i want to send mail with xml attachment.i create a procedure to send mail, when i send pdf,text file, they are open properly but if i send xml file i does not open...
/* Formatted on 2010/09/24 15:25 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */ CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE apps.send_mail AS p_sender VARCHAR2 (80) := 'my@company.com'; p_recipient VARCHAR2 (80)
Send a CSV file as attachment in a mail PLSQL. MY CSV file is already present in server. I just need to pickup that file and send the same as mail attachment.
I m using UTL_SMTP to send mail using my mail server. could i check the availability of 1st mail server, if not available then could i set alternate mail server.
I need to email an excel file as an attachment in the mail through oracle procedure. I am using UTL_TCP option.
The remote_host i use in test environment is the 'name of the test server'. This test server is a oracle10g database on AIX server.In the test environment the mail works fine.
how to create trigger or procedure for send all ORA- error alert mail from database. if any ORA - error comes in ALERT_SID.log then after trigger send the mail to my mail id
C:UsersAdministrator>sqlplus SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Jun 21 16:03:04 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved. Enter user-name: sys@orcl as sysdba Enter password:
Connected to:Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
SQL> select name from v$database; NAME --------- ORCL SQL> @ F:oracleproduct10.2.0db_1RDBMSADMINutlmail.sql
I am using utl_smtp to send emails. I am getting the below error message.
Error in XX(Package name) ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 501 5.5.2 Syntax error in parameters scanning "TO" at - 5150 Error in XX(Package name) ORA-29277: invalid SMTP operation at - 5200 Error in XX(Package name) ORA-29277: invalid SMTP operation at - 5200 Error in XX(Package name) ORA-29277: invalid SMTP operation at - 7200 Error in XX(Package name) ORA-29277: invalid SMTP operation at - 6000 Error in XX(Package name) ORA-29277: invalid SMTP operation at - 7250 Error in XX(Package name) ORA-29277: invalid SMTP operation at - 8450.
I have checked the mail id in the "TO" list and found them to be valid. Is there could be any other reason? I have run this package in test instance and it is working fine. I am able to receive mails. In the test instance, I have put my mail id in the to list.
if i click the column it shows the text output(various tags ,symbols)
if i click the HTML it shows the correct format .,
i m sending the mail using that message column .,the mail Received with the text format ,actually i need it in the html format., How to send HTML output?
I had never done this before, basically I need to get the result of the SQL query which had three columns and pass into thesend _mail proc, should I build a variable to hold the 3 value and send mail from it?
I have an .xls file which needs to be the last page of an rdf report. I would prefer to not type up the contents of the file and lay them out. Is there some way I can link this to the footer section or any other alternative?
I need to authenticate mails against a new mail server.
Earlier I used a procedure to send mails which worked until now. Now I will not be able to complete my job of sending emails unless I authenticate them. I have already surfed and researched my problem. I also found a solution, but I have not been able to solve my problem even after trying for many hours. The trouble is that I get no error message. The procedure simply runs for too long.
I use the following information in the procedure. All I want to know is, does this look correct? For privacy reasons, I am filling in some general values for the values I have been given to use such as
Server: smtp.xyz.com Port: 111 or 222 Security: SSL on 111; STARTTLS/TLS on 222 Username: xyz@abc.com Password: aaaa?1111
I am using them exactly as below, and the procedure gets created but does not seem to send mails.
c := utl_smtp.open_connection('smtp.xyz.com', '111'); utl_smtp.helo(c, 'xyz.com'); utl_smtp.command(c, 'AUTH LOGIN'); utl_smtp.command(c,utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw('SSL on 111'))); utl_smtp.command(c,utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw('xyz@abc.com'))); utl_smtp.command(c, utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw('aaaa?1111@abc.com')));
I have an additional question about the password. If the password has a question mark in it and if I use the escape character , then I guess the password would be accepted. For instance I am doing this: 'aaaa?1111@abc.com' When I see the email in text format, it seems to truncate everything before ? showing aaaa?1111@abc.com, hence the doubt.
I created the following procedure in my local database.When I executed the procedure SEND_MAIL, recipient is not receiving mail.Do I need any setup in my database?
here is my procedure. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SEND_MAIL ( msg_to varchar2, msg_subject varchar2, msg_text varchar2 ) IS c utl_smtp.connection; rc integer; msg_from varchar2(50) := 'Oracle11.2'; mailhost VARCHAR2(30) := ''; -- local database host [code]....
Need info regarding sending an excel file attachment from plsql.I am using utl_smtp package in procedure and want to attach some sql query results in excel file.Is it possible to use sql query in same stored procedure that i am using to send the email attachment or i need to use external directory path to load the file as attachment.
I would like to send an email with attachment using a STORE PROCEDURE, with a PL/SQL, I was testing a package called SRW.RUN_REPORT but the problem is that the report generate a pdf file but this file is storage in application server because the report server run over the application, wo we can not get the physical file to send as attach.
the problem is generate the pdf file save in a place that we can get easier.
What is the best way to send the output of a PL / SQL function / procedure to the application in Oracle 11g. I understand that it could be different for applications built in JAVA , .Net , SAP etc.
i'm working on procedure to send invoices to customer thru mails.
i'm using UTL_Mail package to send html content in a mail , it's working if i'm using my company mail exchange BUT if i put "xxxx@hotmail.com" or "xxxx@yahoo.com" it doesn't work and raise
error :ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for xxxxx@hotmail.com