Application Express :: Email 4.2 Chart As Inline Image
Aug 20, 2013
I have created a few flash charts using APEX4.2. Is there a way for the user to view the chart and then email it as an inline image to someone? I know that the user can save the chart as PDF file, then send it as an attachment via Outlook ( or similar system), but can I integrate these manual steps to one ( template), similar to the IR report's download feature ?
I am using org chart plugin to show the employee hierarchy, the plug-in is downloaded from
Current i uploaded the employee photo's in images under shared components -> files and referring in my query like below its working fine, but My question is how to refer employee photo's from table.
SELECT TO_CHAR (emp.empno) AS primary_key, TO_CHAR (emp.mgr) AS parent_key, emp.ename || '<div> <img width="100px" src="wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=' || :WORKSPACE_ID [code]...........
I have a 2D pie chart. The chart takes the column names as label and shows the results(3) like passed--4, failed--3, on hold ---6. Now I want to have tooltip , if I point on passed--4, it should show "number of students passed last year"similarlyIf I point on failed--3, it should show "number of students failed last year"
i need a chart with 4 lines and 2 y axis. 2 lines on the first y axis, 2 lines on the other y axis.First i tried to create 4 series and "multiple y axis", then i get the first line at one y axis, and all the other lines at the second y axis.
After that i have seen that it is possible to return more than one value within one series, so i create 2 series with 2 values each - i thought that then i will get the first 2 values at one y axis and the other 2 lines of the second serie at the second y axis... but sadly it is not like i expected - i get the same result as with 4 it really necessary to create a custom xml for that?
here is my example: [URL] as you can see the blue and the red line are on different axis.the query of one serie looks like that (it gives the values of a day and the day before), the queries are ok.
select null link, to_char(a.ts,'DD.MM HH24:MI') label, sum(*100/12) over ( partition by trunc(a.ts) order by a.ts rows between unbounded preceding and current row ) "KWh", sum(*100/12) over ( partition by trunc(b.ts) order by b.ts rows between
select null, '0-10' Days , count(*) from tableunionselect null, '11-20' Days, count(*) from tableunionselect null, '21-30' Days, count(*) from tableunionselect null, '>30' Days, count(*) from table
The 3d pie chart was showing the slices is the correct order 0-10, 11-20, 21-30, >30 but now shows it in random order. how to get the order by working. I suspect since the Days column in the select is a Character column this issue is occurring, however, with the restrictions in the number of select items we can have in the Apex charts, was wondering how do you get the order by working?
I am using the build-in flash Apex chart which I understand to be a subset of the Anychart.
I have the following problem, I have two series, which I am displaying in a 3D Bar Chart on a horizontal view with two Y-Axis. This works well, the problem is that each Y -Axis has a different scale. I am not setting the min or max value range for either of the y-axis as I do not know what this value range may be at the time of rendering the chart to the application user.
So as it turns out, the left y-axis has a value range from zero to 100 and the right y-axis has a value range from zero to 50 and the application users are finding this difficult and confusing as they are only looking at the bars represented in the chart and assuming that as the two bars, i.e. one form each series look similar in size, they have the same value and this can not be further from the true, as one y-axis is showing a value range twice as big as the other y-axis.
So my question is how do you customise the chart so that the value range on both y-axis is the same. i.e., the largest of the two?
I just noticed on (4.2) that I couldn't find the region source for flash charts. I expected to find it under the Region Definition tab.
Has this moved or will it be included in a later release?
I found the actual dates are mandatory, while the chart tolerates missing planned dates - which is a complete reversal of what actual project data would have.baseline project gantt with parent-child relationship
What I found though is if some planned dates are missing, the generated XML seems to default with data from previous red lines indicate missing from/to dates (actual data also shown underneath chart) URL.....
NAME TASK_ID ACTUAL_START ACTUAL_END PROGRESS DUE_START DUE_END line 1 1810794 07/MAR/2013 11/MAR/2013 100 26/MAR/2013 27/MAR/2013 00:00:00 line 2 1810780 12/MAR/2013 16/MAR/2013 100 23/MAR/2013 27/MAR/2013 00:00:00 line 3 1810779 17/MAR/2013 20/MAR/2013 line 4 1810773 21/MAR/2013 21/MAR/2013 50 24/MAR/2013 [code].....
My application build in Apex 4.1, Oracle 11gr2In my application, there are three pages:
Page1 (Dashboard): contains 6 different chart page60: Generate a chart based on a value passed from page1 Page14: Generate a report based on a the value passed from Page1 and Page60
I want to pass value "3" to page item P60_KPI_NO and P14_KPI_NO when click on first chart I want to pass value "4" to page item P60_KPI_NO and P14_KPI_NO when click on second chart.
why a Gantt chart would show only the first 15 rows of the query?! I validated id to be unique , parent_id properly pointing to the parent. When I artifically create another level, the chart still subborny shows only 15 rows. The actual query returns 1590 rows.
I'm gonna create a Gantt chart on Oracle APEX and want to re-size, move the graph into other to control the graph itself (just like javascript, ajax and anychart API...) URL.....
I'm trying to create a histogram based on time range using a bar chart. I made the query correctly and the bar chart displays the histogram.
However I want to make the axes labels on the x-axis go under the tick marks of the axis. Right now they are under the corresponding bar. This doesn't convey the notion of a range. For e.g. if I have 23 observations between 10 and 20 seconds, I need to show 10 on the left of the bar and 20 on the right. In other words the bar is between two tick marks. I want to show 10 under the left tick mark and 20 under the right tick mark.
How do I do this? I tried using the attributes of the label tag under x_axis in the chart xml, but couldn't get it to work.
