Application Express :: Convert Tabs In The 2nd Level To Drop-Down Menu As App Builder Theme

Nov 17, 2012


- Apex 4.2
- Application Theme: Bluejay-22
- Page Template Class: Two Level Tabs


- Convert 2nd Level Tabs of (Bluejay-22 Theme) to be Drop-Down Menus as in (Application Builder Theme)

- Where can I find documentation for app_AppMenuMultiOpenBottom3

Current Situation

- Only the first level tabs are converted to match the (Application Builder Theme).

- The Drop-Down menus of the second level tabs are not working

Steps tried

1) link the following CSS's into the Header section of the Page Template of (Bluejay-22)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/apex_builder.min.css?v=" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/apex_ui.min.css?v=" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/apex_ui_builder_home.css" type="text/css" />2) link the following Scripts into the Header section of the Page Template
<script type="text/javascript">


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Application Express :: Way To Change Application Builder Theme

Sep 24, 2012

Is there a way to change the Application Builder theme? There are themes for applications; how about for the builder itself? I looked but did not see a selection for this.

I'm a Geek thru and thru, I guess, but I think you might have to be xxxx retentive to like all these square boxes. And these old eyes have to squint to focus among the vast sea of gray shades.

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Application Express :: How To Create Tabs With Drop Down Submenu Items

Dec 20, 2012

how to create tabs with drop down submenu items like the ones we have under products tab in the link below.


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Application Express :: Navigation Through Drop Down Menu Via Tab Key

Jul 3, 2013

I'm looking for a solution to navigate through the drop down menu (APEX-Region-Plugin two level menu) by using the tab key and short-cut keys. How it could work?

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Application Express :: Slideshow Is Covering Over Drop-down Menu?

Nov 11, 2012

I am use this slideshow within my application [URL]... and this the slide source [URL]...

and use this CSS menu [URL]... and this the css menu source code [URL]...after working the Slideshow is covering over drop-down menu .

if you want to see in action [URL]...

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Application Express :: 4.2 - CSS Of Theme 25 Is Not Readable

Nov 8, 2012

I'm using Apex 4.2. I want to make some adjustments to the CSS of theme 25, but the CSS is not readable.

how to make it readable or has a readable version?

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Application Express :: Best Adaptable Template Theme On 4.0

Oct 2, 2012

I am about to start on a new application where I intend to include some major custom css formatting.

Now with previous applications and themes I have experienced, that some elements are very hard to adjust (like placing a table in the center of the screen instead on the left edge), also when importing other libraries like Twitter Bootstrap, often there are conflicts between the styles, that cause unpleasant results.

Now my question to you is, which theme in the 4.0-respository has a rather new page-html, and is best suited for further customization? E.g. when importing jquery UI.

I know, I still could kick out the theme-css out of the page template entirely, but then some functionalities, like the actions menu on an interactive report, stop functioning.

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Application Express :: Hide / Display Tabs?

Jun 13, 2012

In my application, I have SSO authentication. However, I also want to restrict access to certain pages (tabs). What would be the best approach for this? Secondly, How can we hide/display tabs in the application?

I am on 4.1/11g

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Application Express :: Submitting A Page Via Tabs

Aug 13, 2012

Isn't it the case that clicking on a tab submits the current page, using the tab name as the request? I'm getting it to work some of the time but not always. In particular, it seems to work if the execution point is "On submission before computation" but not when the execution point is "After submission".

Here is what I did: I created a new application with two pages, each of which has a tab. Page 2 has nothing in it. Page 1 has an item, a button and two PL/SQL processes. Process 1 is unconditional, and sets the item to 10. Process 2 is conditional on the tab named "T_PAGE2", and increments the item by 5.

If both processes execute "on submission before computation" then everything works correctly:
-- If I click on the button, then the item is 10, indicating that only process 1 fired.
-- If I click on the tab to page 2, then the item is 15, indicating that both processes fired.

Now suppose I change them so that the processes execute "after submit". Then the button still works, but the tab doesn't:
-- If I click on the button, then the item is 10, as it should be.
-- If I reset the item value to 0 and click on the tab to page 2, then the item doesn't change, indicating that neither process fired.

Note that I have no computations or validations in my application. My only conclusion is that when you submit via a tab, there is some sort of internal validation occurring that keeps the processes from firing.

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Application Express :: 4.0 - IR Saved Reports As Tabs?

