Values In User Pass To Be In Encrypted Form

Apr 1, 2009

I have a table in my oracle database named user_details in which i have two fields

a) username varchar(30),
b) userpass varchar(30)

i have inserted some data in it

i want my values in user pass to be in encrypted form .

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Forms :: 2 Different Form To Pass Values From One Form To Another

Mar 11, 2010

is there any type of veriable used in declate statement whith could be used in 2 different form to pass values from one form to another.

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Forms :: Customizing A Standard Form To Allow User To Copy Values

Dec 18, 2012

I am customizing a standard form to allow user to copy values. It works fine when I open the form, query a record and hit copy. But if I copy something to the clipboard from the records before I hit copy button, the form behaves differently and throw errors. Can I do something before the copy procedure work to eliminate this error?

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Forms :: Best Way To Pass 100+ Parameter In Form A To B?

Dec 18, 2012

If I want to pass lots of informations (100 parameter) from standard HR assignment form to my custom form. I am using fnd_function.execute('called form') to launch new form.

I thinking of creating 100 parameter object but not sure it has limitation of number or not. Another ways I googled are shared PL/SQL library or parameter list which I still doubt.

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Forms :: How To Pass Parameter From Form To Report

Feb 23, 2011

I have created a simple form & report based on 2 tables Cust & cntry.I just want to display all customers of region selected in the criteria form. I am uploading the files.

Other than selection criteria report is fine.

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Forms :: How To Pass Parameter From Report To Form

Jan 23, 2013

How can i pass the parameter from reports to form. means how can i open particular form from my report. means if i write query

select * from emp

this emp table report open now i just want open only emp no 10 form from this report so which parameter i have to pass.

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Forms :: Can Pass Data Again To Calling Form

Jul 26, 2010

I want to send data back to calling form

1. is it possible? if so how?

2. How much length/byte data we can send?

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Forms :: How To Pass Parameter From Criteria Form To Report

Dec 21, 2011

have a customer table with following columns.
1 - Cust_ID
2 - Cust_nam
3 - Cntry_id

I have another table country.
1 - Cntry_id
2 - Cntry_nam
3 - Region

Now I want to view report for all customers of a certain region selected by user in criteria form.How can I do this?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Link Two Forms And Pass Employee Name To Next Form

Jul 31, 2010

if i have two reports one of them is that you enter the office name and it will show you list of employee. the second one i want to show the information that is related to that employee by putting beside each employee button that if pressed i will go to other report that show me information about that employee.How i could link the two form and pass the employee name to the next form

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Shell Script Values To Procedure

May 30, 2012

I have one procedure , which calls the DBMS_scheduler.run_job , which calls the Shell Script. now based on the shell execution i need to return the message lines to procedure.

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How To Pass Values From Bash Shell Script To Sqlplus

May 3, 2012

I want to run parallel queries of 16 sqlplus jobs through shell script.i don't know to pass values dynamically from shell script to sqlplus.

here i am hard coded the values but i want to pass the values dynamically. and how i will know each job is running successfully.if any job is fail the it will exit from script.

my shell script is :

sqlplus -s username/password @script_file.sql 1001 1004 &
sqlplus -s username/password @script_file.sql 1006 1010 &
sqlplus -s username/password @script_file.sql 1011 1015 &
sqlplus -s username/password @script_file.sql 1016 1025 &

my sql file is:


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Windows :: How To Pass Null Values In OracleCommand As Parameters

Jul 19, 2012

How to pass null values in OracleCommand as a parameters

i am doing like this

((OracleCommand)cmdMySql).Parameters.Add(":1" ,Varchar2).Value = DBNull.Value;

Its giving error when dataadapter is going to fill.

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PL/SQL :: Unable To Pass Comma Separated Values For In Clause

Apr 24, 2013

I have the following query : for :P_LEG_NUM Parameter when i am passing values like 1,2,5 as string type i am getting invalid number error... I have defined in clause for it but still it does not work.. For individual values like 2, etc it works... how can i pass comma separated values for this bind variable

select trip_number as prl_trip_number,
flight_number as prl_f_number,
trip_leg_id as prl_trip_leg_id,
leg_number as prl_leg_num,
dicao as prl_dicao,

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PL/SQL :: How To Pass List Of Values In Where Clause Of Query Parameter

Sep 18, 2012

I need to get multiple code values and put it into a variable which later need to pass into the where clause of an sql. But i am not getting any results even i pass those values in the variable of an where clause: below is my Procedure:

TYPE crMain_record is RECORD (
v_code             dummy.v_code%type,
n_no               dummy.n_no%type,


END;"lv_character" is going to hold the multiple code values which i need to pass into whare clause of the above SQL: the totlal number of these mulitipe codes can be more then 50..

And lv_character values are commung from a setup table
lv_character varchar2(32767):= '('||''''||'COMMIS'||''''||' , '||''''||'AGY BUILDING BENS'||''''||')';
--And lv_character values are commung from a setup table.where "lv_character" holdes multipe code values...
And lv_character values are commung from a setup table and upper(d.v_code)in lv_characterif the

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Get Values With Two Columns And Pass It To Informatica To Frame

Aug 29, 2011

I have a scenario to frame an xml as below, below i have given a sample data

Create table xml_type
(msg varchar2(1000),
desp varchar2(1000),
val number) ;


Actually i need the output as below, i tried and succeeded doing it in Procedure , but they are asking me to do it in SQL query. How to get from an sql query.

<ERROR> 'Invalid Name ID' </ERROR>
<ID> 'Name ID' </ID>


Or i was planning to get the values as below with two columns and pass it to informatica to frame the XML.

