What i want is I want the data which account is having more than 5 subaccounts within the last one month. Also need data with other date criteria like last 100 days if more than10 sub accounts. need single query.
Having more than 8lacks in my database. i wrote the query but it is taking much time and didnt give the data even after 14 hours.
My query is :
select * from table a where account in
(select account from table b where b.subaccount=a.subaccount
and b.date>=sysdate-35
group by b.account having count(b.subaccount)>5)
select * from table a where account in
(select account from table b where b.subaccount=a.subaccount
and b.date>=sysdate-100
group by b.account having count(b.subaccount)>10)
how to retrieve the Subaccounts which satisfies my requirements.
Table 1Name Item DateJon Apples 06/11/2013 00:30:00 hrsSam OrangesNish Apples Table 2 - Net countName Item CountNish Apples 10Nish Oranges 17Nish BananaSam Apples 10Sam Oranges 1Sam Bananas 1Jon Apples 8
I need to create a job that checks Table 1 for new records added after last run and then add the count in Table 2 accordingly.how to achieve this using PL/SQl or something similar
I have some transactions in my table with date and time.
i want to pass from date, to date and from time , to time as parameter.
when i pass one date and two time parameters, it works fine. but when i try to pass from date and to date (two date parameters) and two time parameters then it does not work accurately.
e.g. i want to pass 05-Aug-2010 and 06-Aug-2010 and time from 08:00:00 and 14:00:00 then it only retrieves data of both dates having only this time range. however i need to get transaction of 05-aug-2010 from 08:00:00 to 06-aug-2010 14:00:00.
ct_id and limit_id is match column used for mapping.
now i want the total count of no of records in test_master in which test_master column value not exceed limit master column limit value if any one column exceeds its limit then the same row will be in my count criteria.
i am looking to write a query that will count all NOT NULL queue values in a table that belongs to a certain group, but not sure how to write it. The following is what I have wrote, but just wanted to clarify how to implement count case based on 2 criterias.
select * count(case when queue is not null then 1 end) over(partition by group) as queue_orders from table_a;
For example if I have 10 jobs that belong to group 1, but I would like to count all group 1 jobs that have a queue value.
I have no data at the mo, just something that I am trying to start off.
I have the following query with analytic function but wrong results on the last column COUNT.
1)I am getting the output order by b.sequence_no column . This is a must. 2)COUNT Column :
I don't want the total count based on thor column hence there is no point in grouping by that column. The actual requirement to achieve COUNT is:
2a -If in the next row, if either the THOR and LOC combination changes to a new value, then COUNT=1 (In other words, if it is different from the following row)
2b-If the values of THOR and LOC repeats in the following row, then the count should be the total of all those same value rows until the rows become different. (In this case 2b-WHERE THE ROWS ARE SAME- also I only want to show these same rows only once. This is shown in the "MY REQUIRED OUTPUT) .
My present query: select r.name REGION , p.name PT, do.name DELOFF, ro.name ROUTE,
NOTE :Count as 1 is correctly coming.But where there is same rows and I want to take the total count on them, I am not getting.
I have a problem with my Oracle 9i SQL Query and I'm struggling to get it done.
I have three tables namely Student, Lease and Room and want to retrieve data from these three tables.
I want the Student name, the Lease details and the Room No from these tables.
The problem with my SQL query is that I get all the information from the tables except from the Room table, where in the column it show Room_No but the values are not displayed, the query is given below.
I have a requirement like to retrieve past 6 months data and i have used below query.
select count(1) from event where trunc(start_datae) between trunc(sydate)-180 and trunc(sysdate);it is giving the results but am not sure whether it is giving correct data or not.If ran the above query it is taking more time to execute.
Is the above approach is correct? Is there any difference between trunc(sysdate)-180 and trunc(sysdate-180) ?
I want if the user write for example in text box 'AM TK' the query display the resualt which has am alone tk alone, and that has both. I know that i should use the Like with % but i do not know how to write it in the set property. I have wrote
set_block_property('Employee_Other',default_where,'Upper(name) like '''||UPPER(:key_search.person_name)||'''') ;
This will bring the resualt just if the user write am tk. How i can modify it to return value as i explained above.
insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:00','1.5') insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:05','1.5') insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:10','1.5') insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:15','1.5') insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:20','0.00') insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:25','0.00')
while I am retrieving data between two dates. from table ORG. select from ORG where datetime between '29/03/2013' and '30/03/2013' order by datetime asc*
My problem in above out put is Here I am getting previous year data also at same day and month I want data only between the dates which are specified in query
My dear friends actually I am getting data like this date as a string(CHAR datatype) from third party tool.Due to this reason only I treat datetime attribute as string.
