Application Express :: How Does Filter Operator Contains Work On Interactive Reports

Jul 30, 2012

I'm creating Tool Tip definitions for the Operators in the Filter on the Interactive Reports. I was looking for a definition for the 'Contains' operator and from what I've found this operator is used to do a text search and it returns a relevance score for every row selected.

I've also read that in order for that score to be determined that the column(s) need to be indexed with a CONTEXT index. Non of the columns in the tables are indexed with a CONTEXT index, however, when I put a value in the Expression box for a column I get a record returned.

If I run the same query in PL/SQL Developer like:
SELECT <column>
FROM <table>
WHERE contains(<column>,<search text>,1) > 0;

I get an error that the column is not indexed, so how does it work in APEX?

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Application Express :: Version 4.1 Interactive Report Filter On Date Column Has No (=) Operator

Aug 17, 2012

if on an interactive report, you try and filter on a date column, then the "=" operator disappears.You get other (not so useful) operators like "in the next", "not in the next" ">", ">=" etc. - but no "=" to be found.

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Application Express :: Filter In Interactive Report Is Not Working

Dec 18, 2012

I am facing very strange situation. In one of my Interactive report, Filter option is not working (Processing symbol is appearing on top of the page, but nothing happens.). Is there any setting or something like that?

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Application Express :: Would Interactive Report Search Box Work In Apex Mobile Template

Aug 17, 2012

I have created a JQuery mobile template for APEX which at the moment is just returning data from my database in a reports region. Is it possible to include a search bar before the user sees any data so they can search for records in the database and return them to the results page I have already created?

If so what is the best approach with the mobile template?

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Application Express :: Filter Shuttle Using Dynamic Actions

Sep 7, 2012

I am using Apex 4.1 and builder theme.I came across this thread to filter the shuttle values based on javascript in dynamic action.Auto filter Shuttle selection list

I created a shuttle and a textbox as described but the dynamic action is not clear. And It is not working for me. The steps are not so clear and i guess the javascript is not complete.

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Application Express :: Filter SQL Statement With Value From Session State

Feb 27, 2013

I need to filter a SQL statement with an application item value retrieved from session state. I am assuming I could do this using a Dynamic Action on a Page Load event but I'm not sure where to go from here. How could I append the filter to an existing report page SQL statement?

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Application Express :: Getting Application Items To Work With Login

Jun 20, 2012

I've been creating numerous sample applications. In my latest one, I've been working on custom security schema and it's been working great for the most part. The one issue I'm having is passing login values into my application items. Though I don't receive any error messages or anything, upon checking the value of the application items via the session button, they never contain anything. The code I have in place on my login page is as follows:

select username, user_id
into :F56_USER_NAME, :F56_USER_ID
where username = lower( rtrim( ltrim( :P101_USERNAME ) ) );

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Application Express :: Setting Up SSO In Work Area?

Jul 5, 2012

How to set up Apex SSO in your work area? I have been trying to set it up, but to no avail. I even tried asking support but still under oblivion.

Have you able to run this script before?

apex_sso.sql, apex_verify.sql, apex_sso_server.sql

My output for this scripts are good.

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Application Express :: Updateable Interactive Report

Sep 27, 2012

Apex 3.2

confirm whether I am right about this.

We have an interactive report (working report), which is updateable.

The user has created his own version of the report, with less columns.

Now when he changes a value it does not save.

Am I right to say that if one of the columns he has removed from the report is a required parameter for the update code, then the report will not save.

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Application Express :: Source Of Interactive Report

Jul 31, 2012

I have an error why trying to update the source of my interactive report the error is : 1 error has occurred

The report query needs a unique key to identify each row. The supplied key cannot be used for this query. Please edit the report attributes to define a unique key column. ORA-01446: cannot select ROWID from, or sample, a view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.

The SQL query is :

select l.code_lignebip, m.identifiant_mission, m.libelle_mission, SUM(b.nbr_jours),
SUM(c.nbr_jours_consome), c.nbr_jours_realise, c.nbr_jours_raf, c.nbr_jours_reestime, c.lundi, c.mardi, c.mercredi, c.jeudi, c.vendredi
FROM missions m, bip l, cra c, budgets b

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Application Express :: Region Of Interactive Report

Oct 31, 2013

I've created a interactive report, and i have more items than my window behaves. So, i want to separate in two regions, and put in one region a scroll bar. How i can do this?

