Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Read CSV File And Load Into Oracle Table

Aug 27, 2012

I want to read the csv file and load into oracle table.But I am getting file with filename_<today date> for every day. Is it possible to use single External table to read file in dynamic.

or what is the best way to do this? My oracle version 10g in windows OS.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Load DMP File Into Oracle 11gR2 Database Schema

Mar 24, 2013

i have a .dmp file and i want to use the data in this file for my further practices. so, i need to dump the data in the .dmp file to the any schema exists in data base.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Import Data From Excel File To Table Through Procedure

Jul 2, 2012

How to import data from excel(.xls) file to data base table

I have excel sheet(.xls) data details, I neet to upload details to data base table using procedure

excel sheet is not CSV file, so SQL Loader is not using

any alternative solution for this issue

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Export Table To A Text File

Mar 17, 2013

We need to export a big table into a text file with Column delimiter '&|' and row delimiter '$#'.

DB Version is, the table size is around 4 GB.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Loading Data From CSV File To Table

Aug 22, 2012

I am loading data from a .csv file to table. I tried to load by using EXTERNAL TABLES

Is there a way to specify null in external tables loaded if specific column has no data in the external file(CSV) being loaded ?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Setting For External Table - Create File In Directory DIR-1?

Nov 20, 2012

Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Product
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

I am new in external table so i have tried following cmd.

create directory dir_1 as 'E:ora_dirt' ;
grant read, write on directory dir_1 to HR;
select * from all_directories;
create table emp_ext
(emp_id number,
emp_name varchar2(30)


since I am not able to see DIR_1 in E: drive due to which i havnt created  'emp.dat' file and on executing select on external table i m geting expected error *"ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout ORA-29400: data cartridge error KUP-04043: table column not found in external source: EMP_ID"*

how to create that file in directory "DIR_1" .

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Oracle Database 10g - Format For Control File

Jan 28, 2013

I'm studying abt SQL*Loader. All I've learn it needs to have:

1. One text input file
2.Control file
3.Bad file...

But I'm confused where to put the input file...where to put the control file in which format and in control file what should I write...

My oracle version is:

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: DMP File In Oracle XE - Failed To Process Parameters

Jul 18, 2012

I am getting the following error while trying to import dmp file in oracle xe:

D:>imp system/manager file=pune_ucf.dmp tables=(ARR_TOT, DE
P_TOT) grants=no indexes=no rows=yes ignore=yes log=loc.log buffer=100000000;
LRM-00104: '100000000;' is not a legal integer for 'buffer'

IMP-00022: failed to process parameters, type 'IMP HELP=Y' for help
IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Load Selected Columns Without FILLER Option

Nov 23, 2012

From the previous forums i came to know about the "FILLER" option to skip any columns from loading into table.

In my case,i have columns say: col1,col2,col3,col4.....coln

Here i want to load only col3 and col4 and skip rest of the columns.I don't want to use FILLER option for each "n" number of columns to be skipped.Instead is there any options to load only the required 2 columns.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Map One Field To Another In Control File Via SQL Loader

Mar 18, 2013

I have a flat file (student.dat delimiter %~| ) using control file (student.ctl) through sql loader. Here are the details.


student_id, student_firstname, gender, student_lastName, student_newId
101%~|abc%~|F %~|xyz%~|110%~|

Corresponding table
Student (

How do i map student_newId field to student_id field in STUDENT DB table so that new id should be inserted in student_id column. How do i specify the mapping in control file. I dont want to create a new column in student table. In control file i will specify the below, Is this a best approach?. Do we have any othe way?


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Server Utilities :: Sql Loader - Load Whole File In Oracle Table?

Oct 26, 2012

I am having query regarding sql loader. my data file is comm(,) seperated and I want to load the whole file in oracle table 'bill_temp' except 1st column data of data file.

File name: bill_file.dat
fields seperated by comma ','
values are like
oracle table bill_temp having the below column:

Here I want load the emp_name,emp_sal and join_date into oracle table bill_temp.
emp_id should not get loaded into table.

