Forms :: Retrieving The Data According To Where Clause?

Jul 30, 2010

I want if the user write for example in text box 'AM TK' the query display the resualt which has am alone tk alone, and that has both. I know that i should use the Like with % but i do not know how to write it in the set property. I have wrote

set_block_property('Employee_Other',default_where,'Upper(name) like '''||UPPER(:key_search.person_name)||'''') ;

This will bring the resualt just if the user write am tk. How i can modify it to return value as i explained above.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Clause Retrieving Information From Varray

Apr 12, 2012

select *

gives this output:


12 rows selected

BUT: what I what is like this

Jan Feb Mars April May ...
0 2 37 8 0 ...

it_count_tc is a function returning a varray of 12 integers input is a varchar2 string

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Forms :: Data Block Ignoring Order By Clause?

Mar 6, 2012

I have a real problem with form, specifically one of its data blocks. In the order by property of the block i specify it to sort on a branch in ascending order(i tried descending as well) but for some reason the form ignores that and sorts it on the ROWNUM. I even removed the where clause, the order by clause and changed the query data source type to FROM clause and changed the data source name to pre-query. I then created the query string in the block's pre-query trigger and set query_data_source_name property to that query string and still the data in the block is not being sorted on the branch number but instead on the ROWNUM.

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Retrieving Data From 3 Or More Tables

Apr 12, 2008

I have a problem with my Oracle 9i SQL Query and I'm struggling to get it done.

I have three tables namely Student, Lease and Room and want to retrieve data from these three tables.

I want the Student name, the Lease details and the Room No from these tables.

The problem with my SQL query is that I get all the information from the tables except from the Room table, where in the column it show Room_No but the values are not displayed, the query is given below.




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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieving Data From Table

Mar 21, 2013

i have requirement, that is to retrieve the data from pl/sql table.

SQL> select * from emp;

---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 17-DEC-80 800 20
7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 20-FEB-81 1600 300 30
7521 WARD SALESMAN 7698 22-FEB-81 1250 500 30
7566 JONES MANAGER 7839 02-APR-81 2975 20
7654 MARTIN SALESMAN 7698 28-SEP-81 1250 1400 30

PL/SQL procedure successfully i want receive the data from particular x record to y record

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieving Data Between Two Dates

Nov 3, 2011

I have one table when I am querying like below

select * from timeoffreqitem
where timeoffreqitemid=134

getting data like below

134 144 07-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134

I need to see this result as below.

134 144 07-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134
134 144 08-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134
134 144 09-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134
134 144 10-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134
134 144 11-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134
134 144 12-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134
134 144 13-OCT-11 13-OCT-11 134

I am looking at multilple optons.

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PL/SQL :: Retrieving Periodical Data

Mar 7, 2013

I have a requirement like to retrieve past 6 months data and i have used below query.

select count(1) from event where trunc(start_datae) between trunc(sydate)-180 and trunc(sysdate);it is giving the results but am not sure whether it is giving correct data or not.If ran the above query it is taking more time to execute.

Is the above approach is correct? Is there any difference between trunc(sysdate)-180 and trunc(sysdate-180) ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieving The Data Based On Count?

Apr 2, 2010

I want to retrieve the data based on the count.

Sample data

What i want is I want the data which account is having more than 5 subaccounts within the last one month. Also need data with other date criteria like last 100 days if more than10 sub accounts. need single query.

Output is :


Having more than 8lacks in my database. i wrote the query but it is taking much time and didnt give the data even after 14 hours.

My query is :
select * from table a where account in
(select account from table b where b.subaccount=a.subaccount
group by b.account having count(b.subaccount)>5)
select * from table a where account in
(select account from table b where b.subaccount=a.subaccount
group by b.account having count(b.subaccount)>10)

how to retrieve the Subaccounts which satisfies my requirements.

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Windows :: Retrieving Data From Corrupt XP?

Oct 9, 2011

i am using oracle 9i database.i want to retrieve data from corrupt windows xp.but i do not know what i do for that.

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PL/SQL :: Retrieving Data Between two Dates?

Apr 3, 2013

I am using Oracle 11g version

create table ORG(Name char(20),Datetime char(45),val1 number);

insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:00','1.5')
insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:05','1.5')
insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:10','1.5')
insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:15','1.5')
insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:20','0.00')
insert into ORGvalues('abc','10/29/2012 13:25','0.00')


while I am retrieving data between two dates. from table ORG. select from ORG where datetime between '29/03/2013' and '30/03/2013' order by datetime asc*

the output is coming like this,


abc 29/03/2012 13:00 1.5
abc 29/03/2012 13:05 1.5
'abc 29/03/2012 13:10 1.5
'abc 30/03/2012 13:15 1.5'
'abc 30/03/2012 13:20 0.00
'abc 30/03/2012 13:25 0.00


My problem in above out put is Here I am getting previous year data also at same day and month I want data only between the dates which are specified in query

But here needed output is

*'abc 29/03/2013 13:35 0.00*
*'abc 29/03/2013 13:40 2.1*
*'abc 30/03/2013 13:45 2.3*
*'abc 30/03/2013 13:50 2.1*
*'abc 31/03/2013 13:55 2.1*
*'abc 31/03/2013 14:00 2.2*

Note:my datetime datatype is char

My dear friends actually I am getting data like this date as a string(CHAR datatype) from third party tool.Due to this reason only I treat datetime attribute as string.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieving Data From Multiple Tables Using Procedure

Nov 7, 2011

how to write this query using procedure and how it can display.

