Application Express :: How To Search Tree With A Given String

Oct 31, 2013

How can I search the tree with a given string?I don't find any function like "search(...)".I want to find the tree nodes which include the given string. 

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Application Express :: Enable IR Search Field To Search In Hidden Columns

Jul 15, 2012

I am using apex 4.1. I must hide phone number columns in my IR report, but at the same time the values of that columns should be available to search for using IR Search Field. is there a way to do this ?

if not, that means I have to :

1- Add a text filed P1_PHONE
2- edit my report query to something similar to
> Select * from Table where :P1_phone in (mobile1,mobile2) or :p1_phone is null
3- add button to refresh the report.

but the item P1_PHONE should be on the header of the Report region. is there a way to do this.
I am using theme 23
page template without sidebars
Report template : Reports Region.

how to put the item P1_PHONE on the tab of the page. Just similar to the Search item of in the Application Builder.

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Application Express :: Tree View On Application Builder Not Showing

Jul 16, 2012

I have some applications on Apex public workspace (, and suddenly the Tree View, on Application Builder stopped showing any content. If I select "Component View", I see the page components, but if I switch to tree view, it shows me only some empty frames.

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Application Express :: Tree Link On A New Window

Jan 31, 2013

I have this Query in a tree page (apex 4.2), but i need open a .pdf file in a new window. It's possible?

select case when connect_by_isleaf = 1 then 0
when level = 1 then 1
else -1
end as status,

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Application Express :: Refresh Tree On Change Of Shuttle

Sep 27, 2012

I have a requirement in which on Change event of shuttle, the tree present in another region of the same page should refresh. On refresh, the tree should include the values selected on the right hand side of the shuttle as its nodes.

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Application Express :: Tree To Popup A Called Page

Feb 8, 2013

Ive created a tree structure and i want it to popup the called case when connect_by_isleaf = 1 then 0

            when level = 1             then 1
            else                           -1
       end as status,
       '<SPAN style="color:red;">' || "ENAME" || '</SPAN>'  as title,
       (case when level = 1 then '#IMAGE_PREFIX#Fndtre11.gif'

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Application Express :: Creating Tree With Multiple Tables?

Jun 20, 2012

I want to do a tree view based on the following tables in APEX:

create table plattform (
id number,
name varchar2(200))
create table environment (
id number,
plattform_id number,
name varchar2(200))


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Application Express :: Search Application And Replace Text Within It

Sep 24, 2012

In Application Builder, is there a way to searching the application and replacing text within it?

I have an application item named "FORMAT_TYPE1". I would like to perform a find and replace action (just like a word processor) where any part of the application that has name or text "FORMAT_TYPE1" in whole or in part is replaced by the text "FORMAT_CATEGORY1". For example:


The find/search would do it in any attribute, source code in the application. There is only a Search Application feature, which is useful in identifying places, but lacks any replace function. Is there something else that will do this, besides exporting, editing the source code in a text editor, and then importing the application again?

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Application Express :: How To Search By Displayed Value

Apr 15, 2013

When a format mask is applied to numeric field in an Interactive Report, e.g. 999G999G999G999G999G990, search operations from the Search Bar do not match any entries if the mask characters are included. For example, the data value from the database is: 2251343000. When the above, example format mask is applied, this is displayed as 2,251,343,000. However, if the user enters 2,251,343,000 in the search bar (which would be the natural thing to do), nothing matches. On the other hand, if the user enters 2251343000, a match is found.

This seems like counter intuitive behavior to me since the whole point of the tool bar is to allow "self-service" for the user. Training them to remove commas, dollars signs or whatever is not very popular.

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Application Express :: Search Through Enter

May 14, 2013

I have a text field page item "Emp No" with a button "Find" in a page 10.

Soon after i enter any "Emp No" in the field and if i press "Find" button means, it will redirect to the another page 7, carrying the Empno that i have entered in the field in page 10 through URL and it will set that value to one hidden item P7_X which is in the page 7 and im using that hidden item to query data's in the page 7.

