Application Express :: Refresh Tree On Change Of Shuttle
Sep 27, 2012
I have a requirement in which on Change event of shuttle, the tree present in another region of the same page should refresh. On refresh, the tree should include the values selected on the right hand side of the shuttle as its nodes.
I am using Apex 4.1 and builder theme.I came across this thread to filter the shuttle values based on javascript in dynamic action.Auto filter Shuttle selection list
I created a shuttle and a textbox as described but the dynamic action is not clear. And It is not working for me. The steps are not so clear and i guess the javascript is not complete.
I have a shuttle control (P8_SHUTTLE) that lists then names from scott.emp.
Now I want to create a dynamic action that fires when I click on one of the names on the left side of the shuttle control.
I want the dynamic action to recognize the name of the employee that was clicked, and then set the value of a text item (P8_LAST_VALUE) to that ename. (Eventually I want to display the department of that employee in the other text item).
Here are screen shots of my DA:
Currently, when I click an item in the shuttle control, the text item P8_LAST_VALUE remains blank.
(Apex 4.0.2) This thread mentions the same problem I am having:
Shuttle empty when on iPad / safari
In the iPad, the shuttle item displays like this:
Select >> Stores [0 items [...]] > [0 items [...]] < <<You need to click on the select list on the left, select the items you want to transfer to the right, then click the > icon. Not very user friendly.
The same on the right side: it always says "0 items" even when there are items in the right of the shuttle. Looks like an iPad issue. Are there any workarounds for it?
The values are stored in a VARCHAR2 field MULTI_USER (for example 1:2:4:6) When I want to get the names back from the selected item, how do I reference the colon-separated items?
For example:
Select Name from UserTable where UserID in (select MULTI_USER from MULTI_USER where MULTI_USER_ID = 1)
I have some applications on Apex public workspace (, and suddenly the Tree View, on Application Builder stopped showing any content. If I select "Component View", I see the page components, but if I switch to tree view, it shows me only some empty frames.
How can I search the tree with a given string?I don't find any function like "search(...)".I want to find the tree nodes which include the given string.
Ive created a tree structure and i want it to popup the called case when connect_by_isleaf = 1 then 0
when level = 1 then 1 else -1 end as status, level, '<SPAN style="color:red;">' || "ENAME" || '</SPAN>' as title, (case when level = 1 then '#IMAGE_PREFIX#Fndtre11.gif' [code]....
I try the solution and it works fine but I lost tree functionality that saves tree state (Selected Nod Page Item), value of this item is correct but async operation reset tree state.
I have some troubles with a "Set Value" Dynamic Action. What I want to do is set a Page Item with a specific variable derived from javascript. So basically I have a javascript variable 'test' that is being changed in javascript code. I am using a dynamic Action "Set Value" to set this value into a page item. As source, Im using "Javascript Expression". It is working, however, the Set Value Dynamic Action with JAvascript expression does not reflect this change in the session, so the page item is not updated.
I tried:
$s -> does not work apex.submit -> does work, however submits the page. I need to submit only the Page item.
I have an APEX page with a master and a detail. The master is a classic report with a column link which sets an hidden item on my
I have a dynamic action which reacts on change of the item P280_DAK_ID.It then refreshes the detail region which is a PL/SQL region with the following:
begin apex_p280.show_xml(p_dak_id => v('P280_DAK_ID'));end;
This prints a few pieces of text to the screen, nothing special. Everything works except the refresh of the detail region.This is due to the fact that the new value of P280_DAK_ID is not in the session state yet. So my question is: what would be a nice solution to set the item in the session state without a submit? With a normal region I could fill in 'Page items to submit', but with a pl/sql region I can't.
1.) So I have a page, call it Page1. I do some 'not very important' things on this page, and then I use a dynamic action to open a new page, call it Page2.
2.) I do some other things on Page2, and then close it.
3.) It just so happens that when some things are changed on Page2, some things are changed on Page1.
4.) When I close Page2 I do not see those changes, because it needs to be refreshed or reloaded. So, I would like to be able to--from any page--reference this page and refresh it. I come from an object oriented language background.
I used to have a button, that called an after submit page process and everything ran fine.The page had loads of buttons, so I got rid of the buttons and created a list instead.I have an entry in a list. Target Type: Page, Page 1, Request is set to RUN_PLAN.This calls a before header page process with a condition of Request = Exp1 and Exp1 is set to RUN_PLAN. When the user clicks the list item, the process is run. This works fine.I also have a report on this page.As the process runs, it is updating a table.The user needs to watch this process running (via the report), so they need to keep refreshing the page.The problem is, that when they refresh the page via the browser refresh button the process is called again. How can I stop the process from running, every time the user refreshes the page.