(1) a drop down list item called P38_DESK which contains a list of desks such as A, B, C
(2) a Chart region with region title: Chart Mvt by &P38_DESK.
(3) a dynamic action to "refresh" the Chart region if the value of P38_DESK is changed.
I can see that everytime the desk is changed from the drop down list, the chart section/region gets refreshed accordingly but NOT the Chart's region title.
It only showed the first value I chose. e.g. Chart Mvt by A So in APEX4.2, how can the CHART's region title be changed dynamically ( without submitting the entire page ) to reflect the value from the drop down list P38_DESK ?
The following query is used to generate a flash chart:
select null link 'Available' as "Available", to_number(max_licenses - consumed_licenses) from software_detail where capture_date = trim(GET_CAPTURE_DATE) and software_product = :p1 and software version = :p2 [code].....
But the 2d doughnut flash chart shows:
Available = 39 Consumed = 1
How is this possible?
Oracle RAC on Windows 2008 R2 APEX with Apex Listener 2.0 on Apache Tomcat 6.
Is there any way I could customize tooltip (when you go over the bar in the report, small box with the value appears).I would like to display different values there.
I have an application which contains a chart of type Dial.In order to set the major interval dynamically I have switched to using custom xml and replaced the #SCALE_DATA# with:
However, I would also like to label the value with a Units Label (e.g. '%'). I was previously doing this using the Value: Postfix setting under Axes Settings, but after switching to Custom Settings removes this box and I no longer get the units displayed.
Is there some xml I can add which will set and display the units.I am using Application Express
I am trying to do a Flash Chart in APEX 3.1. Is there a limitation on how many labels I can get horizontally. No matter what I do the number of labels I get horizontally is 15. We are trying to show the amount of days in a month.... Can I do that? If so how?
issue with my apex line chart. The scenario is as follows: have a table called revenue. revenues per year are saved in it. and revenues are generated from three sources which are also saved in the same table. I have made a line chart on it. works well.
Now I have to show that if the value of one of the sources had fallen, how must have it affected the total. I made a number field that takes an estimated change value, and build my sql query with it. it works but the problem is that it changes the non-affected source too. it must change the value of the affected source only and hence the total value.
bold or I will put it this way, how can I write a select statement for a chart series so that one of the rows value does not change and the other two change.
I am using apex 4.1, i created a chart with 4 series in each series i am calculating sum of the no.of students joining in different classes of a institute for every year.
example my table is like this date_of_join class student_id '07/22/2012' 8 1 '07/22/2011' 8 2 '07/22/2009' 8 3 '07/22/2012' 7 4 '07/22/2010' 7 5 '07/22/2011' 6 6i wrote query like series1
select null as link,UNISTR('�0A0') || to_char(date_of_join,'YYYY'),count(student_id) "class 8" from stdent_record where class=8 group by to_char(date_of_join,'YYYY') order by to_char(date_of_join,'YYYY')
select null as link,UNISTR('�0A0') || to_char(date_of_join,'YYYY'),count(student_id) "class 7" from stdent_record where class=8 group by to_char(date_of_join,'YYYY') order by to_char(date_of_join,'YYYY')but what happened is the x-axis is coming in order like
2009 2011 2012 2010because the series1 no student is joined in 2010 so its taking the series1 order but i need the years in normal order.
I've edited the XML on the Chart Attributes page but I don't find atrtributes to rotate the y-axis title (<text>TITLE</text>) nor the letters themselves in the title. What I'd like is something very close to
But what I get is a horizontal title rotated -90 degrees. I've looked at lots of Anychart documentation but don't find anything that seems to fit with the XML already given on the Chart Attributes page. I've seen the "rotate" attribute but I don't know where it would go and even then, I'm sure it only rotates the title as a unit and not the individual letters.
We have generated a fancy custom interactive report, in which the columns of string type, but can hold string, numeric or date values. However the type of values are uniform for a particular column. The end users wants to use the numerical values for generating charts, but, being a string column (though the data is numeric), it throws an error and they could not generate the chart. Is there any way to make use of this string column type numerical data for generating chart?
i am trying to make an image to show up in an application am developing but is only appearing like a box but when i click on the edit pencil icon the image will appear.
I have noticed several posts here on the topic of image path in APEX.I have just upgrated to APEX 2.2.3,Uploaded an image via the application into the default images are, nothing too fancy,Trying to show this image in the logo area of the application, The image will not show.
This is hosted with a hosting firm, so I am not running the software on my own, just administering the workspace.In application user interface, I have the Logo field set to:
also, and same issue.When I want to assign an image to a list item, it works because I simply have to pick/select from available images in the folder.But in this case, there is no selecting of the image as an option. I must supply the path.Read the documentation, and some cases here, and still no solution. This seems to be a known issue.
Email no longer working for users after upgrading from 4.0 to 4.1. New 'principal' APEX_040100 added to same ACL as previous version's principal APEX_040000. In fact, both still exist in ACL.
Error code in APEX Admin Mail Queue: ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL)
What could be causing the email facility within APEX to no longer work?
Can't send an email using Application Express on oracle 10g.
my code is: DECLARE l_body CLOB; v_email varchar(30); BEGIN
SELECT CONTACT_EMAIL INTO v_email FROM persal_info WHERE TRIM(PERSAL)= TRIM(:P48_PERSAL); l_body := 'Your access code for the Transport system is:'|| :P48_CODE ; l_body := l_body || '
This access code is needed in order for you to complete the claim form. It is important to change this access code for the confidentiality of your information.';
I the past when working with apex 3 I was able to work with apex mail send very nice. In apex 4.0 with oracle 11g ee I'm not able to send emails anymore.
Last error message in the queue is:
ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 550 through this server without authentication.
the smtp server has not been changed, the code is fine. How I can go further?