But the image is not shown. We only see broken image icon.With right click on broken icon, we can save it and it's actual image we want to display.
If we call procedure like: URL.....
If we use the same procedure on another table with images which are smaller, then the image is shown.Minimum image length in table A is (DBMS_ LOB.getlength (file)): 105243..Maximum image length in table B is: 1702. URL....
I have just created the basic employee information form in which i upload the photograph of the employee. The photograph gets uploaded but it does not display properly. I have already referred the sample database application to display the image. Moreover, i have followed the same steps as it is used to display the product image in that application. Still i am unable to get result. I am getting following output:
When a format mask is applied to numeric field in an Interactive Report, e.g. 999G999G999G999G999G990, search operations from the Search Bar do not match any entries if the mask characters are included. For example, the data value from the database is: 2251343000. When the above, example format mask is applied, this is displayed as 2,251,343,000. However, if the user enters 2,251,343,000 in the search bar (which would be the natural thing to do), nothing matches. On the other hand, if the user enters 2251343000, a match is found.
This seems like counter intuitive behavior to me since the whole point of the tool bar is to allow "self-service" for the user. Training them to remove commas, dollars signs or whatever is not very popular.
For example, initially I created the reprot source as select c1, c2, c3 from t; later I added c4. But i was unable to figure out how to make c1, c2, c3, c4 become default displayed columns. I always have to click Action -> Select Columns, then move C4 from "Do not Display" to "Display in Report".
i am trying to make an image to show up in an application am developing but is only appearing like a box but when i click on the edit pencil icon the image will appear.
I am developing an apex application using the apex cloud (apex.oraclecorp.com). I am using the DB link to show the data on APEX UI. I have a blob data which is stored in the remote DB, and I want to display the BLOB data as text on a popup or a new page or a download link. I tried using display only item but APEX throws an error saying that remote DB is not supported. Also, It would be great if I can just show a download link on the UI for the BLOB data, again when I try to select the format as BLOB in the column attributes, When I give the table@dblink as BLOB table I get an error saying that "table@DBLINK not found". Is there any way to display the BLOB data as text or download it which is present in my local DB?
I have noticed several posts here on the topic of image path in APEX.I have just upgrated to APEX 2.2.3,Uploaded an image via the application into the default images are, nothing too fancy,Trying to show this image in the logo area of the application, The image will not show.
This is hosted with a hosting firm, so I am not running the software on my own, just administering the workspace.In application user interface, I have the Logo field set to:
also, and same issue.When I want to assign an image to a list item, it works because I simply have to pick/select from available images in the folder.But in this case, there is no selecting of the image as an option. I must supply the path.Read the documentation, and some cases here, and still no solution. This seems to be a known issue.
I am using the below function to return a blob (CSV) content, this is working fine..But i need to modify this function to display headline for the report and fixed width column in CSV ( then user no need to expand the each and every column ).
create or replace function GET_BLOB ( p_query varchar2 ) return blob as
I installed APEX 4.1 with EPG on Oracle linux 6 and for some reason I want to change image prefix from */i/* to */i4/*.
I browsed to apex/utilities and logged in sqlplus as sysdba and run the file:
@reset_image_prefix.sql choosing */i4/* as my new prefix.
then i tried:
select id, flow_image_prefix from apex_040100.wwv_flows; all application now have the prefix /i4/ but when I go to http://myserver:8080/apex nothing is displayed !!!!
when i change */i4/* back to */i/* everything is back to normal...
How can I tell Apex to use an image as the background for a page? This particular page needs to be more visually interesting due to the audience that will be viewing it. I'm using Apex 4.2.2 and Oracle 11g.
I got error "Upload New Image must be specified. Click browse to select an image from your local computer" while i upload image in shared components>image>create ...
my logo is saved in local drive D. when i browse file and click to upload it gives error that i mentioned. This is happening with every uploading weather its image or weather its plugin.
I have an image that shows flags of 2 countries... I want to show revenues that they generate every day. is there a way to add text to the image (on it) using values from a table.
I have a table with a blob type field. We need to read scanned documents (doc, pdf, tif, jpg, etc.) from a specified directory and insert relevant data into a table, including the document as a blob.
how to display an image(blob) on a form . i have tried all i could but still failed to display it on the form.Yes i searched the forum without any break through. below is the code i used to create data block and upload photos (JPG). the only problem am facing is retrieving them from forms. am using form 6i 10g database.
grant connect, resource, imp_full_database, exp_full_database to en;
grant create any directory to EN; grant create any library to EN; GRANT EXECUTE ON CTX_DDL en; CONN en/en@pacific Connected [code]...
