SQL & PL/SQL :: Read PKB File Or Any Conversion Procedure?

Oct 1, 2013

Can we read .pkb file or any conversion procedure

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Stored Procedure - Character To Number Conversion Error

Mar 14, 2011

I have written a stored procedure that has started returning the error:

Error starting at line 1 in command:
call p_glpost('DSTUK', 'L', '2008-01-01', '2008-01-01', '2011-02-18', 1, 1, 1, 0, 'Hi there')

Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
ORA-06512: at "CLARITY.P_GLPOST", line 173
06502. 00000 - "PL/SQL: numeric or value error%s"

I can't seem to find a tool that will let me step into the actual stored procedure line by line to see where the error occurs. It mentions line 173, which seems to be a red-herring, as line 173 is simply one of the 'END IF' lines within this block:

IF NVL(r_dist.transtype,'wild') = 'wild' THEN
elsif r_wip.transtype = r_dist.transtype THEN
v_matchCount := v_matchCount+1;
elsif r_wip.transtype <> r_dist.transtype THEN

Tell me if it is possible to trace through a SP, and which tool is best (I am trying to use Oracle SQL Developer).

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Stored Procedure To Read XML Files?

Apr 23, 2009

i have this stored procedures:

create or replace
p_xml_in XMLType,
p_table IN VARCHAR2 ) AS
v_context DBMS_XMLStore.ctxType;
v_rows NUMBER;


that works well in little XML files but in XML files that are bigger the stored procedures to not work because string maximum length in Oracle is 4000.

im working with Oracle SQL Developer and Sap Mii, the XML file is generated in Sap Mii and then i have to pass it in one step to database..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Procedure To Read All The Text

Jun 12, 2013

I need to modify the procedure to read all the lines of a text. Actually in my table there is a personnel number column with duplicates and a TEXT column.I need to create a procedure to read all the text per personnel number and insert it into a another table.The below code is the procedure which is reading the two lines of text field. How can I modify it to read all the text per personnel number.

create PROCEDURE hr_load_restict_text_proc
CURSOR cur_hr_restrict
SELECT personnel_number, line
FROM hr_restriction_text_temp

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PL/SQL :: Grant Read Only Permission On Stored Procedure

Oct 8, 2012

I have a requirement like give reaonly access on my stored procedure to another user , not even execute permission on that steored procedure.

let us know the command ?

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10g RAC HP-UX To AIX Cross Platform Migration Along With Raw File System To ASM Conversion?

May 7, 2011

We got a request from Customer to migrate a RAC database of size 1.8TB from HP unix raw file system to AIX ASM with a min downtime. I have seen lot of methods of doing cross plat form migration and non-ASM to ASM but not together.

Do we have any proven method for migration such cross platform migration with raw file system to ASM conversion in a single go with min downtime?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Create Procedure To Read Data From Database And Export It Into CSV Format

Dec 12, 2012

How to create a procedure to read data from database and export it into .csv format without using utilities

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Read From Input File

Mar 5, 2011

I am often supplied with a list of numbers to query against & normally take the easy option of editing the file & placing the select on each line. Like so. what to do to loop this. The input file would just be the numbers in a flat file.

Select status from thetable where MPN=�01234567890�;
Select status from thetable where MPN=�12345678901�;
Select status from thetable where MPN=�23456789012�;
Select status from thetable where MPN=�34567890123�;

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PL/SQL :: Read CSV File That Won't Come In Sequence

Sep 17, 2013

I have a requirement to load the csv into DB using oracle forms or pl/sql code, but the problem is they are asking to load the csv file which will not come in sequence every time.For Example: File1:col1  col2 col3 col4 file 2col3 col2 col4 col1 file 3col4 col2  col1 col3 Depending on the header we need to load the file,Can we load like this or not?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Read HTML File

Mar 18, 2010

How can i read an HTML file from PLSQL.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Read CSV File From Shared Location?

