Application Express :: Dynamic Actions Call A Javascript Function On All Text Items

Feb 21, 2013

On a tabular form I have 50 columns each an input box , (basically 50 weeks of the year)

in these boxes I want to make them numbers only and max length 2

currently I have in the ELEMENT ATTRIBUTES for each column

OnFocus="javascript:this.maxLength=2"; onKeyPress="return numbersonly(this,event)";

( I have a function called numbers only in page 0 )

what I would like to do , to make it more maintainable is to remove all the calls in the element attributes of each column

and put it in 2 dynamic actions how would I go about this ?

I have tried using jquery selector of input:text to call javascript code on both events , Get focus and Key Press for every text box but its not working .

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Application Express :: Dynamic Actions Canceling Each Other Out?

Aug 1, 2013

 I am trying to simplify my apex 4.2 code with dynamic actions.   I have a tabular form based on a collection.   The tabular forms contains (among many variables) the following: 

apex_item.text(1,seq_id,'','','id="f01_'||seq_id,'','') "DeleteRow",
seq_id display_seq_id,
apex_item.text(10,TO_NUMBER(c010),5,null, null,'f10_'||seq_id,'') Quantity,


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Application Express :: Filter Shuttle Using Dynamic Actions

Sep 7, 2012

I am using Apex 4.1 and builder theme.I came across this thread to filter the shuttle values based on javascript in dynamic action.Auto filter Shuttle selection list

I created a shuttle and a textbox as described but the dynamic action is not clear. And It is not working for me. The steps are not so clear and i guess the javascript is not complete.

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Application Express :: Dynamic Actions Not Updating Report Every Time

Aug 29, 2013

I have a page which downloads statspack reports from different servers and stores them in APEX. As well as this it also display a summary of data (top 5 wait events & load profile info) when hovering an icon: [URL]... The chart will refresh itself and display the data based on the value of P10_SNAPVAL (storing the PK value). The report does not do as I expect it to do (it isn't refreshing the table). I have the following:

PL/SQL Dynamic Content region making the report Dynamic Action- Event: Change- Item: P10_SNAPVAL- Action: Refresh- Affected Element: Region - Load Profile (the PL/SQL Dynamic Content)- Event scope:

I've tried both bind & live The value of P10_SNAPVAL is changed whenever the user hovers a penguin icon (this works because the chart works). 

$('img[name=summary]').mouseover(function() {
var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value, nu

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Application Express :: Change Form Text Field Label Using Javascript

Oct 22, 2013

I have a field that will be providing different info based on document type. I would like to change the field label from javascript in DA. 

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Application Express :: Javascript Function For Tabular Form Changes?

Apr 12, 2013

I have a tabular form with a few columns. THey are ID, date1, date2 and task_name. The task_name is a drop down list of tasks. Upon selecting a specific task, I want the date1 and/or date2 columns to become read only (voided out) so users cannot enter in data. I am working with a tabular form, so I figured I need a javascript function to handle the logic and to call the function in the html elements of the column in the apex environment. This will need to happen dynamically (on click) before the page is submitted. I am more lost/confused on syntax. I know I will need to know the actual column name (coo1, coo2, something like that) of my columns that I will be refering to when I use javascript.

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Application Express :: Call Dynamic Action From Link

Nov 28, 2012

All I want to do is call a DA from an HTML link, is it possible? Do I call the DA function like I do with JS?

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Application Express :: Dynamic Action Call From An Interactive Report?

Jul 6, 2012

I’m on APEX 4.1, 11gR2, Windows 7 and the latest version of Firefox. I have an interactive report. I want the end user to have the ability to click on a row level link and launch a modal pop up view of another page. Ideally, I'd like to be able to use the Skillbuilders plug-in. I can get it to work if I just go the full page route but I cannot figure out a way to get it to work as a modal pop up. I’ve tried various methods, none of which work, but the one I believe I should be following is by using a page level Dynamic action that fires when a JQuery Selector found item is clicked. The problem I’m having is that I cannot find the correct JQuery Selector syntax for the column. My report has a static ID of IDN and my column a header of PARTS. The best I can manage is not to see anything happen other than a page refresh (when the link is set to the same page). I do not see and firebug console errors.

