Application Express :: Filter Shuttle Using Dynamic Actions

Sep 7, 2012

I am using Apex 4.1 and builder theme.I came across this thread to filter the shuttle values based on javascript in dynamic action.Auto filter Shuttle selection list

I created a shuttle and a textbox as described but the dynamic action is not clear. And It is not working for me. The steps are not so clear and i guess the javascript is not complete.

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Application Express :: Dynamic Actions Canceling Each Other Out?

Aug 1, 2013

 I am trying to simplify my apex 4.2 code with dynamic actions.   I have a tabular form based on a collection.   The tabular forms contains (among many variables) the following: 

apex_item.text(1,seq_id,'','','id="f01_'||seq_id,'','') "DeleteRow",
seq_id display_seq_id,
apex_item.text(10,TO_NUMBER(c010),5,null, null,'f10_'||seq_id,'') Quantity,


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Application Express :: Dynamic Actions Not Updating Report Every Time

Aug 29, 2013

I have a page which downloads statspack reports from different servers and stores them in APEX. As well as this it also display a summary of data (top 5 wait events & load profile info) when hovering an icon: [URL]... The chart will refresh itself and display the data based on the value of P10_SNAPVAL (storing the PK value). The report does not do as I expect it to do (it isn't refreshing the table). I have the following:

PL/SQL Dynamic Content region making the report Dynamic Action- Event: Change- Item: P10_SNAPVAL- Action: Refresh- Affected Element: Region - Load Profile (the PL/SQL Dynamic Content)- Event scope:

I've tried both bind & live The value of P10_SNAPVAL is changed whenever the user hovers a penguin icon (this works because the chart works). 

$('img[name=summary]').mouseover(function() {
var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value, nu

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Application Express :: Dynamic Actions Call A Javascript Function On All Text Items

Feb 21, 2013

On a tabular form I have 50 columns each an input box , (basically 50 weeks of the year)

in these boxes I want to make them numbers only and max length 2

currently I have in the ELEMENT ATTRIBUTES for each column

OnFocus="javascript:this.maxLength=2"; onKeyPress="return numbersonly(this,event)";

( I have a function called numbers only in page 0 )

what I would like to do , to make it more maintainable is to remove all the calls in the element attributes of each column

and put it in 2 dynamic actions how would I go about this ?

I have tried using jquery selector of input:text to call javascript code on both events , Get focus and Key Press for every text box but its not working .

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Application Express :: Refresh Tree On Change Of Shuttle

Sep 27, 2012

I have a requirement in which on Change event of shuttle, the tree present in another region of the same page should refresh. On refresh, the tree should include the values selected on the right hand side of the shuttle as its nodes.

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Application Express :: How To Get Value Of Clicked Item In Shuttle Control

Jul 17, 2012

I have a shuttle control (P8_SHUTTLE) that lists then names from scott.emp.

Now I want to create a dynamic action that fires when I click on one of the names on the left side of the shuttle control.

I want the dynamic action to recognize the name of the employee that was clicked, and then set the value of a text item (P8_LAST_VALUE) to that ename. (Eventually I want to display the department of that employee in the other text item).

Here are screen shots of my DA:


Currently, when I click an item in the shuttle control, the text item P8_LAST_VALUE remains blank.

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Application Express :: 4.0.2 - Shuttle Empty When On IPad / Safari

Aug 21, 2012

(Apex 4.0.2) This thread mentions the same problem I am having:

Shuttle empty when on iPad / safari

In the iPad, the shuttle item displays like this:

Select                     >>                          
Stores [0 items    [...]]  >   [0 items [...]]
<<You need to click on the select list on the left, select the items you want to transfer to the right, then click the > icon. Not very user friendly.

The same on the right side: it always says "0 items" even when there are items in the right of the shuttle. Looks like an iPad issue. Are there any workarounds for it?

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Application Express :: Shuttle / How To Reference Selected Items On The Right Side

Sep 13, 2012

I have a simple shuttle:

1 Adam
2 Baker
3 Charlie
4 Delta
5 Echo
6 Foxtrot

Select Name D, UserID R from UserTable

The values are stored in a VARCHAR2 field MULTI_USER (for example 1:2:4:6) When I want to get the names back from the selected item, how do I reference the colon-separated items?

