SQL & PL/SQL :: Analytic Function To Get Count Based On Special Criteria?
Nov 4, 2010
I have the following query with analytic function but wrong results on the last column COUNT.
1)I am getting the output order by b.sequence_no column . This is a must.
2)COUNT Column :
I don't want the total count based on thor column hence there is no point in grouping by that column. The actual requirement to achieve COUNT is:
2a -If in the next row, if either the THOR and LOC combination changes to a new value, then COUNT=1
(In other words, if it is different from the following row)
2b-If the values of THOR and LOC repeats in the following row, then the count should be the total of all those same value rows until the rows become different.
(In this case 2b-WHERE THE ROWS ARE SAME- also I only want to show these same rows only once. This is shown in the "MY REQUIRED OUTPUT) .
My present query:
select r.name REGION ,
p.name PT,
do.name DELOFF,
ro.name ROUTE,
My incorrect output[PART OF DATA]:Quote:
My required output[PART OF DATA]-:Quote:
NOTE :Count as 1 is correctly coming.But where there is same rows and I want to take the total count on them, I am not getting.
i am looking to write a query that will count all NOT NULL queue values in a table that belongs to a certain group, but not sure how to write it. The following is what I have wrote, but just wanted to clarify how to implement count case based on 2 criterias.
select * count(case when queue is not null then 1 end) over(partition by group) as queue_orders from table_a;
For example if I have 10 jobs that belong to group 1, but I would like to count all group 1 jobs that have a queue value.
I have no data at the mo, just something that I am trying to start off.
Oracle 11g databaseidval1val2100a110b120c200a220b WITH input AS (SELECT 1 id
input; Output:idval1val2assigned_number100a0110b0120c2200a0220b1 The dense numbering sequence should be assigned to each row based on id and val1 column. For a given Id, the numbering only starts after val1 > 1 till then the assigned_number will be zero.
I have a complex requirement to be resolved, i have one table of quantities from where i want to show or select the data based on 2 criteria.
1) if the ps_qty is greater than 1000 then there should be two lines , like the qty should not be displayed greater than 1000, instead it should be lesser than 1000. 2) The weight should not be more than 50,000, it should be less than 50000 if its more it should be displayed as 2 lines.
The following is the test case.
CREATE TABLE OW_STAG_SHIP (PS_CODE VARCHAR2(12),PS_DESC VARCHAR2(30),PS_QTY NUMBER,PS_WT NUMBER); INSERT INTO OW_STAG_SHIP VALUES ('A','AAA',400,30000); -- this will be displayed as its because qty and wt are ok INSERT INTO OW_STAG_SHIP VALUES ('B','BBB',1100,4000); --Need to be displaed in two lines as qty is more than 1000 INSERT INTO OW_STAG_SHIP VALUES ('C','CCC',2500,6000); --Need to be displayed in three lines as qty is more INSERT INTO OW_STAG_SHIP VALUES ('D','DDD',600,60000); --Need to be displaed in two lines as wt is more. select * from ow_stag_ship
2. report parameters will be the bill_month & no_of_months
Based on above 2 parameters I need to scan through the data for BILL_MONTH <= '20-Jun-2012' and NO_OF_MONTHS <= 6 the other criteria being the AVG_IND in (1,2).
In brief the criteria will be to pick all BPRF_NO having AVG_ID in (1, 2) consecutively till a break (AVG_IND not in (1, 2) starting from the given BILL_MONTH and going below this period, that is BILL_MONTH <= '30-Jun-2012'.
For the below data, if my parameters are: BILL_MONTH <= '30-Jun-2012' and NO_OF_MONTHS <= 3, only the underscore added data should be picked (as they fulfill the criteria) and the report output will be like:
Here the NO_OF_TIMES is the count, that is no of times the BPRF_NO falls into the above mentioned criteria consecutively starting from the provided BILL_MONTH.
I need to filter records in a datablock based on Yes or No criteria.So i created a listitem(INCLUDE_ZERO_QTY_ITEMS) for that and i am using following code in WHEN-LIST-CHANGED trigger.
I am able to filter the records but the list item is not displaying initial value and the value that i am selecting from poplist.
I can' use sequence in the group by function and if I get equivalent analytic for above group by even then I can't write row_number as the order by gives detail record
I don't want to wrap this select inside other select
"representant" acct_id per group (about 300 rows total)acct_repres as( select distinct acct_id, origin_id, acct_parm_id from ( select a.* , source_id , dense_rank() over (partition by source_id origin_id order by acct_nbr nulls first, acct_id) as odr from account a join account_parm ap on (a.parm_id = ap.acct_parm_id) ) where odr = 1)select col1 , col2 , ( select accct_id from acct_repres ar where ar.acct_parm_id = t2.acct_parm_id) col3 , ( select count(1) from acct_repres) col4from some_table t1join other_table t2 on (....)
And here it comes.
The "acct_repres" subquery returns more than 300 rows when executed separately. But when used in CTE sometimes (depending on execution plan) it seems to have only one row - the value in the column col4 is "1",while value for col3 is NULL for most of the cases. It looks like the the dense_rank function and the condition "where odr =1" are evaluated at the very end.
When I use MATERIALIZE hint the result was the same. But when I put the result of account_repres into dedicated table and use that table instead of CTE the output is correct.
I am using: Desktop / Discoverer 4.1 / Windows XP.
I am attempting to add a new calculated column and have had some success with the CASE function but need to add additional criteria.
