SQL & PL/SQL :: User Restriction On Database Level?

Dec 13, 2011

For the list of userid's, how to find the list of OS/Restricted Shell ID's at the database level ?

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Session Restriction - Limit Number Of Open Application Actions By Some Os User?

Sep 17, 2013

,in 11g,is there a way I could limit the number of open application actions by some os user ?We have an application where users are executing the same thing while the last is not yet finished,so we have several same things runninng at the same time executed by the same user.

Can we restrict that somehow through the database or that needs to be  done through application?

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Restriction On Database Access

Oct 17, 2012

I have one question regarding database access. I have one database server on which 3 databases are running. I want to restrict each database access for particular group only , so if anyone outside of this group try to access the database then they can not access the database.

Question is end user never login to Database server and access the database , they always connect to the database using different tool like Pl/sql dev,sqldev etc.

Is there any option through which I can make database access within group only ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Restrict User At Data Level

Feb 17, 2010

Is it possible that we restrict user at data level? For Example 'A' user can only query employeess of deptno 10 only. He can not query employees of others dept.

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Forms :: User Privileges On Application Level?

Nov 15, 2011

Is there any way of allowing the some menu items to access by the users, not the whole menu. The problem is that in the system where I am working is that the users are on application level not on database level. If the users are on db level then by using roles and grants one can set privileges for each db user. Is there any way to block user from accessing some part of menu or from the forms itself?

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Server Utilities :: Schema Level Import By Dropping Existing User That Contain Tables

Jan 20, 2011

Our Testing DB is running in No archive log mode. I did a schema level import by dropping the existing user that contain tables, recreate the user and finished the import. Now they want the old tables back.Is there is any way to recover the old tables?

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Forms :: Restrict User To Enter Serial Numbers Of Product In 3 Level Block

Apr 24, 2012

I have a sale invoice form with 3 data blocks.

Data block 1- master_blk : For date/customer of sale invoice
Data block 2- detail_blk1 (detail of the master block - For products and qty)
Data block 3- detail_blk2 (detail of DETAIL_BLK1 For entering serial numbers of products)

My requirement is that whatever quantity user enter in data block 2 against each product he must enter equal number of serial numbers of that product in data block 3.

For this I have created on item (cnt_iteml : to count product's serial numbers in block3 ) in data block 2, and on summary item (t_serial_no ) in block3.

Whenever user changes in quantity, cnt_iteml: item is populated with t_serial_no in block3 of that product by following trigger on quantity column.

POST-Change Trigger ( quantity column )


Following trigger is written on block level at data block-3 to populate cnt_iteml with t_serial_no.


Above triggers are fulfilling my requirement except following condition.

If user after entering serial numbers in block 3 and without saving goes back to block2 and try to navigate to another record he gets a message asking him to save changes by forms. At this time if user presses no then cnt_itl item is not been populated with t_serial_no item's value.

What I want in above condition is that if user was inserting new record cnt_it item should be populated with 0, so that he shouldn't be able to save this record. And If he was updating then cnt_itl item should be populated with actual no of records in database against that product.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Schema Level Export For User Sample 1

Jul 11, 2012

I have schema level export for user SAMPLE1(Default tablespace USERS) on oracle production database. I want to import into another 9i database on another server, so do i nneed to Create SAMPLE1 user and USERS tablespace in new database again.

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PL/SQL :: Create Trigger To Insert Data From One User To Another User In Same Database?

Apr 16, 2013

I Created One Trigger as Follows

ON table1


Here , I Want To Insert The Data From My User To Test User . In This Situation When I Execute The Above Trigger It Shows The Error PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

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Enable Audit On Database Level?

Aug 27, 2013

1.) Whatever statics/data should we gather to compare the database performance before and after enable the audit on database level?

2.) How can we enable audit on database level?

3.)what is pros and crons of enable audit database level?

