Consolidate RAC Databases In Single GI For A Cluster

Jul 11, 2012

I had installed grid infrastructure for a cluster, and RAC database. The ASM is the storage option. The configurations as follows:

Grid Home: /u01/grid/app

Oracle RAC Home: /oracle/db1/app/product/11.2/dbhome1

Can I have another RAC Database to use the existing Grid infrastructure ? The second RAC database will have different owner than db1.

The configurations as follows:

Grid Home: /u01/grid/app

DB1 Oracle RAC Home: /oracle/db1/app/product/11.2/dbhome1 and Database Name: RACDBA so the current instances are RACDBA1 and RACDBA2

DB2 Oracle RAC Home: /oracle/db2/app/product/11.2/dbhome2 and database name: RACDBB so the future instances will be RACDBB1 and RACDBB2

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Create Single Table Cluster

Mar 6, 2010

I have one table called posh, which has about 50,000 ids (millions of rows) so far. It is currently at about 50 gb. So each series of rows for a particular id is about 1 mb.

CREATE CLUSTER posh_cluster (id int)
STORAGE (initial 2000K next 2000K)
CREATE INDEX posh_cluster_index ON CLUSTER posh_cluster;


According to the Oracle documentation size is "the average cluster key size", I am not really sure what that means. Is this the 1mb in posh table space I am using for each series of rows for an id, or the space used for the index? Secondly, the storage parameter for 'CREATE CLUSTER' should be what?

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Upgrade Three 32bit 9i Databases To Single 64bit 11g

Jul 12, 2011

We are planning upgrade three 32-bit 9i databases (on three physical machines) to a single 64-bit 11g VMware box. Average size of DB is 300GB.Planning to move the first 9i DB by the end of this month, followed by 2 and 3.How to do this using hot backup?

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Install Multiple Versions Of Oracle Databases 10GR2 And 11GR2 In A Single Node?

Oct 28, 2010


�I can install multiple versions of Oracle databases 10GR2 and 11GR2 in a single node using a unique Oracle ASM single instance?

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Server Administration :: How To Know Currently Running Databases In Single Server

Jul 30, 2010

I have installed three database in MY Linux server. I have started Instance for all database and started database also .

No I want to check my databases status or currently running database How can I know . Or which Dynamic View or Database dictionary I should use ?

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Backup & Recovery :: Migrating Databases / Task To Migrate Total Databases

Mar 27, 2012

I have the task to migrate the total databases(Exact copy to be moved to another server).The current server is going for format.After I did the following steps I am getting the tablespaces(databases)-4 sizes same ,but I am facing issue like some default tablespaces i.e temp,system are not matching.

temp tablespace
current server - 4.0(approximately)
Migrating server - 160 MB

System tablespace
current server - 580 MB
Migrating server - 220 MB

Also I checked the tables are also matching for the 4 databases.Also Provide the solution or method which is correct.

steps done for migrating(By me)

1 From command prompt MKDIR 'c:oraclexeapp mp';

2 From SQL prompt conn system/kotak;

3 create or replace directory dmpdir as 'c:oraclexeapp mp';

4 grant read,write on directory dmpdir to kotak;

5 From command prompt

expdp system/kotak@xe full=Y directory=dmpdir dumpfile=xe.dmp logfile=expdpxe.log;
in another server machine

1 From SQL prompt conn system/kotak;

2 create or replace directory dmpdir as 'c:oraclexeapp mp';

3 grant read,write on directory dmpdir to kotak;

4 From command prompt set ORACLE_SID=xe;

5 impdp system/kotak@xe full=Y directory=dmpdir dumpfile=xe.dmp logfile=impdpxe.log;

IN OUR PROCESS we created the below tablespaces and user before IMPORTING created 4 tablespaces

1. kotak
2. kotakdb
3. wired_data
4. ferrari

Created Users which are there in 219 server
3. FC_80

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PL/SQL :: How To Replace 2 Single Quotes To Single Quote

Nov 21, 2012

I have an script.sql that receives as a parameter an string.


@C:/myscript.sql "o'connor"

user_account_value varchar2(120) := '&1';

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE "Select * from Table where column = :1 "  USING user_account_value I am not sure how to deal with string that contains single quotes.

If the parameter were passed as : "o''connor" this will work
If the parameter is pass as: "o'connor" this will not work.

so my question is what options do I have to deal with dynamic queries and single quotes.

