Upgrade Three 32bit 9i Databases To Single 64bit 11g

Jul 12, 2011

We are planning upgrade three 32-bit 9i databases (on three physical machines) to a single 64-bit 11g VMware box. Average size of DB is 300GB.Planning to move the first 9i DB by the end of this month, followed by 2 and 3.How to do this using hot backup?

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Upgrade :: From Linux 32bit To 64bit - 10gR2 Database?

Dec 26, 2012

I need to do the following:

(1) Move my 10gR2 database from 32-bit Linux to 11gR2 64-Bit Linux (using an RMAN backup from 10gR2 restored on the 64-bit machine) then

(2) Bring up the database on 64-bit hardware and then upgrade to (64-Bit) [Without installing the 64-Bit software]

Haven't tried restoring to from a RMAN backup. I was trying not to have to install the Oracle software for 64-bit on the 64-bit machine. Was hoping to go directly to (64-bit).

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Windows :: ODBC 64bit Vs 32bit?

Jan 14, 2012

I am using DataBase Express 11g as a development site.I have developed a Delphi GUI to run with it. (32bit). All runs as expected!My associate has a Windows 7 (64bit) machine. Express installation does not supply an ODBC driver. DataBase Express installs without problem, but it is the connectivity that is the problem

I understand that 11g(full) supplies both 32 & 64 OBDC drivers.I do not want to install the full 11g database if it can be avoided.

This is going to be more of a problem the more 64bit machines get into the workplace.Is there an alternative connection method available?

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Server Utilities :: Import From 64bit To 32bit

Aug 4, 2010

I have taken export from ORACLE 11g R1 64-bit software and now when I am trying to import it on ORACLE 11g R1 32-bit version, I am not able to do so. Is it possible to import from export file take from 64-bit to 32-bit version?

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Installation :: Oracle 11g Client 32bit And 64bit?

Sep 14, 2012

I have Windows 2008 R2 64 Bit Operating Server Installed.

Other software that are Installed :

1) Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 32 Bit.

2) Microsoft SharePoint server 2010 64 Bit.

For my development purpose I want to install both oracle 11g client 32 bit and oracle 11g client 64 on the same machine.

Is it possible to install both 32 and 64 bit instance on the same machine.

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XE :: Can Use A 32bit Client To Connect To 64bit Server

Sep 10, 2012

Just wanted to know if 11XE (R2,32bit) will install and work correctly on Windows Server 2008 R2 x64?

I would like to install either the Oracle 11g Client and/or ODP.NET(x86 and x64) on the same machine, would this work? I cannot find any documentation regarding this and so far I am having some issues. At this point in time I have 11XE and ODP.Net (both x86) on this x64 machine under separate Oracle_homes and I cannot connect to the XE database from either SQLPlus client installed with the respective Oracle_Home..

Can I use a 32bit client to connect to a 64bit server?

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OLE DB :: ORA-03113 On Crystal Report - VS With 32bit Win7 And 64bit Oracle DB

Jan 10, 2013

we have moved our database to a new server which is 64bit. (earlier database was 32bit)

when i try to connect my crystal report or Vs .net to the new server i'm getting below error.

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

my computer is Win 7 (32bit)

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Forms :: (32Bit) Version Crashed With Windows Server 2008 64bit

Dec 19, 2011

i need to upgrade this version to, and i don't have an account in metalink to download the patch.

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Server Administration :: Oracle Database Migration From 11gR2 32bit To 64bit?

May 28, 2012

"How to Migrate Oracle 11gR2 32bit to 11gR2 64bit on Microsoft Windows"

Currently we are having Microsoft Windows Server 2003 standard Edition service pack 2 and we are trying to migrate it to microsoft windows server 2008 Release 2 standard Edition

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Upgrade :: Database 32bit From To Version

Jun 24, 2012

I am trying to upgrade the database 32bit from to version in Linux 32 bit . I faced the version incompatibility error during patch set installation and hence ran the patchset installation with -ignoresysprereqs option.

Now during the patchset installation i encountered the below error in in the install logfile.
INFO: Start output from spawned process:
INFO: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/bin/genclntsh
INFO: genclntsh: genclntsh: Could not locate /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/network/admin/shrept.lst
INFO: make:
INFO: *** [client_sharedlib] Error 1
INFO: End output from spawned process.
INFO: Exception thrown from action: make
Exception Name: MakefileException
Exception String: Error in invoking target 'client_sharedlib' of makefile '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/network/lib/ins_net_client.mk'. See '/u01/app/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions2012-06-24_11-45-11AM.log' for details.
Exception Severity: 1

Provide me the certified os and versions for oracle db 10gr2

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Upgrade :: To Upgrade 32bit

Jun 24, 2012

I am trying to upgrade the database 32bit from to version in lunux 32 bit . I faced the version incompatibilty error during patchset installation and hence ran the patchset installation with -ignoresysprereqs option.Now during the patchset installation i encountered the below error in in the install logfile.