I'm extracting/retrieving the data from the oracle database using Java application it's bit slow. However, when I retrieve from the SQL server it's faster than oracle.
Let us say, if i enter empno 10 (which is not there in database) in FIND Screen --> press FIND Button, it's showing up 'QUERY CAUSED NO RECORDS', Till this point it's working fine;. But after this, if i press CTR+F11 in block A, it's not pulling records. only this case it's not pulling records.
But if i enter something else in FIND Screen, if it returns any data, then if i press CTR+F11,it's pulling all records.
why it's failing to pull records if i try to query data in first case only.
I want to populate totale number of record in the file. Usually i get 10000 records per file and i load them using sql loader.I want to also insert the number of records in file while loading the data in table.
How can i achive it.
structure of control file is
load data BADFILE '/backup/temp/rajesh/RIO/BadFiles/FILENAME' append into table ERS_RIO_SRC TRAILING NULLCOLS ( INSTALLATION_ID CHAR
Here is the program,..for my report, Strangely I am able to run the query Successfully for my report in SQL developer and report builder and I can even give a bind parameters using both , but the requirement for this report is I should ether run this report in discoverer or xml For that I have successfully created a report in report builder and when I create a Concurrent Program and Run It,… I get an error ORA-24333 - Zero Iteration Count
=> with Tender As ( Select F1.Store_code as Store_Code, ……
With Tenders As ( Select F1.Store_code AS Store_code, F2.Tender_type_code AS Tender_type_code, Sum(F2.Payment_amount) As Trans_amount, Count(F2.trx_id) as Trans_count From ors_transactions F1
how to count how many items present in a particular data block in oracle forms 10g.whether it is a text_item or display_item or list_item etc is there any method to do this.
i have written this when-button pressed but the problem is how to get the next item name in the block
I have a range date partition table month wise which i want to truncate the partition and load for each month data i get from source.
How can i get the partion name based on data value.
source data
101/02/2008 101/03/2008 101/04/2008 101/05/2008
target table has same structure as source but has more data but i want to delete only those which is coming from source if it is there in target and then load. so i want to get partition name so that i can truncate and load them.
how to get the output in below format. Count how many times each file is selected in a month.
Output format should be like below.. ============================================== File_Name Jan Feb Mar Apr ---------- Dec ============================================== file1 2 1 3 0 ---------- 2 file2 1 0 2 1 ---------- 3 file-n 8 2 3 0 ---------- 2
I have the following requirement, where I have to display the data based on the group and links when input is given as month. I have written the following code, which is good to display for group. But I want to display for all the groups. CREATE TABLE target_data ( T_LINK VARCHAR2(50) , t_mon varchar2(6) , t_grp varchar2(30) , t_views NUMBER
i have a list of 500 tables. I want to delete data from those tables based on a condition. (Data before 2008 year needs to be deleted). Each table has a column based on which data needs to be deleted. Provide a code which does this efficiently and fast. Bulk collect is preferable.
I have a complex requirement to be resolved, i have one table of quantities from where i want to show or select the data based on 2 criteria.
1) if the ps_qty is greater than 1000 then there should be two lines , like the qty should not be displayed greater than 1000, instead it should be lesser than 1000. 2) The weight should not be more than 50,000, it should be less than 50000 if its more it should be displayed as 2 lines.
The following is the test case.
CREATE TABLE OW_STAG_SHIP (PS_CODE VARCHAR2(12),PS_DESC VARCHAR2(30),PS_QTY NUMBER,PS_WT NUMBER); INSERT INTO OW_STAG_SHIP VALUES ('A','AAA',400,30000); -- this will be displayed as its because qty and wt are ok INSERT INTO OW_STAG_SHIP VALUES ('B','BBB',1100,4000); --Need to be displaed in two lines as qty is more than 1000 INSERT INTO OW_STAG_SHIP VALUES ('C','CCC',2500,6000); --Need to be displayed in three lines as qty is more INSERT INTO OW_STAG_SHIP VALUES ('D','DDD',600,60000); --Need to be displaed in two lines as wt is more. select * from ow_stag_ship
,i have a table called travel detail from which i have retrieved few rows based on 1 condition by using LOV and on next few rows modification is allowed. The rows are getting modified but it is also allowing me to enter in next blank row and insert any data in that row.how can i retrieve only that data which is based on the given condition. Further blank rows should not b displayed.