Application Express :: Possible Passing A Value To Two Different Pages When Click A Chart?
Sep 17, 2013
My application build in Apex 4.1, Oracle 11gr2In my application, there are three pages:
Page1 (Dashboard): contains 6 different chart
page60: Generate a chart based on a value passed from page1
Page14: Generate a report based on a the value passed from Page1 and Page60
I want to pass value "3" to page item P60_KPI_NO and P14_KPI_NO when click on first chart I want to pass value "4" to page item P60_KPI_NO and P14_KPI_NO when click on second chart.
i jquery mobile oracle apex ver Application Express i just cant pass parameter between two page on submit button.At the end i am trying to set this imte P4_NOTE with this values &P2_NOTE, all are basic text box. my link look like URL.....
when i pass default value on P2_NOTE i get good result. How do i lose item value during submit?How do i need to set P2_NOT ?!?!?!
I have an application that it will have over 200 pages. Each page will have a sidebar region with a number of lists, around 8-10 items. The lists references all pages in the app. Then, if I create a new menu list , I have to include this new list in all pages, it's painful. It's posible to have shared regions between pages like the shortcuts for messages in the user interface elements?
In this way, I will create an unique element including all lists that will be shared through all pages. This will greatly facilitate the work!I'm using Apex 4.1.
in APEX 3 i always had a report showing all linked pages and components...
The Report was located here: Home>Application Builder>Application ID>Application Reports>Page Components>Related Pages and Components I have now updated to APEX 4 and i can't find this report anymore.
We have created a lists (shared objects) with a couple of links which is displayed on all application pages. It is easy to maintain. My question is that the links open in the same page. I was hoping we could use something like a "Target=_New"..I guess the only other way would be to manually code this as a HTML region in each page using <a href> as the last resort!
I have been given the task to modify our company's Apex from 4.1 to 4.2. The upgrade has been completed; in addition, the current UI, blue and tan has been updated to BlueJay. I have noticed the structure of the page gets shuffled as well as contents within modules. What would be the best way to "re-organize" my pages.
- Would it be easy for me modify the page, if so how do I do this. The settings look identical, so what would I change ? - Do I recreate the entire page from scratch ?
I have a 2D pie chart. The chart takes the column names as label and shows the results(3) like passed--4, failed--3, on hold ---6. Now I want to have tooltip , if I point on passed--4, it should show "number of students passed last year"similarlyIf I point on failed--3, it should show "number of students failed last year"
I am trying to redirect to different pages based on user inputs. I have a form in which I have one text item and a submit button. For example consider text item to be empno; So once the user enters a empno and hits submit button; I need to redirect to different pages based on this job.
For Ex:
if user inputs empno whose job is 'ANALYST' then redirect to page 1
if user inputs empno whose job is 'MANAGER' then redirect to page 10
For this scenario. i wrote a pl/sql process for the submit button; but no luck -- its not at all redirecting instead its in the same page. Below is the process.
declare v_job varchar2(20); begin select job into v_job from emp where empno = :P9_EMPNO_R; if v_job = 'ANALYST' then OWA_UTIL.REDIRECT_URL('f?p=&APP_ID.:1:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::', TRUE);
I'm having an odd problem with a checkbox on a tabular form. I created the checkbox by setting hte display as to "Simple Checkbox". The value of the underlying column sets to "Y" wehn checked and "N" when unchecked. This is what I want. The next thing I was trying to accomplish is to call a javascript function when the checkbox is clicked. So I put onclick="calculateTotal(this);" in the element attributes field. The code that it is calling is listed below. When I run the app and check the box I can seee I am entering the calculate Total function. Each of the alert functions is displaying what I would expect until I get to alerts 'IAH5' and 'IAH6'. For each of those I get an "undefined" in the alert.
So to see if this had something to do with the checkbox and added an onchange="calculateTotal(this);" to another field in my tabular form and ran it. This time I did not click on the checkbox but went into the field that I put the onchange on. When I changed this field and navigated away from it the function worked as I would expect. It displayed the appropriate values for each of the alerts and updated the fields on the screen as designed.
