SQL & PL/SQL :: Restriction On Commit

Feb 3, 2011

Tell me restriction on commit means where this keyword is not used....like i somewhere read in trigger we can't used commit...instead of that we use pragma autonomous_transaction..

but my confusion arise when i see commit used in trigger in our database table....

is commit used in trigger , if not then what will be use...

Another one is commit used while creating procedure or function?

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Restriction On Scalar Subqueries

Feb 21, 2013

I would like to pass my 1Z0-047 certification, but I don't understand the limitation on the scalar subqueries, especially for the having clause.

Here is my scalar subquery because it returns only one value.

CODEselect avg(list_price)
from product_information

I use it in a having clause as a scalar subquery and it works

CODEselect status ,avg(list_price)
from product_information
group by status
having (select avg(list_price)
from product_information)
>= avg(list_price);

but it is documented that it can't works :

QUOTE There are also important restrictions on scalar subqueries. Scalar subqueries can�t be used for:
Default values for columns
Hash expressions for clusters
Functional index expressions
CHECK constraints on columns
WHEN condition of triggers
GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

I probably don't understand the limitation .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Restriction On Analytical Functions

Dec 6, 2012

Is there any way to apply the restriction on analytical functions, just like WHERE and HAVING .AS we know that we can apply the restriction on table by using WHERE and grouping functions by using HAVING clause .

For Ex: Departments wise count including all employees record :

SQL> select count(*) over(partition by deptno) dept_Count, ce.*
2 from scott.emp ce
3 order by deptno, job;

---------- ----- ---------- --------- ----- ----------- --------- --------- ------
3 7934 MILLER CLERK 7782 1/23/1982 1300.00 10
3 7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 6/9/1981 2450.00 10
3 7839 KING PRESIDENT 11/17/1981 5000.00 10
5 7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 4/19/1987 3000.00 20

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Restriction In Date Range?

May 7, 2012

I want my user to be restricted for entering duplicate time within two times.

create table asd(dt_frm date,dt_to date);

insert into asd VALUES(to_date('01-04-2012 08:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'),to_date('01-04-2012 10:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'));
insert into asd VALUES(to_date('01-04-2012 09:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'),to_date('01-04-2012 11:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'));

now in the second insertion I want to alert the entry user that 9am already falls in the saved record which is 8am to 10am and so that this record can't be saved.

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Restriction On Database Access

Oct 17, 2012

I have one question regarding database access. I have one database server on which 3 databases are running. I want to restrict each database access for particular group only , so if anyone outside of this group try to access the database then they can not access the database.

Question is end user never login to Database server and access the database , they always connect to the database using different tool like Pl/sql dev,sqldev etc.

Is there any option through which I can make database access within group only ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Archive Logs Restriction

May 2, 2010

I have one requirement saying that " Can we restrict archive logs for some tables".

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PL/SQL :: PLS-00436 - Implementation Restriction

Jul 10, 2012

Currently, I am using oracle 10g and getting foolowing error

"PLS-00436: implementation restriction: cannot reference fields of BULK In-BIND table of records"

When trying to access attribute in record-collection inside FORALL. I know its prohibited in 10g but allowed in 11g. My questions is how can we achieve this in 10g. I will rephrase my problem:

I have three record-collections say rc1, rc2 and rc3 and I need to put all these record-collection inside final record collection say FC using FORALL

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Inserting Restriction By Existing Data

Nov 8, 2010

In my organization, I have a table and in that there is a column named "code".I want to restrict some insertion to that particular column. suppose that code column values are 12 and 1245 then i cant insert the value 12,1245, 1 ,124 and so on but i can insert 2 ,123,15,12456 and so on.

that means the new values should not be any substring of the existing data from left. making that column primary key and then I had a logic to compare the existing value which are longer than the new value and then to perform this.But dont know how to make it happen correctly.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: User Restriction On Database Level?

Dec 13, 2011

For the list of userid's, how to find the list of OS/Restricted Shell ID's at the database level ?

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TNS-00510 / Internal Limit Restriction Exceeded

Aug 23, 2011

TNS-12540: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded

TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

TNS-00510: Internal limit restriction exceeded

DEC OSF/1 AXP Error: 28: No space left on device

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XML DB :: Possible To Remove XMLSchema Restriction From XMLType Column?

Oct 24, 2012

I have an XMLType column that is validated via some XMLSchema. Now I want to remove this restriction and make it just a generic XMLType column. I tried bunch of alter table commands but I couldn't figure out the magic combination. Is this possible?

Here is the actual problem. Unfortunately, we ended up both local and global schemas using the same URL. We have customers out there with both schemas (early customers) or only global schema (new customers). Most of the tables were created before the global schema was added. So, they are referencing the local schema. Now we want to evolve our schema, and I am trying to write a sql script to clean-up this mess. if only global schema exists then (these are late customers)

- do nothingelse if both global and local schema exist then (these are early customers)
- If any table or table.column has dependency on local schema (I can find this out from user_dependencies) I am going to mark those tables/columns as no schema validated. i.e. remove all references to local schema
- delete and purge the local schema
- modify those tables/columns and make them point to the global schema end if
- evolve the schema (only global one is left)

Is there a way to modify a column definition and move its reference from local schema to global schema where both schemas have the same URL? Of course the main constraint is that we do not want to loose customer data. By the way, both local and global schemas are identical in terms of xsd.

is it possible to change XMLSchema/Element settings of an XMLType column from X to Y, X to null, or null to X?

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Forms :: Restriction On New Record Addition In Datablock Through Form Menu Plus Icon?

