Application Express :: Edit Bar And Save Report From Actions Menu Is Missing

Jun 21, 2013

We have recently did upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2 with listener 2.0. The edit bar (to edit the page) and Save Report option from Actions Menu ( Interactive Report) are missing, is it a bug?

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Application Express :: How To Save And Edit Word Template

Aug 30, 2012

How to save and edit a Word template and excel (extension. doc and. xls), which can be opened to allow the document and record all changes made ​​by the user of the pacification.

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Application Express :: Dynamic Actions Not Updating Report Every Time

Aug 29, 2013

I have a page which downloads statspack reports from different servers and stores them in APEX. As well as this it also display a summary of data (top 5 wait events & load profile info) when hovering an icon: [URL]... The chart will refresh itself and display the data based on the value of P10_SNAPVAL (storing the PK value). The report does not do as I expect it to do (it isn't refreshing the table). I have the following:

PL/SQL Dynamic Content region making the report Dynamic Action- Event: Change- Item: P10_SNAPVAL- Action: Refresh- Affected Element: Region - Load Profile (the PL/SQL Dynamic Content)- Event scope:

I've tried both bind & live The value of P10_SNAPVAL is changed whenever the user hovers a penguin icon (this works because the chart works). 

$('img[name=summary]').mouseover(function() {
var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value, nu

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Application Express :: Interactive Report / Edit Option

Jan 28, 2013

I have created interactive report
and Report Attributes=>Link Column have given Link to custom <img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#e2.gif" border="0"> for P9_EMPNO...the editable displaying fine.

MY Requirement was the editable link...i need to control with DISBALE/ENALE with if EMPNO=100 then all 100 id records need to editable link disable and if EMPNO=120 then All 120 records editable link need to be enable..this kind of thing need in the report..

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Application Express :: Save Form Changes When Click Report Link Column

Jun 19, 2013

Apex I have a page with a Form region and a Classic Report region. How can I automatically save changes made in the Form when a user clicks the Edit link column in the Report? At the moment, when the user returns to the Form, any changes made there are lost. 

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Application Express :: Interactive Report Subscription - Missing Search Functionality?

Oct 11, 2012

when receiving the output of a report subscription in Apex 4.1.1, the search Box is missing, only the Text string 'Suche:' is displayed.If i download the report as Email or html, the search box is there and usable.

Maybe i'm wrong, but this was not under Apex 4.0.2.

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Application Express :: Dynamic Actions Canceling Each Other Out?

Aug 1, 2013

 I am trying to simplify my apex 4.2 code with dynamic actions.   I have a tabular form based on a collection.   The tabular forms contains (among many variables) the following: 

apex_item.text(1,seq_id,'','','id="f01_'||seq_id,'','') "DeleteRow",
seq_id display_seq_id,
apex_item.text(10,TO_NUMBER(c010),5,null, null,'f10_'||seq_id,'') Quantity,


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Application Express :: Filter Shuttle Using Dynamic Actions

Sep 7, 2012

I am using Apex 4.1 and builder theme.I came across this thread to filter the shuttle values based on javascript in dynamic action.Auto filter Shuttle selection list

I created a shuttle and a textbox as described but the dynamic action is not clear. And It is not working for me. The steps are not so clear and i guess the javascript is not complete.

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Application Express :: Dynamic Actions Call A Javascript Function On All Text Items

Feb 21, 2013

On a tabular form I have 50 columns each an input box , (basically 50 weeks of the year)

in these boxes I want to make them numbers only and max length 2

currently I have in the ELEMENT ATTRIBUTES for each column

OnFocus="javascript:this.maxLength=2"; onKeyPress="return numbersonly(this,event)";

( I have a function called numbers only in page 0 )

what I would like to do , to make it more maintainable is to remove all the calls in the element attributes of each column

and put it in 2 dynamic actions how would I go about this ?

I have tried using jquery selector of input:text to call javascript code on both events , Get focus and Key Press for every text box but its not working .

