PL/SQL :: How To Pass Value From A Table Into Parameter Of A Function
Nov 8, 2012
I have written as function :
create FUNCTION Cov(p_str1_x IN VARCHAR2,p_str2_x IN VARCHAR2, p_str1_y IN VARCHAR2,p_str2_y IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER is
TYPE ty_varchar_assoc IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100) INDEX BY VARCHAR2(100);
v_x ty_varchar_assoc;
v_y ty_varchar_assoc;
v_inter ty_varchar_assoc;
Now i need to pass the values to the parameter from a table? How can i do that?
My need is to pass multiple values as single input parameter into pipelined function. For example - "2" and "3" are values of input parameter "t":
with data as ( select 1 as t from dual union all select 2 as t from dual union all select 3 as t from dual union all select 4 as t from dual union all select 5 as t from dual ) select * from data where t in (2,3)
I have a doubt how to pass input parameter for nested table which is declared as input parameter in procedure.
CREATE TYPE t_example AS OBJECT(msg_text VARCHAR2(100), bundle_msg_text VARCHAR2(100), version NUMBER(10)) / create type t_msg_details ia table of t_example /CREATE TABLE table_nested_sample (msg_codes NUMBER(10), language_id NUMBER(10),
How to call this procedure I want to insert data like this
i need to pass table as input parameter in stored procedures. during the run time, i am getting error
CREATE OR replace TYPE emp_type IS OBJECT ( id NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(10)); CREATE OR replace TYPE emp_type_tab IS TABLE OF EMP_TYPE; CREATE OR replace PROCEDURE Test_proc (in_emp_type IN EMP_TYPE_TAB) AS BEGIN FOR i IN 1.. in_emp_type.COUNT LOOP dbms_output.Put_line(in_emp_type.Id(i)); END LOOP; END; /
create or replace view spic_bags as select distinct(a.item_code) Material_Code,a.uom, (case when a.card_code = '60' then case when a.ccn <> '091' then [code]........
in this above view i have hardcoded dates, well how to pass parameter for this view without hardcoding? here i need to pass the date as a parameter from a select query to view the data from the above view!
i had a chart developed by graphics builder in which I am passing one parameter(ie year) and displaying the chart.Now i want to pass two parameter into chart.How to do this here i have attached my chart view and procedure which executes and display the chart from forms.
coding when button pressed
PROCEDURE CHART_DISPLAY IS pl_id ParamList; pl_name VARCHAR2(100) := 'tempdata';
In the above procedure i had one parameter directly am passing value of year '2009' now i want to pass two parameter like between 'year1' and 'year2' for getting chart between two years.
If I want to pass lots of informations (100 parameter) from standard HR assignment form to my custom form. I am using fnd_function.execute('called form') to launch new form.
I thinking of creating 100 parameter object but not sure it has limitation of number or not. Another ways I googled are shared PL/SQL library or parameter list which I still doubt.
Create a PL/SQL block that declares a cursor called DATE_CUR. Pass a parameter of DATE data type to the cursor and print the details of all the employees who have joined after that date.
Test the PL/SQL block for the following hire dates: 08-MAR-00, 25-JUN-97, 28-SEP-98, 07-FEB-99.
I don't know how to pass parameters. So far I have this:
I have created a simple form & report based on 2 tables Cust & cntry.I just want to display all customers of region selected in the criteria form. I am uploading the files.
I am trying to pass many characters to the in mode parameter using procedure , but i am getting the below error.
ORA-06550: PLS-00172: string literal too long
CREATE TABLE USR_DETAILS ( LOAD_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, LOAD_DATE DATE, USER_VALUE VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), USERID VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) ) insert into user_details values('1','2/10/2011','PROD1','USER1'); insert into user_details values('2','2/10/2011','PROD2','USER2'); [code]......
I have written the code as below...
Procedure concept :
Here i will seperate the strings(input parameters) using comma(,) symbol . Here users may pass more than 5000 characters to single in mode parameter, so i have tried with clob datatype but no luck.
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure user_details_proc (user_value1 IN varchar2, user_value2 IN varchar2, user_value3 IN varchar2, user_value4 IN varchar2, user_value5 IN varchar2, userid IN varchar2 ) as [code].......
I am populating a time dimension table. One job is to assign business day with sequence number on monthly basis and by year. Business day does not include weekends and all federal holidaies.
I created a PL/SQL block to handle this job. It works. However, I haven't figure out how to pass the month number and year number into PL/SQL block automatically. Now I have to manually enter year and month number (on Toad) to pass to block to make it work. If I create it as stored procedure and write another block to call it, I can pass year and month number into parameter there like this:
exec my_sp_name ('1', '2013');
But all of these are not good enough. I want to use code to automatically pass yesr and month number into PL/SQL block. So that I can make it better. . here is the PL/SQL block I created.
declare i number := 1; begin for r in (select * from time_dim where calendar_month_number = &month and calendar_year= &year and business_day_flag = 'B' order by date_sk_id) loop
I use three parameter for report. I want to show the employee who has been hired between from_date to_date,it work well in report builder. but I want to pass parameter from forms to report and pdf format. I upload my work (this is actually a zip File, change file type txt to zip just before open).
