SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Only Rows Which Has Number And Not Alphanumeric Value?
Oct 16, 2012
I have a column COL1 in table TAB1 which is varchar2. I want select only rows which has number and not alphanumeric value? I don't want to use regexp for this since
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Jun 13, 2007
In sql plus How do I get the number of distinct rows of a certain value?
for example
select group_number from records group by group_number
How would I query for the total number of group_numbers in this query?
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Oct 17, 2012
This is what I've been trying to do.
I have the following table:
I want to form a query that regardless of the total returned records, I will be able to specify how many of each "kind" of players I want returned. There are several good reasons that it has to be one query and not many.
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Mar 2, 2011
The query below returns 101 rows. If I replace the column list with an asterik the query returns 892 rows. I do not understand why.
--select *
select Ref_Consultant_CD
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Jul 1, 2010
I am facing a problem in bulk insert using SELECT statement.My sql statement is like below.
strQuery :='INSERT INTO TAB3
(SELECT t1.c1,t2.c2
FROM TAB1 t1, TAB2 t2
WHERE t1.c1 = t2.c1
AND t1.c3 between 10 and 15 AND)' ....... some other conditions.
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE strQuery...These SQL statements are inside a procedure. And this procedure is called from C#.The number of rows returned by the "SELECT" query is 70.
On the very first time call of this procedure, the number rows inserted using strQuery is 70. But in the next time call (in the same transaction) of the procedure, the number rows inserted is only 50.And further if we are repeating calling this procedure, it will insert sometimes 70 or 50 etc. It is showing some inconsistency.On my initial analysis it is found that, the default optimizer is "ALL_ROWS". When i changed the optimizer mode to "rule", this issue is not coming.I am using Oracle 10g R2 version.
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Aug 22, 2011
I am importing some data from Oracle into another database on a regular basis. It works fine for most of the queries but couple of queries don't work sometimes (random). I don't get any errors or any data.
We switched on the Oracle auditing to find out the queries being sent to oracle db. We can see all the queries in the Audit log. Is it possible to configure Auditing to get the "Number of Rows" returned by Select statements so that we can be sure that some data was returned.
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Aug 1, 2012
create table x(
sno varchar2(5)
insert into x values('A-1');
insert into x values('B-1');
insert into x values('B-2');
insert into x values('B-3');
insert into x values('1');
insert into x values('A-2');
insert into x values('2');
insert into x values('3');
insert into x values('A-4');
insert into x values('B-4');
insert into x values('C-4');
insert into x values('D-4');
SQL>select * from x;
How can I select it ike this
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May 27, 2013
in my sql we can use limit to select first 4 rows in the table then next 4 rows ,can oracle do that ?
I have fifty rows inside the table
select * from student where rownum between 0 and 4 order by stuid ->it work
select * from student where rownum between 5 and 9 order by stuid -> did not work
what is the correct way to do it ?
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Apr 11, 2013
I am trying to find records in table A that don't have any corresponding records in table B
select a.ID,a.templatenames from cbe a where not exists (select 1 from cbe_child b where a.ID=b.cbe_id)
Both tables have about 100 mil rows. And there is no Parent/Child relationship here, A.ID is a PK column.how can i write this select to perform better.
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Sep 8, 2011
i need a function which checks if v_rand carrying a value is alphanumeric if nt this value of 6 alpha numeric characters must be generated again... here is the actual fn.
Function alphanumeric
Return varchar2
v_rand varchar2(10) := 0;
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Nov 20, 2008
I have an urgent request which is pending with the following problem.
Problem :
I have a table which contains data of various datatypes like alphanumeric,varchar and number.
Now my query is " how to sort the data of the table using alphanumeric field"
How to select the data in a required(MyRequirement) sort order.
afterSorting(which I am getting Now)
Means it has to sort the data order by lefthand side of PI and also righthand side of PI.
Pls check the attachment if you are not getting the above data in correct order.
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Apr 12, 2010
Is there a function or a process to generate and maintain an alphanumeric sequence?
I need to be able to sequentially generate both a 3 and 5 byte case sensitive alphanumeric primary key that uses A-Za-z0-9 characters intermittently of which the 5 byte MAY be a subset of the 3 byte. e.g. the key can be 00000 or a3BD7.
so I need to be able to generate a new 5 char using 3 char base and if that value is not available, generate a unique 5 char value and allocate the substr(1,3) of that value backwards.
