How To Select Rows From Two Tables

Aug 30, 2007

Consider the following tables


101 ----------------24
101 ----------------26
104 --------------- 27

write sql query to get the following output without using minus,union,intersect.

101 ---------------------------------- 24
101 -----------------------------------26
102 -----------------------------------N/A
103 -----------------------------------N/A
104 -----------------------------------27

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Select From Two Tables - Remove Repeated Rows

May 31, 2011

I have two tables one source table and one destination . Column names and data types of both table are same.

source table (source)

1 aa
2 bb
3 cc
. ...
. ..
. ..

destination Table(dest)

1 aa
2 bb

I need destination table like

destination table
1 aa
2 bb
3 cc
. .....
. ....

I want to remove repeated rows

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PL/SQL :: Select 4 Rows And Then Next 4 Rows?

May 27, 2013

in my sql we can use limit to select first 4 rows in the table then next 4 rows ,can oracle do that ?

I have fifty rows inside the table

select * from student where rownum between 0 and 4 order by stuid ->it work

select * from student where rownum between 5 and 9 order by stuid -> did not work

what is the correct way to do it ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Rows Not In Inner Select?

Apr 11, 2013

I am trying to find records in table A that don't have any corresponding records in table B

select a.ID,a.templatenames from cbe a where not exists (select 1 from cbe_child b where a.ID=b.cbe_id)

Both tables have about 100 mil rows. And there is no Parent/Child relationship here, A.ID is a PK can i write this select to perform better.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Possible To Commit Changes In Certain Rows Of Certain Tables

Jun 29, 2011

I am using the SQL-Developer to access and manipulate a database. I am not very sure about the format of the database (I'm new to databases), but I had to setup the TNS-folder.

Anyway, I guess the problem is the same for any database.

I am having a table with the BOM (bill of material) positions of certain articles and I want to change the BOM quantities of some of the articles. What happens is that I can only change some of the rows. For other rows I get the message like (it is in German, so I try to translate it):

"data was commited in another/the same session already. row cannot be updated"

This error message looks like there is somebody else locked on the database and manipulating it, correct? Is that possible to see somewhere which processes/people are currently accessing to the database?

I saw that there is one process/another database, which is having the authorization to access to the database. But where can I check if this process is accessing to the database?

BTW: I used to do this process before, and it worked. I had been able to manipulate arbitrary entries on the database. I guess that the process or the person, mentioned above, hasn't been accessing to the database at that time.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiply Rows From Different Tables?

Oct 27, 2011

I have the task that I have to determine the number of parts that need to be produced based on the number of products sold for the day (each product consists of many parts).

I am using SQL 11g Express.

The report would look something like this:

{OrderDate PartID PartDesc NumOfParts(Total for that day)
10-24-2011 2001 12" X 12" Solid Shelf 108
10-24-2011 2003 12" X 24" Solid Shelf 32
10-24-2011 3001 96" Side Panel 50


My issue is, I can't get the equation right to produce the total number of parts. I think I need to multiply ProductPart.NumOfParts by SUM(CustOrder.Qty) Group by CustOrder.SKU.

Below I have what the calculations should look like

SKU PartID Total Parts Needed by SKU
DVCK1212 1001 42 (7 orders * 6 shelves)
DVCK1812 1002 0 (NONE)
DVCK2412 1003 42 (7 orders * 6 shelves)
DVCK3012 1004 78 (13 orders * 6 shelves)


Here's my script:

CREATE table Product
Price NUMBER(5,2),


Query 1

SELECT ProductPart.NumOfParts
FROM ProductPart,
( SELECT CustOrder.SKU,
sum(CustOrder.qty) cust_qty_sum
FROM CustOrder


Result: I am only getting a total of 2 parts

Query 2

SELECT ProductPart.Qty,
FROM CustOrder
GROUP BY CustomerOrder.SKU)TotalProducts,


ORA-00936: missing expression

Query 3

SELECT Part.PartDesc.
FROM ProductPart, Part
( SELECT CustOrder.SKU,
sum(CustOrder.qty) cust_qty_sum
FROM CustOrder


ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended

Query 4

SELECT o.OrderDate AS "Date Ordered",
o.OrderDate + 5 AS "Date Due",
pp.PartID AS "Part No.",
pp.NumOfParts * COUNT(o.SKU) AS "Qty"
FROM CustOrder o


ORA-00934: group function is not allowed here

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select Last 10 Days Rows

Aug 2, 2012

My Table structure is

SL# Start_ts
1 7/31/2012 3:53:42.864070 AM
2 7/26/2012 2:13:58.280928 PM
3 7/25/2012 2:13:41.692569 PM
4 7/21/2012 2:13:26.821070 PM
5 7/18/2012 2:13:07.827278 PM
6 7/13/2012 2:05:35.023520 PM