<script type="text/javascript"> function calculateTotal(pThis) { alert('IAH1'); var vRow ='_')+1); alert('IAH2'); [code].......
i need a chart with 4 lines and 2 y axis. 2 lines on the first y axis, 2 lines on the other y axis.First i tried to create 4 series and "multiple y axis", then i get the first line at one y axis, and all the other lines at the second y axis.
After that i have seen that it is possible to return more than one value within one series, so i create 2 series with 2 values each - i thought that then i will get the first 2 values at one y axis and the other 2 lines of the second serie at the second y axis... but sadly it is not like i expected - i get the same result as with 4 it really necessary to create a custom xml for that?
here is my example: [URL] as you can see the blue and the red line are on different axis.the query of one serie looks like that (it gives the values of a day and the day before), the queries are ok.
select null link, to_char(a.ts,'DD.MM HH24:MI') label, sum(*100/12) over ( partition by trunc(a.ts) order by a.ts rows between unbounded preceding and current row ) "KWh", sum(*100/12) over ( partition by trunc(b.ts) order by b.ts rows between
select null, '0-10' Days , count(*) from tableunionselect null, '11-20' Days, count(*) from tableunionselect null, '21-30' Days, count(*) from tableunionselect null, '>30' Days, count(*) from table
The 3d pie chart was showing the slices is the correct order 0-10, 11-20, 21-30, >30 but now shows it in random order. how to get the order by working. I suspect since the Days column in the select is a Character column this issue is occurring, however, with the restrictions in the number of select items we can have in the Apex charts, was wondering how do you get the order by working?
I am using the build-in flash Apex chart which I understand to be a subset of the Anychart.
I have the following problem, I have two series, which I am displaying in a 3D Bar Chart on a horizontal view with two Y-Axis. This works well, the problem is that each Y -Axis has a different scale. I am not setting the min or max value range for either of the y-axis as I do not know what this value range may be at the time of rendering the chart to the application user.
So as it turns out, the left y-axis has a value range from zero to 100 and the right y-axis has a value range from zero to 50 and the application users are finding this difficult and confusing as they are only looking at the bars represented in the chart and assuming that as the two bars, i.e. one form each series look similar in size, they have the same value and this can not be further from the true, as one y-axis is showing a value range twice as big as the other y-axis.
So my question is how do you customise the chart so that the value range on both y-axis is the same. i.e., the largest of the two?
I have a number of pages containing charts and gantts. I want the user to be able to filter the data shown in these various charts. More than that, I want the user's filters to persist between pages. So, if they select "Key project = 'Y'" on the gantt page, the gantt will filter - and if they then navigate to a report (bar chart) page, that will also be filtered for Key projects only.
To make this happen, I plan to have an identical sidebar on all these pages. This will contain maybe 8 dropdowns and tickboxes allowing the user to create or remove these filters. Eventually some users might save preferences for certain choices within these dropdowns.
Since the sidebar will almost always be identical from page to page, the smartest approach would seem to be to create one sidebar (as html region) and access that sidebar from all pages rather than copying the code from page to page. Then I thought I'd create application-level items in order to create global variables for each of the dropdowns.
My question is: is this approach possible? And can I create a "global" region in Page 0 and then access it from other pages? (This is how I thought it would work but I have tried and can't see how to do it.)
i have a table say 'temp' with 4 columns as seq, name, event, id and i have a pg with 3 text fields as name, event, id now ma issue is,if i enter values into those 3 text fields in that page and on a button click (say create), i wanted dose values to get inserted into 'temp' table andregarding , 'seq' column i hav created a sequence for it. so
1. how to insert values into the table by entering values in the page
2. wat shd b done for seq column.. (shd anyth b done from apex pages or wil it automatically get values for each row entered)
I just noticed on (4.2) that I couldn't find the region source for flash charts. I expected to find it under the Region Definition tab.
Has this moved or will it be included in a later release?
