Application Express :: Can't Send Email Using Oracle 10g

Jul 17, 2012

Can't send an email using Application Express on oracle 10g.

my code is:
l_body CLOB;
v_email varchar(30);

INTO v_email
FROM persal_info
l_body := 'Your access code for the Transport system is:'|| :P48_CODE ;
l_body := l_body || '

This access code is needed in order for you to complete the claim form. It is important to change this access code for the confidentiality of your information.';

apex_mail.send( p_to => v_email,
p_from => '',
p_body => l_body,
p_subj =>'Access Code'

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Application Express :: Add Button On Report Region Named As Send Email

Dec 28, 2012

I want to add button on report region Named as "Send E-mail" that should be on each row

so how can i do?

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Forms :: 10g - Send Email From Application?

May 28, 2013

I want to send an email from my Application forms 10g .But I receive

l_mailhost VARCHAR2(64) :=... //admin mail
l_from VARCHAR2(64) := ... //admin mail
l_to VARCHAR2(64) := ...//user mail
l_mail_conn sys.UTL_SMTP.connection;

[Code] ........

message displayed is: no internet connection !!

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Send Email In Oracle?

Apr 24, 2013

what is the best way to send an email in oracle?


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Application Express :: 4.2 - Oracle Apex_Mail Send

Nov 6, 2012

I am using oracle apex 4.2 version.i am trying to send mail using APEX_MAIL.send.My process like

p_to       => '',
p_from     => '',
p_body     => l_body,
p_subj     => 'APEX_MAIL Package - Plain Text message');

When i check mail queue from administrator part HomeManage > InstanceMail > Queue

It show no error and after the send all mail still i am not getting the mail..i also check my email setting in administrator part.

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Application Express :: Sending Email From 4.0 With Oracle 11g Ee

Dec 11, 2012

I the past when working with apex 3 I was able to work with apex mail send very nice. In apex 4.0 with oracle 11g ee I'm not able to send emails anymore.

Last error message in the queue is:

ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 550 through this server without authentication.

the smtp server has not been changed, the code is fine. How I can go further?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Send HTML Email From Oracle?

Dec 21, 2009

Am trying to send email from Oracle using utl_smtp.

My issue is regarding Arabic character. I set the charset to windows-1256 and even tried with other different charset like UTF-8.

I used also: utl_smtp.write_raw_data(l_connection,utl_raw.cast_to_raw(dbms_lob.substr(data).

Before i set all these changes to the procedure i was receiving the Arabic text as '??????'

However, after above modifications, the text display changed to something like this : ÇäÇÓààååÑêå

Does the problem still in the DB side or it can be coming from mail server ?

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Forms :: How To Send Email From Oracle 10g

Sep 27, 2011

I wanted to send email from oracle 10g forms at any hotmail,yahoo and gmail so how can i send.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Send Email From Oracle XE?

Jun 23, 2010

I have ORacle XE installed on my machine and everything works fine. I can connect to it using forms, run my application etc. Now, I wanted to write a proc which can send email from Oracle XE.So after investigating, I think UTL_SMTP and UTL_MAIL are my options. For which I need to enable the ut_mail package and one more which I have done. But everytime I run a package, I get the error

v_From VARCHAR2(80) := '';
v_Recipient VARCHAR2(80) := '';
v_Subject VARCHAR2(80) := 'test subject';
v_Mail_Host VARCHAR2(30) := '';
v_Mail_Conn utl_smtp.Connection;
crlf VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10);


Ora 29278 SMTP transient error.

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Forms :: Email Send From Oracle 6i?

Jun 25, 2012

tell the setting and code how send email through oracle?

