Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Link File Dynamically In Oracle 6i

Oct 27, 2012

how to create link file dynamically in oracle reports 6i

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Link For Uploading File From Report

Feb 4, 2012

how to create link for uploading file from report

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Password Protected Report File In Oracle 11g

Dec 21, 2011

I want to create pdf file of a report with password protection for security reason with. eg. Employee A is logged to run rep1. The pdf file created to his desk with his userid & password.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Provide Download Link To Blob In Database On Oracle Reports?

Aug 8, 2013

My user would like to have a way to attach files to database records. For simplicity, we'll say that each employee in the database could have 0-many file attachments associated with them. I know how to make this part work using Oracle Forms.

So that's the easy part for me. The tough part is that they want to be able to run an Oracle Report on our application server (displays as a PDF, also downloadable as a PDF) and have links on this report to the attachments that they uploaded using the forms process above.

For the idea of storing the files on a folder somewhere, I simply created a text object on the report that had it's hyperlink property pointing to the file location. Done.. opens fine.

However, I want to be able to have the option of storing these files in the database instead, just in case we can't go with the shared folder idea. I'm not sure how to make this work. I can store a blob in the database.. but how do I link to that blob on the report for them to be able to download it? Is this even possible?

how to create a download link on the Oracle Report that let's them download a file out of the database.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Directly PDF File In 6i

Jul 27, 2012

How to create directly pdf file in reports 6i and what type of parameter use and how to use?

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Text File Of Report In 10g

Mar 18, 2013

How to create text file of report in 10g ? In reports 6i having default option in menu bar(mail). When clicking the mail option in reorts 6i it will attached to the outlook and we can sent. but in reports 10g not having that Option . It is possible in reports 10g?

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Oracle Reports With Java Barcodes

May 24, 2010

how to create Oracle Reports with Java Barcodes.

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-0118 / Unable To Create A Temporary File In Windows 7

Mar 14, 2012

While Running a Report through form i am getting this below error.

REP-0118 Unable to create a temporary file

But while running the same report in a windows 98 or windowsXp PC i dont get this error.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Dynamically Displaying Current Value In Rows

Mar 24, 2011

where I have to display the value of current cell in next following cells.The table structure is as follows :

ttdate - date
individualplanid - varchar(10); - train number
sch_deptime - number(8); - scheduled departure time in milli seconds
sch_arrtime - number(8); - scheduled arrival time in milli seconds
stn - varchar(10); - station short name
dep_delay - number(8); - dep delay in milli seconds
arr_delay - number(8); - arr delay in milli seconds

The delay is filled continuously by application software continuously.I want to make a query where I want a calculated field which does the prediction of train arrival on coming stations. This shall be done as the delay + sch_deptime for all the next stations. Following is a dataset :

individualplanid sch_deptime sch_arrtime stn arr_delay dep_delay


The last column (EAT) is calculated one. It shall be like as the dep_delay is updated the EAT for the following records shall be sch_deptime + dep_ delay. I did was something like this. The calculated field is cum_depdelay which is only the delay ( not sch_deptime + dep_delay ).

select ttdate,individualplanid td,station,sch_deptime,sch_arrtime,act_depdelay,
sum(act_depdelay) over ( partition by individualplanid order by sch_deptime rows between current row and unbounded following ) c_depdelay
from logtime where ttdate='14-Mar-2011' and individualplanid='BO646' order by sch_deptime,sch_arrtime;

how shall i proceed ?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Control Pages Dynamically Before Printing?

May 23, 2011

I just want to ask that can we code number of pages to be printed before printing the report?

Like if we use report builder software of oracle to print a report, this will ask that how many pages you want to print and no of copies you want to make for this report as normally asked with other software before printing.

Actually, I am stuck with a complex query report where every single page has different query to execute. The problem with my report is that when ever user prints the report, the last page comes empty with the page header, no data in it.

What I want is to code, if possible, to print the report avoiding the last page to print. So that every time I can able to control printing pages. For example if report has 10 pages and definitely has data on 9 pages then it can only print up to 9 pages rather than going to print 10 pages.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Dynamically Page Size Change?

Jun 16, 2011

Is it possible to change size of page dynamically , if yes the how ?? How do you dynamically change the page size of D2k Reports

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Reports & Discoverer :: Create Password In Oracle Desktop

Oct 16, 2010

How user can change password in oracle discoverer desktop ?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Alter Database Link?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a business area rfprod and i the folders in it were imported by me from an oracle 10g database. Usually i right click and import from databse, when i get the box instead of the default database i used to select the database and import the folders, but now the database has been moved to 11g and i cannot access the databse as i have to alter the database link.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Bar Code In 2.5 (Oracle Apps 10.7 Char)

Apr 4, 2006

Printing a bar code (such as a pick slip number e.g. 223456) in Oracle Applications 10.7 char, reports 2.5 on a genicom (dot matrix)..I was unable to find any fonts for this when I searched.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Create Password Protected PDF Report Using Bursting In Oracle

Feb 21, 2012

i want to create password protected pdf report using bursting in oracle for each new pdf i want new password..but password should be dyanamic for each pdf.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Link Two Forms And Pass Employee Name To Next Form

Jul 31, 2010

if i have two reports one of them is that you enter the office name and it will show you list of employee. the second one i want to show the information that is related to that employee by putting beside each employee button that if pressed i will go to other report that show me information about that employee.How i could link the two form and pass the employee name to the next form

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Reports & Discoverer :: Graph - Repeating Frame (Change Dynamically Y And X Axis Title)

May 23, 2012

I'm presently creating a Graph on a repeating frame.