Col1 Col2
Invalid Name Id Error
Name ID ID
6 Value
7 Value
8 Value
Invalid FAQ ID Error
9 Value
10 Value

Let me know the best option and how to do this task.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pass Multiple Values As Single Input Parameter Into Pipeline Function

Dec 23, 2012

My need is to pass multiple values as single input parameter into pipelined function. For example - "2" and "3" are values of input parameter "t":

with data as (
select 1 as t from dual union all
select 2 as t from dual union all
select 3 as t from dual union all
select 4 as t from dual union all
select 5 as t from dual
select * from data where t in (2,3)

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Application Express :: Can Pass More Than 3 Column Values With A Column Link

Jun 19, 2012

I want to pass multiple column values of a row in an interactive report page to hidden items in another page through column link. And I did it successfully. However, I found I need to pass more than 3 columns of a row in this report, while a column link only permits me to pass 3 column value at most. Is there anyway that I can pass more column values to hidden items in another page?

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Forms :: 6i - How To Know Which User Is Using Which Form

Sep 8, 2011

How to know which user is using which form.I am using form 6i and Oracle 10g a database.

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Forms :: Login In Same Form With Different User?

Dec 1, 2010

I have a mainform through which one can access 3 different application(say a ,b,c)i have made three push buttons by clicking it the main menu of the respeective application is called.The three applcication have different users(user a,user b,userc)and have different database on the same version(db1,db2,db3 on 111g).I am using formservlet and i am calling the main form. configuration.I dont want the user to enter the username and password so i have hardcored it in formsweg.cfg file. my problem is that i login to the main form as 'user a' so i can access the application'a'.but now if i want to access applicatin 'b' how can i can i login as 'user b'?

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Forms :: User Defined Login Form

May 3, 2011

I have designed a Login form which takes username, password and connect string is hardcoded.I have compiled it, made an fmx file. created a shortcut to desktop. given the BIN path in shortcut.

when i want to lauch it, oracle's default login popup is shown.It can be by passed while defining username/password@string in shortcut properties but it reveals the password. every one can access it. I want to launch my own form without logging in to oracle. how can i avoid default login popup?

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Forms :: Populating Form With Calculated Values

Aug 19, 2010

I have a form in which the fields are calculated fields. So i need to populate the form after calculating the values based on a database columns. For example if i have a table as below

COL A | Col B | Col C | Col D
2 3 4 5
3 4 5 6

I have 3 fields on my form which i need to populate such that field1 maps to col A. Field2 value is COL B * COL D for that value of COL A. Field 3 value is COLB * COL D for that value of col A.

I tried something like this


cursor c1 is SELECT * FROM TABLEL;
for i in c1 loop
:BLOCK.field1 := i.COL_A;

this fetched all the records for field1 but for field2 and field3 it only calculates and populates the field row.

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Forms :: Display Sysdate And User On Item Form

Aug 7, 2010

query also a button click the trigger used when button press event user then the write this query.


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Forms :: Connection String In Form Builder 6i To SYS User

Jun 9, 2013

i want to create a form like a console with form builder 6i for databases monitoring. I have to connect to more than 10 databases and monitoring them at same time.

My question is, how can i create connection string for each one in form builder? after connect to per database i want to select some quires, for example

"select STATUS from v$instance;"

Attention: i don't want use db-link

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Forms :: Connecting To Other Database User Inside A Form

Mar 8, 2012

I have a problem concerning change of the connection inside a form. I have this code in when validate item trigger


how the last message is 'FIFES_HN' it show be 'SIFESD'

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Server Utilities :: Import Only Some Table Of User Form

Oct 4, 2011

we have every day full export backup in eacly morning. but some tables's data has been delete unforutnaltely & structure of these tables intact. how do i import only some tables of a user from

daily full export backup? . this has to be done immdediately.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Values Using USER TABLE?

Apr 19, 2011

I am using pay user tables to store the balance values.


IF rec.balance_name = 'Gross Earnings'
l_gross := bal_function(g_assg_id,rec.balance_name,'_ASG_GRE_YTD',p_effct_date);

from the above I should not hardcode ('Gross Earnings ) value, so I placed this value in pay user table that can be changed by different clients. how do i refer user table values for the right earnings/net/overtime pay values that can be placed in user table.

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Forms :: Form Where User Can Search Database On Basis Of Language And Name?

Jul 2, 2013

There is a table called cd_details. It has fields like id, name, language, type etc.I need a form where the user can search the database on basis of language and name and then display the other details. I used a data block wizard and given a push_buttonwith (execute_query). But it's very clumsy. For eg, if the user presses next the next button then all the records are being displayed. Is there any way to do this thing in a better way?

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Application Express :: Tabular Form - When Row Updated / Add User ID And Timestamp To Row

Apr 30, 2013

I have a simple tabular form based on a four element table: the primary key (seq #), title, Updated_by, Updated_timestamp.I would like to populate the updated_by and Updated_timestamp fields when a user either updates or adds to the table.On other forms, I use a calculation to update the page_ item in the page_processing section of APEX. However, in the tabular form, I am not sure where I might update these two fields.

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Forms :: Tabular Form - Restrict User To Enter Only 10 Rows

Dec 18, 2012

i have master and detail form. In detail(tabular form) i want to restrict user to enter only 10 rows.if he tries to go for 11th row he shud get a message (Only 10 records can be created at a time).

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Reports & Discoverer :: Select List Of Values From Parameter Form?

Jun 9, 2012

I am trying to select multiple values from a parameter form based on a select statement.

I created the parameter and write the select statement under list-of-value property However what I want is to let users choose multiple values from the select statement not only one value.

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