I need to get multiple code values and put it into a variable which later need to pass into the where clause of an sql. But i am not getting any results even i pass those values in the variable of an where clause: below is my Procedure:
declare TYPE crMain_record is RECORD ( v_code dummy.v_code%type, n_no dummy.n_no%type,
END;"lv_character" is going to hold the multiple code values which i need to pass into whare clause of the above SQL: the totlal number of these mulitipe codes can be more then 50..
And lv_character values are commung from a setup table lv_character varchar2(32767):= '('||''''||'COMMIS'||''''||' , '||''''||'AGY BUILDING BENS'||''''||')'; --And lv_character values are commung from a setup table.where "lv_character" holdes multipe code values... And lv_character values are commung from a setup table and upper(d.v_code)in lv_characterif the
I have created a stored procedure that checks if a file exists and gets a date from the file if it exists. The date is then used as a paramter. See below:
CODEcreate or replace PROCEDURE "P_Load_Stamp" AS v_exists BOOLEAN; v_length NUMBER; v_blocksize NUMBER;
The above codes works perfectly and I scheduled it using SQLPLUS as follows:
CODEvariable jobno number; variable instno number; begin select instance_number into :instno from v$instance;
My problem is that I need to pass the date from the above procedure as a parameter to another stored procedure. So I modified my code as follows (the parts in red):
CODEcreate or replace PROCEDURE "P_Load_Stamp" (vCTIDATE OUT varchar2) AS v_exists BOOLEAN; v_length NUMBER;
Now it doesn't strike me as a rights issue since I created it in the schem schema. What could I be doing wrong here?
In my application (forms6i) initially data will be displayed in a non-database block after a lot of calculations and validations which is time consuming.
Now, if the user want to print it as a report, we store the displayed data in a dummy table and run the report using that dummy table and then delete records from it.
Is it possible to pass the records displayed to the report as a parameter so that I can avoid Unnecessary add/delete records?
steps to achieve this report I need a Date Column on top of the page Depending on the selected date, Result should be displayed below for e.g.
suppose i select a date as 14-aug-2013
Enter Report Date ___________________ ( Date Picker) Location Name Report Date Quantity valueXYS 14/08/2013 5000 1200000ABCD 14/08/2013 2000 24000-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 7000 1224000
In my below query example , i have to pass more than 4000-5000 paramter in "a1.num" in below query. what is the best way to handle this, also if I pass more than 2000 paramter , the query takes a long time to execute. How can we solve the performance issue as well how I can pass more parameter.
i have a stored procedure whose input parameter is a varchar2 datatype.i created this procedure for an interface and tibco would be calling my procedure by passing input problem is when there is a input string with & (ambersand) then its not working.
even i tried to pass the parameter with & in TOAD, it asks me to enter value for string.look at the sample code below which i wrote for testing purpose:
procedure is:
create or replace procedure testproc(p_in in varchar2) is begin null; end;
i pass parameter as given below:
begin testproc('abc & def'); end;
if i run above script, it asks me to input some string value as it sees & in the string. attached is the image that shows up in TOAD. if i run below script it works. but i dont know how many &'s will be there in the input parameter. hence i cant do. and also TIBCO cant modify the input paramter while calling the procedure.
On package application "Customer Tracking", there is good example about Modal Page. Quite simple but it work quite nicely.The step to create this Modal Page:
- Create new region, set display point: After Header and use region template: Modal Region and set the Static ID (eg. ActivityModal) - Create the page item and put it on the above region (eyample: Name, Company etc.) - Create a button, set the action to "Redirect to URL" and enter the URL target to: javascript:openModal('ActivityModal');
Now when you click on the button, the modal page will be display.How can I pass a parameter to the modal page, example: I want to pass text 'Johnny' to the Name page item which is on the modal region.
I wrote many functions before, but NEVER a function to pass through authentication...Here are some of the specs ...In this example, an institution will be accepting tuition and fee payments against bills that are stored in the our system. In addition to the minimum bill authentication parameters, the institution would like to pass us a full name to display when welcoming the user, control the users primary e-mail address, and restrict the payment method on a per user basis.
URL url This will be issued to you by your project manager. It should be of the form URL....
User Id user_id The unique identifier for the user within the institution. This is typically a student ID. (in our database)
Full Name full_name Users full name. Example "John Smith". (in our database) Email Address email Primary email address. in (our database) Payment Method paymentMethod Payment methods allowed for this user.
Allowed values: "none" :no payments accepted "ach" :ach is the only accepted "cc" :credit cards only accepted "ach_cc" :credit card and ach 16
Key key The shared key that is issued to you by your project manager.Time Zone tz The time zone you are located in. Valid values are:
"E" :Eastern time zone "C" :Central time zone "M" :Mountain time zone "P" :Pacific time zone 1 [code]....
I know I need to have cursor to check on the user_id, full name, email (those values are store in our DATABASE. The URL and the key are giving to me. Do I have to hard code the url in the cursor and stored in a variable so I can check that the url coming in (url in varchar2) is equal to the url in my cursor? The same with the key?
there is a way when doing the Rank Function in PL/SQL to pass the field that will be ranked as an override.
SELECT rank(p_ColumnAmt) within group (order by p_ColumnNm desc) rank INTO v_RnkNoAmt FROM Table_name WHERE ??????;
p_Column is the amount I am ranking p_ColumnNm is the actual field name to Rank.
When I pass the field name with an override I do not get the correct rank back. If I run the Select with the actual field name curr_1_mth_amt, I get the correct rank.
I have about 70 different field to Rank and do not want to make a procedure for each field.