How to select last 10 days rows only (from sysdate)


1) SQL> select * from Test where to_date(start_ts, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') > to_date(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')-10 ; (or)

2) SQL> select * from Test where to_date(start_ts, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') > to_date(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')-10 ;
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Rows With Max Condition

Aug 13, 2010

I have been trying to find out how to write the following query:

Suppose the following table:

ID seq
24 1
24 2
24 3
67 1
67 2
67 3
67 4
67 5
13 1
13 2

I would like to retrieve the rows for every different ID with its max value. For one ID that would be:

select * from TABLE where seq in(
select max(seq) from TABLE where id=24)

How can i do this for all the rows??

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3 Tables In SELECT

Jul 22, 2010

When I use the below code in my perl script (it is oracle database):

$query = "select a.sub_id, from subscribertable a, invitationBin b where a.subscriberid=b.subscriberid";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sub_query) or die "SELECT-Query failed";

everything is ok... and when I try to add a third table...

$query = "select a.sub_id,, from subscribertable a, invitationBin b, personalDet c where a.subscriberid=b.subscriberid and b.subIdx=c.subIdx";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sub_query) or die "SELECT-Query failed";

this fails... it seems like it doesnt let me add 3 tables in the SELECT query through perl script. The strange is that when I test this query with Oracle SQL Developer, it works fine...!

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Counting Rows Of All The Tables In Database?

May 18, 2010

i work on oracle 8i with around 950 tables in my database. when i export or import it gives me the no of rows exported / imported from each table. is it possible to take a print out of the no of rows in each table through a single query .

select count(*) from each table takes a long time , since there are 950 tables.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Joins On Two Tables With 10 Million Rows Each

Jun 11, 2010

We have two tables, TableA and TableB that contain list of accounts and balances.The requirement is to compare the balances of accounts in both the tables, and if there is a difference, then record that difference with account number in another table.

Both TableA and TableB contain more than 10 million rows.What is the best way to do this task in PL/SQL? A join on TableA and TableB to know the differences has become very slow due to large volume.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Create A View Having All Rows From Tables

Apr 21, 2010

I have a table as shown below,

SQL> select * from Main_Table;


Here the SUB1 and SUB2 are "tables" and are similar in their structure. The "Main_Table" will be update dynamically and the no of rows in this table will vary.

Now my question , i need to create a view which will have all the rows from these tables ,in the current case it is something like

create or replace view sample
select * from SUB1 union all
select * from SUB2

How can this be achived. I tried as shown below:

spool file_to_exe.sql
select 'select * from ' || AA ||' union all ' from Main_table;
spool off

i will end up in a union all "extra" , if i do like this.

how can achieve this ?..

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Select All Rows And Order By Timestamp

Dec 27, 2006

I have 3 tables that I want to select all rows from and then order by the timestamp of when the row was inserted.

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How To Select 10 Rows From Mission Table

Sep 2, 2008

i want the 10 most recent mission date from mission table . i have tried using rownum but could not get it. TOP does not work

select * from
(select length(code_name) leng from missions
where length(code_name) >7
order by mission_date)
where rownum = 10

this does not work ::: no rows are selected and i do rownum = 1 then gives me one record and when i do rownum>=1 gives me all records

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50000 Rows Only From Select - How To Increase

Jun 1, 2012

I would like to know how to increase the result set of a 'Select' statement? I did a 'Select' that should have returned 36,000 rows and got only 5000 rows. What access level do I need to change this and what do I need to change? I am trying to do a migration of data from a delimited file to a table in Oracle. Yet, the data has to be filtered out prior to loading to the table?

SQLSELECT MIN(major_zipcode)
FROM TEMP WHERE MAJOR_CITIES IN (select distinct major_cities from temp);

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Select All Rows Where Multiple Criteria Met?

Sep 14, 2009

My table has the follwoing 3 columns (in addition to others)

Col Name = active ; type=number ; values=1 (true) or 0 (false)
col name start_date ; type=date; format=dd-mmm-yy
col name end_date ; type=date; format=dd-mmm-yy

I need to select all rows where all active=1, start_date=<today and end_date=>today

my sql is: SELECT id, start_date, end_date FROM offers WHERE (active='1' AND start_date<='14-SEP-09' AND end_date>='14-SEP-09');

However the results are not right. Example, the first row returned is: Offer5000312 01-JAN-09 11-DEC-08

This is not correct. Due to the end_date this row should not be part of the results.