I'm using Apex 4.2.1 against Oracle 11gR2 and mod_plsql.I've created a page containing two classical reports and an editable tabular form, with the form needing to be positioned at the page bottom.
The tabular form contains the usual buttons Apex creates by default such as "Add Row", "Save", and "Delete". Whenever users click any of these buttons, the entire page "jumps" and the mouse cursor goes to the very top of the page. Very disconcerting as well as frustrating since users must constantly scroll down to where the form is to see if a row was added or deleted.
I have set the tabular form region to "Partial Page Refresh". No effect.I have also created a dynamic action triggered on a button click (say the "Add Row" button) and whose action is to refresh the specific tabular form region. Again, no effect.
Even with both of these interventions, implemented individually as well as in combination, still has my page jumping and the mouse cursor at the top of the page whenever users click any of these form buttons.
I need to change "File Character" when I export application with Apex version, but this option, is not possible. The ComboBox already select with
"Unicode UTF-8]', but I need "ISO-8859-1 - Europa Ocidental",
Is there a way to change the Application Builder theme? There are themes for applications; how about for the builder itself? I looked but did not see a selection for this.
I'm a Geek thru and thru, I guess, but I think you might have to be xxxx retentive to like all these square boxes. And these old eyes have to squint to focus among the vast sea of gray shades.
I'm trying to make changes to a PL/SQL procedure in an application process and no matter what I do in the PL/SQL text (even removing semi-colons and messing up syntax) no changes register when I call the procedure from a page process. I've also tried creating a new application process with a similar procedure of a different name, and no page processes will allow me to call the procedure, saying that it needs to be declared. APEX 4.1.1
Event: click. type: jquery selector selector: a.show_popup no condition.
action: skillbuildersmodalpage 2.0.0 URL: attribute of triggering element.
This works fine, but after the popup is shown and closed, the link is not working until the page is entirely refreshed again.
after the popup is closed, i only refresh the report with $a_report , ( in another dynamic action on the "auto close skillbuolders" event) i don't want to submit all the page....the partial refresh is working fine too, but not the link, it only works again by refreshing or submiting all page
I have a form in which menu tree is populated with this sql
SELECT 1, Level, MenuLabel, MenuName, MenuId FROM MenuFile CONNECT BY PRIOR MenuId = ParentId START WITH menuId = :moduleid||'0000'
The result is attached in the CSV file enclosed in sheet mrnufile1As we can see in row 3 the item LPC has menuid BDME13. In my view This item should be in ROW 19.How can i change query do get the desired the result.I have also tried another sql query.
select * from menufile where applicationid = 'BD' order by parentid,menuid
I created a table (software defect details) and an interactive report on it. Users can go to the details form where they can manage many information: STATUS is one of them and they can change it or not.
I would like to send an email when SUBMIT botton is pressed only if field STATUS has changed. How can I detect this? I mean, I wrote a procedure in order to send an email and it works, but it runs always: I cannot set it running only when the content of STATUS_ID has changed.
how to understand if a field value has changed and, if possible what the old values was? I know how to do that by using a trigger (:old.status, :new.status) but I don't when using an APEX procedure.
I have a need to change the LOV of a page item's select list based on the selection in another page item's select list. So in other words, for a page item that is a select list, I need to use one LOV normally, and a different LOV if the value of a different page item is set to X.
A dynamic action would be useful here (on change where Select List 1 = x), but I don't know how to take the action of changing LOVsfor Select List 2 based on that action.
I have a report that comes from SQL Query (updateable report). I'm using the apex_item.text and apex_item.hidden on fields. I'm using a button to submit and after submit process to add some logic that I need.
There could be 1 - 10 records in the report. There is only 1 field that is needed to enter a value, but the value of this field determines the value of another field. I think that I can do this with a submit button and an after submit process where I loop through all the records. I think I have this handled.
This is the question
When the value of that field is changed then the value of another field in the same row changes immediately. All the examples I've seen so far are for a single record and that doesn't work for us.
I guess this is a MRU process but I haven't seen an example where a dynamic action is possible on a Multi Row Update.
If it is possible in Apex 4.2 get interactive report where clause and change it before displaying result e.g. We have an report and for some of columns we should do exact match and for some partial match.And business requirement is that they should not add additional % at the and of search string. It should be added automatically for some fields.
I´m newbie as Apex developer using Apex 4.0 with OracleXE 11.2, and now my problem is:
I have a tabular form where one of the columns, when calling the form, is a Display Item, so that you cannot change existing values.
I want, when adding a new row, that column become a Select List (named LOV) based on a query that exclude existing values in other rows already inserted.
Can I change that Display Item to Select List (named LOV) programmatically at runtime? If not, what other options do I have?