I’ve replaced the dynamic action modal page call with an alert, which is not showing, to make sure that it's not the plug-in configuration that is causing the problem.

what I should be filling in in the JQuery Selector field of the DA and what the link attributes should be? Given that I wish to redirect from page 1 to page 2, what do I put in the other link fields?

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Application Express :: Dynamic Population Of Text Fields

Jan 17, 2013

how to dynamically populate text fields.For eg, i have a lov with employee no, as soon as a no is selected next text field with employee name will be populated.

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Application Express :: How To Have A Dynamic Action Populate Text Fields

Sep 7, 2012

How to have a dynamic action populate text fields. When the create button is hit, it will insert the record in the DB like normal.

I had a search box doing a dynamic action when a record_number is entered and the selection changes It populates the remaining text boxes with the results of the record_number.

I used a "SET_VALUE" true action on each individual ITEM

For each individual item i have different SQL Statement populating that item.

Ex. To populate Last_Name/ P2_LAST_NAME item i do the following

Select LAST_NAME from patient_Demographics
where record_id = :P2_RECORD_ID

Affected Elements:

So i have about 8 of these true statements, so i'm hitting the DB 8 times to get the individual items. Is there a way to hit the DB once and set the items using one PL/SQL statement? I tried using a PL/sql function body,

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Application Express :: Dynamic Action For A Text Field In Tabular Form?

Sep 13, 2012

for a text field of a, wizzard generated, tabular form i created a dynamic action when lost focus. using a jquery selector to bind the da to the item in every row when the event fires some jscript and pl/sql code is executed. this all works like charm for existing rows.

but how can i bind the da to the field for newly added rows?a sc of the definition of the da can be found here [URL]...

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Application Express :: How To Call Function Behind The Button And Update Only Specific Record

Oct 3, 2012

1 - i want to ask few things as i m new to apex, i am using apex 4.1, and created 3 select list and a button in selecting of parameter,

1 select list : select area
2 select list: select product
3- select list - size of the product

i want to generate Ids for the following. for that i created query for INSERTING RECORD FROM ONE TABLE TO ANOTHER , generation the ids when button pressed "Generate" after selecting parameters,

Now where i call that QUERY on button ? because when i create button its gives me option to submit, defined dynamic action, etc, where i call the function name id_generation when button pressed?

2- second thing i created tabular " select user_id, product_name, product_type from product".

By default check box list are create delete submit button are created, first when i insert record it saves that was fine, e.g i entered 50 records and afterward i want to update only one record, e.g there is a record product name = box, if i change it to box small and click submit then it saves all the page means all 50 records,

I want to submit only that record that i changed, for that i use the logic that only those records should be updated which are checked but the user. how will i do this ?

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Application Express :: Removing Text Messages Using Wwv_flow_api Or Multiple Delete Function?

Oct 8, 2012

I am currently using APEX 4.1 on oracle 11g XE.

By now I only know one way to delete text messages (globalization) and that is click them one-by-one and hitting the delete button.

To delete 100 messages this is really a pain, so I thought, there must be a way to multi-delete them, or just flush them out!

I searched all over the internet but I can't seem to find a way.

Is there a way to delete all text messages? For example by using wwv_flow_api or any other way?

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Application Express :: Edit Bar And Save Report From Actions Menu Is Missing

Jun 21, 2013

We have recently did upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2 with listener 2.0. The edit bar (to edit the page) and Save Report option from Actions Menu ( Interactive Report) are missing, is it a bug?

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Forms :: How To Bind Hierarchy Tree Items To Text And Other Items

Jan 31, 2012

I have already done a hierarchy tree. Now I'd like to make it bind to text items. When i click a node, it should automatically be bound to text items.

My tree is about sections of students, now when i click a specific section to view its corresponding subjects it would be displayed on text items.

For example:

+First Semester
+Second Semester

When i would click on LM2 node, its subjects should appear immediately.

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Application Express :: Set Popup LOV Value From JavaScript?

