Reports & Discoverer :: Link Two Forms And Pass Employee Name To Next Form

Jul 31, 2010

if i have two reports one of them is that you enter the office name and it will show you list of employee. the second one i want to show the information that is related to that employee by putting beside each employee button that if pressed i will go to other report that show me information about that employee.How i could link the two form and pass the employee name to the next form

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Reports & Discoverer :: Pass Parameter From Forms To Report

Oct 5, 2013

I can not Pass parameter from forms to Report.

I use three parameter for report. I want to show the employee who has been hired between from_date to_date,it work well in report builder. but I want to pass parameter from forms to report and pdf format. I upload my work (this is actually a zip File, change file type txt to zip just before open).

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Reports & Discoverer :: Provide Download Link To Blob In Database On Oracle Reports?

Aug 8, 2013

My user would like to have a way to attach files to database records. For simplicity, we'll say that each employee in the database could have 0-many file attachments associated with them. I know how to make this part work using Oracle Forms.

So that's the easy part for me. The tough part is that they want to be able to run an Oracle Report on our application server (displays as a PDF, also downloadable as a PDF) and have links on this report to the attachments that they uploaded using the forms process above.

For the idea of storing the files on a folder somewhere, I simply created a text object on the report that had it's hyperlink property pointing to the file location. Done.. opens fine.

However, I want to be able to have the option of storing these files in the database instead, just in case we can't go with the shared folder idea. I'm not sure how to make this work. I can store a blob in the database.. but how do I link to that blob on the report for them to be able to download it? Is this even possible?

how to create a download link on the Oracle Report that let's them download a file out of the database.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Any Way To Pass Delimiter In Builder

Dec 15, 2010

I need to produce Excel spreadsheet from report builder.currently I am getting a format like,


This format when opened in Excel does not group in separate columns resulting in all getting mixed up.I am looking a format like,


This opens up clearly on excel. items like Product,Count are shown on separate columns along with the value.I am still looking into delimited formatting.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Pass Parameters In Table Section?

May 31, 2012

I have a problem here.Normally, we use &p_where inside a sql script in condition sectione.g :
select name from member where name like 'a%' &p_where order by name;

may i use this kind of parameter in table section?e.g :
select name from &p_table where name like 'a%' and status = 'a' order by name;

the reason i need to do is there are 2 different server. but i need retrieve same info.server ABC have table A but don't have table B and server DEF have table B but don't have table A.

Is there any other method to solve this problem?

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Forms :: 2 Different Form To Pass Values From One Form To Another

Mar 11, 2010

is there any type of veriable used in declate statement whith could be used in 2 different form to pass values from one form to another.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Alter Database Link?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a business area rfprod and i the folders in it were imported by me from an oracle 10g database. Usually i right click and import from databse, when i get the box instead of the default database i used to select the database and import the folders, but now the database has been moved to 11g and i cannot access the databse as i have to alter the database link.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Link File Dynamically In Oracle 6i

Oct 27, 2012

how to create link file dynamically in oracle reports 6i

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Link For Uploading File From Report

Feb 4, 2012

how to create link for uploading file from report

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Reports & Discoverer :: Creating Data Link Using A Column Only Selected In One Group

Dec 14, 2010

I have a report with 2 groups Gheader and Glines.The report looks at PO headers and lines. I want to create a data link from the the 2 queries based on the line id in po_lines_all.However I only want to select this in the lines query so I do not get repeating records at the header query.

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Forms :: Best Way To Pass 100+ Parameter In Form A To B?

Dec 18, 2012

If I want to pass lots of informations (100 parameter) from standard HR assignment form to my custom form. I am using fnd_function.execute('called form') to launch new form.

I thinking of creating 100 parameter object but not sure it has limitation of number or not. Another ways I googled are shared PL/SQL library or parameter list which I still doubt.

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Forms :: 6i - How To Link Different Form

Oct 22, 2010

the following problem. am using oracle forms 6i on windows 2003 server.

I have two tables Loan and deduction

loan_number number(5)unique not null,
loan_name varchar(15)not null,
loan_type varchar(15)not null,
actual_amount number(10)not null,


Both have loan_number columns as the primary key.

I created two separate forms using loan table and Deduction table.

Also according to requirement, when commiting in the loan form ,if 'loan_purpose' is 'PERSONAL' THEN deduction form SHOULD BE OPENED.


WHAT I WANT IS when deduction form pops up, it should have a matching loan_number as in loan form What shall I do to achieve this???.

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Forms :: How To Pass Parameter From Form To Report

Feb 23, 2011

I have created a simple form & report based on 2 tables Cust & cntry.I just want to display all customers of region selected in the criteria form. I am uploading the files.