SELECT iusr_id,


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Performance Tuning :: Retrieving From Data Is Slow

Jan 12, 2011

I'm extracting/retrieving the data from the oracle database using Java application it's bit slow. However, when I retrieve from the SQL server it's faster than oracle.

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Forms :: Retrieving More Than One Row In Form

Dec 20, 2012

i have created two data blocks

First data data block contains a list item and a text item based on the selection of the list item and the value in the text item i need to retrieve more than one row in another data block whose NUMBER OF RECORDS DISPLAYED property are set to 10.

I have a Button in the first data block. So in the WHEN BUTTON PRESSED trigger i wrote SELECT INTO clause which is raising "exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows".Then i used a cursor in the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger in the first block to fetch row by row and assign it to the items in second block. But i am able to retrieve only one record in the second block.

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Forms :: Retrieving Record

Sep 6, 2012

I have two blocks on which I am having relation based on booking number and employee code. As I am doing a query, booking number is getting fetched in employee code's field and employee code is getting fetched in booking number's feild. Because of this, I am not able to update the form. It is giving me error unable to update record unique contraint voilated for primary key which is quite obivious. But why the data could get shuffled in each others field though during inserting its going properly.

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Forms :: Retrieving Images From File System

Sep 15, 2010

I am trying to retrieve images from the file system, but the open dialog box is not popping up for me to choose which file i want. It does nothing gives no error. Just says record 1/1 on the message bar at runtime.

I have two blocks on the module. One is the lobs_table block and the other is the control block. On the control block i have a when-button-pressed trigger on an item. And here is the code below.

jpg_image_dir VARCHAR2(100) := 'C:UsersajayiaDesktopMe_pics';
photo_filename VARCHAR2(100);
:System.Message_Level := '25';

I don't know the code to use to get forms to bring up the open dialog box.

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Forms :: Inserting / Retrieving Images In Oracle Database 10g

Mar 12, 2010

how can i insert a image by selecting an image from any drives of my system to oracle database and retriving that image for displaying purpose after inserting that image. if possible give me a sample form. like vb 6.0 or in textbox's change trigger fires instantly when we start typeing in the text boxes.

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Forms :: Retrieving Previous Record Value Of Same Item In A Block

Jul 17, 2012

I am creating a record with the items - S_No, Product_Name, Selling_Qty, Price.

Checking the total qty (Tot_Qty) from the purchase stock - table1 and already sold out qty (Sold_Qty) of the product from table2.

Consider the following values: Tot_Qty = 200; Sold_Qty = 50;

Now i create a first record of the form as follows: here on selecting the Product_name from LOV, will display the Selling_Qty item - which can be edited (Selling_Qty = Tot_Qty - Sold_Qty) and its price.

S_No Product_Name Selling_Qty Price
1. KeyBoard 50(150) 200
2. KeyBoard 30(150) 200
3. KeyBoard 50(150) 200

[value given within () are displayed automatically after selecting the prod]

My prob is, when i am entering next record, it displays the same 150 as qty, which have to be 100. After selecting the product from LOV, it should calculate & validate as shown below: which means, previous record value of Selling_Qty also have to be subtracted and displayed.

S_No Product_Name Selling_Qty Price
1. KeyBoard 50(150) 200
2. KeyBoard 30(100) 200
3. KeyBoard 50(70) 200

Is there any built-in functions to retrieve previous record value?

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Forms :: Retrieving Dynamic Values In Builder 10gr2

Jun 30, 2011

How can i use this below example in forms builder 10gr2

var oput_cur refcursor
var tabname varchar2(30)
exec :tab_name := 'dual';
open :oput_cur for 'select * from ' || :tabname;
print oput_cur

how can i get the values from oput_cur into forms grids(containing text items).

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Forms :: Retrieving Values From Mater Table In Child Table?