For example:

Select Name from UserTable
where UserID in (select MULTI_USER from MULTI_USER where MULTI_USER_ID = 1)

should return:


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Application Express :: Edit Bar And Save Report From Actions Menu Is Missing

Jun 21, 2013

We have recently did upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2 with listener 2.0. The edit bar (to edit the page) and Save Report option from Actions Menu ( Interactive Report) are missing, is it a bug?

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Application Express :: Filter SQL Statement With Value From Session State

Feb 27, 2013

I need to filter a SQL statement with an application item value retrieved from session state. I am assuming I could do this using a Dynamic Action on a Page Load event but I'm not sure where to go from here. How could I append the filter to an existing report page SQL statement?

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Application Express :: Filter In Interactive Report Is Not Working

Dec 18, 2012

I am facing very strange situation. In one of my Interactive report, Filter option is not working (Processing symbol is appearing on top of the page, but nothing happens.). Is there any setting or something like that?

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Application Express :: How Does Filter Operator Contains Work On Interactive Reports

Jul 30, 2012

I'm creating Tool Tip definitions for the Operators in the Filter on the Interactive Reports. I was looking for a definition for the 'Contains' operator and from what I've found this operator is used to do a text search and it returns a relevance score for every row selected.

I've also read that in order for that score to be determined that the column(s) need to be indexed with a CONTEXT index. Non of the columns in the tables are indexed with a CONTEXT index, however, when I put a value in the Expression box for a column I get a record returned.

If I run the same query in PL/SQL Developer like:
SELECT <column>
FROM <table>
WHERE contains(<column>,<search text>,1) > 0;

I get an error that the column is not indexed, so how does it work in APEX?

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Application Express :: Version 4.1 Interactive Report Filter On Date Column Has No (=) Operator

Aug 17, 2012

if on an interactive report, you try and filter on a date column, then the "=" operator disappears.You get other (not so useful) operators like "in the next", "not in the next" ">", ">=" etc. - but no "=" to be found.

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Application Express :: Raise Application Error On Dynamic Action

Jul 18, 2013

I am using Apex 4.2. On a click of button a Dynamic Action is written, which calls a DB Package. The DB package has exception handlers and also the package has two output parametersError Code and Error MsgSo in my code(Dynamic Code) i make a call to the package and checks the value for Erroc Code.

Begin Package call......  If v_error_code <> '0' Then    Raise SC_Error;  End if;Exception   When SC_Error Then    RAise_Application_error(v_err_code, v_err_msg);End;

But when i run the page and I click I get an Internal exception errorOutput from Debug -- I am not sure what the Cell in Red colour means, because the package is returning a correct message (before the red line).AJAX call returned server error ORA-20003:

Customer has already been matched for Execute PL/SQL Code.4......is_internal_error: true4......apex_error_code: APEX.AJAX_ SERVER_ ERROR4.. ora_ sqlcode: -200034......ora_sqlerrm: ORA-20003: Customer has already been matched4......error_backtrace: ORA-06512: at line 41 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_SQL", line 1926 ORA-06512: at "SYS.WWV_DBMS_SQL", line 973 ORA-06512: at "SYS.WWV_DBMS_SQL", line 999 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_EXEC", line 830 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_PLUGIN_UTIL", line 2304 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_ACTION_NATIVE", line 442 4......component.type: NATIVE_EXECUTE_PLSQL_CODE4.

Execute Error Handling Callout defined on Page or Application Level4...Execute Statement: begin declare l_error wwv_flow_error_api.t_error; begin l_error := wwv_flow_error_api.g_error; wwv_flow_error_api.g_error_result := apx_error_utils.handleerror ( p_error => l_error ); end; end;4......Values changed by callout:4..

An unexpected internal application error has occurred. Please get in contact with your system administrator and provide reference# for further investigation. 4..display_location: ON_ERROR_PAGE4Stop APEX Engine detected4Final commit4-1 - 59

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Forms :: Dynamic Record Group To Filter Selected Values In A Multirecord Block From A LOV

Jul 9, 2013

I am working on Oracle forms 10g (Windows 7 OS).I have got one requirement to show one LOV for COLOR table. Say i have three colors BLACK, RED, BLUE in color table. Suppose in a multi record block if a user selects BLACK from a lov for one record then for the next record lov it should show only RED and BLUE. How to filter the COLOR from a LOV record group query which are already selected?