Sep 3, 2013

I use APEX 4.2.2 and in my page I call a Modal Region to insert a new customer using AIAX and OnDemand PL/SQL process, then I need to set the inserted value into the Popup LOV from javascript. I used the code

:$('dialog').dialog('close');$('P20_CUSTOMER').trigger('apexrefresh');$('P20_CUSTOMER').one('apexafterrefresh', function()  { apex.item('P20_CUSTOMER').setValue(ajaxResult, $v('P20_DESCRIPTION'));} 

where P20_CUSTOMER is the Popup LOV, ajaxResult is the PK returning from the OnDemand PL/SQL process and P20_DESCRIPTION is an APEX Item of the Modal Region. The new customer is inserted successfully into the table and the PK value returned to javascript code, but the new value is not displayed into the LOV.

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Application Express :: Display Only And JavaScript

Oct 26, 2012

I have two Select Lists P58_TYPE_DOC (it shows for users that have not adm profile) and P58_TYPE_DOC_ADM (it shows just for administrator).

On my Page proprieties I have on HTML Header this code :


I have to execute the java script when the page loads, but I cant execute the function for both items in the same time.

Because one of the items will be hidden, and the java script won't be able to find it.

I tried to use "if isNAN('P58_TYPE_DOC') else ....." but it doesnt work.

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Application Express :: Set Variable Via Javascript

May 16, 2013

I got a long string (length exceeds 32512) from Javascript, and want to pass the sting to a variable to a item called P_SQL

I use *$x("P_SQL").value* in javascript to set the value, but my process couldn't get the value before I submit, however, when I do submit it reports an error like this : Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.mod_plsql: /pls/alq/wwv_flow.accept HTTP-400 Value param too long. Length is 216343. Upper limit is 32512

how to handle this conflict ?

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Application Express :: JavaScript Code In Page Zero?

Sep 27, 2012

I have javascript code i want to move from standard report page to page zero, well page 0 doesn't have html header/page attribute section so how to i achieve this?

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Application Express :: Use Javascript.addrow() In A New Page?

Oct 5, 2012

In a normal tabular form, with the add, delete, submit option, Under the add button we have the javascript.addrow() call which creates a new row. However, in my case the rows in the tabular form have some columns as display type. So when the user clicks on the add button, he cannot enter all the fields. Is there a way

1. Either to enable all columns of a new row only so that users can add all values and save

2. Or atleast open a new page where the new row is open with all editable fields?


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Application Express :: Setting MaxDate Using Javascript?

Jun 24, 2013

I am struggling to set the maxDate of a datetimepicker.

In the document load of the page I have this:

$('#P64_STARTDT').datepicker("option", "maxDate", $v('P64_XFORMATSTARTDT'));


It never sets it.

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Application Express :: Difference Between JavaScript And Checkbox

Nov 18, 2013

How to check off checkbox with JavaScript. I tried

1) $("#checkboxID").prop('checked' , false) (jQuery)
2)    $("#checkboxID").attr('checked' , false) (jQuery)2) document.getElementById("checkboxID").checked = false;Checkbox's list of values: STATIC:;1

Checkbox always states checked. When I append 'checked="checked" ' attribute (or simply checked) to this unchecked checkbox in Firebug nothing happens. Why ? I execute JavaScript code in Dynamic Action on button click. All other controls (textareas and textfields) are cleaned successfully except this checkbox. "Effected elements" property includes all needed items.

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Application Express :: Changing Color Using JavaScript In IE8

Nov 19, 2013

Apex version (8.0.7601.17514)Firefox 25.0 

 I have a tabbed form that I need to conditionally disable rows (making them read only). I'm using Javascript to set the attributes of the fields that need to be set.A request was  made to make the font color of the read only fields black so that they're easier to read.I'm not able to get the font changed to black on the fields that are Select Lists in Internet Explorer. They are staying gray, however, they are set to black in Firefox. The JavaScript code for one of the Select List is:   

var curr_id = html_GetElement('f42').id; //Group
$x(curr_id).disabled = true;
$x(curr_id).style.background = "silver";
//$x(curr_id).style.color = "black";
$x(curr_id).style.color = "#000000"; //black

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Application Express :: Passing Variable To Javascript

Aug 28, 2013

4.1.2theme 24

I have a .js process in the before header of a page which has this pl/sql process using htp script javascript function {code} 

function check(flag_val){ if(flag_val=="N") 
document.getElementById("btn").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("btn").disabled = false;  } 

and then there is the actual pl/sql process which  has a cursor 

declareflg varchar2(1);
..begin selectflag into v_flagfrom table where rownum = 1;
-- actual conditions are different but this returns one value.