I tried replacing replace(myParameter,'''',''''''); but not working well.

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Stopping Cluster Along With HAS?

Sep 17, 2013

I wanted to make my11g cluster down along with high availability.Documents says, Stop the cluster stack by using crsctl stop cluster and then execute crsctl stop crs command to stop HA. What is the difference if I am using the following commands?

1. crsctl stop cluster
crsctl stop crs


2. crsctl stop crs

As per my understanding, crsctl stop crs command stops entire cluster stach plus has.

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Scan In 4 Node Cluster

Jun 24, 2013

We are going to setup a 4 node rac cluster. So i think we need to configure only one SCAN with 3IP's. And how the scan listeners are configured on these 4 nodes.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Cluster In Oracle

Apr 23, 2013

Are Oracle cluster and Oracle clusterware are same and has same in meaning in RAC ?

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To Query The Cluster Name From Server

Dec 20, 2012

We have few Solaris RAC Clusters. When I try to query the cluster name from server using the following command i get the same result for all the clusters.

soc02n02-oracle> cemutlo -n -w

soc03n01-oracle> cemutlo -n -w

While in the OEM Grid Console it shows the separate name given to each of them. Check the attached .pdf

Q.Why the cluster names are same from the OS level but different in the OEM console.
Q.Is there any way we can find out the individual cluster names other than cemutlo commands.
Q.In OEM why is the "Cluster" different from the "Cluster name"

Attached File(s)

SOC_Cluster.pdf ( 27.63K )
Number of downloads: 2 

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Can Monitor Databases Using OEM 11g

Feb 7, 2011

In my company we have few databases and few databases.Currently we are monitoring using OEM 10g ( installed on a seperate server.

Planning to install OEM on a new server as part of server room renovation. let me know the process of installing OEM on a different server without loosing the historical data?Also wondering if the OEM 11g will support the current databases?

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Same Server Two Databases

Oct 3, 2012

I have a windows 2008 server.

I already installled oracle software for oracle_home C:/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1 for database DEV.

Now, I want to create new database with different oracle_home on same server with oracle_home as C:/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2 and SID as TEST.

Do I have to istall oracle software again ? if yes, what about inventoryfiles in C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory ? wont they be overwritten ?

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Multiple Databases With Same Name?

Nov 23, 2010

We are getting a consultant to upgrade an Oracle 9i installation to 11g R2. The current installation has 6 different databases installed on the same server. Each database is a different customer so for reasons of security we have requested that this be split into 6 virtual machines with one database per machine.

The consultant suggested that they could install the 11g database once and then just make copies (which would all have the same instance name. We are told that the TNS names can be configured so clients are directed to the right database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sequence Can Be Used Across Databases?

Mar 19, 2012

As we can give grant on sequence and can use in different schema of same database, can same sequence be used across databases?

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Combining Hash Cluster And Indexes

Oct 28, 2010

A basic select and group by query I am optimising for my Database course has returned results that indicate it will perform better on a clustered index when returning a smaller number of rows (5% of the largest table) and on a hash clustered index when returning higher volumes (50% and 80%). I understand that it is possible to use more than one index type on a table to improve performance, but I am struggling to understand how I might establish a hash cluster and a cluster on the same table? and then use hints to drive the query down one access path or the other.

Site admin - this site is a very useful resource.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Oracle Cluster 10 Installation

Oct 27, 2010

Steps for installing Oracle Cluster 10?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cluster Creation On Already Existing Table

Feb 20, 2012

I have table property and flat , in both of these tables I have cvp_id common colomn .Now I want to add cluster on this colomn so how can I add cluster to table which is already exists.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: What Is Cluster / Bitmap And Functional Index

Dec 26, 2011

index types like cluster,bitmap,binary tree,functional. Specify the differences between these types

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check If The Cluster Exist In Database

Apr 27, 2010

We can use the clause "CREATE CLUSTER mycluster.." to create a cluster.

How to check if the cluster exist in my database, so I don't have to create the cluster again.

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Install RAC Cluster Onto Linux Server

Apr 1, 2011

What I wanted to know was the steps to place a RAC cluster onto a brand new Linux server.