May 7, 2013

I am using APEX 4.0 and have a task of implementing the old tabs (older versions of APEX) for the IRR when they are saved. My users are not a fan of the select list when the IRRs are saved. I have located a site [URL] .....

that has this implemented but the tabs are not displaying within my application on, only the saved report names with no spacing. getting the tabs to display and/or possibly adding a dash (-) between each saved report name?

I added a Report Region as a 'PL/SQL Dynamic Content' and added code below in the Source. Am I missing anything to get the tabs to display like the example?

  CURSOR cur_saved_ir (p_app_id IN NUMBER, p_page_id IN NUMBER, p_user IN VARCHAR2)
    SELECT '<span id="'||REPORT_ID||'" onclick="gReport.pull('''||REPORT_ID||''')">'||

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Application Express :: 4.2 Theme Upgrade - Best Way To Reorganize Pages

Nov 14, 2012

I have been given the task to modify our company's Apex from 4.1 to 4.2. The upgrade has been completed; in addition, the current UI, blue and tan has been updated to BlueJay. I have noticed the structure of the page gets shuffled as well as contents within modules. What would be the best way to "re-organize" my pages.

- Would it be easy for me modify the page, if so how do I do this. The settings look identical, so what would I change ?
- Do I recreate the entire page from scratch ?

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Application Express :: Page For Jquery Smartphone Theme 50

Jun 10, 2013

In my app, I am using theme 25 for desktop and theme 50 for jquery smartphone (iPhone in my testing).  I am using APEX I thought that I could copy a few of the pages using theme 25 and as part of the copy process select theme 50 to create a page suitable for a smartphone. 

I tried this for a few pages. The problem is when I attempt to bring up the new pages that are using theme 50 on the iphone, they just show a spinning circle.  I've tried with a page that uses a calendar region, another that uses a report region (not IR), and one that uses a form region.   

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Application Express :: Open Lists In New Tabs / Pages?

Jun 5, 2013

We have created a lists (shared objects) with a couple of links which is displayed on all application pages. It is easy to maintain. My question is that the links open in the same page. I was hoping we could use something like a "Target=_New"..I guess the only other way would be to manually code this as a HTML region in each page using <a href> as the last resort!

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Application Express :: 4.2 - Reuse Template Button From Theme 25 Responsive

Feb 15, 2013

I would like to reuse the icon button template for my button in a tabular form.

I tried to add <button type="button" class="uButton iconButton search"> Click </button> in column link text. I display this column like a Standard Report Column. The result it's not good.

How I can have the icon and button template like in my others buttons ?

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Application Express :: How To Manage Positions Of Different Display Points Of Theme

Apr 6, 2013

I'm developing, or trying, on Apex 4.2...The issue is about themes and how to manage the positions of diferents Display Points of a theme.

Everybody know that any theme have a map where its position all differents parts of this map (Body1, Body2, Body3, position01, position02 and so). So when you choice any theme, it come with all this Display points defined. You can see this map rendering any region page and in the item Display Point you can see this map clicking on the light.

There is anyway to can manage this map and change position or behavior of those points?. For example , I'm interested that under the tabs, to have at the same height, 3 diferentes position, one at left, one at center and other at right.

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Application Express :: Why Buttons From Theme Distorted When Viewing In Google Chrome

Jun 4, 2013

I did an application and i used "Bluejay Theme" and found out that the buttons are distorted when viewing in Google Chrome. Strangely it doesn't happened when viewing in IE or Firefox.

From Chrome -


From Firefox or IE -


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Application Express :: Theme 25 Content Frame - Does Not Display In IE Compatibility View

Mar 20, 2013

APEX Version
Theme 25

I have a number of pages that use the page template "*One Level Tabs - Content Frame*".End users that use Internet Explorer (versions 8 and 9), when they first visit the application their browser displays it in Compatibility View.They cannot see the side bar on the right-hand side, meaning that often they cannot see a lot of necessary buttons and info!

Their page displays as below: URL....

I am not sure it is possible, nor good practice, to force the app to display in non-compatibility mode.Is there a way to enhance their experience? Or another workaround?

At the moment I am waiting until they log an issue and then informing them to turn compatibility view off, or to use Chrome or Firefox. I'd like to make it better from my end!

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Application Express :: Tree View On Application Builder Not Showing

Jul 16, 2012

I have some applications on Apex public workspace (, and suddenly the Tree View, on Application Builder stopped showing any content. If I select "Component View", I see the page components, but if I switch to tree view, it shows me only some empty frames.