I made a query with a group that pointing to the repeating frame.

The problem : I want to change dynamically the Y and X axis Title.

The graph accept user parameter inside the XML file. But how to make it dynamically based on SQL query?

I try with formula, but can't make it work with a group. I have to put the formula at Report Level, but to make it dynamically for each group i have to make it work at the group Level.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Creating Data Link Using A Column Only Selected In One Group

Dec 14, 2010

I have a report with 2 groups Gheader and Glines.The report looks at PO headers and lines. I want to create a data link from the the 2 queries based on the line id in po_lines_all.However I only want to select this in the lines query so I do not get repeating records at the header query.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Oracle Report Builder 11g Stops When Destype Is File

Jul 9, 2013

In Oracle Report Builder 11g whenever i set destype to file report Builder Stops.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Aging Report In Discoverer

May 28, 2010

[Message #1] how to get a unapplied receipts for ageing report? and RMA(credit and debit note)columns ?

Which tables should be refered for Ageing reports.

[Message #2] How to create an ageing report in discoverer?

Which tables should be refered for a Ageing reports.

Ageing report colums customer name, customer id,location,segment, credit note and debit note in different column,unapplied amount and applied amount in a different colum.Already i got a due remaning date and total amount I want a linked table names.

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-50127 / Cannot Write To File When Trying To Save A Report To A File

Sep 17, 2010

I am receive the REP-50127 error, cannot write to file when trying to save a report to a file on the network via report parameters.

I am guessing the rwserver does not have permissions to the network drive.

Will the SERVER_IN_PROCESS=NO run the rwserver process as the user executing the report?

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Forms :: How To Create Folder Dynamically Using Oracle 6i

Oct 12, 2013

How to create folder using oracle form. I used HOST command but its not working.

HOST ('md C:Emp_Photo2013');

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Report

Apr 30, 2013

I want to create report using this query, is there any option?

cursor c2 is
select epi_id, epi_code, epi_name


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling Database Link Dynamically For A Procedure

Feb 15, 2011

How to call a procedure by passing the db link dynamically.

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Create Database Link With Oracle Client?

Oct 11, 2013

on my Windows 7 machine with Oracle Client installed I'm trying to create a database link to a database server, that runs under Oracle Standard Edition1 When i login to sqlplus on the client with "sqlplus /nolog" and type the command : SQL> create database link SID  connect to user identified by passwd  using 'tnsnames.ora connection'; I'm getting an SP2-0640: not logged in.

Ok, thats clear, because i use sqlplus with /nolog option. But on client side normally I have no database, where I can login. So I think, there will be no user, or? The database to which I want to connect is set in tnsnames.ora. Generally: Is it possible to use the Oracle Client to create a database link?

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Lexical References

Jan 23, 2012

i was reading oracle report 10g , i tried to do lexical references in Oracle® Reports

Building Reports
10g (9.0.4)
Part No. B10602-01

i don't understand parent query and child query relationship

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Reports & Discoverer :: Create Report From Cursor?

Jun 18, 2012

I want to create report against my below query, how?

Cursor Emp_Cur is
Select epi_id, epi_code
From emp_personal_info
Where epi_status = '73'


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Dynamically Define Database Link To Use (at Session Level)?

Sep 1, 2010

Three databases: A, R1, R2. Database A is local and the other two databases are remote. Database A has one db link to each remote database (dblinkR1 and dblinkR2).

In some of my queries I need to get data from the remote databases, but the remote database to use depends on the application user, so, I would like to dynamically use one of the database links.

Something like this:

1 � user logs into the application;
2 � based on the user credentials the application defines the db link to use;
3 � query data using the defined db link.

(for example)

SELECT a.col1, a.col2 FROM table_A@dyndblink a ORDER BY a.col1;

@dyndblink would be a "pointer" to dblinkR1 or dblinkR1.

Is there a way to dynamically define the database link to use (at a session level)?

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Report Using Lexical Parameter

Feb 17, 2011

I know lexical parameter concept..but i want a demo report which will use lexical parameter...

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Half Size Report

Nov 29, 2011

I am using the Report 6i. By using the same tool i created a report. It printing portion is working correctly (that is printing only Half of the page but the next page is move to after scrolled to balance of A4 size). But i want to print with in A4 two pages.

I created using the following property setting....

Layout model-main section-property

width 8.5
height 5.9

Character Mode
Report width 80
Report Height 35

But it utilizing to print half page and balance is scrolled then new page is start(new A4 next paper).

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