Step 1 - Install Cluster Software , CRS & Voting Disks
Step 2 - VIPCA - VIP Config (VIP, GSD, ONS) Resouce Apps
Step 3 - Create ASM Instance
Step 4 - Install Grid Infrastructure
Step 5 - Install RAC
Step 6 - Create Cluster DB - using DBCA with Enterprise Manager

This will be a 2 node RAC cluster going onto a Redhat 5 Linux box

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RAC & Failsafe :: Download Cluster Ware 11g

Jan 22, 2013

I must setup RAC 11g but I haven't meta link account to download cluster ware.

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RAC & Failsafe :: RMAN Backup On Cluster

Dec 1, 2011

I have a table called dept table with nested collection as below. Nested Table Collection:

create or replace
type courselist as table of varchar2(64) Table Using Nested Table Collection: 
   ( "NAME" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),
   )  Content Of Table:NameDirectorofficecoursesAccountingJames CharlesUNOFCSDWH_STG.COURSELIST('natural science','chemistry','Computer Science','Computer Science') 

I am trying to select and print an element from nested table collection using below plsql block.

END; Error Message:
PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "COURSES": invalid identifier

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Server Administration :: Few Cluster Services Are Down

Nov 9, 2010

on 6th of August at 02:36 our following cluster services were down,i see the logs and found that ASM is down and disk group are not accessible and ASMb process is terminated and both instances was restarted, i checked the cluster services so five services were down and these are

Quote: ora_ OCR_DG.DG, ora_fedb96.asm2.asm, ora_fedb96.gsd, ora_fedb96.ons and ora_fedb96.oc4j...

I restarted the services and they were successfully up and application become available . What can be the reason of the service failure?


ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
Process ID:
Session ID: 157 Serial number: 6655
ASMB (ospid: 23903): terminating the instance due to error 15064
Mon Aug 06 02:36:38 2012
NOTE: Deferred communication with ASM instance
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/grid12/grid91/trace/grid91_ora_25856.trc:
ORA-15055: unable to connect to ASM instance
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced

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Clusterware :: Oracle RAC And Ocfs2 On One Cluster

Aug 26, 2012

I have a RAC working with SAN raw devices presented to ASM and working fine. My situation has changed since the installation of the RAC. Now I need a shared storage (with a filesystem) to upload some files (so DB can read these as external tables) for this I have used OCFS2.

As you can see I have Oracle RAC on raw ASM + shared storage on OCFS2 and for the time been all seems to be well and working perfectly. Can these coexist with out effecting the other?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Patching Cluster From To

Aug 15, 2012

I'm a long time Oracle DBA but have only recently started with RAC and have never done any patching or upgrades in a RAC environment.

My environment consists of a 2 node RAC cluster, and 2 physical standbys at separate remote locations.

The database, GI, ASM, and clusterware are all at version

I want to upgrade all components to the latest patchset which is Eventually I also want to apply the latest PSU.

Can I do this without down time? It is a mission critical database where downtime could conceivably endanger lives. If it can't be done with zero downtime, then downtime must be kept to an absolute minimum (minutes, not hours).

I suspect the clusterware needs to be patched first and I do not know whether I can do it on one node at a time.

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Clusterware :: 2 Oracle SE Instances In 1 Cluster?

Jun 21, 2013

I would like to build a 2-node cluster without RAC.  I desire to operate 2 Oracle database instances for use by 2 separate applications.  I plan to run Linux.  I would like node1 to act as the primary server for the databases in application1 and node2 to act as the failover server for the databases in application1.  Conversely, I want node2 to act as the primary server for databases in application2 and node1 to act as the failover server for databases in application2.  Can Oracle SE and Oracle Clusterware be configured in this this way?

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Copy Data Between Databases

Oct 12, 2012

I want copy some tables from one database to another. Which of following is the fastest way:

- INSERT /*+APPEND*/ via database link
- Transportable Tablespaces
- datapump IMP/EXP (I supposed it's the slowest way)

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Oracle Example Databases And Tables

Oct 3, 2011

I'm just wondering because i didn't find any example / test databases for Oracle. Thus MS has its "northwind", mysql its "world" or "sakila".

Additionally, the tables view is quiet confusing, referring to all those generated tables (


I tried right-click + apply filter *remove generated* but it didn't work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Synch Two Oracle Databases

Aug 2, 2010

I have cloned the database into another using DBMS_METADTA API (export the metadata in xml form and recreate it on destination). I need to synch these two periodically. I need to update the XML to synchronize the databases.

I don't have 11g to use DBMS_METADATA_DIFF API.

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