I need that search action to be done, not only by pressing the "Find" button but also pressing enter(soon after i entered a value in the "Emp No" field). Whether is it possible to perform that action once i press the enter button in keyboard.

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Application Express :: Tree Contextual Menu And Hold Current Node

Nov 28, 2012

Tree with context menu not expanding on page load

I try the solution and it works fine but I lost tree functionality that saves tree state (Selected Nod Page Item), value of this item is correct but async operation reset tree state.

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Application Express :: Cancel Search In Interactive Report

Feb 15, 2013

My Interactive Report will run for a minute or for a long time like 5 to to 10 minutes depending upon given parameters to the report. Now I would like to cancel the report search when I made a mistake like searching on a value which willtake more time. how to achieve the same.

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Application Express :: Move Interactive Search Bar To Another Region

Dec 4, 2012

I have an interactive report which needs a horizontal scroll bar as it holds too much information for the screen, the problem is when a user scrolls the search bar is lost

i wanted to know if this could be changed by moving the interactive search (the whole action bar) to another form which would sit above the report.

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Application Express :: How To Add Select List In Interactive Report Search Bar

Apr 16, 2013

I am using Oracle Apex 4.2 and theme 25. I want to add select list in IR search bar. I am able to add buttons but i am unable to add items.

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Application Express :: Interactive Report Search Not Working Properly?

Jun 12, 2013

I am using Apex 4.2, The Interactive report Search is not working properly, when i am entering complete date or time it is not showing any to increase performance of the search...

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Application Express :: Interactive Report With Custom Search Criteria

Apr 25, 2013

I have a region where I have 3 textfields and a Submit button. Then, another report region where I have a query with the where condition that makes reference to the 3 texfields. This is:

Select * from ANYTABLE
where column1 = :P1_TEXTFIELD1
and column2 = :P1_TEXTFIELD2
and column3 = :P1_TEXTFIELD3

When I click the submit button, the report is reloaded (in fact, all the page) with all the conditions (in textfields) correctly. Now, what I need is that when I click the submit button, the filter appears in the screen; I mean, show the funnel with the filter conditions as if I made it since the search bar.

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Application Express :: Interactive Report Subscription - Missing Search Functionality?

Oct 11, 2012

when receiving the output of a report subscription in Apex 4.1.1, the search Box is missing, only the Text string 'Suche:' is displayed.If i download the report as Email or html, the search box is there and usable.

Maybe i'm wrong, but this was not under Apex 4.0.2.

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Application Express :: Prevent Reset For Default Search Column In Interactive Report

Jul 19, 2013

I have created a IR report and I set the default search column  using the suggestion found in the thread URL....but how can I keep this default even after the research was done?Now it is resetted ! 

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Application Express :: Would Interactive Report Search Box Work In Apex Mobile Template

Aug 17, 2012

I have created a JQuery mobile template for APEX which at the moment is just returning data from my database in a reports region. Is it possible to include a search bar before the user sees any data so they can search for records in the database and return them to the results page I have already created?

If so what is the best approach with the mobile template?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Do Selective Search Within A String

Nov 8, 2010

Assuming I have the following table with its data:


| code | description |
| A | $abc + xyz = $cba - 2 |
| B | ($12345 + $12345)/3 |
| C | $poke + $abc = $abc + 456 - 789 |

How can I do a selective search on "description" column for any word that starts with the "$" sign? In the end, this is the resultset that I am expecting:

| $ | count of $ |
| $abc | 3 |
| $cba | 1 |
| $12345 | 2 |
| $poke | 1 |

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PL/SQL :: Reverse Search In String

Aug 13, 2012

I have table having a single column a, which contain the values "HP Laptop", can search it in either way , i mean to say either user input the HP Laptop or Laptop HP? is it possible via SQL query ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Search For A Particular Text In String Column

Oct 18, 2012

I have one table for eg. TB_Fruits.

