Application Express :: Tree Contextual Menu And Hold Current Node

Nov 28, 2012

Tree with context menu not expanding on page load

I try the solution and it works fine but I lost tree functionality that saves tree state (Selected Nod Page Item), value of this item is correct but async operation reset tree state.

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Forms :: Hierarchy Tree Menu - Call Reports Through Node

Jun 12, 2012

I have a hierarchy tree menu look like this

Export Entry Form
New User Entry

when i click Gl==>Accounts, accounts form opens and i want call my forms and reports through nodes.

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Application Express :: Hold Session Values In APEX_ITEM

Dec 6, 2012

I was making some page validation to APEX_ITEM manual tabular form. When every a validation executes it will clear all the data what user enters. What is the best method to hold the session values in APEX_ITEM.

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Forms :: Hierarchical Tree Menu

Nov 30, 2010

I need complete source from hartical tree menu using by calling reports and calling forms.

i need related Table ,triggers and Examples.

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Application Express :: Tree View On Application Builder Not Showing

Jul 16, 2012

I have some applications on Apex public workspace (, and suddenly the Tree View, on Application Builder stopped showing any content. If I select "Component View", I see the page components, but if I switch to tree view, it shows me only some empty frames.

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Forms :: Menu Tree Not Working Properly - Change It?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a form in which menu tree is populated with this sql

SELECT 1, Level, MenuLabel, MenuName, MenuId
FROM MenuFile
CONNECT BY PRIOR MenuId = ParentId START WITH menuId = :moduleid||'0000'

The result is attached in the CSV file enclosed in sheet mrnufile1As we can see in row 3 the item LPC has menuid BDME13.
In my view This item should be in ROW 19.How can i change query do get the desired the result.I have also tried another sql query.

select * from menufile where applicationid = 'BD' order by parentid,menuid

Result of this query is in 2nd Half of CSV file

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Forms :: How To Design Hierarchical Tree Menu For Calling Reports

Mar 17, 2013

How to design Hierarchical Tree Menu for calling forms & Reports.

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Application Express :: How To Search Tree With A Given String

Oct 31, 2013

How can I search the tree with a given string?I don't find any function like "search(...)".I want to find the tree nodes which include the given string. 

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Application Express :: Tree Link On A New Window

Jan 31, 2013

I have this Query in a tree page (apex 4.2), but i need open a .pdf file in a new window. It's possible?

select case when connect_by_isleaf = 1 then 0
when level = 1 then 1
else -1
end as status,

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Application Express :: Refresh Tree On Change Of Shuttle

Sep 27, 2012

I have a requirement in which on Change event of shuttle, the tree present in another region of the same page should refresh. On refresh, the tree should include the values selected on the right hand side of the shuttle as its nodes.

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Application Express :: Tree To Popup A Called Page

Feb 8, 2013

Ive created a tree structure and i want it to popup the called case when connect_by_isleaf = 1 then 0

            when level = 1             then 1
            else                           -1
       end as status,
       '<SPAN style="color:red;">' || "ENAME" || '</SPAN>'  as title,
       (case when level = 1 then '#IMAGE_PREFIX#Fndtre11.gif'

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Application Express :: Creating Tree With Multiple Tables?

Jun 20, 2012

I want to do a tree view based on the following tables in APEX:

create table plattform (
id number,
name varchar2(200))
create table environment (
id number,
plattform_id number,
name varchar2(200))


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Application Express :: Build A Menu Framework

Jun 27, 2012

I have built a Menu Framework using the following instructions.


I am facing 2 problems.

1. If the user is in a child application and clicks logout. He is taken to the login screen of the master application (Correct), but once he enters login details, he is returned to the child application (False). I think he should be returned to the Home page of the Master application.

2. If I set Session Timeouts in the Edit Security Attributes of the applications. Then if the user is timed out, he is sent to the login screen of the Master application (Correct). If he then logs in, he is sent the the Home page of the Master application (Correct).

Now if he clicks a link to a child application he is then sent back to the Master application login screen. He then has to login again. He is sent to the Master Home page and everything is then ok.

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Application Express :: JTree With Context Menu

Nov 2, 2012

I am trying to implement a Jtree with Context Menu. When Context Menu is implemented the nodes wont expand or collapse.This happens with Sample Trees Packaged application for Project Documentation tree.

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Application Express :: Navigation Through Drop Down Menu Via Tab Key

Jul 3, 2013

I'm looking for a solution to navigate through the drop down menu (APEX-Region-Plugin two level menu) by using the tab key and short-cut keys. How it could work?

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Application Express :: Application Locking - Force Logout All Current Users And Prevent Login

Jun 12, 2012

I have an application that I'd like to prevent activity in after a certain time of day, say 3pm. Is there any way I can force logout of all current users and then prevent re-login until 9am the next day (short of deleting all of their login credentials and then recreating them the next morning)?

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Application Express :: Create Tab Menu Like In Sumneva Site

Aug 28, 2012

i want to create tab menu like in sumneva site URL.....