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Application Express :: IR With Dynamic Pivot?

Oct 9, 2013

 We have been designing resource management system and want to provide flexible way to extend resource properties at runtime. So we are storing resource properties in a single table,

e.g. select * from _kvID K V---- ----- -----  1  name Bob  1  age  30  1  gender male  2  name Susan  2  status married convert to+-----+-------+--------+----------+| key | color | height | whatever |+-----+-------+--------+----------+| 1   | green | 15     | ---      || 2   | ---   | ---    | lol      |+-----+-------+--------+----------+example of dynamic pivot Dynamic SQL Pivoting &#8211; Stealing Anton&#8217;s Thunder</title> //<title>AMIS Technology Blog…

 Is it possible to create interactive report with dynamic columns updated when _kv will be changed?Is it possible to create add/edit dynamic form depends on key set if we add value type description? 

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Session Restriction - Limit Number Of Open Application Actions By Some Os User?

Sep 17, 2013

,in 11g,is there a way I could limit the number of open application actions by some os user ?We have an application where users are executing the same thing while the last is not yet finished,so we have several same things runninng at the same time executed by the same user.

Can we restrict that somehow through the database or that needs to be  done through application?

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Application Express :: Dynamic Tabular Form

Jul 9, 2012

I have one table that holds a list of People...

Another that holds Classifications

Another that holds Sub Classifications (linked to the Classification table)

PersonID, PersonName
ClassID, ClassName
SubClassID, SubClassName

I need a form that will allow me to put Classifications and Sub Classifications against a Person. I want to be able to add new Classifications and SubClass Values which are dynamical added to the form...

I have a table that holds other data and links the People to the Assessment

AssessmentID, PersonID, Date, AssessorName, Notes

I have a table to hold the Values of the Assessment...

AValuesID, AssessmentID, ClassID, SubClassID
A typical person may look like:

Class1(Programming C++)

Now I have the data tables but how to create the table and save the values for the Assessment Values in one table the dynamically adds values based on the different classifications available...

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Application Express :: Enter A Value Using Set Value Dynamic Action

Aug 1, 2012

I'm using Oracle 11g XE with apex 4.0.2.

I've been trying to use a dynamic action on a text field 'item_group'. Button doesn't have this facility. I created an advanced action using 'set value' with no condition the value being 'RAM.' The event is "change", selection type 'event source', set type is 'static assignment' and value is RAM. It is supposed to trigger when the create button is pressed but nothing happens and the field is still null. I've tried variations on this but nothing works.

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Application Express :: Dynamic Page Item Name

Nov 1, 2012

I have a from with some fields (VELD01, VELD02...VELD11) and a page process that fills that field. I want to make that more dynamic using a loop. Is it possible to use some 'dynamic SQL' like:

l_cnt := 1;
for r in c
l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
end loop;

Example above does not work of course...

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Application Express :: 4.0 - Dynamic SQL Report On Oracle

Sep 21, 2012

I have two reports in one page.One is the Interactive and other is Sql report. Based on the selection of the row(using checkbox) in the interactive report, the sql report has to display the selected columns.

Note :The report has to be loaded whenever a row is selected and without submitting a button.

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Application Express :: Use Page Item In LOV That Was Set By Dynamic Action?

Aug 15, 2012

I have a situation where I need to reference a hidden item in a List of Values (for a pull-down list) SQL statement. It doesn't seem to be working properly. Here is what I have:

1) Using a dynamic action, set the value of a hidden item based on the change of Select List 1.

2) Select List 2 has a parent LOV item of Select List 1, and the Select statement for Select List 2 uses the hidden item that was set from the dynamic action above.

I can see that the dynamic action is working correctly. But when I change Select List 1, the Select List 2 does not show any values from its LOV.

I'm wondering if the LOV for Select List 2 is not working because the item used in the SQL statement was set by a dynamic action?

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Application Express :: Suppress A Dynamic Action Loading GIF?

Mar 1, 2013

I've created a change event dynamic action which fetches a description from the database for a user-entered code. When this is run in Firefox, a swirling loading image is displayed next to the description.However, the loading image causes anything displayed its right to be moved out and then back again when it disappears. On a form with lots of dynamic actions this can be quite disconcerting so I'd like to stop it.