In that i have one column FruitsName(Varchar)

In that column i am storing string in comma separated values.

Select FruitsName from tb_fruits;
Result: orange,banana,apple

Now the issue is suppose if i try to insert any of these fruits name again then it should not allow me to insert.

Suppose now if i try to insert ('grapes,banana')

the orange,banana,apple can be in any position.

How to check if any of these names already exist or not in the column fruitsname?

I cannot use like or INstr function here. because the position is not fixed not even string.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Search For A Pattern And Replace With A String?

Jun 20, 2012

I want to search for a pattern and replace with a string. I can easily achieve the same in oracle 10g with REGEXP_REPLACE , I want to get the similar solution in 9i.


I have to search for a string pattern 1234 5678 9012 6736 , I want to replace the same with XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX.

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PL/SQL :: How To Search One String With Various Occurrences Using Regexp_substr

Aug 14, 2012

My Scenario is'....456re0,50kg400,500rfabs43qre30,25kg150,354rf658....'

there is possible,using regexp_substr or other way to get the values, 0,50 and 400,500 and 30,25 and 150,354? I'm using [^re]+[$kg] and the string comes, but only the first occurence..

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Application Express :: Assign Values In Many Rows Based On Search Values?

Jul 25, 2013

I used Region, Process by to search the report which appears as shown above. Then I use Choose Auditors column to select my Auditor and copy paste it into the report under To be Audited By col. Is there a way to automate the process. I am here using a tabular form in APEX. My main aim is to assign auditors based on Region, not equal to Processed by. 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Search A String In TEXT Column Of Dba_views

Aug 4, 2010

I want to select the view names from text column in dba_views.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Search String From The End To Beginning (reverse INSTR)?

Sep 22, 2010

Trying to get a number out of an error backtrack

06512: at "SCHEMA.PROCEDURE", line 4

I only need to take the 4 out of this message. Of course the number might be anything from 1 to 10000.

The database languages might differ so I can't do this using


As it would not find any 'line' inside the string.

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Application Express :: Substitution String For List Entry

Jul 4, 2012

I have created a list with name Test_List and 5 values in it.

I want to pass the values dynamically when i select the list values (any of the 5 values).

I tried:

For each list setting(List Details --> Static list entries --> Target) i have set the
Request as ?Test_List=#Test_List#
Note: Here Test_List is my list name.

Also i have tried

Request as ?Test_List=&Test_List.

But nothing seems to be working...

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Application Express :: Report String Column To Date?

Apr 22, 2013

v: Apex 4.2

I have Dynamic report and column say some_date column and data can be in the columun (01-JAN-13) OR (01-JAN-13,04-JAN-13), (01-JAN-13,04-JAN-13,10-JAN-13) so on.

in actual table column some_date is date field but in report as above (string) because using RTRIM(some_date, ',') some_date within the select MODEL clause.

my problem is when run the report and select filter from action menu then it doesn't give option such as < , > or so on because of string but I want it should give <, <=, >, >= operators too as date column.

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Application Express Listener :: String Index Out Of Range

Dec 19, 2012

I have, it would appear, successfully installed APEX 4.2 & APEX Listener 2.0 EA (in WebLogic). APEX works fine and it's reverse proxied using mod_weblogic through the OHS. I have configured APEX Printing to be via the APEX Listener.

However, creating a simple report, enabling printing, running the report (e.g. PDF or Word) produces the following few-byte content (only) inside the actual PDF file (obviously not in PDF format):

String index out of range: -1

Furthermore, it throws the exception below on the WebLogic console.

Any experience with the APEX Listener - and if so managed to rectify it?

SEVERE: String index out of range: -1
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
at java.lang.String.substring(
at oracle.dbtools.apex.hooks.postProcess.FOP2PDF.requestTOPDF(
at oracle.dbtools.apex.hooks.postProcess.FOP2PDF.postProcess(


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