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Application Express :: How To Protect Oracle Application From Code Edit On Client Side Installation

Sep 12, 2013

We have developed an application for our clients,planning to deploy it in client server soon. we have plans to support the application in future,so we want to restrict the clients from any modifications. By Doubt is, 'build_status=Run only' alone,cannot protect our application from client developers to edit our application,

Because though we install our application as 'Run Only' at the time of installation in client instance,we can still import the original application and change the type to 'Build and Run Application',and run the new application as 'Build and Run'.(which is not supposed to) we want to make sure,if there is any way we can protect our application from modifications after client side installation.  

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Application Express :: How To Use Computation With EDIT

Mar 19, 2013

I have used computation in form .i have take 7 check box item with value

MON =1
WED =3
THU =5
FRI =6
SAT =6
SUN =7

these item are not database column.

Using computation after submit i have concatinate it and insert in to OPERATING_DAYS Column into table.
example :if i check MON AND WED AND FRI THEN concatenate value insert into table 136

:P6_MON||:P6_TUS||:P6_WED||:P6_THR||:P6_FRI||:P6_SAT||:P6_SUNPloblem is when i edit record but this 136 value of operating days does not come into MON,WED and FRI.

How to extract these days value from OPERATING_DAYS Column into respective Days Item.

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Application Express :: Disable Edit Link

Dec 14, 2012

i want to disable my EDIT link in report if it satisfy my case condition.

i am using some code but using this i can unable and disable text link not a image link how can i disable image link like edit link in report.

select * from (
'<font color ="Red"></b>Modify Invoice</b></font>'ELSE
'<a href="f?p=&APP_ID.:58:&SESSION.:INV_ID:&DEBUG.:58:P58_INV_ID:'

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Application Express :: Edit Detail On Separate Page?

Aug 26, 2012

i am try to build master and detail i use Edit detail on separate page , but when i want to create new record in detail page the master column is display and not retrieve the value .

the example in my workspace
user login : ahmed
pass : 123

workspace : spark
user : saied
pass : 123

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Application Express :: Edit Region Display Selector

Dec 7, 2012

Is possible to remove the "show all" of the Region Display Selector? How can i do this?

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Application Express :: No Page Edit Functionality After Upgrade To 4.2.2?

Jul 12, 2013

Apex has been upgraded from 4.1 to 4.2.2. I don't know if the upgrade was done correct or not by the administrator, but I don't have the page edit link anymore,

and anytime I run a individual page from the Edit Application, I have to Log in. Did something went wrong during the upgrade or is this the behavior of Apex now, which I don't think so.

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Application Express :: Edit Page Fetching With Rowid

Feb 9, 2013

I have an interactive report from a view and have a rowid column that is a link to a page to edit a table.

The rowid value in db is: ABH/WVAG1AAAAF9AAA

But the generated link is:


And when it loads the page it happens a no data found error (because the escaped characters)

What would be the solution for this problem?

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Application Express :: 4.2.3 Bug - Cascading Style Sheets Cannot Edit From List View

Oct 3, 2013

APEX Builder page 4000:37 List view shows name, notes and download columns. The name column should link through to CSS Edit page (39), but instead downloads the file. Workaround: Switch to the icon view, and click on the icon which takes you to the CSS edit page. Can the APEX team correct this, as switching to icon view is not intuitive. 

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Application Express :: Error When Calling Skillbuilder Popup In Edit Record Mode?

Jan 3, 2013

Iam facing another issue with Skillbuilder modal page(for those who have used this plugins). Ive the CREATE part working well the problem is with EDIT part to edit records via the link i applied all the steps and clicking the edit link pops up the page but the issue is for any clicked row the parameter is not being passed and seleceted record doesnt show on the pop up page where could the problem be? though if i set it back to normal link created by the wizard the edit link works well and shows that record on the editable page.

Apex 4.1.1/oracle 11gR2 ; issue happens in FF & IE

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Application Express :: Build A Menu Framework

Jun 27, 2012

I have built a Menu Framework using the following instructions.


I am facing 2 problems.

1. If the user is in a child application and clicks logout. He is taken to the login screen of the master application (Correct), but once he enters login details, he is returned to the child application (False). I think he should be returned to the Home page of the Master application.

2. If I set Session Timeouts in the Edit Security Attributes of the applications. Then if the user is timed out, he is sent to the login screen of the Master application (Correct). If he then logs in, he is sent the the Home page of the Master application (Correct).