What I have that works is:
SUM(CASE WHEN Expenditure Type = 'Supplier Rebates' THEN Total Spend Plus Commit ELSE 0 END)
What I need to add are a few additional criteria. I attempted and failed with a few variants of this:
SUM(CASE WHEN Expenditure Type = 'Supplier Rebates' AND Capitalizable = 'Y' AND Task Owing Company = '534' OR '915' THEN Total Spend Plus Commit ELSE 0 END)
The three criteria points that I am looking to includea are:
•Expenditure Type = 'Supplier Rebates' •Capitalizable = 'Y' •Task Owing Company = '534' OR '915'
I have attempted to use the analytic function to keep a running total of the count of active calls based on the connect and disconnect times given for each record row.
The HTML code for the bracket character '[' is & # 91; (without spaces). In my SQL, I would like to convert the word [you into & # 91;you. Is there a way to do that?
I know that replace() will work, but with that you have to supply a list of chars to replace; I
What i want is I want the data which account is having more than 5 subaccounts within the last one month. Also need data with other date criteria like last 100 days if more than10 sub accounts. need single query.
Having more than 8lacks in my database. i wrote the query but it is taking much time and didnt give the data even after 14 hours.
My query is : select * from table a where account in (select account from table b where b.subaccount=a.subaccount and b.date>=sysdate-35 group by b.account having count(b.subaccount)>5) union select * from table a where account in (select account from table b where b.subaccount=a.subaccount and b.date>=sysdate-100 group by b.account having count(b.subaccount)>10)
how to retrieve the Subaccounts which satisfies my requirements.
ct_id and limit_id is match column used for mapping.
now i want the total count of no of records in test_master in which test_master column value not exceed limit master column limit value if any one column exceeds its limit then the same row will be in my count criteria.
Table 1Name Item DateJon Apples 06/11/2013 00:30:00 hrsSam OrangesNish Apples Table 2 - Net countName Item CountNish Apples 10Nish Oranges 17Nish BananaSam Apples 10Sam Oranges 1Sam Bananas 1Jon Apples 8
I need to create a job that checks Table 1 for new records added after last run and then add the count in Table 2 accordingly.how to achieve this using PL/SQl or something similar
There is a table with column holding 3 NULL values one each in every record. When a count function is applied to the column with a filter on NULLs,it returns 0 instead of 3.
But when count(*)is applied,expected result is returned. Would be interested in knowing about this strange behavior of NULL/Count.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM APP.Big_table; Number of record--222653402
This is a big table to get the it's taking 8 minutes time, so that I tried the following SQL to get the count quickly.
SELECT num_rows FROM all_tables WHERE table_NAME='BIG_TABLE'
and owner='APP'; --Number of records 237213998But I got the different count for the two SQLs. Why there is a difference in the count. Which one is correct.
I have noticed a very questionable phrase on an article updated in 2011: "Oracle SE may allow you to create a function-based index, but you must pay for an EE license to use FBI's." [URL] Is this true? I have tested a FBI on my SE and works just fine.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production SQL> create table t ( col varchar2(10)); Table created. SQL> create index t_idx on t(upper(col)); Index created. SQL> insert into t values('a');
SELECT rp.id r_paper_id, COUNT(*) created, COUNT( CASE WHEN a.approved_yn = 'Y'
But it fails, saying that 'single-row subquery returns more than one row' when I introduce the 'unique_users' clause. The remaining fields of the output are correct.
I have a table which sees a lot of use for queries
ID is a primary key CASE_PHASE_ID is a foreign key
"CURRENT" should only ever have values of 0 or 1. When it has a value of 1 it is unique for that CASE_PHASE_ID
What I have tried that doesn't work is
create unique index case_stage_F_IDX1 on case_stage("CURRENT", case_Phase_id) which gives me ORA-01452: cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found
What is the correct syntax, something like ("CURRENT"=1,case_phase_id) seems right but fails with an error about a missing bracket. Do I need to use a CASE statement here?
I have created a function based index(FBI) with trim(header_date), but when i query the table by passing the hardcoded date, it is not working and i have to manually apply trim to get the result?
my query after applying FBI is
select * from abc where header_date = '21-JUN-11', no results are returned and when i apply trim to header_date it works fine .
This table has a query where one of the condition is AND STATUS <> 'C'
Now the data is as following
select count(*) record_count, status from new_business group by status;
record_countstatus 4298025C 15N 13Q 122S
I want to know if following index would be useful in this case while the condition in where clause is
create index nb_index_1 on new_business(case when status in('N','Q','S') then 1 else NULL end); Or create index nb_index_1 on new_business(case when status ='N' then 'N' when status='Q' then 'Q' when status='S' then 'S' else NULL end);
I tried it on a sample table but the index is simply not picked up even when hinted following are the db level settings
One of our query is not using function based index, the required priv is granted to the user executing the query and also tables stats are gathered? what could be the reason for the query to not to pick the FBIndx? the table is a huge one having million of records, is it that CBO thinks that not picking FB indx is the best execution plan? let me know how can we make the query use the FB indx, also there is a restriction that we cannot force it using hints.
Using oracle 10g R2 on sun-solaris 10 (sparc-64) Well in the MIS system we have lot of ad-hoc queries coming up. We have proper indexing. Say an example which runs very slow;
Here GLUPMJ already indexed so the second query returing an index scan but the first query does a FTS naturally.Now even if I plan to create a function based index on 'the bold highlighted' but how.
create index glupmj_idx on f0911(TO_DATE('1 JAN' || (19+substr( GLUPMJ , 1, 1)) || substr( GLUPMJ ,2,2)) + substr( GLUPMJ , 4, 3 ));..Error If I don't use a FBI my query will result in FTS.
1> how to create a FBI here in this case
2> In MIS systems where 'n' no of ad-hoc queries can come up, how to avoid FTS.