Can a dynamic action's loading image be suppressed?

APEX inserts the following HTML alongside the input field:
<span class="apex-loading-indicator"></span>One option is to apply "display: none;" to the "apex-loading-indicator" class but this could affect other loading images that use the same class.

Note: This affects Firefox (18) but not IE9

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Application Express :: Call Dynamic Action From Link

Nov 28, 2012

All I want to do is call a DA from an HTML link, is it possible? Do I call the DA function like I do with JS?

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Application Express :: Dynamic Population Of Text Fields

Jan 17, 2013

how to dynamically populate text fields.For eg, i have a lov with employee no, as soon as a no is selected next text field with employee name will be populated.

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Application Express :: Using Dynamic Report Parameters With BI Publisher?

Sep 3, 2012

available for doing reporting in BI Publisher? For example, I would like to use the same report for one person or for many people. This would mean that a where clause should be added when it is for the individual and would not be needed for the whole population. I do not see a way to dynamically build the report using "Report Queries" in Shared Components.

It is easy to build a sql query based on different selection criteria in the Region Source of a pagethat then gets displayedd on the page but I am not seeing much flexibility in creating a report with BI Publisher in Apex.

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Application Express :: Dynamic Action Call From An Interactive Report?

Jul 6, 2012

I’m on APEX 4.1, 11gR2, Windows 7 and the latest version of Firefox. I have an interactive report. I want the end user to have the ability to click on a row level link and launch a modal pop up view of another page. Ideally, I'd like to be able to use the Skillbuilders plug-in. I can get it to work if I just go the full page route but I cannot figure out a way to get it to work as a modal pop up. I’ve tried various methods, none of which work, but the one I believe I should be following is by using a page level Dynamic action that fires when a JQuery Selector found item is clicked. The problem I’m having is that I cannot find the correct JQuery Selector syntax for the column. My report has a static ID of IDN and my column a header of PARTS. The best I can manage is not to see anything happen other than a page refresh (when the link is set to the same page). I do not see and firebug console errors.

I’ve replaced the dynamic action modal page call with an alert, which is not showing, to make sure that it's not the plug-in configuration that is causing the problem.

what I should be filling in in the JQuery Selector field of the DA and what the link attributes should be? Given that I wish to redirect from page 1 to page 2, what do I put in the other link fields?

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Application Express :: Interactive Report Based On Dynamic Query

Aug 29, 2012

I am using Apex 4.1 and have a requirement to create an interactive report based on a dynamic query. This option is available in Classic report but in Interactive this feature is not there. Tried using collections or just a view (thought of changing the view definition during "On load", but structure of the report is already defined based on the definition of the view at design time).

Is there any way of achieving this?

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Application Express :: How To Have A Dynamic Action Populate Text Fields

Sep 7, 2012

How to have a dynamic action populate text fields. When the create button is hit, it will insert the record in the DB like normal.

I had a search box doing a dynamic action when a record_number is entered and the selection changes It populates the remaining text boxes with the results of the record_number.

I used a "SET_VALUE" true action on each individual ITEM

For each individual item i have different SQL Statement populating that item.

Ex. To populate Last_Name/ P2_LAST_NAME item i do the following

Select LAST_NAME from patient_Demographics
where record_id = :P2_RECORD_ID

Affected Elements:

So i have about 8 of these true statements, so i'm hitting the DB 8 times to get the individual items. Is there a way to hit the DB once and set the items using one PL/SQL statement? I tried using a PL/sql function body,

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Application Express :: Deleting From A Tabular Form With Dynamic Action

Jan 24, 2013

Using Apex 4.2

Is it possible to delete a row from a tabular form using dynamic actions.

At the moment my report sql contains html and javasript for a delete button

'<input type="button" name="Delete" value="Delete"  onclick="del(''delete'','''||a.applicationname||''')">' A2I then have javascript in my page header
function del(Request, Name){
var answer=confirm("Do you really want delete application "+Name+"?

* Provider assignments will be deleted
* Application objects will be deleted
* DB-roles will be dropped
* DB-views will be dropped
* User-synonyms will be dropped");

if (answer==true) {
  document.getElementById('P10_APPLICATIONNAME').value = Name;

Finally I have a page process to do the delete which fires when the request = delete

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