We had an issue with a PL/SQL package taking hours to run as a concurrent program. Database version is, running on Linux x86 64-bit. A tkprof'd trace file revealed the problem SQL statement to be a cursor. This one SQL statement would run for 3+ hours. I copied the SQL statement and ran it in TOAD and it completed in seconds, returning the exact same result set. To resolve the issue in the PL/SQL package I created a global temp table and ran the exact same SQL statement as an INSERT into the global temp table.
Again, instead of hours, the SQL statement completes in seconds. If I revert the change, it goes back to taking hours. I've attached the relevant sections of the tkprof showing the two SQL statements (identical other than the insert in front of one) and the resulting explain plans and performance data. I've always been under the impression that a cursor was a better option than a temp table and I've never run into a situation where the same SQL statement runs so much longer when executed as a cursor.
Attached File(s)
SQL_As_Cursor.jpg ( 274.02K )
Number of downloads: 7
Explain_for_SQL_As_Cursor.jpg ( 189.43K )
Number of downloads: 4
SQL_as_Insert.jpg ( 277.38K )
Number of downloads: 4
Explain_for_SQL_As_Insert.jpg ( 180.66K )
Number of downloads: 2
I have a view, which has a union. (Union is required because of the nature of the data fetched). THis view is later joined with a global temp table which holds the -say employee Id the user selects.
So at runtime there is a join with the global temp table and the view. But the performance is really bad. I have tried using various hints, like materialize, /*+ CARDINALITY(gtmp 1) */ etc.
When i query the view alone,. the performance is good. When I remove the union, the performance is good. Some how with the union- there is a full table scan on one of the joining tables.
I have a huge table (about 60 gb) partition over range. The index on this table is global index created on 4 columns together. I have a query which is running very slowly. The explain plan is showing the use of this global index.Explain plan is not showing pstart and pend because the index is global.
I am trying to use Global temporary tables, and index on this table to get my results faster. I can see even if I run any query on this table, it does full table scan and not Index scan..
create global temporary table abc_tab on commit preserve rows as select a,b,c from xyz;
I am writing a procedure that will be called from a java wrapper.
The procedure do a lot of data manipulations and in between i am creating global temp table and saving the data into it for each request thats given as a parameter to the procedure. After all the processing i have to write the data from this global temp table into a physical table and atlast drop the temp table.
Create or replace proc_name ()
update table........
delete from ..........
CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE TSAAG ( supplier_id numeric(10) not null, supplier_name varchar2(50) not null, contact_name varchar2(50) )
insert into............
drop table TSAAG;
creating a global temp table inside a procedure is expensive...
Do we have anything like creating table before and calling the instanse of it in procedure.
I have a report,in which i have used a function and inside function i made a cursor.and that cursor is used by many functions .so i want to make it globally.so that i would be able to get it in all the function instead of making it in all the functions.
One of our customer have problem with following sql statement:
SELECT c.table_name, c.column_name FROM user_tab_columns c, user_tables t WHERE c.table_name = t.table_name AND c.data_type IN ('CLOB', 'BLOB');
During execution it takes all the TEMP tablespace size(8GB).
I gather system stats (dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats(estimate_percent=>null)) but it doesn't resolve problem.Above sql statement works fine with RULE hint but I want to know what is the reason of problem with temporary tablespace.
I am trying to run on Oracle report via Oracle Application Concurrent job. Concurrent job is completing normal but I don't get anything on print out page. In log file of this request I see message 'MSG-01003: Errors =>ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP'. I almost doubled the TEMP tablespace in size but still I am not able to get rid of this error message.
Error Message : ORA-01652:unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP
this huge report that uses inline views. I keep getting the following error message when running the script through toad. I was thinking about using the USE_HASH hints. The sql optimizer we use is very buggy in Toad. I'm using oracle database version
I have a TEMP tablespace with autoextend on next 10M and maxsize 5120M, now my tablespace is 99.98% full. Am getting ORA-1652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace temp error, can i use the method to increase the maxsize value to 10240M.
What is the best option for GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE
1) option create GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE with ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS. and wheverever this is used for calculation commit at the end of porcedure.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE my_proc ( p_in in number) as begin
2) create GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE without ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS and wheverever this is used use delete from Temp table /Truncate table and then user it.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE my_proc ( p_in in number)
If you have 3 tables (yr09, yr10,yr11) one with 2009 data, 2010 and 2011 data respectively. And a view (vw_yr091011) with a "union all" on all three.