INFO: Start output from spawned process:
INFO: ----------------------------------
INFO: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/bin/genclntsh
INFO: genclntsh: genclntsh: Could not locate /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/network/admin/shrept.lst

Need certified os and versions for oracle db 10gr2

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Server Administration :: Upgrade 10g ( 64bit Database To 11i?

May 23, 2012

i want to upgrade my 10g( 64bit database to 11i. how can perform it. os windows xp.

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Upgrade :: Cross Platform Upgrade From Single Instance To RAC

Jun 26, 2013

I'm planning to upgrade a small database (~150GB) from on windows 2003 23bit to RAC on Linux 5.8.The database contains oracle spatial too. A suitable method and link to document to be followed. 

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Replication :: To Upgrade All Oracle 10g Master Sites / Databases To 11g Release

May 28, 2009

I want to upgrade all the Oracle 10g Release (10.2.0)master sites (bi-directional) databases to Oracle 11g Release (latest). In fact, we are using bi-directional oracle streams and snapshot replication, it means capture,propagate and apply process is running.

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Consolidate RAC Databases In Single GI For A Cluster

Jul 11, 2012

I had installed grid infrastructure for a cluster, and RAC database. The ASM is the storage option. The configurations as follows:

Grid Home: /u01/grid/app

Oracle RAC Home: /oracle/db1/app/product/11.2/dbhome1

Can I have another RAC Database to use the existing Grid infrastructure ? The second RAC database will have different owner than db1.

The configurations as follows:

Grid Home: /u01/grid/app

DB1 Oracle RAC Home: /oracle/db1/app/product/11.2/dbhome1 and Database Name: RACDBA so the current instances are RACDBA1 and RACDBA2

DB2 Oracle RAC Home: /oracle/db2/app/product/11.2/dbhome2 and database name: RACDBB so the future instances will be RACDBB1 and RACDBB2

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Windows / .NET :: Visual Studio 2010 64bit Can't Connect Oracle Database Through 64bit ODBC Driver

Sep 25, 2013

I am developing an 64bit And-In software. My OS is windows7 64bit Ultimate. Developer tool is Microsoft  Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 64bit any-CUP.Server is SUN server and Oracle database 64bit enterprise edition.I have installed instantclient-odbc-win64- on my computer.I am able to connect through the command line sqlplus user/pass@server.In date source(c:windowssystem32odbcad32.exe), ODBC Driver connection successful.But in VS2010 C#, use Tools -> Connect Database,I get an error 193 (Oracle in instantclient10_2,c:ora10_64SQORA32.dll) cann't be loaded.SQORA32.dll is 32bit ODBC Driver or 64bit ODBC Driver?How can I connect database with vs2010 64bit? 

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Installation :: Get Oracle 10gr2 64bit Download For Windows 7 64bit?

May 6, 2013

where i can get oracle 10gr2 64bit download for windows 7 64bit?

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Install Multiple Versions Of Oracle Databases 10GR2 And 11GR2 In A Single Node?

Oct 28, 2010


�I can install multiple versions of Oracle databases 10GR2 and 11GR2 in a single node using a unique Oracle ASM single instance?

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Upgrade :: 10gR2 Single Instance To 11gR2 RAC?

Aug 3, 2012

upgrading a single instance database of approx size 2TB to rac 2 node db on linux.

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Data Guard :: Upgrade Oracle 9i R2 Single Instance To 11G R2 RAC?

Feb 17, 2011

There is a Single Instance production server Oracle 9iR2 [] OS HP-UX PARISC 11i v1 to RAC.

Now we want to migration this server with minimum downtime to Oracle 11gR2 [] in RAC environment OS HP-UX 11i v3 Itanium DOwn time must be minimum. what will be the procedure ?

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Server Administration :: How To Know Currently Running Databases In Single Server

Jul 30, 2010

I have installed three database in MY Linux server. I have started Instance for all database and started database also .

No I want to check my databases status or currently running database How can I know . Or which Dynamic View or Database dictionary I should use ?