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Application Express :: Query Builder Show Nothing?

Sep 16, 2013

i am trying to use the query builder in my 11g xe database but vainly ,there are no results shown ? 

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Application Express :: Build A Menu Framework

Jun 27, 2012

I have built a Menu Framework using the following instructions.


I am facing 2 problems.

1. If the user is in a child application and clicks logout. He is taken to the login screen of the master application (Correct), but once he enters login details, he is returned to the child application (False). I think he should be returned to the Home page of the Master application.

2. If I set Session Timeouts in the Edit Security Attributes of the applications. Then if the user is timed out, he is sent to the login screen of the Master application (Correct). If he then logs in, he is sent the the Home page of the Master application (Correct).

Now if he clicks a link to a child application he is then sent back to the Master application login screen. He then has to login again. He is sent to the Master Home page and everything is then ok.

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Application Express :: JTree With Context Menu

Nov 2, 2012

I am trying to implement a Jtree with Context Menu. When Context Menu is implemented the nodes wont expand or collapse.This happens with Sample Trees Packaged application for Project Documentation tree.

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Application Express :: Create Tab Menu Like In Sumneva Site

Aug 28, 2012

i want to create tab menu like in sumneva site URL.....

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Application Express :: Set IR Columns Outside Of Action Menu (APEX 4.0.1)

Jan 30, 2013

I am trying to find a way to set the selected columns, like what the action menu -> select columns does. I am planning to build a AJAX Tree with check boxes, but I don't know where to pass that data to to update the selected columns. I'm sure their is a magic apex function that is passing the values of the current shuffle box, but as that is dynamically created, I have not be able to find that process / function.

Reason for this: Too many columns on the IR report. Want them divided by categories in a tree view. And no, I cant break the report up into multiple reports. Currently this report has 548 columns.

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Application Express :: Object Type As Application Level Variable

Jan 2, 2013

My question is, if I define an object type (create type ... as object ...) is it possible to hold a variable of this type as the session level? For example, if I am creating an order using multiple web pages, it would be much easier (and intuitive) to create and manipulate an order object than to hold the data in generic collections.

If that is not possible, is there some way to make a generic Apex collection appear more application specific? By this I mean some way to map the columns C001, C002, ... to more intuitive names such as CUST_NO and ORDER_DATE. I had considered possibly creating a view of the APEX_COLLECTIONS view which would rename the columns but then I would also have to create a bunch of instead of triggers if I wanted to update it as well.

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Application Express :: Tree Contextual Menu And Hold Current Node

Nov 28, 2012

Tree with context menu not expanding on page load

I try the solution and it works fine but I lost tree functionality that saves tree state (Selected Nod Page Item), value of this item is correct but async operation reset tree state.

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Application Express :: Menu List Look Change Between Home Page And Other Pages

May 18, 2013

APEX Version : 4.2.2
Application : TRQ_APP


I have a menu list defined in page 0 - when the menu list is displayed in home page (Page 1) it looks fine but in others pages it displays differently

To have the menu list displayed in all pages of application as it is in page 1.

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Application Express :: Edit Bar And Save Report From Actions Menu Is Missing

Jun 21, 2013

We have recently did upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2 with listener 2.0. The edit bar (to edit the page) and Save Report option from Actions Menu ( Interactive Report) are missing, is it a bug?

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Application Express :: Drag And Drop Interactive Report

Oct 8, 2013

i would like to implement drag and drop for ordering the rows.It is a quit complex query behind the report (joins, ect.) I need a hidden item like this

apex_item.hidden(1, rowid)

AS Sort The problem is, that rowid is not allowed here (ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined).Because of that article I am sure the joins in my query are the problems ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined But I need this rowid for the sorting process.How to implement Drag and Drop I have learned from here:Read Article - Drag &amp; Drop tabular form rows.

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Application Express :: Drag N Drop Graph In Gantt Chart?

Aug 26, 2013

I'm gonna create a Gantt chart on Oracle APEX and want to re-size, move the graph into other to control the graph itself (just like javascript, ajax and anychart API...) URL.....

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Application Express :: Access Oracle EBS Environment With Developer-level?

Jan 12, 2013

how to integrate Application Express with Oracle EBS. Any companies that offer hosted EBS environment with APEX and allow developer-level access (ie database, application server, front-end responsibilities)?

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