,red_uprice,'R' Status from redemption
where red_date <= :dd1
where co_code = 13 and fnd_code = 1
order by co_code,fnd_code,ddate ;
vrefdate refdate%type;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Data From Multiple Table In A Cursor

Jun 1, 2010

is there any query using which i can fetch the data from multiple table in a cursor. i dont want to use separate cursor.

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Cursor Versus Global Temp Table

Jan 16, 2013

We had an issue with a PL/SQL package taking hours to run as a concurrent program. Database version is, running on Linux x86 64-bit. A tkprof'd trace file revealed the problem SQL statement to be a cursor. This one SQL statement would run for 3+ hours. I copied the SQL statement and ran it in TOAD and it completed in seconds, returning the exact same result set. To resolve the issue in the PL/SQL package I created a global temp table and ran the exact same SQL statement as an INSERT into the global temp table.

Again, instead of hours, the SQL statement completes in seconds. If I revert the change, it goes back to taking hours. I've attached the relevant sections of the tkprof showing the two SQL statements (identical other than the insert in front of one) and the resulting explain plans and performance data. I've always been under the impression that a cursor was a better option than a temp table and I've never run into a situation where the same SQL statement runs so much longer when executed as a cursor.

Attached File(s)

SQL_As_Cursor.jpg ( 274.02K )
Number of downloads: 7

Explain_for_SQL_As_Cursor.jpg ( 189.43K )
Number of downloads: 4

SQL_as_Insert.jpg ( 277.38K )
Number of downloads: 4

Explain_for_SQL_As_Insert.jpg ( 180.66K )
Number of downloads: 2

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Return Ref Cursor To Temporary Table From Function

Feb 17, 2011

I have strange problem when i try to return a ref cursor holding data from a select on a oracle global temporary table. If i iterate through the cursor , i can see the values but the function as such returns nothing through the ref cursor. I tried the temporary table as both delete on commit and preserve on commit

create or replace

testcursor BILL.refcursor;

ttstatus INT;
iSuccess INT;
returns INT;
TruncatedSQL1 VARCHAR2(32767);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamic Cursor / Loop Will Accept Table Name From Parameter

Oct 11, 2013

I have a plsql block construct where i want to use for loop dynamically , the query which for cursor for for loop will accept the table name from parameter and join them to return the result. the resultant data will iterate in loop and do the execution.

--initialize variables here
v_date varchar2(10);
v_rebuild_index varchar2(250);
v_sql VARCHAR2(250);
p_table_name varchar2(250) := 'DS_ABSENCE';
p_source_table varchar2(30) := 'STG_ABSENCE';
p_source_owner varchar2(30) := 'STG_SAP';
v_for_sql varchar2(1000);

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Pro*C - Cursor Leak With Cursor Array

Sep 7, 2007

I'm dealing with an ORA-1000 error in a Pro*C application where all the cursors are correctly closed (or so it seems to me).

Here is the code for a simple program which reproduces the problem:

Each cursor is opened in a PL/SQL package:

TYPE emp_cur_type IS REF CURSOR;
PROCEDURE open_cur(curs IN OUT emp_cur_type, dept_num IN NUMBER);
END emp_demo_pkg;


While testing the initialization parameter open_cursors is set to 50.

It's my understanding that Oracle doesn't close the cursors until it needs the space for another cursor, which in my test case seems to happen when I enter a value of 50 or bigger for "number of loops". To see how oracle is reusing the cursors, while the test program is running I run SQL*Plus and query v$sesstat for the session that's running the test with the following sentence:

select name, value
from v$sesstat s, v$statname n
where s.statistic# = n.statistic#
and sid = 7
and name like '%cursor%';

Even before I enter a value for number of loops I can see that the session opened 4 cursors and closed 2 of them:

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 4
opened cursors current 2

Entering a value of 5 for number of loops yields

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 11 <----- 7+
opened cursors current 8 <----- 6+

With a value of 30

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 36 <----- 25+ (apparently, Oracle reused at least 5 cursors)
opened cursors current 33 <----- 25+

With a value of 47

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 53 <----- 17+
opened cursors current 50 <----- 17+

Now I reached the upper limit set by the initialization parameter open_cursors.

Entering a value of 48, I get the ORA-1000 error.

ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

Since I open and close the cursor in the same loop iteration, I expect to find in every iterarion 1 explicit cursor and a number of implicit cursors (the PL/SQL call along with the so-called recursive cursors), but I don't expect the sum of all of them to be greater than 50. If my understanding is correct Oracle should be reusing the 50 cursors previously marked as "closeable", not raising the ORA-1000 error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamic Update Of Cursor Records When Table Gets Updated Immediately

Apr 16, 2010

I am having a table with 4 columns as mentioned below

For a particular prod the value greater less than 5 should be rounded to 5 and value greater than 5 should be rounded to 10. And the rounded quantity should be adjusted with in a product starting with order by of rank with in a prod else leave it





I have taken all the records in to a cursor. Once after rounding the request of 1st rank and adjusting the values of next rank is done. Trying to round the value for 2nd rank as done for 1st rank. Its not taking the recently updated value(i,e adjusted value in rounding of 1st rank).

This is because of using a cursor having a value which is of old value. Is there any way to handle such scenario's where cursor records gets dynamically updated when a table record is updated.

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