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Forms :: How To Send Automated Email From Oracle Form

May 10, 2011

I have to send several reports to various branch via email, I created a branch table in which email of that branch is stored in a column. Now if report is generated for particular branch, its PDF should also be sent via email to that branch, How can this be done on When Button Pressed,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Send Email With Attachment

May 4, 2010

I need to send email with attachment file. The input file is reside in the server. Currently, i can create and send file through the email. But it is not the file that i want from the server, it is actually create the attachment file. How can i get the file from server and put it as attachment? below is the codes :

create or replace
Procedure test_email_mt(p_sender IN VARCHAR2,
p_recipient IN VARCHAR2,
p_message IN VARCHAR2)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Send Email From Procedure

Dec 9, 2010

Need info regarding sending an excel file attachment from plsql.I am using utl_smtp package in procedure and want to attach some sql query results in excel file.Is it possible to use sql query in same stored procedure that i am using to send the email attachment or i need to use external directory path to load the file as attachment.

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Forms :: Send Email Through 6i?

Nov 11, 2011

i want to send email and message on mobile phone through forms 6i.

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Application Express :: Email Not Working After 4.1 Upgrade

Jun 11, 2012

O/S: Windows 2003
DB: 11gR1

Email no longer working for users after upgrading from 4.0 to 4.1. New 'principal' APEX_040100 added to same ACL as previous version's principal APEX_040000. In fact, both still exist in ACL.

Error code in APEX Admin Mail Queue: ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL)

What could be causing the email facility within APEX to no longer work?

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PL/SQL :: Attached XML File And Send Email

Jan 18, 2013

I have ready xml file of around 100KB at location C: est.xml .

Now I just want to attached this file and send email to particular person using Oracle PL/SQ . can I get code for that?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Send Email Using UTL_SMTP With UTF-8 Coding

Dec 30, 2011

I'm trying to send e-mail using UTL_SMTP with UTF-8 coding. I have a problem that the UTF-8 letters become `?`.

So here is the

p_to varchar2(250);
p_from varchar2(250):='email_address';
p_subject varchar2(250):='...vienotā...';
P_smtp_hostname varchar2(255) := 'IP';
P_smtp_portnum varchar2(5) := '25';

The code is taken an example from internet source. Everything works fine but the UTF-8 not .

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Application Express :: Send Link To Update Some Record

Mar 8, 2013

Is there some simple solution how to send email to user with link ('I don't want to receive emails from you in the future') ?

The link should contain some key information for each user.

If user click the link - update of the table should be done. (some IDC updates from 'Y' to 'N').

Specs: APEX 4.1.1
Listener 1.1.3
DB 11G
Apache Tomcat 6.0

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Application Express :: Send Mail To GMAIL With Attachments

Feb 25, 2013

I am able to send mail to Gmail from APEX. How an attachment can be send along with it.

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Application Express :: How To Automatically Send Report After It Is Created

Sep 16, 2013

I am beginner . I found this tutorial how to save and access report.Storing and Accessing Reports in the Database In that tutorial report is saved onclick.Is there a way to automatically email report everytime report is generate or I should first save it (PDF, CSV,..) with SQL script and then email it? I also found that in Interactive report there is page process that can send e-mails. Is it possible that page process send e-mail with report or report should be also saved before sending? The reason for this is that we want to have a history of created reports.

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Application Express :: Email 4.2 Chart As Inline Image

Aug 20, 2013

I have created a few flash charts using APEX4.2.  Is there a way for the user to view the chart and then email it as an inline image to someone? I know that the user can save the chart as PDF file, then send it as an attachment via Outlook ( or similar system), but can I integrate these manual steps to one ( template), similar to the IR report's download feature ? 

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Send Email With Attachment Using Stored Procedure?

Jun 17, 2011

I would like to send an email with attachment using a STORE PROCEDURE, with a PL/SQL, I was testing a package called SRW.RUN_REPORT but the problem is that the report generate a pdf file but this file is storage in application server because the report server run over the application, wo we can not get the physical file to send as attach.

the problem is generate the pdf file save in a place that we can get easier.

