I am trying to retrieve images from the file system, but the open dialog box is not popping up for me to choose which file i want. It does nothing gives no error. Just says record 1/1 on the message bar at runtime.
I have two blocks on the module. One is the lobs_table block and the other is the control block. On the control block i have a when-button-pressed trigger on an item. And here is the code below.
how can i insert a image by selecting an image from any drives of my system to oracle database and retriving that image for displaying purpose after inserting that image. if possible give me a sample form. like vb 6.0 or vb.net in textbox's change trigger fires instantly when we start typeing in the text boxes.
I would like to develop a form which will be replica of windows explorer.It should be able to read all files or files from a specific folder from an unix platform.
if yes can i have a template. I do not want to start from the scratch since I do not have much time.
i am developing aroom room booking system using forms developer and oracle 9i.
i have used images to show that the room are booked vacant vaccant if the room is booked then a red colored image is displayed else a green colored image is displayed. I have done it retrieving retreving the rows of the transaction table in a cursor. the cursor is written on a trigger (when button pressed).
now i want that if the green colored image is displayed then if the user clicks on that image it should move to the booking form else should display messaage messaage the room is already booked.
I have seen many times that people are confused for how to save and retrieve images in Oracle Database from forms. Here I have created a sample form. All the coding is there. And also required scripts are also written in this post. Please download the form create the scripts and run the form.
Here we go: Database : 9i Forms : 6i Create Scripts:
I have an issue with an OLE-Container (ITreeView).
I have already a form with the treeview (database no necessary) with some nodes added manually.
All this nodes have checkbox and style properties, drag and drop (drag automatic and drop manual).
I added also to the form an OLE-Container for the listImage and put into the container the images that i need.
I put checked the father and when it is true then a variable into the declaration of the check of the childrens change and the child nodes are checked too, but when i do it manually nothing happened.
What I want to do is the next thing: I want to be able to drag and drop in every place of my tree to change the positition between the nodes of the node father and to change it also with childnodes of other parent. To Put an Image next to each node (how to call the images that are inside of my imagelist) When I checked the parent then check all the child nodes of it.
First data data block contains a list item and a text item based on the selection of the list item and the value in the text item i need to retrieve more than one row in another data block whose NUMBER OF RECORDS DISPLAYED property are set to 10.
I have a Button in the first data block. So in the WHEN BUTTON PRESSED trigger i wrote SELECT INTO clause which is raising "exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows".Then i used a cursor in the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger in the first block to fetch row by row and assign it to the items in second block. But i am able to retrieve only one record in the second block.
I have two blocks on which I am having relation based on booking number and employee code. As I am doing a query, booking number is getting fetched in employee code's field and employee code is getting fetched in booking number's feild. Because of this, I am not able to update the form. It is giving me error unable to update record unique contraint voilated for primary key which is quite obivious. But why the data could get shuffled in each others field though during inserting its going properly.
//To load an image from the Hard Disk //Level : Item //Type : Trigger //Name : When Button Pressed Declare [code]......
Now what should be the code to store this image from the image box inside the database? I done a lot of time with Oracle Data Base 11g with the Form Builder 6i and 10g but all in vain . No image store inside the database but browse button work well.
I want if the user write for example in text box 'AM TK' the query display the resualt which has am alone tk alone, and that has both. I know that i should use the Like with % but i do not know how to write it in the set property. I have wrote
set_block_property('Employee_Other',default_where,'Upper(name) like '''||UPPER(:key_search.person_name)||'''') ;
This will bring the resualt just if the user write am tk. How i can modify it to return value as i explained above.
I am creating a record with the items - S_No, Product_Name, Selling_Qty, Price.
Checking the total qty (Tot_Qty) from the purchase stock - table1 and already sold out qty (Sold_Qty) of the product from table2.
Consider the following values: Tot_Qty = 200; Sold_Qty = 50;
Now i create a first record of the form as follows: here on selecting the Product_name from LOV, will display the Selling_Qty item - which can be edited (Selling_Qty = Tot_Qty - Sold_Qty) and its price.
Note: [value given within () are displayed automatically after selecting the prod]
My prob is, when i am entering next record, it displays the same 150 as qty, which have to be 100. After selecting the product from LOV, it should calculate & validate as shown below: which means, previous record value of Selling_Qty also have to be subtracted and displayed.
I am working with oracle 10g / 11. I need to operate with CLOB values of some table, unknown for me: I read them from .Net (3.5), and have to save them to files (Windows) to be loaded after this with DBMS_LOB. Lets say that table contains 3 columns (1 - CLOB) and several rows.
I want to store each CLOB value to separate file, and to store it after this into another DB table (another Instance, also). I cannot use dblinks and other techniques like this. The point is - how to avoid dealing with encoding?
I mean, that in the best scenario, I just want to save the CLOB values to the files, with no meter about Database Instance character set, language, and so on. How this can be accomplished? If I use default for .Net StreamReader UTF-8 format, the loading with DBMS_LOB failed.
