Application Express :: Deleting From A Tabular Form With Dynamic Action
Jan 24, 2013
Using Apex 4.2
Is it possible to delete a row from a tabular form using dynamic actions.
At the moment my report sql contains html and javasript for a delete button
'<input type="button" name="Delete" value="Delete" onclick="del(''delete'','''||a.applicationname||''')">' A2I then have javascript in my page header
function del(Request, Name){
var answer=confirm("Do you really want delete application "+Name+"?
* Provider assignments will be deleted
* Application objects will be deleted
* DB-roles will be dropped
* DB-views will be dropped
* User-synonyms will be dropped");
if (answer==true) {
document.getElementById('P10_APPLICATIONNAME').value = Name;
Finally I have a page process to do the delete which fires when the request = delete
for a text field of a, wizzard generated, tabular form i created a dynamic action when lost focus. using a jquery selector to bind the da to the item in every row when the event fires some jscript and pl/sql code is executed. this all works like charm for existing rows.
but how can i bind the da to the field for newly added rows?a sc of the definition of the da can be found here [URL]...
I need a form that will allow me to put Classifications and Sub Classifications against a Person. I want to be able to add new Classifications and SubClass Values which are dynamical added to the form...
I have a table that holds other data and links the People to the Assessment
I have a table to hold the Values of the Assessment...
Table(*AssessmentValues*) AValuesID, AssessmentID, ClassID, SubClassID ----------------------------------------------------------------- A typical person may look like: e.g.
Now I have the data tables but how to create the table and save the values for the Assessment Values in one table the dynamically adds values based on the different classifications available...
I have created a master detail form , in which many validation etc is done ,the MASTER is a FORM and DETAIL is a REPORTNow I am stuck up with the detail region .i.e reportI have Line Detail where there are ITEMS such as SL NO:
,ITEM_ID , UOM ( Unit of measuremnt ) etcNow here is where
Using POP UP LOV i have managed to fetch in LOV for the item "ITEM_ID",---
i can select an item name using the pop up LOV ,Now all that I want is when I select an item name from the pop up lov , an Item Id is displayed or fetched in that particular place , now i want the corresponding UOM to be diaplayed ( i.e the UOM for that particular Item Id which has been selected by me from the pop up lov ).
In order to resolve this I created a Dynamic action where in I get the UOM . Bt the problem is that the ITEMS displayed for selecting in the WHEN section (DYNAMIC action-IDENTIFICATION section-WHEN section----- items ( here i am not listed with ITEMS of the REPORT region instead ITEMS of the MASTER is available )-TRUE ACTION section etc is only theITEMS of the MASTER region ..
My scenario is I need to insert into History table when a record is been updated into a tabular form(insert the updated record along with the additional columns Action_by,Action_type(Like Update or delete) and Action Date Into History table i.e History table contains all the records as the main table which is been visible in tabular form along with these additional columns ...Action_by,action_type and action_date.
So now i dont want to create a befor/after update trigger on base table rather i would like to create a generic procedure which will insert the updated record into history table taking the page alias and pade ID as the parameters(GENERIC procedure is nothing but whcih applies to all the tabular forms(Tables) contained int he application ).
im working with apex 4.2.1 and when i try to define a Dynamic action on any item, if the action type is "Set Value" or execute SQL/Javascript code it should appear a text field that let me define the action taking place. However this wont do..
this is what happens:
And this is what should happen:
I know that patch 4.2.2 solves some issues regarding dynamic actions but in the bug report there's no reference to such a problem.
I've been trying to use a dynamic action on a text field 'item_group'. Button doesn't have this facility. I created an advanced action using 'set value' with no condition the value being 'RAM.' The event is "change", selection type 'event source', set type is 'static assignment' and value is RAM. It is supposed to trigger when the create button is pressed but nothing happens and the field is still null. I've tried variations on this but nothing works.
I have a situation where I need to reference a hidden item in a List of Values (for a pull-down list) SQL statement. It doesn't seem to be working properly. Here is what I have:
1) Using a dynamic action, set the value of a hidden item based on the change of Select List 1.
2) Select List 2 has a parent LOV item of Select List 1, and the Select statement for Select List 2 uses the hidden item that was set from the dynamic action above.
I can see that the dynamic action is working correctly. But when I change Select List 1, the Select List 2 does not show any values from its LOV.
I'm wondering if the LOV for Select List 2 is not working because the item used in the SQL statement was set by a dynamic action?
I've created a change event dynamic action which fetches a description from the database for a user-entered code. When this is run in Firefox, a swirling loading image is displayed next to the description.However, the loading image causes anything displayed its right to be moved out and then back again when it disappears. On a form with lots of dynamic actions this can be quite disconcerting so I'd like to stop it.