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Select Number Of Rows From Query?

Jun 13, 2007

In sql plus How do I get the number of distinct rows of a certain value?

for example

select group_number from records group by group_number

How would I query for the total number of group_numbers in this query?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Updated Rows From One Table

Jul 13, 2013

There are two tables like I posted below.I want a SQL query which selects all the rows from TABLE A which are not present in TABLE B. Also the select statement should pick all those rows which has updated value of COL_A2 in TABLE A.





The select statement should return following rows from TABLE A


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Rows From Table With Same Particular Field?

Aug 20, 2012

select the rows from a table with the same particular field in PL/SQL. Actually I don't want to write two loops one inserted into another.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Only Rows Which Has Number And Not Alphanumeric Value?

Oct 16, 2012

I have a column COL1 in table TAB1 which is varchar2. I want select only rows which has number and not alphanumeric value? I don't want to use regexp for this since

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Specific Number Of Rows By Each Value

Oct 17, 2012

This is what I've been trying to do.

I have the following table:


I want to form a query that regardless of the total returned records, I will be able to specify how many of each "kind" of players I want returned. There are several good reasons that it has to be one query and not many.

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Select Query From Two Tables?

Jun 7, 2011

I have two tables a and b column names are id and date. Data type of date in a and b are different

table (a)

date id
10-DEC-01 2:08:39 PM 1
10-DEC-01 2:08:39 PM 2
10-JAN-02 10:10:22 PM 3
10-JAN-02 10:10:22 PM 4
10-JAN-02 10:10:22 PM 5

table (b)
date id
10-DEC-01 1
10-DEC-01 2

I need table b like this one

table (b)

date id
10-DEC-01 1
10-DEC-01 2
10-JAN-02 3
10-JAN-02 4
10-JAN-02 5

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Count Using 2 Tables?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm having trouble with some SQL code regarding count and an outer join.

Here is my code.

SELECT o.salespersonid, Count(*) from
salesperson s, Ord o
Where s.salespersonid(+) = o.salespersonid
Group By o.salespersonid;

Where salesperson is a salesperson table and ord is a table containing orders.

The orders table contains a FK to salespersonid in the salesperson table.

I want it to return all salespersons along with the amount of orders they are on. It works but does not show the ones that do not appear on any orders hence the outer join.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Data From All Tables At Once

Sep 12, 2011

Is there any way i can select * from all the tables owned by particular schema at once.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select From Multiple Tables?

Mar 29, 2011

I have two tables containing dates:

01.01.2009 || 01.01.2010
01.01.2013 || 01.10.2014

01.01.2007 || 01.01.2008
01.01.2011 || 01.10.2012
01.01.2009 || 01.01.2010
01.01.2015 || 01.01.2016

I need to get list of all entries from Table A and entries from B where dates are before min begin date from A or somewhere between any entry from A.

In this Example result:
01.01.2007 || 01.01.2008
01.01.2009 || 01.01.2010
01.01.2011 || 01.10.2012
01.01.2013 || 01.10.2014

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Get Stable Set Of Rows From Source Tables

Apr 9, 2012

Find the code below,


Here the relationship between the source and target tables is one to one. but still i am getting "unable to get the stable set of rows from the source tables" error. Source query retrieves only 2 rows which are distinct. but still getting this error.

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Block Can Contain Rows / Data From Multiple Tables?

Jul 1, 2013

A block shouldn't have rows from multiple tables... Is that true? I read in one of the OTN thread (i don't exactly remember the thread name) that a block can have data from multiple tables. If it doesn't have, what's the table directory in block signifies?

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Select Query With Four Table Its Generating Around 650 Rows?

Feb 20, 2013

i have a select query with four table its generating around 650 rows. and i need to update these 650 rows only.

for example

update ps_po_lining b
set y.recv_req = 'N'
where recv_req in


this query runs but its updating 6000 rows. which is not right. we need to update what ever the select query is retrieving.

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Table Has No Rows - Select Taking Time

Aug 23, 2010

We were trying to insert approx 76 million records worth of approx 4 GB in a table when the insert operation failed with the archive log error.

The database was hanged, we re-started the database and currently there are no records in the table but when we are firing a select

select count(*)
from table

It's taking approx 2 mins to come out with the result.

We checked and found that there are no locks on the table currently.

what do we need to do to get the performance back

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Block To Select 2 Rows From Table And Execute Them

Aug 3, 2010

I have a table with name SQL_STATEMENTS and it has 1 column, Column name is STATEMENT_DESC

The contents of rows in Table above are:

select * from emp;
select * from dept;

Can I write a PLSQL block that can select these 2 rows from the table and execute them?

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