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Forms :: How To Send Pic And TEXT In Email Using PLSQL

Jun 13, 2010

I am create procedure send the message in form bulider10g to Internet email and the procedure is work .

but now I want to modify this procedure , I want to add picture of my country ( logo ) and the original message . why cant display the image in my email ?

this code of image

<p align="center"><img border="0" src="logo.gif" width="20" height="20"></p>

I Think the problem of this code because 'Content-type: text/html' not image ?????!!!!!!!, 'MIME-Version: 1.0' ||CHR(13)|| CHR(10)||'Content-type: text/html' || CHR(13)||CHR(10)||mesg);


v_From VARCHAR2(80) ;

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Reports & Discoverer :: Send Report PDF Through Email

Jun 4, 2012

i have installed oracle application server forms and report services, and i am deploying my forms and reports on it and its working fine, now i have a new requirement to send email through reports. I am already generating reports on pdf form and displaying on screen. How can i send this report PDF as an attachment and send it to different email addresses or how can i setup oracle application report services to send emails as an attachment.

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Application Express :: Change Content-disposition In Email Attachment?

Sep 17, 2013

I am using apex_mail (in Apex 4.1) to send emails with an attachment.

v_mail_id := apex_mail.send(
p_to => ''
apex_mail.add_attachment( p_mail_id => v_mail_id
,p_attachment => v_image
,p_filename => 'signature.jpg'
,p_mime_type => 'image/jpeg');

Apex creates this as an attachment:

Content-Disposition: attachment;

I would like to change it to inline:

Content-Disposition: inline;

so I can reference it in my email body with <img src="cid:signature.jpg"/>. Well... I hope it is going to be shown inline anyway if I change Content-Disposition.

Currently (with Content-Disposition: attachment;) it works for Outlook, but, for instance, not in Gmail in the browser. Gmail shows the image separately as an attachment.

Is there a way to change the content-disposition with Apex?

I know it is possible to do it with utl_mail, but this is currently not installed in our databases. I need to involve our DBA to set this up, and I don't know if he is willing to do that.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Send Email Through Google To Private Domain

Dec 1, 2012

how to send email (PL/sql Procedure) to private domain through google mail.

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User-defined Metric Doesn't Send Email

Dec 18, 2010

I'm attempting configure User-defined Metric to send mails when happen warning or critical alerts .My environment is Cluster Database and I'm using OEM Grid Control

I created User-defined Metric for monitoring invalid object for example and scheduled this collect to every 5 minutes.On initial OEM page, I see alert violation, but don't receive mail for this. In my Notification Rules page, I added "User-Defined Numeric Metric" and includes object Check_Invalid_Objects, wich is my UDM.I receive several alerts violations, but don't UDM.

 UDM_Violation.png ( 116.68K )
Number of downloads: 0

 NotificationRule.jpg ( 218.78K )
Number of downloads: 0

 ScheduleNotification.jpg ( 373.64K )
Number of downloads: 0

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Workflow :: To Send Notifications To Multiple Supplier Email IDs?

Aug 26, 2013

I have a custom concurrent program which has a SQL query which returns multiple rows. Each row is a for each supplier e.g. 

Supplier1     123     5000Supplier2      456    4000Supplier3      789    3000 

This set is returned based upon some criteria mentioned in the where clause of the SQL.Ultimate aim is to send 1 notification to each of the email id's and those notification should have the corresponding attribute values. 3 notifications fired from a workflow triggered by the concurrent program (which actually returns this 3 rows in a SQL)Supplier 1 to receive  5000Supplier2 to receive  4000Supplier3 to receive  3000 My approach / or the only approach coming in mind is using a cursor for the SQL inside the concurrent program and using a for loop, initiating the workflow each time for a loop iteration i.e for each iteration of loop , workflow procedure will need to be initiated, so item type will be same but item key will of 3 different item key.  is it somehow possible to fire only one instance of workflow and not 3 different instances to send 3 notifications. Ad hoc role creation would not be option here because the number of rows may be large and not just 10-15.

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Application Express :: In Apex Email Unable To Attach More Than 32kb Of Data

Aug 20, 2013

I have issue with application ,When I am trying to upload any a csv file of 3 MB in email through apexIts only uploading 32Kb of data remaining is ignoring for more then 32kbMay I know why this issue is and is there any process or methods to track this. I am using the apex version (Application Express

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Application Express :: When Email Sending Process Activated Pages Just Hang?

Aug 5, 2012

I have a system that has issues with sending some emails.

When the email sending process is activated the pages just hang.

Are there any logs or anything like that anywhere that i could look at to try and make sense of it.

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