Is there any way to skip the loading of particular column data from data file into table?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Import Only Data From The Dmp File

Feb 11, 2013

I received dmp file , and i want to import only data from that file ?

How can we achieve that in oracle Oracle

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Server Utilities :: How To Load Date And Time From Text File To Oracle Table Through Sql Loader

May 31, 2010

what i miss to load date and time from text file to oracle table through sqlloader

this is my data in this path (c:externalmy_data.txt)


my table in database emp2

create table emp2 (empno number,
ename varchar2(20),
hiredate date,
etime date,
ejob varchar2(20),
deptno number);

the control file code in this path (c:externalctrl.ctl)

load data
infile 'C:externalmy_data.txt'
into table emp2
fields terminated by ','
(empno, ename, hiredate, etime, ejob, deptno)

this is the error :

C:>sqlldr scott/tiger control=C:externalctrl.ctl

SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon May 31 09:45:10 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Commit point reached - logical record count 5

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Table Import Takes Long Time And Still Running?

Jun 22, 2012

MY DB Version: 10.2.o

OS: Windows Server 2003

I am trying to import on table which i have the export dump file which i take using expdp previously when i load that table on the same host

by using below command:

expdp scott/tiger@db10g tables=EMP,DEPT directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=EMP_DEPT.dmp logfile=expdpEMP_DEPT.log

after that i zip that dump and move it to external usb and now i need that table i copy that table and unzip that that dump

Command i am using to do the import is :

impdp scott/tiger@db10g tables=EMP,DEPT directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=EMP_DEPT.dmp logfile=impdpEMP_DEPT.log

But the query of import is still runing even not showing any amount of rows to be imported.

i already make the tablespace in which the table was previosuly before dropping but when i check the sapce of tablespace that is also not consuming one error i got preiviously while performing this task is:

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
Master table "CDR"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_03" successfully loaded/unloaded
Starting "CDR"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_03":  cdr/********@tsiindia directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=CAT_IN_DATA_042012.DMP tables=CAT_IN_DATA_042012 logfile=impdpCAT_IN_DATA_042012.log


i check streams_pool_size it will show zero and then i make it to 48M and after that

SQL> show parameter streams_pool_size;
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
streams_pool_size                    big integer 48M

But still it takes time

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Expdp Command To Export Table By Specifying Query Parameter

Aug 16, 2013

I am using expdp command to export the table by specifying Query parameter. But i am unable to export the table based on the condition. 

Ex:EXPDP username/password dumpfile=employee.dmp logfile=emp.log directory=DATADIR_EXP TABLES=EMPLOYEE query=EMPLOYEE:"UPDATED_TIME >= '04-JUN-13' AND UPDATED_TIME >= '05-AUG-13'" Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method...Processing object type TABLE_ EXPORT/ TABLE/ TABLE_ DATATotal estimation using BLOCKS method: 3 GBORA-31693: Table data object "<username>"."EMPLOYEE" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:ORA-00933: SQL command not properly endedMaster table "<username>"."EMPLOYEE" successfully loaded/unloaded...Dump file set for <username>.SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01 is:  E:IMPDPemployee.dmpJob "<username>"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01" completed with 1 error(s) at 12:34:45  Oracle 11g,

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Export Full Dump And Metadata Of Particular Table

Apr 9, 2013

let us consider mytest schema is having 6 tables

tname tabtype
myt table
myaxpertlog table
abb table
ccc table
ddd table
xxx table

now from this schema i want full dump and also from myaxpertlog table i required metadata only not records.

c:> export mytest/log file=20130409mytest0904pm.dmp tables=(myaxpertlog) rows=n

if i tried i am get only one table but it does have records.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Import Table Without Messing Up Existing Data In Table

Sep 6, 2012

table already exist & its little data too, may have to imp rest of lost data, is this the right command?

imp SYSTEM/password FILE=file.dmp FROMUSER=black TOUSER=blake TABLES=(vcr_mappings, tablename2) ignore=Y CONSTRAINTS=n

scenerio2 (if have to drop & recreate the entire table) is this the right command?

imp SYSTEM/password FILE=file.dmp FROMUSER=black TOUSER=blake TABLES=(vcr_mappings, tablename2) ignore=Y

just for single table imp

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Import To New Table That Has Additional Fields