I have created a few flash charts using APEX4.2. Is there a way for the user to view the chart and then email it as an inline image to someone? I know that the user can save the chart as PDF file, then send it as an attachment via Outlook ( or similar system), but can I integrate these manual steps to one ( template), similar to the IR report's download feature ?
I found the actual dates are mandatory, while the chart tolerates missing planned dates - which is a complete reversal of what actual project data would have.baseline project gantt with parent-child relationship
What I found though is if some planned dates are missing, the generated XML seems to default with data from previous red lines indicate missing from/to dates (actual data also shown underneath chart) URL.....
NAME TASK_ID ACTUAL_START ACTUAL_END PROGRESS DUE_START DUE_END line 1 1810794 07/MAR/2013 11/MAR/2013 100 26/MAR/2013 27/MAR/2013 00:00:00 line 2 1810780 12/MAR/2013 16/MAR/2013 100 23/MAR/2013 27/MAR/2013 00:00:00 line 3 1810779 17/MAR/2013 20/MAR/2013 line 4 1810773 21/MAR/2013 21/MAR/2013 50 24/MAR/2013 [code].....
why a Gantt chart would show only the first 15 rows of the query?! I validated id to be unique , parent_id properly pointing to the parent. When I artifically create another level, the chart still subborny shows only 15 rows. The actual query returns 1590 rows.
I am using APEX 4.1 to build the application. I have 2 select list region in the page where one region consist of certain values.On calling a javascript function it is able to move the value from one select region to another. After this I click on the modify button where in the value move out of the first select list region to the second will be updated in the table.
Although I could see the values are not being updates. On putting alerts after the value being fetched in the javascript function and clicking the Modify button I can see that no data is being reflected in the alert. Hence the data is not being passed from the second select list APEX item to the javascript function.
I have a requirement wherein onclick of button I want to open/close list/popup (which is displayed below button, just like in select list) and can select any item from list to do some action.
I'm gonna create a Gantt chart on Oracle APEX and want to re-size, move the graph into other to control the graph itself (just like javascript, ajax and anychart API...) URL.....
I'm trying to create a histogram based on time range using a bar chart. I made the query correctly and the bar chart displays the histogram.
However I want to make the axes labels on the x-axis go under the tick marks of the axis. Right now they are under the corresponding bar. This doesn't convey the notion of a range. For e.g. if I have 23 observations between 10 and 20 seconds, I need to show 10 on the left of the bar and 20 on the right. In other words the bar is between two tick marks. I want to show 10 under the left tick mark and 20 under the right tick mark.
How do I do this? I tried using the attributes of the label tag under x_axis in the chart xml, but couldn't get it to work.
(1) a drop down list item called P38_DESK which contains a list of desks such as A, B, C
(2) a Chart region with region title: Chart Mvt by &P38_DESK.
(3) a dynamic action to "refresh" the Chart region if the value of P38_DESK is changed.
I can see that everytime the desk is changed from the drop down list, the chart section/region gets refreshed accordingly but NOT the Chart's region title.
It only showed the first value I chose. e.g. Chart Mvt by A So in APEX4.2, how can the CHART's region title be changed dynamically ( without submitting the entire page ) to reflect the value from the drop down list P38_DESK ?
The following query is used to generate a flash chart:
select null link 'Available' as "Available", to_number(max_licenses - consumed_licenses) from software_detail where capture_date = trim(GET_CAPTURE_DATE) and software_product = :p1 and software version = :p2 [code].....
But the 2d doughnut flash chart shows:
Available = 39 Consumed = 1
How is this possible?
Oracle RAC on Windows 2008 R2 APEX with Apex Listener 2.0 on Apache Tomcat 6.
Is there any way I could customize tooltip (when you go over the bar in the report, small box with the value appears).I would like to display different values there.
I have an application which contains a chart of type Dial.In order to set the major interval dynamically I have switched to using custom xml and replaced the #SCALE_DATA# with:
However, I would also like to label the value with a Units Label (e.g. '%'). I was previously doing this using the Value: Postfix setting under Axes Settings, but after switching to Custom Settings removes this box and I no longer get the units displayed.
Is there some xml I can add which will set and display the units.I am using Application Express