Now if he clicks a link to a child application he is then sent back to the Master application login screen. He then has to login again. He is sent to the Master Home page and everything is then ok.

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Application Express :: JTree With Context Menu

Nov 2, 2012

I am trying to implement a Jtree with Context Menu. When Context Menu is implemented the nodes wont expand or collapse.This happens with Sample Trees Packaged application for Project Documentation tree.

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Application Express :: Navigation Through Drop Down Menu Via Tab Key

Jul 3, 2013

I'm looking for a solution to navigate through the drop down menu (APEX-Region-Plugin two level menu) by using the tab key and short-cut keys. How it could work?

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Application Express :: Create Tab Menu Like In Sumneva Site

Aug 28, 2012

i want to create tab menu like in sumneva site URL.....

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Application Express :: Set IR Columns Outside Of Action Menu (APEX 4.0.1)

Jan 30, 2013

I am trying to find a way to set the selected columns, like what the action menu -> select columns does. I am planning to build a AJAX Tree with check boxes, but I don't know where to pass that data to to update the selected columns. I'm sure their is a magic apex function that is passing the values of the current shuffle box, but as that is dynamically created, I have not be able to find that process / function.

Reason for this: Too many columns on the IR report. Want them divided by categories in a tree view. And no, I cant break the report up into multiple reports. Currently this report has 548 columns.

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Application Express :: Slideshow Is Covering Over Drop-down Menu?

Nov 11, 2012

I am use this slideshow within my application [URL]... and this the slide source [URL]...

and use this CSS menu [URL]... and this the css menu source code [URL]...after working the Slideshow is covering over drop-down menu .

if you want to see in action [URL]...

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Application Express :: Packaged Application Is Missing Tables

Dec 5, 2012

We installed the packaged application P-Track in a schema called cpd in Apex version When running it, the error below occurs. Essentially it appears that some of the tables are missing as the package does not compile due to tables not being found. We had no trouble running other sample packaged apps. I would really like to look at P-Track. Any problem with installing P-Track?

The following error has occurred while executing the error handling callback:

ORA-04063: package body "CPD.EBA_PROJ_FW" has errors ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "CPD.EBA_PROJ_FW" ORA-04063: package body "CPD.EBA_PROJ_STAT_UI" has errors ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "CPD.EBA_PROJ_STAT_UI"

Technical Info (only visible for developers)

is_internal_error: true
ora_sqlcode: -4063
ora_sqlerrm: ORA-04063: package body "CPD.EBA_PROJ_STAT_UI" has errors ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "CPD.EBA_PROJ_STAT_UI"


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Application Express :: 4.0 - How To Save Detail Along With Master Record

Apr 16, 2013

I am using APEX 4.0. I have created a master detail page , the business logic is “ We can save master record only if there is at least one detail record exist.”

But current wizard developed page has functionality that I have to save master first then only I can add detail record. I want to save them together.

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Application Express :: Save Before Exit Tabular Form

Feb 21, 2013

I have seen the Skill builder plugin for Save Before Exit, and it looks great.

Unfortunately, my project is using apex 3.2.

Is there a recommended way to achieve this for a tabular for in apex 3.2.

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Application Express :: Tree Contextual Menu And Hold Current Node

Nov 28, 2012

Tree with context menu not expanding on page load

I try the solution and it works fine but I lost tree functionality that saves tree state (Selected Nod Page Item), value of this item is correct but async operation reset tree state.

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Application Express :: Menu List Look Change Between Home Page And Other Pages

May 18, 2013

APEX Version : 4.2.2
Application : TRQ_APP


I have a menu list defined in page 0 - when the menu list is displayed in home page (Page 1) it looks fine but in others pages it displays differently

To have the menu list displayed in all pages of application as it is in page 1.

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Application Express :: HTML Text Area With Save Button

Oct 22, 2012

I have created a region Q_INFO and in the region i have added HTML text area. This text area is editable for only few users. If the user types in the text area and presses save button. The text is stored in the table INFO. And this text is displayed to all other users. But when i enter any data in the text area with multiple new lines and press SAVE button. The text is displayed in single line. I want to maintain new line and paragraph in the text area.

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