I have a db field "image" of type BLOB and I save the contents to a file on a local folder c: example.bmp.
I found numerous examples
BEGIN - Get LOB locator SELECT image INTO l_blob pc_immagini_blob FROM WHERE code = WCI; - Open the destination file. l_file: UTL_FILE.fopen = ('C: Temp', 'EXAMPLE.BMP', 'w', 32767); -----> error
The db is not local but on an application server, the image must be saved to c: the client.
i am display popup list of value item with out refresh when i select some value from Radio button. But Pop up item lable and element is Hide but in last image of popup list of value does not Hide .
How can i hide this image of popup list of values
i am using <script> function Show_On_Radio_Value_2(pThis, pThat, pValue, pLabel){ var rv = html_RadioValue(pThis); var elm = document.getElementById(pThat);
I have just started using Oracle Application Express 11g. On my new attempt I am able to develop a table, report and a form, but I am not able to display picture image on the form though the browse link is active.
I can load the file name from the location folder to the form but it does not display. When I click on APPLY CHANGE then everything disappears. My main problem is how to successfully configure the settings for image display.
I have a table which contain 3 columns, see below:
id primary key pic1 blob pic2 blog
there is 1 row in it(id=1), just for display 2 images.
Uploaded 2 images into above Blob fields by file browse function. Now, I want to show the 2 pictures in a Region by using display image item P1_AR, but it didn't work.
Based on: BLOB Columns specified in item source Alternative Text Column: null Filename Column: null BLOB last update Column: nullSource used: Only when current value in session state is null Source type: SQL Query(return single value) Source value or express: select dbms_lob.getlength(PIC) from cp_pic where id=1
I got the error below after runing: ORA-20999: P1_AR has to have a valid BLOB column as source
I have created a few flash charts using APEX4.2. Is there a way for the user to view the chart and then email it as an inline image to someone? I know that the user can save the chart as PDF file, then send it as an attachment via Outlook ( or similar system), but can I integrate these manual steps to one ( template), similar to the IR report's download feature ?
I am using developer I have created a table to store the BLOB, which is jpg image originally. And I have uploaded those image into the database successfully.
Table name: images img_id number img blob
I know that I can set display one image each time if I create the image icon on the form using "data block wizard"..But the problem is that I cannot display multiple image on a form at the same time
I am trying to insert an image files into a blob column using the following code.
However, I am getting the this error
ORA-22288: file or LOB operation FILEOPEN failed
I've done some tracing on toad and it seems that the file am trying to insert exists yet am unable to open it.
I have a table containing records with a field representing a png image that is encoded as base64 text. The procedure responsible for creating the record receives the base64 information in a parameter of type CLOB. It then inserts it in a field of same type on the record. I want to transform the CLOB data into an image and display it back on the form.
I needed to create a page on my existing APEX application that would allow the user to upload a file, I followed an online tutorial where the user had created a dummy table and inserted CSV File inserted through APEX into the table. Following that simple example I am able to load the simple CSV file (from tutorial) into a dummy table (from tutorial) but when I attempt to insert actual/dummy data into my actual database (which has a lot more fields of different types), using the exact same process, I am unable to do so.
Ironically, I am unable to insert even dummy values despite the fact that I have been able to insert the same dummy values using SQL Developer. Icing on the cake is that APEX does not produce any error, this lack of debugging feature (especially line by line debugging) is such a pain. Just to add, I can load the values into an Array and can successfully print the delimited values off the array but am still unable to insert the same values into my table. Here is the table that I am attempting to insert into (actual names replaced by Dummyxx):
Note that all the the CSV does not contain all the fields, the CSV files that are expected to be entered into the system contain 65 Fields whereas the Table has 73 Fields. Also note that the process runs fine through SQL loader that is invoked through a different server which I need to release and hence the attempt to load the table this way. Also, the procedure on the SQL Loader server is quite complex and involved JAVA+Unix Shell Scripts etc. which I would prefer to avoid.
When user add an image to a rich text editor in apex is there any way to get the source path of that image within PL/SQL block when page submit happens ?