Application Express :: How To Display Picture Image On Form
Oct 24, 2012
I have just started using Oracle Application Express 11g. On my new attempt I am able to develop a table, report and a form, but I am not able to display picture image on the form though the browse link is active.
I can load the file name from the location folder to the form but it does not display. When I click on APPLY CHANGE then everything disappears. My main problem is how to successfully configure the settings for image display.
I have a table which contain 3 columns, see below:
id primary key pic1 blob pic2 blog
there is 1 row in it(id=1), just for display 2 images.
Uploaded 2 images into above Blob fields by file browse function. Now, I want to show the 2 pictures in a Region by using display image item P1_AR, but it didn't work.
Based on: BLOB Columns specified in item source Alternative Text Column: null Filename Column: null BLOB last update Column: nullSource used: Only when current value in session state is null Source type: SQL Query(return single value) Source value or express: select dbms_lob.getlength(PIC) from cp_pic where id=1
I got the error below after runing: ORA-20999: P1_AR has to have a valid BLOB column as source
I'm working on Apex in a 11g XE Data Base, I want to display a Image in a Report, I can do it using the "+BLOB Download Format Mask+", but the images displays at original size and I want to display them smaller.
I've read that you have to create a procedure, a SYNONYM and call them in the src of the img tag. as Zsuzsi Vadasz mentions here [URL] But I remember that I was able to create some items in reports with Apex functions, I think they were from APEX_ITEM Package, so I want to know if there is a way to create the "+Display Image+" item with one function of APEX.
I have just created the basic employee information form in which i upload the photograph of the employee. The photograph gets uploaded but it does not display properly. I have already referred the sample database application to display the image. Moreover, i have followed the same steps as it is used to display the product image in that application. Still i am unable to get result. I am getting following output:
I have a form on a table which has a column indicating if the row is editable or not. When the form is displaying an existing row, the user would like the display attribute of all fields to be set to Display Only when the column indicates the row is not editable - otherwise the attributes should be set to Text, Number, Date, etc.
using apex 4.1, created tabular form for inserting values from customer with a simple query
table name : customer select USER_ID , USERNAME, PASSWORD, STATUS, PRODUCT_ID from CUSTOMER
I am using developer I have created a table to store the BLOB, which is jpg image originally. And I have uploaded those image into the database successfully.
Table name: images img_id number img blob
I know that I can set display one image each time if I create the image icon on the form using "data block wizard"..But the problem is that I cannot display multiple image on a form at the same time
I have an Image Type on a forum page. I want a default "not-found" image to display if the BLOB column value is null or if there is no data for that search value. The image is stored with the app: #APP_IMAGES#not-found.png
I have a blob column in one table. I need to show it in my form (6i). If i put an image file in the column, it works (because i show it in a Image item type) but if i put a text file in the blob column, it does n´t work.
I am developing HR portal on our company and our HR were scanning the policy to become jpeg format so that I can import it to the image. My question is can the oracle forms have the function or facility to (ZOOM in /OUT) the picture using image.
i m getting some problam to display image in forms 6i.
i hv two tables 1st is empmst emp_code number(5) not null (PK) emp_name varchar2() not null 2nd is emppic emp_code number(5) not null (FK of empmst) emppic blob not null
i create a master detial form and save the data in tables
how to make a form with report and an insert form in the same page, these two forms are related to the same table. Our customer wants a user can add new row to the table in a form and see all of rows created by this user in a report, this report should provide edit link as well. the problem is: whenever I inserted a new row or edit a row or delete a row, and submitted, and return to this page, all of hidden items lost their values, so report is blank, and some display only items also lost their values.
i am trying to make an image to show up in an application am developing but is only appearing like a box but when i click on the edit pencil icon the image will appear.
I have noticed several posts here on the topic of image path in APEX.I have just upgrated to APEX 2.2.3,Uploaded an image via the application into the default images are, nothing too fancy,Trying to show this image in the logo area of the application, The image will not show.
This is hosted with a hosting firm, so I am not running the software on my own, just administering the workspace.In application user interface, I have the Logo field set to:
also, and same issue.When I want to assign an image to a list item, it works because I simply have to pick/select from available images in the folder.But in this case, there is no selecting of the image as an option. I must supply the path.Read the documentation, and some cases here, and still no solution. This seems to be a known issue.
I installed APEX 4.1 with EPG on Oracle linux 6 and for some reason I want to change image prefix from */i/* to */i4/*.
I browsed to apex/utilities and logged in sqlplus as sysdba and run the file:
@reset_image_prefix.sql choosing */i4/* as my new prefix.
then i tried:
select id, flow_image_prefix from apex_040100.wwv_flows; all application now have the prefix /i4/ but when I go to http://myserver:8080/apex nothing is displayed !!!!
when i change */i4/* back to */i/* everything is back to normal...
How can I tell Apex to use an image as the background for a page? This particular page needs to be more visually interesting due to the audience that will be viewing it. I'm using Apex 4.2.2 and Oracle 11g.
I got error "Upload New Image must be specified. Click browse to select an image from your local computer" while i upload image in shared components>image>create ...
my logo is saved in local drive D. when i browse file and click to upload it gives error that i mentioned. This is happening with every uploading weather its image or weather its plugin.
I have an image that shows flags of 2 countries... I want to show revenues that they generate every day. is there a way to add text to the image (on it) using values from a table.
i am display popup list of value item with out refresh when i select some value from Radio button. But Pop up item lable and element is Hide but in last image of popup list of value does not Hide .
How can i hide this image of popup list of values
i am using <script> function Show_On_Radio_Value_2(pThis, pThat, pValue, pLabel){ var rv = html_RadioValue(pThis); var elm = document.getElementById(pThat);
I have created a few flash charts using APEX4.2. Is there a way for the user to view the chart and then email it as an inline image to someone? I know that the user can save the chart as PDF file, then send it as an attachment via Outlook ( or similar system), but can I integrate these manual steps to one ( template), similar to the IR report's download feature ?
But the image is not shown. We only see broken image icon.With right click on broken icon, we can save it and it's actual image we want to display.
If we call procedure like: URL.....
If we use the same procedure on another table with images which are smaller, then the image is shown.Minimum image length in table A is (DBMS_ LOB.getlength (file)): 105243..Maximum image length in table B is: 1702. URL....
I want to call a Web form which should upload the image from my local machine.For that I have created a form which will take necessary data about employee now I want to Insert Image for that employee into table as I am new I struct on the Image uploading form. Latter I have seen the Enter & Maintain form which have Picture button.Pressing this button we get one new web form open & we can upload our image from there.
When user add an image to a rich text editor in apex is there any way to get the source path of that image within PL/SQL block when page submit happens ?
I am using org chart plugin to show the employee hierarchy, the plug-in is downloaded from
Current i uploaded the employee photo's in images under shared components -> files and referring in my query like below its working fine, but My question is how to refer employee photo's from table.
SELECT TO_CHAR (emp.empno) AS primary_key, TO_CHAR (emp.mgr) AS parent_key, emp.ename || '<div> <img width="100px" src="wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=' || :WORKSPACE_ID [code]...........