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Validation In Database Through Statement Level Trigger

Mar 23, 2011

I have a table which contains data of all calcualted payements for a Land for a particular period i.e. for a Land 124 for the duration of Jan-2010 to Mar-2010 100 rupees rent is paid to the owner.Requirement here is that for a particular duration i.e is for Jan-2010 to Mar-2010 system calculation of rent for a land file multiple times where the table would contain history of each transaction i.e. a user can calculate for a Land 124 for duration fo Jan-2010 to Mar-2010 rent more than ten times and there would be ten records in the table but only one record out of these would be valid where the user cannot calcualte rent for Lnd 124 for Jan-2010 to Mar-2010 without updating the status of the last record in the table for the same land and duration to invlaid. I want to add this business validation through triggers as i am not able to do so through check constarinst.I want to ensure that only one record should be valid for a particular land for a particular duration since row level triggers do not allow us to query the table ion which the trigger is executing i am trying to use statement level trigger but i have a few doubts here: Incase of a Before Insert statement level trigger does the trigger have access to the data which is being inserted into that the table cause whenever a record is being inserted into a table the systen would check through the trigger that if there is a valid (payment_status is valid) payment record in the table for that same land file and same duration.If there is a valid record then the trigger would through an exception. I know you can use a row level trigger with an autonomous transaction should work wihtout giving the mutating table error issue but i wont to know if using a statement level trigger here is feasible!!

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Choose Right Raid Level For Oracle Database

Aug 10, 2010

Tell me the right raid level for oracle database and why? The best companies that makes raid servers?


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Row Level To Column Level Data Transposition?

May 14, 2010

I have a data like,

1) manual_temp_master

auto_idbatch_id sec_idsec_id_type crrncy_cdcreate_Dt price_dt


auto_idbatch_id Price_bkt_cdscreate_Dtprice_date


I want to write a sql query which will fetch the data from manual_temp_master and manual_temp_detl.But from manual_temp_detl table, Price_bkt_cds columns should be displayed as columns. Like the should look like as below:

sec_idsec_id_type crrncy_cd COL_PS1 COL_PS2 COL_PS3 COL_PS4 COL_PS5COL_PS6price_date

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DBMS_STATS For Table Level Vs Partition Level

Nov 17, 2010

what is the difference on DBMS_STATS for table level and partition level , which will provide the best optimizer . If the table xxxx is partitioned from 1 to 10 ,then running gather stats on table xxxx as whole table level or partition level which will provide best result on the performance.

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Security :: To See Any Database For The Operations Of Sys User Or Any Other User

Aug 23, 2011

I have enabled Auditing in my oracle Database but I am not able to see any database for the operations of sys user or any other user in my "SYS.AUD$" and "SYS.FGA_LOG$" tables.

Value for the parameter "AUDIT_TRAIL" is set to "db,extended".

I am working as "SYS" user and I have shutdown and again startup the database but neither there was any information in both the tables nor I can see any files at the destination specified by "AUDIT_FILE_DEST".

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Forms :: 6i - Expiration Of Session-level Database Of Profiles

May 5, 2010

I have an application in Form 6i and I have implemented expiration of Session-level database of profiles, the problem I have is that I do not know in which time expired the session because it shows me no message and the application is open, try to do something and begin to get errors .

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Server Administration :: How To Get Hardware Information From Database Level

Nov 22, 2010

How Can We Get Hardware Information In Oracle Database 8i for example harddisk size,volume,processor etc. i want database run only specified harddisk

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Dynamically Define Database Link To Use (at Session Level)?

Sep 1, 2010

Three databases: A, R1, R2. Database A is local and the other two databases are remote. Database A has one db link to each remote database (dblinkR1 and dblinkR2).

In some of my queries I need to get data from the remote databases, but the remote database to use depends on the application user, so, I would like to dynamically use one of the database links.

Something like this:

1 � user logs into the application;
2 � based on the user credentials the application defines the db link to use;
3 � query data using the defined db link.

(for example)

SELECT a.col1, a.col2 FROM table_A@dyndblink a ORDER BY a.col1;

@dyndblink would be a "pointer" to dblinkR1 or dblinkR1.

Is there a way to dynamically define the database link to use (at a session level)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Created Trigger On Database Level In System Schema

Jun 10, 2010

I have created trigger on database level in system schema. While i am creating new tables in system schema, trigger logged the entry but when i am creating table in scott schema it is not working for that.

(user_name, ddl_date, ddl_type, object_type,
owner, object_name
VALUES (ora_login_user, SYSDATE, ora_sysevent, ora_dict_obj_type,
ora_dict_obj_owner, ora_dict_obj_name

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Error In OS Level Authentication For Oracle 11gR2 Database Access?

Mar 18, 2011

We have an issue regarding OS level authentication to access Oracle 11gR2( database.

Our environment -
UNIX - AIX 5.3 (OS user id password is having kerberos security).
Oracle (32 bit client) installed in server 1
Oracle (64 bit server) installed in server 2.
Everything works fine when we created a general userid test_db in the database and connect through sqlplus test_db@dbname.