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Application Express :: 4.1 - Building Interactive Dashboard

Jun 14, 2012

I'm using Apex4.1 on a hosted platform. I'm trying to build a business application and the client wants a Dashboard.

Here is the best way I can explain it:

The dashboard displays a series of rows in the table. When you click on the "edit" button, it runs a query and displays it data on a report. How would I build this?

Let me explain it a different way:

The home page shows a table report with Column 1, Column 2, Column 3.

I want to make it so where you can click any ROW and then it goes to a different page that shows all of the data So the Home Page you can just see 3 Columns, but the next page will have all the columns.

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Application Express :: Customizing Interactive Report?

Jun 27, 2012

customizing the interactive report.for example: my report IR shows the data as below:

Department Name Department Number
sales 10
service 20
HR 30
Finance 40

I would like to customize the report such that the report shows the data as follows:

Total count of Sales Department: 1 Total Count of Service Department: 1
Total Count of HR Department: 1 Total Count of Finance Department :1

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Application Express :: Column In Interactive Report?

Nov 12, 2012

Since I'd rather not do it directly in the SQL used to populate the report, any clean way to style all cells of a given column from an interactive report? Perhaps all cells of interest can be addressed through jquey using the "headers" attribute they share?

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Application Express :: Display State Of Interactive Report?

Jul 15, 2013

I've got an interactive report with detail and icon view enabled. How do I get the current display state (user looks at report, detail or icon view) out of the apex dictionary ?Is there any place in APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_IR_... where I can find it ? I'm on APEX 4.0.2. Upgrade to APEX 4.2.2 is planned this fall. 

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Application Express :: Interactive Report - Aggregate Sum Color

Jul 19, 2012

In Interactive report, I want the sum of the column to be displayed in different colours if total is negative.

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Application Express :: Hide Column In Interactive Report In 3.2?

Feb 15, 2013

In Apex version 4.2 in interactive reports, you can stop users from hiding columns by unchecking a check box under column definition.Is there a way to stop users from hiding a specific column in version 3.2.

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Application Express :: To Fix The Width Of A Column In Interactive Report

Jul 16, 2013

I have a column named 'Comment'. Its have a huge data due to which the length of that column in interactive report get increased.

I need to fix the length to a desired value.I used following code in Region Footer:

<style> table.apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA td[headers=COMMENTS] {  _width: 300px;  min-width: 50px;   max-width: 300px }</style>

Its solved the problem by fixing the width of the column but the column is not showing the full data now. It is hiding most of its part to fit it in that column.

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Application Express :: Interactive Report - How To Get Item Values

Mar 27, 2013

I have created a workflow which is going through 12 pages. At each page the user needs to choose his variables.

This could be the y-axes, x-axes, amount, surname ... etc. The variables are given to the next page via branch to next page process. Everything works well until I need to create an interactive report out of the chosen variables.

Lets say I have a variable called :P7_XAXIS with static LOV :


Page 8 is my IR. If I try :

Select :P7_XAXIS  from mytable This will not work.

But if I try

Select Date from mytable This will work. Why? In my workflow there are several variables that can be used in a where condition. This also works. But I need to access the values before the condition and I also need to get a chart out of it.

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Application Express :: Interactive Report / Edit Option

Jan 28, 2013

I have created interactive report
and Report Attributes=>Link Column have given Link to custom <img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#e2.gif" border="0"> for P9_EMPNO...the editable displaying fine.

MY Requirement was the editable link...i need to control with DISBALE/ENALE with if EMPNO=100 then all 100 id records need to editable link disable and if EMPNO=120 then All 120 records editable link need to be enable..this kind of thing need in the report..

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Application Express :: Interactive Report Get Where Clause And Change It

Sep 9, 2013

If it is possible in Apex 4.2 get interactive report where clause and change it before displaying result e.g. We have an report and for some of columns we should do exact match and for some partial match.And business requirement is that they should not add additional % at the and of search string. It should be added automatically for some fields. 

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Application Express :: Cancel Search In Interactive Report

Feb 15, 2013

My Interactive Report will run for a minute or for a long time like 5 to to 10 minutes depending upon given parameters to the report. Now I would like to cancel the report search when I made a mistake like searching on a value which willtake more time. how to achieve the same.