Can a dynamic action's loading image be suppressed?
APEX inserts the following HTML alongside the input field: <span class="apex-loading-indicator"></span>One option is to apply "display: none;" to the "apex-loading-indicator" class but this could affect other loading images that use the same class.
I am using Apex 4.2. On a click of button a Dynamic Action is written, which calls a DB Package. The DB package has exception handlers and also the package has two output parametersError Code and Error MsgSo in my code(Dynamic Code) i make a call to the package and checks the value for Erroc Code.
Begin Package call...... If v_error_code <> '0' Then Raise SC_Error; End if;Exception When SC_Error Then RAise_Application_error(v_err_code, v_err_msg);End;
But when i run the page and I click I get an Internal exception errorOutput from Debug -- I am not sure what the Cell in Red colour means, because the package is returning a correct message (before the red line).AJAX call returned server error ORA-20003:
Customer has already been matched for Execute PL/SQL Code.4......is_internal_error: true4......apex_error_code: APEX.AJAX_ SERVER_ ERROR4.. ora_ sqlcode: -200034......ora_sqlerrm: ORA-20003: Customer has already been matched4......error_backtrace: ORA-06512: at line 41 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_SQL", line 1926 ORA-06512: at "SYS.WWV_DBMS_SQL", line 973 ORA-06512: at "SYS.WWV_DBMS_SQL", line 999 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_EXEC", line 830 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_PLUGIN_UTIL", line 2304 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_ACTION_NATIVE", line 442 4......component.type: NATIVE_EXECUTE_PLSQL_CODE4.
Execute Error Handling Callout defined on Page or Application Level4...Execute Statement: begin declare l_error wwv_flow_error_api.t_error; begin l_error := wwv_flow_error_api.g_error; wwv_flow_error_api.g_error_result := apx_error_utils.handleerror ( p_error => l_error ); end; end;4......Values changed by callout:4..
An unexpected internal application error has occurred. Please get in contact with your system administrator and provide reference# for further investigation. 4..display_location: ON_ERROR_PAGE4Stop APEX Engine detected4Final commit4-1 - 59
I’m on APEX 4.1, 11gR2, Windows 7 and the latest version of Firefox. I have an interactive report. I want the end user to have the ability to click on a row level link and launch a modal pop up view of another page. Ideally, I'd like to be able to use the Skillbuilders plug-in. I can get it to work if I just go the full page route but I cannot figure out a way to get it to work as a modal pop up. I’ve tried various methods, none of which work, but the one I believe I should be following is by using a page level Dynamic action that fires when a JQuery Selector found item is clicked. The problem I’m having is that I cannot find the correct JQuery Selector syntax for the column. My report has a static ID of IDN and my column a header of PARTS. The best I can manage is not to see anything happen other than a page refresh (when the link is set to the same page). I do not see and firebug console errors.
I’ve replaced the dynamic action modal page call with an alert, which is not showing, to make sure that it's not the plug-in configuration that is causing the problem.
what I should be filling in in the JQuery Selector field of the DA and what the link attributes should be? Given that I wish to redirect from page 1 to page 2, what do I put in the other link fields?
How to have a dynamic action populate text fields. When the create button is hit, it will insert the record in the DB like normal.
I had a search box doing a dynamic action when a record_number is entered and the selection changes It populates the remaining text boxes with the results of the record_number.
I used a "SET_VALUE" true action on each individual ITEM
For each individual item i have different SQL Statement populating that item.
Ex. To populate Last_Name/ P2_LAST_NAME item i do the following
Select LAST_NAME from patient_Demographics where record_id = :P2_RECORD_ID
Affected Elements: P2_LAST_NAME
So i have about 8 of these true statements, so i'm hitting the DB 8 times to get the individual items. Is there a way to hit the DB once and set the items using one PL/SQL statement? I tried using a PL/sql function body,
I have a select box with products, and a dynamic action that updates a display only element with the price, based on the product selection.After the selection is made and the page is submitted, I have noticed that the price is not stored in the database. If I change the display only value to a text box, the data is saved. Is this expected behavior? If so, can I add something to the text box to make it not editable?
i have a hidden region at the page top i want to show only after clicking my button which is running DA plsql code. This region is like a prompt message container/div at the top of the page so after few seconds like 10 secs i want to hide it again. I tried to use JQUERY but never hide it back, also i tried another TRUE CONDITION within my dynamic action but it doesnt reset it back the region is always shown...
I Have an apex page that display a modal window utilizing jquery. In the modal window I have a classic report with a link column that I want to capture its click event.
I was thinking I could create a dynamic action with selection type=jquery selector. Not for sure if I need to do anything on link column and do not know the syntax jquery selector.