Aug 30, 2013

I want to upload csv file from share location(another host) & store data in table

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Read File On Local Machine?

Jun 27, 2012

From a script how I can read a local file (where I have the sql client)?

I have an Oracle database on a server, and I connect from another machine with SQL Developer.I want to read a text file on my local machine ( where I run my script) to use the data in the script.I never want to read or write on the server.

Reading on internet i read about UTF_FILE package But what is not clear to me is, this is on the server or client ?Also some people says UTF_FILE can work both on client side and server side.Also I read about package text_io, but I think it is only for forms.

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Forms :: Read And Write File Using Oracle 6i?

Nov 16, 2011

I have a file studnet.txt in following order


I want to read and write data from a file in | seprated mode. file READ and WRITE using Oracle Forms6i. I have a knowledge of file handling in C++ but not use it in Oracel Form before this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Read Excel File Using UTL_FILE Package

Jul 23, 2010

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE Production"

Is there a way to read Excel file using UTL_FILE package ?

Like our usual method:
l_utlfile := utl_file.fopen(p_dir, p_filename, 'R',2000);
p_filename is event.xls

Or do we need to convert that file to .csv or .txt ?

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Server Utilities :: How To Read Oracle DMP File

Aug 31, 2010

How do I check for the data in the DMP file.

Actually I have done some search but with no result. I have to check the oracle DMP file which is being sent through the EXP utility from oracle and have to search for a pattern in the file. If the pattern in found then send a mail.

I have tried using the GREP on the DMP and SED but as the lines are longer than expected these are not providing desired results.

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Aug 30, 2012

we are generating Entity beans at java appication. where application is connecting to DB and copy Table structure in Java class file. when this process start, oracle process takes 100% CPU. while there is no wait event at DB level. only queries are fired on oracle sys tables.(user_tables,user_constraints,etc..)

On trial and error based, we have changed this parameter and that java process works fine. how this parameter effect the on oracle system table.

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Forms :: Unable To Read Excel File?

Nov 1, 2011

I am trying to create excel file thru form....in form i create button Excel


filename varchAr2(256);


My excel file opened but it shows unable to read file

My excel version is 2003..

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PL/SQL :: Read Byte Array And Write It Into File

Sep 19, 2013

I have a web service which gives me the response in Byte array.write this byte array into a binary file? .

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PL/SQL :: Read Only Unique Records From Text File

May 10, 2013

i have 20000 records from text file.here i want to read only unique records from text file using collections.

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PL/SQL :: Directory List - How To Read File Names

Jun 7, 2013

i have one directory in this directory contains 100 file these files are related to table structured creation with dependence

so how to read file names from directory and executed in scheme with logs also

procedure or script

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ORA-27047 / Unable To Read Header Block Of File

Apr 26, 2011

I am trying to create standby with oracle 10g R2 from Solaris 5.10 (sun ultrasparc X86-64 bit) to Solaris 5.10(Intel Xeon 64 bit). All the mount points are the same as primary server. All the data files are at location as specified in control file. I created standby control file from primary. All the control files are at location specified in pfile.

When I am trying to mount database I am getting following error.

ORA-00202: control file: '/oracle/BP1/ctl1.dbf'
ORA-27047: unable to read the header block of file
ORA-205 signalled during: alter database mount...

I try to open database with trace file also but got following error..

ORA-01565: error in identifying file
ORA-27047: unable to read the header block of file

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Create File With (other) User Having Read Permission When Using Utl_file?

Dec 23, 2012

We have a requirement to create a file using UTL_FILE package. so we tried to generate the file in directory at UNIX level,for example "/tmp" which means when we executing the stored procedure which in turn calls UTL_FILE package and create a file say "a.txt". On checking the permission for "a.txt", it shows as follows

-rw-r----- oracle dba a.txt

this means read and write for oracle user, read for dba group and no permission for other user.

our requirement is to have the following privileges at UNIX level.

-rw-r--r-- oracle dba a.txt

Is it possible to do at oracle level since the file is owned by oracle user or at UNIX level (with out logging to oracle user)?