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Backup & Recovery :: Migrating Databases / Task To Migrate Total Databases

Mar 27, 2012

I have the task to migrate the total databases(Exact copy to be moved to another server).The current server is going for format.After I did the following steps I am getting the tablespaces(databases)-4 sizes same ,but I am facing issue like some default tablespaces i.e temp,system are not matching.

temp tablespace
current server - 4.0(approximately)
Migrating server - 160 MB

System tablespace
current server - 580 MB
Migrating server - 220 MB

Also I checked the tables are also matching for the 4 databases.Also Provide the solution or method which is correct.

steps done for migrating(By me)

1 From command prompt MKDIR 'c:oraclexeapp mp';

2 From SQL prompt conn system/kotak;

3 create or replace directory dmpdir as 'c:oraclexeapp mp';

4 grant read,write on directory dmpdir to kotak;

5 From command prompt

expdp system/kotak@xe full=Y directory=dmpdir dumpfile=xe.dmp logfile=expdpxe.log;
in another server machine

1 From SQL prompt conn system/kotak;

2 create or replace directory dmpdir as 'c:oraclexeapp mp';

3 grant read,write on directory dmpdir to kotak;

4 From command prompt set ORACLE_SID=xe;

5 impdp system/kotak@xe full=Y directory=dmpdir dumpfile=xe.dmp logfile=impdpxe.log;

IN OUR PROCESS we created the below tablespaces and user before IMPORTING created 4 tablespaces

1. kotak
2. kotakdb
3. wired_data
4. ferrari

Created Users which are there in 219 server
3. FC_80

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Upgrade :: ORA-00904 / OBJ$EDITION / Invalid Identifier After Upgrade To

Nov 19, 2012

I recently performed an upgrade on a new server from oracle 10gr2 to oracle 11gr2 (

I take the rman backup from oracle 10g server and restore it on new server where I installed oracle 11gr2.

But on my previous oracle 10gr2 server I enabled the auditing. After doing successful upgrade now when I try to login with any user except sys I receive the following error:

SQL> conn scott/tiger
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00904: "OBJ$EDITION": invalid identifier
ORA-02002: error while writing to audit trail
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00904: "OBJ$EDITION": invalid identifier

I got the workaround by setting the parameter audit_trail=FALSE (Previous value was DB_EXTENDED) .But I want my auditing to be enabled as per y requirements.

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Upgrade :: Upgrade Patch For Enterprise Versus Standard

Sep 22, 2012

is the upgrade patch the same for standard edition and enterprise edition or there are two separate patches?

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Downloaded Oracle 10g For Windows 32bit To Run On XP - Installation?

Nov 2, 2009

I decided to work on Oracle.I downloaded Oracle 10g for windows 32bit to run on XP. But i can not finish installation.

Here is what i've done so far.

1. I installed Microsoft Loopback Adapter and configured it with for IP and for NetMask.
2. I ran setup. The installation holds on a while on "Loading Sun JDK extensions" step.
3. The installation can not execute "Checking network configuration requirements" on the "product-specific prerequisite checks" step.

I've been trying to install it for a few days but i could not go one step further.

P.S: I could not URL. Here are the images. (remove the blanks on addressline.[URL]....

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Server Utilities :: DMP Restoration At 10g Win 2k3 Sp2 32bit Platform?

Mar 31, 2010

I have come across one odd situation where by i have got 2 .dmp files to restore at 10g win 2k3 sp2 32bit platform.the problem is that there is no information available related to username/password or any other info related to database.there is no information of from username as it require for importis there anyway to restore it?

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Server Administration :: Installation Of 11g On Windows 7 32bit

Feb 10, 2012

I have installed 11g R2 on windows 7 32bit then I uninstall it through deinstall but now again i am installing it it says

Cause - The chosen installation conflicted with software already installed in the given Oracle home.

Action - Install into a different Oracle home.

How can I remove that Oracle Home.

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Upgrade :: Reference Note IDs For Database Upgrade From To

Oct 22, 2012

find reference note IDs for DB upgrade from to, as I am finding only Exadata which I don't want but I want to find for Ebiz database, on OS - Solaris 10 9/10 s10s_u9wos_14a SPARC.

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Upgrade :: Oracle Database Upgrade Changes DATA_PUMP_DIR

Jun 6, 2012

Along with existing RMAN backups we do Exports - of our DB using and OS User and Oracle Wallet.Of the DB's we have upgraded the Data Pump Directory

Select * from dba_directories; (there are other commands to get this info as well).

I captured screens from the DBUA upgrades, but did not see an option to change this information.Is there a way to feed this information to the install moving forward. IE, ./DBUA -silent ?

Also, anyone tracked the percentage of storage increase from 10.2/11.1 to 11.2.

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Upgrade :: SYS Table Very Slow After 11g Database Upgrade?

Nov 7, 2012

All my sys tables are very slow after my database upgrade from to on AIX 6.1

For example
select * from ALL_TAB_COLUMNS; -- taking 19 seconds in and few millisec in

I have deleted and updated fixed and dictionary table statistics , till I facing this issue

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