 Then below using htp package I had html table with something like 

<td align="right">
<button class="btn btn-success" type="button" id="btn"  onclick="check(flg);"
title="Accept Lead" style=" width:50px;">Flag value</button> </td>  

For some reason the script function is not called if I use onload. If I change the onload to onclick it works. Also, if I pass check(flg) it does not work. If I use check(''N'') then is works fine. question is how do I pass a pl/sql variable flg in this case to a javascript function as a parameter? I basically, want the value of flg checked on page load and then if it is N then disable the button. Or else keep it enabled.

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Application Express :: Additional JavaScript For Websheet?

Oct 11, 2013

I need some functionality in current (4.2.2) APEX websheet which seems not possible out of the box.Therefore I'd like to ad a javascript to my websheet application.

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Application Express :: Passing Item Values To Javascript

Nov 23, 2012

APEX 4.2 - Base code from Denes examples


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function f_setglp(pThis,p_app_item,p_other_record_level_item)
var curr_id = $x(pThis).id; // OK !
var curr_glp = $x(p_app_item).id; // returns undefined
var curr_orli = $x(p_other_record_level_item).id; // returns undefined


The Javasxcript function fires OK on click in the "Product" attribute but: PMO_GLP_PK is an Application Item that Javascript can´t reference as I called YES_NO is another tabular form attribute and the reference returns also "undefined"

what is the best way to implement this ?

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Application Express :: Updating APEX Collection Via JavaScript?

Aug 1, 2012

Note, I'm using APEX 4.1.1

The scenario is that I have tabular form that was manually created from a collection; the collection name is "COMPANY"

Within this tabular form, I have number of selection lists (apex_item.select_list) and for each, I fire off a JavaScript based on the "onchange" event (e.g.,'onchange="updateCollection(' || seq_id || ', 10, this.value)"'); updateCollection is a custom function I created. Right now, all it does is alert me with the specifics of the of the selection list. As a further example, if I select "Google" from the selection list, sequence id would be "1", attribute number would be "10" and attribute value would be "Google"

Within this JavaScript, I would like to update the value of this associated element in the "COMPANY" collection. Ideally, I would like to directly call this:

APEX_COLLECTION.UPDATE_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE(p_collection_name => "COMPANY", p_seq => 1, p_attr_number => 10, p_attr_value => 'Google') but I could not figure out how to do this.

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Application Express :: JavaScript API To Set Item Values Not Working In 4.2 EA2?

Aug 7, 2012

I had a complex drill-down dashboard where I was setting page items through $s(Page Item, value) from the Chart Links. But when I did the same thing in APEX 4.2 EA on [URL] is simply opening a blank page. whether in 4.2 that Java API has been removed?

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Application Express :: Getting Application Items To Work With Login

Jun 20, 2012

I've been creating numerous sample applications. In my latest one, I've been working on custom security schema and it's been working great for the most part. The one issue I'm having is passing login values into my application items. Though I don't receive any error messages or anything, upon checking the value of the application items via the session button, they never contain anything. The code I have in place on my login page is as follows:

select username, user_id
into :F56_USER_NAME, :F56_USER_ID
where username = lower( rtrim( ltrim( :P101_USERNAME ) ) );

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Application Express :: Error In Javascript Not Fetching Value On Button Click

Nov 23, 2012

I am using APEX 4.1 to build the application. I have 2 select list region in the page where one region consist of certain values.On calling a javascript function it is able to move the value from one select region to another. After this I click on the modify button where in the value move out of the first select list region to the second will be updated in the table.

Although I could see the values are not being updates. On putting alerts after the value being fetched in the javascript function and clicking the Modify button I can see that no data is being reflected in the alert. Hence the data is not being passed from the second select list APEX item to the javascript function.

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