If this is not possible, what will be the best way to determine the encoding, and to convert Oracle used encoding to .Net one?
We got a request from Customer to migrate a RAC database of size 1.8TB from HP unix raw file system to AIX ASM with a min downtime. I have seen lot of methods of doing cross plat form migration and non-ASM to ASM but not together.
Do we have any proven method for migration such cross platform migration with raw file system to ASM conversion in a single go with min downtime?
I mistakenly added a datafile to a tablespace which is asm, however the datafile was created in a default location and not the asm location:
alter tablespace pdaiidata1 add datafile '<filename>' size 2048M;
What I should have done:
alter tablepsace <tablespace_name> add datafile '+DATA1' size 2048M;
Is there any way to move this filesystem datafile into the asm tablespace? In previous Oracle versions, I've taken a tablespace offline, moved a datafile, renamed it, then brought the tablespace back online. Can I do something similar here in this situation?
We are setting RAC between two machines(Desktop PC connected wirth LAN ....have storage Local to them and no Shared storage..Only NFS).We have shared the mount point by NFS.We do not have any shared storage but we need to share the RAW files to setup the OCR and VOTING DISKS.
The problem is:
1. We need to keep the RAW devices for OCR and voting disk common to the machines (Desktop PC..both Linux OELU5). I am able to create the raw file systems but that is local to one machine. I am not able to understand how to share the raw devices between two machines.
2. Tried to use ISCSI utility but that did not work. (How_to_use_iSCSI_Targets_on_Linux)
Scenario : One Machine has 500 GB Storage. Second machine has 80 GB Storage. Made private and public networks(Used two Network cards in LAN). All are communicating.
Problem : Need to make the storage 300GB (Out of 500 GB) of Machine 1 as shared storage. How can we do that? (Do we need any virtual software...ex .. vmware for that?)
We have two database servers(10g with OEL 5) to be clustered and two visible disk groups to each of those nodes. So question is can we choose only one disk group as a shared storage leaving the rest one as the redundant copy during database a creation window while installing the database. Because some of us argue that oracle database has a built-in capability to decide on what level of RAID we store our data.
Windows 2003, DB have to read some files from remote folder, so on remote Windows machine I shared folder c:est (grant Everyone first, and Administrator then) and on DB Server I mapped the remote folder with letter T..All these operations were made with administrator privileges.
In Oracle I create a directory object with this command: CREATE OR REPLACE directory T_DIR AS 'T:';
Then I granted read and write privileges to my user GRANT READ, WRITE ON DIRECTORY T_DIR TO <user>; (I tried also to set PUBLIC and SYSTEM)
But when I try to open a file with UTL_FILE with this command
the error is Exception: ORA-29283: operazione file non valida ORA-06512: a "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 475 ORA-29283: operazione file non valida
If I change my directory object in 'C: est' (local folder) it works correctly.I tried also restart DB while shared folders were connected but with the same result.I tried, from sqlplus, the command host (dir t:) and it works (folder is accessible)
I faced one strange behaviour of rman backup after adding new file system for datafiles . I have OMF datafiles . 4 days ago i had only one file system /data01 and my DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST is set to /data01. my rman backup was creating 14 to 15 bacup pieces with parallelism 5 . which is normal with 84 datafiles .Now i added one more file system /data02 . but after adding this file system rman backup is creating so many backup-pieces around (40-45) with same rman configuration . nothing changes at rman script .
I am working with oracle 10g / 11. I need to operate with CLOB values of some table, unknown for me: I read them from .Net (3.5), and have to save them to files (Windows) to be loaded after this with DBMS_LOB. Lets say that table contains 3 columns (1 - CLOB) and several rows.I want to store each CLOB value to separate file, and to store it after this into another DB table (another Instance, also).I cannot use dblinks and other techniques like this.
The point is - how to avoid dealing with encoding?
I just want to save the CLOB values to the files, with no meter about Database Instance character set, language, and so on. If I use default for .Net StreamReader UTF-8 format, the loading with DBMS_LOB failed.
what will be the best way to determine the encoding, and to convert Oracle used encoding to .Net one?
In normal days size of archives generated in a day is 14-15GB. But since yesterday morning, almost 150GB of archives have been generated and are still getting generated(200MB every 1-2 minutes).
There was a sudden reboot of server yesterday morning. At that time there was heavy load of transactions on database. Can it be a reason that smon is still doing recovery? (I am not sure on this). Also, Undo tablespace is increased from 18 GB to 50 GB since yesterday (autoextend on).
Now we are running out of space for archive file system (can't delete them also until they are transferred to DR) Size of redo log is 200MB. This database supports around 2500 users.
performance wise I don't see any hit. Also wait events are normal. (only few db file sequential read) finding the query/session which are causing this much huge amount of archives?