Dec 22, 2012

I am trying to migrate a table to a new table that has the field sequence changed and also has a new field added. My main question is if it is possible to have datapump add values to the new field in the target table.For example:

-original table has fields a, b, d, c
-new table has fields b, c, d, a, e

I want to load the new table and also include adding values for field e. In this case, field e is a year field, so it should be loaded with '2012'..Does datapump have the ability to do this? Is reorganizing the fields going to cause me any problems? We are on oracle version

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Export Table From Client Machine

Jan 8, 2013

I want to export a table ( using exp or expdp ) from client machine. Dump file should be created to client machine.
Is this possible ? How to do this ?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: 500 Unable To Open File

Jun 24, 2013

Lots of email alerts reporting SQL Loader failures (the data is actually loading) but I want to prevent all these email alerts being fired. We have an SQL Loader script that is failing regularly with this error, however the data does end up in the tables so it must run subsequently succesfully the log files are cleared out quite quickly so it is difficult to track the errors. Why is there no filename just a.day reference in the error log file? 

Below is the shell script  I do not have much script experience, so I am unable to see how I can alter this...could I add some kind of exclusive lock check to see if I actually have access to the file before SQL Loader tries to Load it?  

value used for ROWS parameter changed from 64 to 63 SQL*Loader-500: Unable to open file (/e2e_ms_xfer/cent01/.dat) SQL*Loader-553: file not found SQL*Loader-509: System error: No such file or directory SQL*Loader-2026: the load was aborted because SQL Loader cannot continue.  

This is the full error log file  SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Sat Jun 15 12:17:38 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Control File: /tmp/e2e_load_ms_raw_coda.ctl Data File:

/e2e_ms_xfer/cent01/.dat Bad File: /tmp/e2e_load_ms_raw_coda.bad Discard File: /tmp/e2e_load_ms_raw_coda.dsc (Allow all discards)  Number to load: ALL Number to skip: 0 Errors allowed: 50 Bind array: 64 rows, maximum of 256000 bytes Continuation: none specified Path used: Conventional Table MS_RAW_CODA, loaded from every logical record. Insert option in effect for this table: APPEND TRAILING NULLCOLS option in effect Column Name Position Len Term Encl Datatype -----------CODA_RECORD FIRST 4000 CHARACTER Terminator string :

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Export Partition Table

Aug 31, 2012

I want to export table. That table was partitioned 322.if i query that table ,it's showing 322 lines .

object type :table partition.

expdp command for export the table.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Use Export And Then Rename Table?

Jan 12, 2013

oracle 11g.2 ASM with RAC under RHEL 5

we have 2 table same structure one of them is empty and the pther one is contain data the vendor do the insert as select but i found he is wrong due to there duplicated ,now i want to use export and then rename the table and then import but i need with export do a condition

exp user/pass tables=MTR_EPPC_CALLED_DATA file=MTR_EPPC_CALLED_DATA.dmp query="where callstarttime >=to_date('01122012','ddmmyyyy')
and callstarttime <=to_date('31122012','ddmmyyyy')"

but it's seem the query take one condition how can i use this above condition in export ???also my friend say there is way to insert with rowid is this possible ??

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Selective Export Failing - Solaris Sparc - Oracle 10g

May 11, 2013

I am trying to export selective data from one of my prod database tables. But not succeeding. I was keep on trying for the past 2 hours.

Query --> WHERE E3RECV_DT LIKE '201305%' (I need to export this query data)

Below Script i am using
exp E3USER@SGEBAPU2 statistics=none consistent=n buffer=100000000 file=exp_pipe_file TABLES=IFDATA query="WHERE E3RECV_DT LIKE '201305\%'" log=PGTB_IFDATA_conditional.log

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Oracle Traditional Import Overrides Password?

Nov 23, 2012

I had just successfully finished a full importing from Oracle 9i DB to Oracle 11gR2 DB. My export was a full db export.

Prior to this importing, my 11g was a newly created DB with the default SYS, System etc.. schema. Their passwords is different from those in 9i.

