why the Scheduler is not sending out notifications for a job I am running.I set up a small job that calls a programm which references a stored procedure. The procedure executes a manual refresh of a materialized view.
I did set up the SMTP parameters EMAIL_SENDER and EMAIL_SERVER, restarted the instance afterwards and verified that the parameters are set by logging into the Enterprise Manager web console and looking at the page with the email server parameters.
I did verify that the job did actually start and complete successfully by checking the logs in ALL_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS
I did verify that I actually do have the notifications activated by checking ALL_SCHEDULER_NOTIFICATIONS...There are notifications for all events (JOB_STARTED, JOB_COMPLETED, JOB_SUCCEEDED, JOB_FAILED, etc.) for my job
I also verified that the materialized view has actually been refreshed by checking in ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES
I also verified that the email server I am using is sending out emails by sending a test email from the shell using the same sender and recipient addresses as I am using in the notification settings.What could the reason be for the scheduler not sending out emails?
We have a scheduler chain that calls 2 scheduler programs.The chains are controlled by a scheduler job that has job_type as CHAIN.My challenge is how to add email notifications on the failure or success of the programs.
I know about this procedure DBMS_SCHEDULER.ADD_JOB_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION, but this is only applicable to jobs and not programs(i believe). Is there an alternative way to trigger off emails for scheduler programs ?
I'm trying to set up alert notifications. I have to program it myself, because SE isn't allowed to do it with OEM. As far as I can see from the documentation, this should be all that is necessary:
conn / as sysdba exec dbms_aqelm.set_mailhost(mailhost=>'') exec dbms_aqelm.set_mailport(mailport=>25) exec dbms_aqelm.set_sendfrom(sendfrom=>'alert@noreply')
but this gives me:
ORA-24940: invalid combination of ANONYMOUS namespace, default presentation and e-mail receive protocol ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQ", line 737 ORA-06512: at line 11
I must be missing something! Probably something very basic. There is nothing in any trace files.
This set is returned based upon some criteria mentioned in the where clause of the SQL.Ultimate aim is to send 1 notification to each of the email id's and those notification should have the corresponding attribute values. 3 notifications fired from a workflow triggered by the concurrent program (which actually returns this 3 rows in a SQL)Supplier 1 to receive 5000Supplier2 to receive 4000Supplier3 to receive 3000 My approach / or the only approach coming in mind is using a cursor for the SQL inside the concurrent program and using a for loop, initiating the workflow each time for a loop iteration i.e for each iteration of loop , workflow procedure will need to be initiated, so item type will be same but item key will of 3 different item key. is it somehow possible to fire only one instance of workflow and not 3 different instances to send 3 notifications. Ad hoc role creation would not be option here because the number of rows may be large and not just 10-15.
I have Oracle 11g on Linux...and i have set up SMTP of my Enterprise Manager Database control. I click on Test and an email was sent successfully. What i don't know is how to add more emails as the recipient of the alerts.
I have setup metrics like number of sessions, cpu usage, buffer cache hits, swapping, tablespace usage, etc...Upon saving and waiting for transactions to come in, alerts were shown the the EM homepage..but i did not receive any emails.
I am working on Workflow and the issue is When a person leaves for vacation he can set his vacation rules so that someone has to attend / approve his workflow notifications. But when we set vocation rules all notification goes into errors state and this error can resolve by refreshing/Retry this notification. And the error detail is mentioned below An Error occurred in the following Workflow.
Item Type = CONCSPL Item Key = 086937-15990 User Key =
Error Name = 100 Error Message = ORA-01403: no data found ORA-01403: no data found Error Stack = Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(cust_f_test.f_find_approver, CONCSPL, 086937-15990, 180198, RUN)
Bottom line is all notifition should be successfully process and send to dedicated person.
On a test instance with Oracle 11gR2 with Enterprise Manager Database Control I try to activate the Email Notifications in Enterprise Manager, so that I can use them for monitoring.
So i configured following settings:
Under Setup -> Notification method I gave him a valid mail address with a vaild SMTP server. The test mail was send successfully.
Under Preferences -> General i gave SYS a valid mail address to receive. The execution plan i let in standard configuration, so every time at everyday i will get an email, when something happens. the test mail was send successfully too.
Now i created an own rule to test the configuration:
I went to Preferences -> Rules an add an rule. Name and description I named "test" and set "database instance". At availability I activated all checkboxed, so i should be informed when the instance goes down, comes up, getting an error, when the error is fixed, when agent is not available, when agent is available again, when there is a metric error, when the emetic error is fixed, when a blackout starts and when it ends.
Metrics, policies and jobs there wasn't defined anything in standard, so i let it so and set nothing here. I activate the checkbox for sending emails to sys and sending repeat emails every 15 minutes 3 times at all.
Now, to test this notification i logged into my testserver and killed the listener process, to see, what will happened. After 1 Hour waiting i didn't get any email, so i restarted the listener. after the listener was started my outlook was fluted by emails from the server, that the listener was down. But why i didn't get them earlier.
I checked the procedure with the database to, here i get it down by "shutdown abort" and "shutdown immediate". But i get the mails, that the database is down, when its up already. And thats to late!
When I want to use such email notifications for productive servers and someting is going wrong, for that a notifications is configured of course, I want to get the mail directly, when that happened and not, hen the problem is fixed!
For example, here an email from testing, where the listener was down, that i've get at 13:01 :
How to pass parameter value to a procedure in schedule jobs ?
--procedure : create or replace procedure updating_temptable(empcode in varchar2) is begin update ts_employee_master mas set mas.last_accessed = sysdate where mas.employee_code = empcode; end;
begin sys.dbms_job.submit(job => :job, what => 'updating_temptable;', next_date => to_date('24-04-2012 00:30:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE)+1+30/1440'); commit; end; /
How to pass employee_code in the procedure[updating_temptable ] in dbms job scheduler ?