When a user selects a Plan Type (Parent Select list) Plan codes (Child select list) to be filtered, working OK. When a plan code is selected I need to do conditional display of regions. Example: Plan code = A then display Region A Plan code = B then display Region B etc.
I have a DA on Plan code select list but it's not working as it's being a cascaded (child) select list and the 'Change' event is already fired when I selected the Plan type, I also tried with other event options with no success.
Event: click. type: jquery selector selector: a.show_popup no condition.
action: skillbuildersmodalpage 2.0.0 URL: attribute of triggering element.
This works fine, but after the popup is shown and closed, the link is not working until the page is entirely refreshed again.
after the popup is closed, i only refresh the report with $a_report , ( in another dynamic action on the "auto close skillbuolders" event) i don't want to submit all the page....the partial refresh is working fine too, but not the link, it only works again by refreshing or submiting all page
How i can use check box in tabular form . working with 4.1 and am using simple check box (display as) .it creating the check box. how i can set value yes or no into it?
This problem went away for me in 4.2, but I am limited to 4.1 in production. The problem is this: I have three editable columns in my Tabular Form
1) I make a change to column 3 and press submit. The values in columns 1 & 2 (that were not changed) are overwritten with null during the update (submit). Column 3 is saved correctly.
I deleted my tabular form and re-created it thinking that I may have trashed something. But it appears that is the way it works. How do I prevent the unchanged editable columns from being overwritten with nulls?
When I build simple tabular form in APEX 4.2 it displayed 10 rows per page by default. When I changed that number in Number of Rows field to 15 nothing happens. Again only 10 rows per page were displayed. Next field on the right to Number of Rows is Number of Rows (Item). Tabular form works as expected when I use this field and define number of rows with hidden page item. So workaround issue (bug?) is easy. Is this some kind of bug or I miss something obvious?
I have one question I made a report and form in wizard with 1 table (Ex : EMP) and want to make a INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE process based on PL/SQL API. I think, mixing APEX_APPLICATION and APEX_ITEM pl/sql api can solve this question but not sure.... I have known the tabular form processing with PL/SQL via Oracle APEX book, but cannot find any samples on simple form processing.
I want to restrict 3 digits after decimal in tabular form. Only three or less than three digits should be allowed after decimal and should be stopped automatically.
How i can disable column in tabular form.working with 4.1 and i have wizard based tabular form.If i have entered value in one column second column should disable and vice versa?
here line_id is primary key .here i don't want to enter duplicate category code when i submit rows.Here Allocation_id and service_id would be same for particular service_id .How can i create validation to enter duplicate category code .
I have an application where I'm trying to match skillset supply to skillset demand. We have resources and we have work for resources to do. Resources possess a set of skills. Work requires a set of skills. Skillsets are described by three fields: Domain, Target, Skill. So, we are able to capture the supply of skills in a table:
RSRC_ID (FK to Resource table) DOMAIN TARGET SKILL PROFICIENCY (this is the skill level 1 to 5)
The relationship of resources to skill supply is 1 to many. Conversely, work demands skills, and so we capture skill demand in a table:
The relationship of work to skill demand is 1 to many also.
Users assign skills to resources using a master-detail form. It works fine Users assign skills needed to work also using a master-detail form, and it works fine as well
A view then joins the skillset supply to skillset demand so that assignments can be made only where supply and demand match. This view is used in the LOV below.
I am using a mapping table to capture assignments of work to resources or resources to work. It is a many to many mapping of work and resources with matching skillsets, and it looks like this:
RSRC_ID WORK_ID DOMAIN ( TARGET ( These are the skillsets where demand equals supply and are derived from the view and presented in the LOV ) SKILL (I've created master-detail forms for the two types of assignments. An LOV in the detail form will present qualified resources or eligible work and then return the appropriate RSRC_ID or WORK_ID, but I must also populate the other three fields (DOMAIN, TARGET and SKILL) before I can insert or update the record. Here's the LOV from the form where resources are assigned to work:
SELECT sed.domain||'.'||||'.'|| sed.skill||'/'|| sed.skill_prof||' '|| r.first_name||' '|| r.last_name "d", r.rsrc_id "r" FROM ri_resource r, ri_skill_supply_eq_demand sed WHERE r.rsrc_id = sed.rsrc_id AND sed.work_id = :P18_WORK_ID
order by 1It is not enough to just match the work to the resource, we must record for what skillset they are matched. I can't seem to see an easy way to populate the three other fields in the tabular form using data that I can retrieve with the LOV.
I have a tabular form (report) multi-record. It display only the records 1-15 with pagination to the other pages. When I set the field 'Number of Rows' to 100, it still displays record 1-15 only. I just want to see the complete dataset on one page, without pagination. (There is a filter on it so there will never be more than 100 records displayed)