Other than selection criteria report is fine.

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Forms :: How To Pass Parameter From Report To Form

Jan 23, 2013

How can i pass the parameter from reports to form. means how can i open particular form from my report. means if i write query

select * from emp

this emp table report open now i just want open only emp no 10 form from this report so which parameter i have to pass.

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Forms :: Can Pass Data Again To Calling Form

Jul 26, 2010

I want to send data back to calling form

1. is it possible? if so how?

2. How much length/byte data we can send?

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Forms :: Use Of DB Link In D2K Form And Report 6i?

Sep 16, 2010

how to use of Database link (DBLINK) in D2K form and report PL/SQL.When I Use the DB Link in Pl/SQL of any form6i or report 6i, On compilation forms and reports are automatically closed.

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Forms :: How To Pass Parameter From Criteria Form To Report

Dec 21, 2011

have a customer table with following columns.
1 - Cust_ID
2 - Cust_nam
3 - Cntry_id

I have another table country.
1 - Cntry_id
2 - Cntry_nam
3 - Region

Now I want to view report for all customers of a certain region selected by user in criteria form.How can I do this?

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Forms :: Passing Parameter With Form Link

Jan 5, 2011

can we pass parameter in a link. i.e when we open a new form clicking on the link, some values to be passed to the form so that new form get populated with that value.

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Reports & Discoverer :: 10g Parameter Form Error?

Sep 26, 2012

While calling a report I am getting the following error.

REP-546: Warning: The value of restricted LOV parameter TOPROFIT is not among the selectable values.

When I call the same report through another PC it displays parameter form.

I am using Report Builder 10g.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Add Column In Oracle Form

Sep 12, 2010

I would like to know how can i add a column in existing report. I try to change SQL by doing this it does add that new column into group but when i try to run report i can not see that changes . then i try to do some changes in paper layout but i am not able to bring the changes in out put. i am new to this FORMS Reports . do i have to create a group again i am how can i change the layout in that report.

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Reports & Discoverer :: 10g - Parameter Form - Desname

Sep 3, 2010

In the parameter form in my report I want to give user the facility of browsing the location where he/she wants to store the report. how can I accomodate the same?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Error On Creating PDF File From A Form?

Oct 14, 2010

When a creating a pdf report in reports 6, under oracle 10g, the error message displayed is: The file is damaged and could not be repaired. If I change the report definition from a pdf to a txt file, the error does not display, but the output has the margings distorted.. It only happens when using reports 6

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Reports & Discoverer :: Multiple Columns In Param Form

Jun 4, 2012

I am adding a parameter to the parameter form of existing reports based on a select statement and has two columns. That part is fine. However, Oracle reports is adding a dash between the two values. Still fine, but I am also adding a UNION with ALL in case the user wants to run the report for all values. In the Parameter form it looks like this:

RBC - 111
RRG - 234
TEB - 445

How do I get rid of the dash for "ALL" since I did not physically add it? Below is my select statement for the parameter I created:

SELECT code,
FROM codes
WHERE code_num <> 0
FROM dual

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Reports & Discoverer :: Calling Report From A Form (both 6i) On 11g Database

May 28, 2011

i am facing another problem with 11g database. i am using 6i forms and reports and recently shifted database to 11g 64 bit version. as its 6i forms so i use run_product to call reports. suppose my code for runproduct is in a button, once i press the button to get the print i am getting the logon_screen. if i enter login data again its giving the report.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Select List Of Values From Parameter Form?

Jun 9, 2012

I am trying to select multiple values from a parameter form based on a select statement.

I created the parameter and write the select statement under list-of-value property However what I want is to let users choose multiple values from the select statement not only one value.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Parameter Form In Descriptive Format

Jan 28, 2013

I have developed report in reports9i and executing this report at application server but the parameter form is not displaying as its displayed in report builder.

parameter form isn't in descriptive format like you can check the department field. how to create parameter form in descriptive format or I am doing any mistake?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Calling Report From Form Asking Enter Password

Nov 28, 2010

I am calling a report from Form 6i by using RUN_PRODUCT.After pressing the call button from Form 6i, report is showing box for enterning user id and password.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Changing Lov Font Face To Parameter Form

Apr 11, 2012

I need to change the font face from following lov value for parameter form, How?


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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Run Discoverer Reports In A Forms Menu

Jul 5, 2010

how to Run a Discoverer Reports in a Forms Menu.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Launching Discoverer Viewer From Forms Menu

Dec 6, 2011

Is it possible to link to Discoverer Viewer from Forms without requiring the user to log in again. If so, can I then link to a specific Workbook within Discoverer?

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