Question: Will the performance be same for the following two queries ?
Question: Will Oracle read all 3 tables in the view when we search for only one year ?
select count(*) from yr09 where year = 2009;
-- vs
select count(*) from vw_yr091011 where year = 2009;
The following link says yes, the performance remains the same.
Link: [URL]..........
when I tried on a volume of 14000 records. The count came out same but the view took 50 more sec. And the explain plan shows it accessed all three tables.
I have created global temporary tables to be used in my stored procedure, in order to view reports which i created in JASPER. Since global temporary tables are session based, when multiple users are trying to generate the report, every user is getting inconsistent data.
To make it clear, what i meant is if a user A tries to view a report with some filter criteria and simultaneously user B is trying to generate the same report with another filter criteria, User A is getting User B's report data and User B is getting User A's report data. How can we avoid this problem?
create or replace procedure p_populate_gtt as begin insert into gtt select last_name,first_name,null from funcdemo where rownum <51; update gtt set vote=100 where ln ='Tim'; end; /
gtt is my global temp table. i am updating vote column which is null to 100.But i am not able to update it
What is the Best option for SQL/sybase server Temp table to use/for data manipulation (Insert/update/delete) inside the procedure in oracle Other then global temporary table.
Since we are porting from SQL/Sybase to Oracle we don't want to Create too many global temporary table.
The Procedure A extracts and filter some data from the DW, this data is stored on the Global Temporary Table. Another Procedure, named B, use the data from the Global Temporary Table and store it on a normal table using another procedure Named X that Merge the data from Global Temporary against the Normal Table (inserting if not exist and updating some fields if exist).
(X isn´t important on the new flow)
Now, i need to add some steps on the normal flow:
The Procedure A extracts and filter some data from the DW, this data is stored on the Global Temporary Table. Another Procedure, named B, use the data from the Global Temporary Table and store it on a normal table. Using the Data from Global Temporary Teble i must to Store some fields on another normal table, for this i use another Procedure named C that merge the data from Global Temporary Table against the data from normal table, and i must to commit at this point. X Merge the data from Global Temporary Table and the data from the Normal table con the procedure "C" against another Normal Table (inserting if not exist and updating if exist).
The issue that i´m expecting is that i can´t use "C" for merge and commit, because this truncate the data on the global temporary table. I can´t change the on commit delete rows option, because another procedures are using this Global Temporary Table on production.
Before you ask, i try using AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION on "C" and didn´t works because "C" can´t found data on the Global Temporary table ( i use a select count on "C" from Global Temporary), this is because The Autonomous_Transaction (i think). So, what i can do? I tried to trace the session Number on C and A and with the AT is the same ( so isn´t session change problem).
I need:Commit on the Procedure "C" without Truncating Global Temporary Table because i need this data for X.
create or replace procedure test as stmt varchar2(2000); begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tt_Local(ID VarChar2(38)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS';
stmt := 'INSERT INTO tt_Local SELECT cardnumber FROM cards'; execute immediate stmt; end;
-- when am trying to execute this
begin test; end; -- showing ora-01031, insufficient privileges.
I have two design alternatives and need to understand how expensive (speed) is one of them against the other for a medium size table (100K-200K records):
create table xyz ( f1 number not null, f2 varchar2(20) not null, f3 number not null, f4 varchar2(50),
the idea is to optimize the design by using a PK instead of the 3 keys and there is a debate that searching a unique index field(2nd scenario) is of the same speed than searching a PK field (1st scenario).
I'm trying to create a stored procedure that has two temporary tables within it, and then queries both them tables and inserts the results into a table. I created the script but when they try to run in on the server it wont run.
I'm having some trouble dealing with the PL/SQL coding. At the moment, I have a file (set of data) that is read using java. An array is created (line by line) and is passed into a temp. table, which is then called by the plsql (call PKG_xxx.PRC_xxx...) script/command for processing. Is there any way I could directly get the file loaded into plsql (into a temp. table maybe?)
The data are just numbers and letters. I already got the PL/SQL part to select the set I want for different cases. All I need is to get the file (directly or indirectly) for the procedure without going through java.