May 21, 2011

I have got two tables emp_dtl and iou_tab. i have already made entries i.e booking no, emp_cd, emp_name etc in emp_dtl snc its my master table. I want to retrieve the booking nos through lov in iou_tab which are generated in emp_dtl and corresponding info of emp_cd and emp_name should come in the respected fields in iou_tab.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Limitations For With Data Clause

Sep 16, 2013

explain limitation / restrictions on WITH clause in oracle.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Between Clause In Numeric Data And Multi-tables

Sep 12, 2012

table 1

empno, salary

table 2

sal_from, sal_to, rate
1000, 3000, 0
3000, 4500, 10
4500, 5500, 12
5500, 6500, 30
6500,999999 50

now how can i compare values from table 1 in table2 and apply RATE on table1 SALARY like (SALARY*RATE)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Filter Data Using CASE Statement In WHERE Clause?

May 29, 2013

Want to filter a data using CASE statement in WHERE clause for the following scenario.

Need to Filter tb1.fallback_keyword if the fallback_flag is "Y' or 'N' and pg_number is null.Else no partial search of keyword.

where CASE WHEN (fallback_flg = 'Y' OR fallback_flg = 'N') and (pg_number is NULL )
THEN tb1.fallback_keyword = SUBSTR(key_word,1, INSTR(key_word,'#',-2))
ELSE (tb1.keyword = key_word ) AND (tb1.keyword like regexp_replace(key_word, '[*]+', '%'))

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamically Inserting Data From Set Of Tables And Cols On Where Clause

Apr 20, 2012

I am trying to create a simple parametised procedure when all I am doing is dynamically inserting data from a set of tables and cols on a where clause.

And for the result set I am also inserting these input variables for future ref.

FirstClause VARCHAR2(3000) := 'INSERT INTO ABC (
COL1, COL2, COL3,COL4,COL5, COL6) ';
selectClause VARCHAR2(3000) :=


Now, the problem is that the proc is not compiling, because of that escape character.

Is there anything wrong that I am doing or some other settings needs to be done?

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Forms :: Use Clause SIBLINGS BY On 10g

May 26, 2011

I would like use clause SIBLINGS BY on Forms 10g, but i don't use it how.

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Forms :: Date Comparison In Default_where Clause

May 25, 2011

Could it be that it's impossible to change the date format in the default_where clause?

The table column PROPOSAL_END in the database that I want to compare with, is in Format DD.MM.YYYY.

I tried:

set_block_property('Tours' , default_where, 'Number_of_places > 0 AND PROPOSAL_END <= ' || to_char(to_date(sydate,'DD.MM.YYYY')));
set_block_property('Tours' , default_where, 'Number_of_places > 0 AND PROPOSAL_END <= ' || to_char([-- A date item with the intial value $$date$$ the output is in Fomat DD.MM.YYYY by default --]));
set_block_property('Tours' , default_where, 'Number_of_places > 0 AND PROPOSAL_END <= ' || to_char(to_date([-- A date item with the intial value $$date$$ the output is in Fomat DD.MM.YYYY by default --],'DD.MM.YYYY')));

It all does dot matter. Every time the generated select-statement shows the format DD-MMM-YY. How can I change that?

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Forms :: Passing Check Box Values To WHERE Clause?

Oct 26, 2013

I have created a Data block - 'CONTACTS' (Database data block) and has database item - 'Code', 'Descr'

The number of records displayed is set to 5.

Value When checked - 'Y'
Value When Unchecked - 'N'
Check box mapping of other values - 'unchecked'

The requirement is when i check one or multiple checkboxes, i should pass the 'Code' item values to the WHERE clause.

Right now whenver i am trying to do so, only the current record value is copied to the WHERE clause.

I have tried using basic loop as well as while loop but things havmt worked. Below is a basic code which will work for one record, request to guide me with muliple checkbox ticked.

IF :contacts.cb = 'Y' THEN

IF p_where is null then

p_where := :contacts.code;
p_where := p_where ||','||:contacts.code;
end if;
end if;
p_where:= 'where code in ('||p_where||')';

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Retrieving Extra Rows

Dec 14, 2011

I have this SQL that returns the correct amount of rows which should be 2:

Select Distinct A.File_Name, A.File_Desc, A.file_location,
A.location_date, A.downloaded_date, A.downloaded_id, A.file_size,
A.days_to_request, B.File_Name, B.Act_Date, B.date_loaded
On A.file_name = B.file_name
and A.downloaded_date = B.date_loaded

I need to add another field in the Select query which is B.Act_Code. When I do, I get 2 extra rows. I do not know how to make these rows distinct.