We use AIX 6.1 and - 64bit. When we create an Job it will be execute as OS User Oracle, but this is not wanted.The file permisions are set as described in Guide to External Jobs on 10g with dbms_scheduler e.g. scripts,batch files
BEGIN dbms_scheduler.create_schedule( schedule_name => 'INTERVAL_EVERY_1_MINUTES', start_date => trunc(sysdate)+18/24, repeat_interval => 'freq=MINUTELY;interval=1', comments => 'Runtime: Every day all 1 minutes'); END;-- program code BEGIN
all above three code compiled successfully . but it is not running automatically and not run every 1 minute.
I try to run this manuall by using following code
BEGIN dbms_scheduler.run_job('JOB_FEED_UK_DATA',TRUE); END;
It works fine..
I am having a problem getting to run an Oracle file watcher job successfully. The file watcher starts on schedule and I can see the entries in the DBA_ SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS table. However, I see a status of FAILED with an error 1024. Under additional information I get the following 2 Oracle errors:
ORA-01024: invalid datatype in OCI call ORA-21560: argument 7 is null, invalid, or out of range
The job is trying to start a stored procedure with one input parameter and signature: PROCEDURE SP_HFU_NTS_FILE_WATCHER_ACTION (p_sfwr SYS.SCHEDULER_FILEWATCHER_RESULT).
I have to fire "EXPORT BACKUP COMMAND" depend on the EOD Process.
1) We have a EOD Process, which would be completing between 8pm to 6am. 2) After this EOD process, we have to take EXPORT Backup. 3) The above mentioned steps are being done manually.
Now i want to make them automated:
4) ie if the EOD process completed between the mentioned time. then Export command should be run, otherwise should not happen.
I saw bunch of other posts but I could find the post that exactly explaining about where the value returned as systimestamp / sysdate comes from or impacted Here is my situation I have an access to this db (let me call db A) and when I access it, I get following result. I don’t have full access to this db so I cannot experiment a lot here.
I’m in PST timezone.I have my db which I have full access as well as its host.I can make result like db A on my db if I started up db and its listener while TZ environment variable equal to UTC.Now I saw in other post that someone was trying to retrieve systimestamp value in a job executed via dbms_scheduler.run_job.
So I did that in two ways. 1 with use_current_session = true and 2 is false for the same.On my db, results are the same (both returns time in UTC) but on db A, I got UTC time when use_current_session = true and PST when use_current_session = false.
So questions are: What could be the difference in setup between my db and db A? Is there a query, logfile, or anything I should check to find out what can be the difference?
I tried to find the cause with my db and I could see the same result as db A which is to see UTC time if use_current_session = true and PST time if use_current_session = false by bringing up the db listener after I set TZ environment variable equal to PST8PDT. However this causes systimestamp from sqlplus session become also a PST time.
The reason I’m playing around with the setup and checking systimestamp value is because we are facing the situation where everywhere except pl/sql job submitted by enterprise scheduler service is pointing wrong timezone (PST instead of UTC)
the job I want to get the email notification(error messge also), when any of the steps in the chain fails in the job.I have tried this scenario, but I am not getting the error message if a program in the chain fails.
I want to schedule a procedure in oracle and not from the Tash scheduler utility.Is there any way to schedule the procedure at database level.I want to run the procedure daily at specific time.
We have scheduled some Jobs such as monthly, semi-annually reports using dbms_scheduler. we use 10gR2 software and windows 2003 server. we have a report which supposed to run at 4:00 AM and as soon as the report finishes it sends the report as email to the authorized users. when the scheduler ran the report inside the report it shows as ran at 3:08 AM where they get systimestamp. but when i query the
select last_stat_time, next_run__date from dba_scheduler_jobs where job_name ='TEST';
last_start_time next_run_date 03-DEC-12 04.00.00..223000 AM -04:00 07-JAN-13 04.00.00..200000 AM -04:00
when I query systimestamp from dual on that database from sqlplus: i get the following: systimestamp 04-DEC-12 07.40.16..152000 AM -05:00
I see the difference of -04.00 and -05.00 from both of the queries. i know the systimestamp from dual is correct. how to I fix the scheduler Job to run at the correct time with daylight savings to take effect?
I've written a chain with four programs. The third program is depend on the output of the second. However the third program finishes before the second. How do I wait for the second to finish.
How to create DBMS_SCHEDULER job for particular instance,we have 3 instance we want to schedule few jobs in Instance 2,how to schedule in Particular instance.
Why Oracle shceduler is not running.What could be the cause.
CREATE TABLE dept1 AS SELECT * FROM dept; CREATE OR REPLACE procedure update_record(p_deptno number)is BEGIN insert into dept1 values(p_deptno,'xxx','xxx'); end;
I studied the documentation and many websites about DBMS_JOB but I am still confused.How do I schedule a procedure to run i.e. every sunday 10:00 AM ?This is what I tried:
I'm using Oracle DB 10g EE I have created a program to be executed with scheduler. however when I execute the job it fails due to a permissions error.
BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_PROGRAM ( program_name => 'Billing_files_organise_prog', program_action => '/home/ora10/data/organise.sh',
I want to create a schedule as below. But it shows error message which i cant understand.
begin DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_jOB( job_name => 'Alert_monitor',
Here is the error message.
Error at line 1 ORA-06550: line 2, column 1: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'CREATE_JOB' ORA-06550: line 2, column 1: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
I have scheduled few jobs (scheduled for each day) which has not run today, which was running successfully till yesterday. When I query dba_scheduler_jobs, i could see last_run_date as yesterday's date 6am and next_run_date is still showing today's date and time (it should show tomorrow's date/time).