But when we try to use the option of OS level authentication using "sqlplus /", it throws following error and could not be connected.

ERROR: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

I have created the same OS user name in database (with external password authentication) with prefix OPS$. we have set ORACLE_SID as well.

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Forms :: Calling Procedure At (Form / Library And Database) Level

Mar 17, 2011

I've a procedure let us say SALES_PROC on Form Level and same procedure in Library and in Database also.

-How to call SALES_PROC created at Form Level?
-How to call SALES_PROC created at Library Level (.PLL)?
-How to call SALES_PROC created as stored procedure in Database?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Restriction On Commit

Feb 3, 2011

Tell me restriction on commit means where this keyword is not used....like i somewhere read in trigger we can't used commit...instead of that we use pragma autonomous_transaction..

but my confusion arise when i see commit used in trigger in our database table....

is commit used in trigger , if not then what will be use...

Another one is commit used while creating procedure or function?

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Restriction On Scalar Subqueries

Feb 21, 2013

I would like to pass my 1Z0-047 certification, but I don't understand the limitation on the scalar subqueries, especially for the having clause.

Here is my scalar subquery because it returns only one value.

CODEselect avg(list_price)
from product_information

I use it in a having clause as a scalar subquery and it works

CODEselect status ,avg(list_price)
from product_information
group by status
having (select avg(list_price)
from product_information)
>= avg(list_price);

but it is documented that it can't works :

QUOTE There are also important restrictions on scalar subqueries. Scalar subqueries can�t be used for:
Default values for columns
Hash expressions for clusters
Functional index expressions
CHECK constraints on columns
WHEN condition of triggers
GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

I probably don't understand the limitation .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Restriction On Analytical Functions

Dec 6, 2012

Is there any way to apply the restriction on analytical functions, just like WHERE and HAVING .AS we know that we can apply the restriction on table by using WHERE and grouping functions by using HAVING clause .

For Ex: Departments wise count including all employees record :

SQL> select count(*) over(partition by deptno) dept_Count, ce.*
2 from scott.emp ce
3 order by deptno, job;

---------- ----- ---------- --------- ----- ----------- --------- --------- ------
3 7934 MILLER CLERK 7782 1/23/1982 1300.00 10
3 7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 6/9/1981 2450.00 10
3 7839 KING PRESIDENT 11/17/1981 5000.00 10
5 7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 4/19/1987 3000.00 20

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Restriction In Date Range?

May 7, 2012

I want my user to be restricted for entering duplicate time within two times.

create table asd(dt_frm date,dt_to date);

insert into asd VALUES(to_date('01-04-2012 08:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'),to_date('01-04-2012 10:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'));
insert into asd VALUES(to_date('01-04-2012 09:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'),to_date('01-04-2012 11:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'));

now in the second insertion I want to alert the entry user that 9am already falls in the saved record which is 8am to 10am and so that this record can't be saved.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Archive Logs Restriction

May 2, 2010

I have one requirement saying that " Can we restrict archive logs for some tables".

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PL/SQL :: PLS-00436 - Implementation Restriction

Jul 10, 2012

Currently, I am using oracle 10g and getting foolowing error

"PLS-00436: implementation restriction: cannot reference fields of BULK In-BIND table of records"

When trying to access attribute in record-collection inside FORALL. I know its prohibited in 10g but allowed in 11g. My questions is how can we achieve this in 10g. I will rephrase my problem:

I have three record-collections say rc1, rc2 and rc3 and I need to put all these record-collection inside final record collection say FC using FORALL

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Inserting Restriction By Existing Data

Nov 8, 2010

In my organization, I have a table and in that there is a column named "code".I want to restrict some insertion to that particular column. suppose that code column values are 12 and 1245 then i cant insert the value 12,1245, 1 ,124 and so on but i can insert 2 ,123,15,12456 and so on.

that means the new values should not be any substring of the existing data from left. making that column primary key and then I had a logic to compare the existing value which are longer than the new value and then to perform this.But dont know how to make it happen correctly.

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Data Guard :: Find Out Number Of Standby Databases Configured For Primary Database From OS Level?

Nov 14, 2013

How can find the number of standby databases configured for primary database from os level

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TNS-00510 / Internal Limit Restriction Exceeded

Aug 23, 2011

TNS-12540: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded

TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

TNS-00510: Internal limit restriction exceeded

DEC OSF/1 AXP Error: 28: No space left on device

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