The A table's structure is along with sample data for 1st record:

CODE                                   Example of
Name               Type            1st record.            
----               -------         --------------
FILE_NAME          VARCHAR2(50)    STLMK.txt
FILE_LOCATION      VARCHAR2(50)    L:\NonResFiles
YEAR               NUMBER(4)       2008
LOCATION_DATE      DATE            10/10/2007
DOWNLOADED_DATE    DATE         09/04/2008 9:17:00 AM
DOWNLOADED_ID      VARCHAR2(50)    Cindy
FILE_SIZE          CHAR(10)        16212

The B table's structure is along with sample data for 1st record:

CODE                                Example of
Name               Type         1st record
----               ------       -----------
FILE_NAME          VARCHAR2(50) STLMK.txt
ACT_CODE           CHAR(2)      D
ACT_DATE           DATE         10/10/2007
ACTIVITY_ID        VARCHAR2(50) downloaded on
DATE_LOADED        DATE      09/04/2008 9:17:00 AM

The second record of activity would all be the same except Cindy would be "Jason", act_code would be an "S", activity_id would be "sent on" and then of course the dates would be changed to whenever the new information was saved within the system.

I am getting something like this (shortened of course):

CODEFile_name       Downloaded_ID      Act_Code

STLMK.txt          Cindy               D
STLMK.txt          Cindy               S
STLMK.txt          Jason               D
STLMK.txt          Jason               S

There should only be one row for Cindy with a D act_code and one row for Jason with an S act_code. For some reason, Cindy and Jason each get a row with the different act_code. I'm retrieving 4 rows instead of two when I use B.Act_Code in the SQL statement.

Cindy should have the D Act_Code because she downloaded that file name and Jason should have the S because he sent that file to someone else. Every time a file's activity changes, it is entered into the system so we can keep track of where the files are.

Cindy should have the D Act_Code because she downloaded that file name and Jason should have the S because he sent that file to someone else. Every time a file's activity changes, it is entered into the system so we can keep track of where the files are.

Also, I get the 2 extra rows when I add activity_id field to the select.

I use Oracle 10.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieving Wanted Records

Dec 2, 2010

My table XXX has following records with data

A1 2 A N
B1 100 B N
A2 3 A N
A3 100 A Y

The Select Query should be..All the records should be considered and if the (amount is greater than 50 and approve_flag is N )then except that records all records should be considered.The output should be 3 rows; 2nd row (B1) should not come. writing a select statement for the above conditions.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Hierarchical Retrieving With Cycles

Sep 29, 2011

first of all sample data;

create table test_circular_data(c1 varchar2(10),c2 varchar2(10));
insert into test_circular_data values ('c1','l2');
insert into test_circular_data values ('c1','l3');
insert into test_circular_data values ('c3','l3');
insert into test_circular_data values ('c4','l3');


There is a circular relation between columns c1 and c2, so what I'm trying to retrieve is something like that :

c1--> l2 --> l3 --> c3 --> c4

The steps to get that result is :

1.- c1 related to l2 : c1-->l2
2.- c1 related to l3 : c1-->l2-->l3
3.- l3 in the list and related to c3 : c1-->l2-->l3-->c3
4.- l3 in the list and related to c4 : c1-->l2-->l3-->c3-->c4

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieving Extra Rows

Dec 14, 2011

I have this SQL that returns the correct amount of rows which should be 2:

Select Distinct A.File_Name, A.File_Desc, A.file_location,
A.location_date, A.downloaded_date, A.downloaded_id, A.file_size,
A.days_to_request, B.File_Name, B.Act_Date, B.date_loaded
On A.file_name = B.file_name
and A.downloaded_date = B.date_loaded

I need to add another field in the Select query which is B.Act_Code. When I do, I get 2 extra rows. I do not know how to make these rows distinct.

The A table's structure is along with sample data for 1st record:
Example of
Name Type 1st record.
---- ------- --------------
DOWNLOADED_DATE DATE 09/04/2008 9:17:00 AM
FILE_SIZE CHAR(10) 16212

The B table's structure is along with sample data for 1st record:
Example of
Name Type 1st record
---- ------ -----------
ACT_DATE DATE 10/10/2007
ACTIVITY_ID VARCHAR2(50) downloaded on
DATE_LOADED DATE 09/04/2008 9:17:00 AM

The second record of activity would all be the same except Cindy would be "Jason", act_code would be an "S", activity_id would be "sent on" and then of course the dates would be changed to whenever the new information was saved within the system.

I am getting something like this (shortened of course):

File_name Downloaded_ID Act_Code

STLMK.txt Cindy D
STLMK.txt Cindy S
STLMK.txt Jason D
STLMK.txt Jason S

There should only be one row for Cindy with a D act_code and one row for Jason with an S act_code. For some reason, Cindy and Jason each get a row with the different act_code. I'm retrieving 4 rows instead of two when I use B.Act_Code in the SQL statement.

Cindy should have the D Act_Code because she downloaded that file name and Jason should have the S because he sent that file to someone else. Every time a file's activity changes, it is entered into the system so we can keep track of where the files are. Cindy should have the D Act_Code because she downloaded that file name and Jason should have the S because he sent that file to someone else. Every time a file's activity changes, it is entered into the system so we can keep track of where the files are.

Also, I get the 2 extra rows when I add activity_id field to the select.I use Oracle 10.

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