Ex1: unique customer location comes in - not a preexisting customer name (same name,different location address doesn't exist) --> select nextval.[5char] into v_long_c to insert into customer_loc table, and substr (v_long_c, 1, 3) for customer name table.
EX 2: unique customer location comes in. customer name exists in customer table with 3char val A39, but that location doesn't exist in customer_location table (5chars are location specific).
I need to take the A39 and generate new 5char for that unique location using that prefix (A39) if possible.
However, a number of a39-- already exist, though not all assigned to the same customer name (we're trying to keep them grouped together but that might not be logically feasible)
How do I select next a39||[2char] for that unique location - and if that value is not available (all 62*62 possibilities have been used for A39--), select nextval.[5charseq] into long_key.
I suspect someone out there knows the functions I can use to create this or has written a package to do just this; I suspect with enough time I could do it, but I don't currently have the time or knowledge to develop it within these deadlines. I thought it would be easier.
My short-sighted solution was to create a static table of all iterations of A-z0-9 5 char values, select one, mark it used and move on. Unfortunately 62^5 is a substantial number (913+million records) and that table took a LOT of space, causing my development server to groan and crack miserably. indexing on it takes a lot of space too (and trying to build multiple indexes exceeded database size). But without an index on the 3char field, selecting an available 5 code from it based on the customer_3char prefix took five minutes - much longer than the fraction of a second I need.
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Jan 15, 2011
how can I select whole table in parts of 100 rows?
If I have primary key I can:
select * from table where ID>=start_point and ID<end;
and repeat:
CODEselect * from table where ID>=start_point and ID<end;
How can I do it without primary key? Is there another posibility to getting 100 number of rows? Maybe using rowid?
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Jan 23, 2009
i have a table displaying location, cost, inner_num and rownum ordered by the descending order of the cost.
the question is: display locations of the highest 10 costs. if the cost of 11th row is the same as 11th, then display 11 rows.
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Aug 30, 2007
Consider the following tables
101 ----------------24
101 ----------------26
104 --------------- 27
write sql query to get the following output without using minus,union,intersect.
101 ---------------------------------- 24
101 -----------------------------------26
102 -----------------------------------N/A
103 -----------------------------------N/A
104 -----------------------------------27
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Aug 2, 2012
My Table structure is
SL# Start_ts
1 7/31/2012 3:53:42.864070 AM
2 7/26/2012 2:13:58.280928 PM
3 7/25/2012 2:13:41.692569 PM
4 7/21/2012 2:13:26.821070 PM
5 7/18/2012 2:13:07.827278 PM
6 7/13/2012 2:05:35.023520 PM
How to select last 10 days rows only (from sysdate)
1) SQL> select * from Test where to_date(start_ts, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') > to_date(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')-10 ; (or)
2) SQL> select * from Test where to_date(start_ts, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') > to_date(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')-10 ;
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
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Aug 13, 2010
I have been trying to find out how to write the following query:
Suppose the following table:
ID seq
24 1
24 2
24 3
67 1
67 2
67 3
67 4
67 5
13 1
13 2
I would like to retrieve the rows for every different ID with its max value. For one ID that would be:
select * from TABLE where seq in(
select max(seq) from TABLE where id=24)
How can i do this for all the rows??
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Jun 18, 2010
I am trying to sort columns base on cluster and alpha numeric field.
Column1 Columns2 column3
1 2-CA6R-234 9
1 2-CA6R-231 8
1 ARCT-0037000000ewegZ 10
2 2-QIZFF7 1
3 2-PIZFF6 6
3 ARCT-0037000000ewipk 9
3 2-QIZTF7 1
Wanted to sort in a way that column1 will be same order and the second column will order first with ARCT-XXXXX and then reset of the column2. It should look like this
Column1 Columns2 column3
1 ARCT-0037000000ewegZ 10
1 2-CA6R-231 8
1 2-CA6R-234 9
2 2-QIZFF7 1
3 ARCT-0037000000ewipk 9
3 2-PIZFF6 6
3 2-QIZTF7 1
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Feb 8, 2011
How can I find the last numeric value in the alphanumeric string?
LS14160220SPAD show me 0
MN23160224N show me 4
SP34524442 show me 2
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Feb 14, 2011
To built the Pl/SQL function or SQL query to validate the given string for alphanumeric character.
I would pass the string of size 10 character, we need to validate first 5 character as alphabet, next 4 character as numeric and last 1 character as alphabet.
I will pass the each row value to the function, it need to return "T" or "F" based on the condition,first 5 character as alphabet, next 4 character as numeric and last 1 character as alphabet.