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Application Express :: Translate All Of Interactive Report Messages On 4.2

Apr 22, 2013

I'm trying to translate all of the interactive report messages, on Apex 4.2. I'm using this [


As a reference. I have several problems translating the help section of the interactive report. First of all, I can't seem to find all of the message names. The ones I couldn't find were:

Sets the number of records to display per page.(regarding displaying certain number of rows per page)

Format enable you to customize the display of the report. Format contains the following sub menu:

Control Break
Group By(regarding format)

You can define one Group By report per saved report. Once defined, you can switch between the group by and report views using links below the Search bar. To create a Group By report, you select:

the columns on which to group (up to 3 columns can be selected)
the columns to aggregate along with the function to be performed (average, sum, count, etc.)
the columns to use for sorting (up to 3 columns can be selected along with direction and null sorting options)(regarding group by)

And secondly, I have translated this message

Select columns icon enables you to identify which column to search (or all).
Text area enables you to enter case insensitive search criteria (wild card characters are implied).
Go button executes the search.
Reports displays alternate default and saved private or public reports.

Actions Menu enables you to customize a report. See the sections that follow.using this message name:


However, now I have two messages shown in that section: the original one, in English, and the translated one.

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Application Express :: Move Interactive Search Bar To Another Region

Dec 4, 2012

I have an interactive report which needs a horizontal scroll bar as it holds too much information for the screen, the problem is when a user scrolls the search bar is lost

i wanted to know if this could be changed by moving the interactive search (the whole action bar) to another form which would sit above the report.

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Application Express :: Compute Action In Interactive Report

Mar 13, 2013

I have an interactive report with two columns timestamp type. I want to use the compute action in order to get the difference between those dates. Nevertheless I got values like this: +000000008 00:00:00.000000.

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Application Express :: Drag And Drop Interactive Report

Oct 8, 2013

i would like to implement drag and drop for ordering the rows.It is a quit complex query behind the report (joins, ect.) I need a hidden item like this

apex_item.hidden(1, rowid)

AS Sort The problem is, that rowid is not allowed here (ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined).Because of that article I am sure the joins in my query are the problems ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined But I need this rowid for the sorting process.How to implement Drag and Drop I have learned from here:Read Article - Drag &amp; Drop tabular form rows.

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Application Express :: 4.1 - Interactive Report Column Width

Jul 10, 2012

How to control the column width on an interactive report. I can force it by making the column header really long but that is a crazy solution. How can I get control over this? I have columns that contain memo entries and if I use the header memo the report has tall skinny columns which makes reading very difficult.

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Application Express :: Interactive Report - Return No Data On First Load

Sep 6, 2012

I am starting to use the interactive reports in version Apex 4.1.1 but I am unable to get the report to show null records on the first load. Is there a setting that would stop the data from loaded on first load or would I have to customize that option.

Some of the columns have a lot of data and therefore take a long time to load so I would like to avoid that.

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Application Express :: Interactive Report  Count Selected Rows?

Jul 6, 2012

I have a I/R report with a checkbox is column 1 of each row using:

AS select_flag

I want to use Javscript or a Dynamic Action to "count" how many selected rows there are, when a UPDATE button is pressed. Right now, the UPDATE button "submits" the page, then a page item computation runs the following code to get a count:

v_cnt number(9);
v_cnt := 0;
FOR i in 1..htmldb_application.g_f01.count
v_cnt := v_cnt + 1;
return v_cnt;

This works... but I dont want to submit (and rerun the report) just to get this count.

I have copied this loop into a Dynamic Action using the Click action of the UPDATE button, but it doesnt seem to recognize htmldb_application.g_f01.count .. so my value returns as 0.

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Application Express :: How To Change Column Order In Interactive Report

Oct 18, 2013

I am trying to change the column order in an Interactive Report. Run the report as a developer then use the action menu. 

However, I am not sure how one can run the the report as a developer.  Do you just login and run the page?  Then if I do that, I don't see the action menu there.  If I go to page attributes "Save Report" tab, I do see the action menu but "Select Columns" only gives me "Report Type", "Report Name" etc as columns. Or we don't have enough privileges to run the report as a developer? 

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