Environment: UNIX AIX 6.1 and Oracle

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Forms :: Read File From Unix (Database Server)?

Apr 15, 2010

I need to develop a form which has to read and display the contents of a text file that is stored in the Unix system where the Oracle data base is installed. So basically its the database server and not the forms application server.

1. Create an external table for the file everytime when the form is loaded by dropping and re creating the table and base the data block in the form on that table and execute_query and display the contents.

2. I am confused whether to use webutil or utlfile packages to read from the file and display on the screen as the file resides in the database or Oracle server and not forms application server or client machine.

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Server Utilities :: Can't Read Bad File From Java Code

Apr 25, 2012

We are using sqlldr query to load data into a table. This is handled in a java code. We are uploading an xls file which gets converted into csv and then the sqlloader call works, which in turn creates a bad and log file for error messages.

But I am not able to locate the bad file(in filesystem) within java code.

Below piece of used.

File file =new File(destfilePath);
FileReader fr = new FileReader(file);
LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(fr);


The above code is able to locate CSV ,but not the bad file(whereas both files created in same path).

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PL/SQL :: How To Read CSV File And Insert Data Into Oracle Table

Feb 6, 2013

I have a Clob file as a in parameter in my PROC. . File is comma separated.need procedure that would parse this CLOB variable and populate in oracle table .

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PL/SQL :: How To Write Procedure To Load Data Into Table Using XML File As Input To Procedure

Sep 20, 2013

how to write procedure to load the data into a table using xml as input parameter to a procedure and xml file is as shown below which is input to me. 

xml version="1.0"?><DiseaseCodes><Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(I87)Other disorders of veins - postphlebitic syndrome</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity><Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(J04)Acute laryngitis and tracheitis</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity><Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(J17*)Pneumonia in other diseases - whooping cough</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity></DiseaseCodes>.

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Forms :: Replica Of Windows Explorer - Read UNIX File System

Jun 14, 2011

I would like to develop a form which will be replica of windows explorer.It should be able to read all files or files from a specific folder from an unix platform.

if yes can i have a template. I do not want to start from the scratch since I do not have much time.

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Performance Tuning :: High CPU Utilization In RAC And Log File Sequential Read Event

Apr 13, 2011

In a 3-node RAC setup; one node is showing high CPU utilization around 40~50%. The CPU utilization was less than 20% 10 days back but from 9th oldest day it jumped and consistently shows the double figure. I ran AWR reports on all three nodes and found one node with high CPU utilization and shows below tops events-

time 5,802 34.9

ping 15 5,118 33,671 30.8 Other

Log file sequential
read 234,831 5,036 21 30.3 System I/O

more data from
client 24,1711,08745 6.5 Network

Db file sequential
read130,939 4533 2.7 User I/O

On AWR report(file attached) for node= sipd207; we can see that "RFS PING" wait event takes 30% of the waits and "log file sequential read" wait event takes 30% of the waits that occurs in database.

1)Are these symptoms of undersized log buffer?
2)I feel Network wait can be reduced by tweaking SDU & TDU values based on MDU.

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Server Utilities :: ORA-01187 / Cannot Read From File 203 Because It Failed Verification Tests

Apr 26, 2011

I want to export all db using data pump. I got this error when using it:

Export: Release - Production on Thu Nov 25 11:46:48 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Export done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)

About to export the entire database ...

. exporting tablespace definitions
EXP-00068: tablespace TISDATA is offline
EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1187 encountered
ORA-01187: cannot read from file 203 because it failed verification tests
ORA-01110: data file 203: '/u03/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/unidev/TISTEMP01.dbf'
EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessful

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Read CSV File And Load Into Oracle Table

Aug 27, 2012

I want to read the csv file and load into oracle table.But I am getting file with filename_<today date> for every day. Is it possible to use single External table to read file in dynamic.

or what is the best way to do this? My oracle version 10g in windows OS.

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