Here is the DML and DDL.
create table abc ( classid varchar(10));
insert into abc values ("abcde1234f");
insert into abc values ("abcde12345");
insert into abc values ("ab1de1234f");
insert into abc values ("abcde1234f");
insert into abc values ("abcd21234f");
Input : abcde1234f Output : T
Input : abcde12345 Output : F
Input : ab1de1234f Output : F
Input : abcde1234f Output : T
Input : abcd21234f Output : F
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Dec 27, 2012
I'm a newbie to PL/SQL. I had a quick query about trapping exceptions.
I have a sample table called my_emp, which contains last name, salary, etc. I have written the following code that takes in an employee salary and if the salary exists it displays the last name and corresponding salary. If two or more rows are returned, the exception handles it. Likewise if there are no records with that salary, the exception takes care of it.
I was trying to input an alphanumeric input, such as 1bbb as the salary and of course ORA-06502 error pops up in the sql command line. I now want to trap this using an exception but whatever I try I still get the ORA-06502 in the calling environment rather than getting the 'Not a number' or 'Some other error occured' message. why the WHEN VALUE_ERROR or the WHEN OTHERS exceptions are not trapping the error?
v_sal NUMBER (12) := '&Enter_salary';
v_last_name VARCHAR2(10);
SELECT last_name
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Oct 22, 2010
is there a way to find out how many rows a View has? Something similar to NUM_ROWS with regular tables perhaps? Or do I have to use Count(*)?
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Feb 27, 2012
I need to load 2 trillion data from an external table to Oracle Heap table. I am using Direct Path insert for that. how to commit after inserting n number of rows.
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Aug 3, 2011
Can we select table's rows of 5 to 15, like
select * from emp
where rowid <=5;
It is through an error when i used the below method.
select * from emp
where rowid >=5 and rowid <=15;
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May 17, 2012
I have a table ABC with two columns NAME and SEQUENCE. The valid values of sequence are from 1..50. The table may not have all the Sequence number. For example following is the data in my table..
Jonh| 5
Amy| 1
Suresh| 3
I need a SQL to get the data like
Amy| 1
| 2
Suresh| 3
| 4
Jonh | 5
Basically I want to have rows for the sequence numbers which are not present i my table. I thought of using the following query to generate a sequence and then join, but does not work.
select rownum from dual connect by rownum <=50
I tried something like
with temp as (select name, sequence from abc where supp_ref_order is not null order by sequence )
select rownum as num, temp.name from dual, temp connect by rownum <=50 where temp.sequence =num
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Jun 21, 2010
To count the number of rows to the below table entries with certain conditions
my table
col1(varchar2(4000)) col2(varchar2(10))
3-1808116101 3-Standard
3-1808312141 3-Standard
3-1808312061 3-Standard
3-1807714441 2-Significant
3-1808284201 2-Significant
3-1808278361 2-Significant
3-1808284111 3-Standard
3-1807714261 3-Standard
3-1807128371 3-Standard
3-1807128351 3-Standard
3-1808301721 2-Significant
3-1808301701 3-Standard
3-1808322501 2-Significant
where conditions:
1)need to take the count of rows(col1).where col2 value is 3 or 2 .
2)value 3 or 2 is extracted and conditioned in the query
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Sep 18, 2012
I've a table where I've to select the greatest value from each row.
create table find_max ( colA number, colB number, colC number );
insert all
into find_max values (8,12,13)
into find_max values (-1,-22,3)
into find_max values (1,null,13)
into find_max values (-1,-2,-3)
into find_max values (-1,0,-10)
select * from dual;
the desired format of output is:
three fields for colA, colB, colC and max_value
max_value for 1st row is 13, 2nd is 3, 3rd is 13, 4th is -1,5th is 0.
how can I find the max_value without using any built in functions??
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Jul 10, 2010
Which part of the Posting Guidelines (
did you NOT read & follow?
Was it the part about using SEARCH (
before posting?
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Dec 27, 2006
I have 3 tables that I want to select all rows from and then order by the timestamp of when the row was inserted.
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Sep 2, 2008
i want the 10 most recent mission date from mission table . i have tried using rownum but could not get it. TOP does not work
select * from
(select length(code_name) leng from missions
where length(code_name) >7
order by mission_date)
where rownum = 10
this does not work ::: no rows are selected and i do rownum = 1 then gives me one record and when i do rownum>=1 gives me all records
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