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Application Express :: Set IR Columns Outside Of Action Menu (APEX 4.0.1)

Jan 30, 2013

I am trying to find a way to set the selected columns, like what the action menu -> select columns does. I am planning to build a AJAX Tree with check boxes, but I don't know where to pass that data to to update the selected columns. I'm sure their is a magic apex function that is passing the values of the current shuffle box, but as that is dynamically created, I have not be able to find that process / function.

Reason for this: Too many columns on the IR report. Want them divided by categories in a tree view. And no, I cant break the report up into multiple reports. Currently this report has 548 columns.

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Application Express :: Slideshow Is Covering Over Drop-down Menu?

Nov 11, 2012

I am use this slideshow within my application [URL]... and this the slide source [URL]...

and use this CSS menu [URL]... and this the css menu source code [URL]...after working the Slideshow is covering over drop-down menu .

if you want to see in action [URL]...

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Forms :: Add Checkbox With Hierarchical Tree Node

Jun 10, 2011

I am using oracle forms 9i. I have to create a Hierarchical Tree and attach checkbox at its node,so that user can select which tree he want in its further processing.

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Forms :: Disabling A Node In Hierarchical Tree?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a hierarchical tree with two parent nodes. Each parent node has different number of child nodes. Can i disable or hide a node according to some condition?

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Forms :: Finding Node In A Tree - No Data Found?

Mar 5, 2012

I have a problem with finding a node in my tree, but when I click the find button, it threw a message NO DATA FOUND.

here is the code that I used in find button:

tri ITEM;
hanapin_mYnode FTREE.NODE;
BEGIN-- Find the tree itself. 


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Application Express :: How To Get Current Tab Name Or Tab ID

Dec 5, 2012

I would like to hide/show tabs according to users' page privileges list. So I need get current tab ID or tab Name in runtime environment to know if show/hide it for current user.

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Application Express :: Menu List Look Change Between Home Page And Other Pages

May 18, 2013

APEX Version : 4.2.2
Application : TRQ_APP


I have a menu list defined in page 0 - when the menu list is displayed in home page (Page 1) it looks fine but in others pages it displays differently

To have the menu list displayed in all pages of application as it is in page 1.

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Application Express :: Edit Bar And Save Report From Actions Menu Is Missing

Jun 21, 2013

We have recently did upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2 with listener 2.0. The edit bar (to edit the page) and Save Report option from Actions Menu ( Interactive Report) are missing, is it a bug?

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Forms :: Create Hierarchical Tree With Department Number As Node?

Mar 25, 2010

I would like to create a hierarchical tree with Department number as a node and all the employees (only employee names) under that department as shown below:

[-]Department - 10
[-]Department - 20
and so on...

I have created a hierarchical tree 'HT_DEPTNO' under block 'BL_EMP'. I also created a Record Group 'RG_HTREE' with query as shown below:


I am attaching the form for your reference.

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Forms :: Tree Node Icons And Where Icon Files Are Located?

Mar 21, 2012

Tree node icons. I created a table named TEMP_USER_MENU and contains the following structure



Now all i wanted is to change each node icon. This query just make the parent nodes icon to OPEN folder like icon and the leaf node to FILE. You can see the decode query up there. It just chose the icons from the File_Name field when it founds 0 then it shows it's a parent node it makes it icon to OPEN else it make it to NEW.

Fist thing i want to know that from where the form builder is fetching these icons? i.e. from which path and what format it looks like a .png file ? .ico or a .jpeg file. I have searched a lot online but all in vain.

Second thing if i want to add unique icons in my menu tree on each node. Is there any possibility ? if yes. Then where should i keep my icons files and in which format?

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Application Express :: Can't Get Current Value Of Item

Aug 14, 2012

i user javascript to set a item value by a Partial Page Refresh .then i want to turn to another page by a button and Transfer the item's new value to the second page's item,but the value of the item is always teh old value but not de new value,how can i get the new value of the item first.

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Application Express :: Convert Tabs In The 2nd Level To Drop-Down Menu As App Builder Theme

Nov 17, 2012


- Apex 4.2
- Application Theme: Bluejay-22
- Page Template Class: Two Level Tabs


- Convert 2nd Level Tabs of (Bluejay-22 Theme) to be Drop-Down Menus as in (Application Builder Theme)

- Where can I find documentation for app_AppMenuMultiOpenBottom3

Current Situation

- Only the first level tabs are converted to match the (Application Builder Theme).

- The Drop-Down menus of the second level tabs are not working

Steps tried

1) link the following CSS's into the Header section of the Page Template of (Bluejay-22)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/apex_builder.min.css?v=" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/apex_ui.min.css?v=" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/apex_ui_builder_home.css" type="text/css" />2) link the following Scripts into the Header section of the Page Template
<script type="text/javascript">


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Application Express :: Oracle 11gr2 RAC 2 Node

Nov 2, 2012

Can i setup 2 node oracle RAC using vmware server in a single laptop..? cpu-intel i3 memory 4GB.

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