However, i realised that after importing... their passwords in 11g was replaced by those passwords in 9i, including SYS and SYSTEM user...

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Role Of String Value In Control File

Mar 28, 2013

what is the exact use of "str '<EORD>" statement in control file ?, while populating data from .dat file into database table.

When I am trying with this option, I am able to load a single record into a database table. If I remove this statement form control file, complete records from file get populated into table. I am using Linux server for imp data with sqlloader.Also, Does there any difference to use this statement in control file on Linux server and on AIX server ? Here is the structure of my ctl file.

load data
infile 'data/EZMAIL/CDSWEB.EZMAIL.dat'
*"str '<EORD>
into table CDSWEB.EZMAIL
fields terminated by '#<EOFD>#'
trailing nullcols (

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Getting Error While Importing DMP File Through Toad

Oct 25, 2012

Im trying to import DMP file through Toad but below error while importing. My DMP file from 11G and importing into 10g server.

ORA-39000: bad dump file specification
ORA-39143: dump file "D:oracleproduct10.2.0adminorcl1dpdumpdumpfile1.dmp" may be an original export dump file

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Import Dump On Oracle 11g From 10g?

Jan 7, 2013

I have new machine with oracle 11g and i have exported dump from oracle 10g . Now i need to import that dump on oracle 11g.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: DataPump Succeeds But Dump File Does Not Get Created

Aug 23, 2013

datapump on Windows 2003/R11.2 I have a batch file that creates a daily dump of a schema in the DATA_PUMP_DIR - However, it doesn't! The script is as follows: REM Script to perform data pump export of the user01 schema and move to the

desktop.SET CURRDATE=%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%SET CURRTIME=%TIME:~0,2%%TIME:~3,2%%time:~6,2%SET CURRTIME=%CURRTIME: =0%SET DATESTAMP=%CURRDATE%_%CURRTIME%SET DUMP_FILE=user01_EXP_%DATESTAMP%.DMPSETLOG_FILE=user01_EXP_%DATESTAMP%.LOGexpdp "sys/pwd@db  as sysdba" directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=%DUMP_FILE% schemas=user01 logfile=%LOG_FILE%  MOVE


For some reason when this is run from a remote server as a batch it fails to create a file although the output from the scripts has no errors apart from move statements and the expdp output is all good (it states that the file was created in the expected location).If the expdp command is run on the server itself it is all good. 

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Upload Linux File To DB Depending On Column Name

Apr 15, 2013

I'm using Oracle Database 11g R2 need to upload Telecom CDRs to the database on daily basis , it's huge data and changeable , an example of my file in linux Redhat 5 server as below ,

INDRtotalduration = 00:00:00
origin_matrix = 4186603ec003ef01
triggering_key = 665000207
Start_Date_And_Time = 03/04/2013 09:24:10
IMSI = 418666651000207

there is no problem with this i think i can use SQLLDR to upload this file , but the problem here the positions of the columns in the file could change depending on user behavior it could be the first row comes in the third row or any row and maybe more rows appears ,

locind = 0
origin_matrix = 4186603ec003ef01
Start_Date_And_Time = 03/04/2013 09:24:10
INDRtotalduration = 00:00:00
IMSI = 418666651000207
triggering_key = 665000207

this is sample of the file i could be more than 100 rows , and the position of the field and field names could be change every time depending on the Subscriber usage , is there any way to upload the file but after checking the field name in the file and matching to corresponding column name in the table .

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Sequential Data File Record Processing?

Oct 1, 2013

If I use the conventional path will SQL*Loader process a data file sequentially from top to bottom?  I have a file comprised of header and detail records with no value found in the detail records that can be used to relate to the header records.  The only option is to derive a header value via a sequence (nextval) and then populate the detail records with the same value pulled from the same sequence (currval).  But for this to work SQL*Loader must process the file in the exact same sequence that the data has been written to the data file.  I've read through the 11g Oracle® Database Utilities SQL*Loader sections looking for proof that this is what will happen but haven't found this information and I don't want to assume that SQL*Loader will always process the data file records sequentially. 

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