Sep 23, 2011

i am populating 3 records in my data block.i do not want more than 3 rows.but when i click the plus icon in form menu one more row is getting generated which i do not want. i can restrict the new record addition through plus icon in menu bar for a particular block.

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Session Restriction - Limit Number Of Open Application Actions By Some Os User?

Sep 17, 2013

,in 11g,is there a way I could limit the number of open application actions by some os user ?We have an application where users are executing the same thing while the last is not yet finished,so we have several same things runninng at the same time executed by the same user.

Can we restrict that somehow through the database or that needs to be  done through application?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Commit For Every 500 Rows

Jul 10, 2010

How can we commit for every 500 rows in pl/sql block.

for i in 1 to 10000
Insert into t1 values(i);
end loop;

Here I am commiting after all the rows are inserted ,but i want to commit for every 500 rows are inserted .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Commit Or Rollback?

Mar 26, 2010

, which operator is more costly (Commit or Rollback) in terms of performance?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Commit In Oracle?

Apr 8, 2011

Can commit be used in trigger or not ?

If so, Can it be used directly or indirectly?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Rollback After Commit

Mar 23, 2013

How to rollback after commit.

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PL/SQL :: Use Of Commit Clause

Dec 28, 2012

I have this stored procedure and sequences:

create sequence a_seq;
create sequence b_seq maxvalue 26 cycle;
create sequence c_seq maxvalue 1000 cycle;

create or replace
procedure inserta_en_B (numregistros in integer) as
ultimo_año_nuevo date := trunc (sysdate,'year');
dias_transcurridos number(3) := sysdate - ultimo_año_nuevo;

First i insert into b 400000 rows using:

execute inserta_en_b(400000));

But then i need to insert 100000 rows more using the stored procedure and without removing the 400000 rows stored before. I think i need to use the commit clause, but i dont know where.

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PL/SQL :: Use Commit In A Function?

Sep 25, 2013

Can we use commit in a function?

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Implicit Commit While Purging

Oct 24, 2011

I have written a purge package that would delete records older than 10 years. Since the data is huge, the purging was taking 14 hours plus. To improve performance, I disabled constraints , deleted records and then reanabled them. This was quite quick but the only problem is rollback. Say for some reason if enabling constraints fails there is no way to rollback as enabling and disabling constraints does an implicit rollback.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Commit In Trigger In Oracle

Aug 3, 2013

I am using commit in a trigger as given :

create or replace
trigger comt after insert on tbl_city
pragma autonomous_transaction;
dbms_output.put_line('Value is committed');

Now when I perform an insert in tbl_city---->trigger fires properly and gives output stream. But If I perform rollback now --->there are the data rollbacked in table.

why?I think after commit(which is in trigger associated at insert to table)there should no any rollback in table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Possible To Commit Changes In Certain Rows Of Certain Tables

Jun 29, 2011

I am using the SQL-Developer to access and manipulate a database. I am not very sure about the format of the database (I'm new to databases), but I had to setup the TNS-folder.

Anyway, I guess the problem is the same for any database.

I am having a table with the BOM (bill of material) positions of certain articles and I want to change the BOM quantities of some of the articles. What happens is that I can only change some of the rows. For other rows I get the message like (it is in German, so I try to translate it):

"data was commited in another/the same session already. row cannot be updated"

This error message looks like there is somebody else locked on the database and manipulating it, correct? Is that possible to see somewhere which processes/people are currently accessing to the database?

I saw that there is one process/another database, which is having the authorization to access to the database. But where can I check if this process is accessing to the database?

BTW: I used to do this process before, and it worked. I had been able to manipulate arbitrary entries on the database. I guess that the process or the person, mentioned above, hasn't been accessing to the database at that time.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Not Updating All Records In 1st Commit

Nov 22, 2011

I have made a correlated update statement using rowid. Find my attachment. Its updating all columns which i wanted but issue is that its not updating in 1st commit.

Suppose 6 rows is to be updated, then in 1st commit its updating 1 record, then in 2nd commit its updating 2nd record and so on. And in Toad its showing 6 rows updated in 1st commit, then 5 rows updated in 2nd commit and 1 rows updated in last record. I want that all records to be updated in first commit only.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Why Commit Not Allowed In Trigger

May 17, 2010

why commit is not allowed in trigger?

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Forms :: Commit_form Does Not Commit

Dec 18, 2011

I am calling a child form from a parent form.It works perfectly if the parent form is adding records and while entering records when i press the button to call the child form, the whole things work perfectly according to plan.

The problem begins when i run execute query command in the parent form and then call child form then it does not "commit_form". So this is my problem that child form does not work perfectly when parent form is being called in execute_query procedure.

My working:

1) I read in the documentation that When parent form status is query_only then child will also have the same mode regardless of the parameter given in call_form.So i checked the :SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS of both the parents and child form,it shows "CHANGED" hence this point is covered. (dont know how come the parent form is in changed status but at least it is doing my work)

2) I further read and found that Commit_form procedure make the :SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS as QUERY. Here i am facing problem as in child form when i make changes and press commit form. Then before commit_form and after commit_form the :SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS results in "CHANGED".You can see this in the following code which i have written in save button.

message(:SYSTEM.CURRENT_FORM || ' a ' ||:SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS); pause;
message(:SYSTEM.CURRENT_FORM || ' b ' ||:SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS); pause;
IF Form_Success THEN
IF :System.Form_Status <> 'QUERY' THEN
Message('Error prevented Commit');
RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;

then at last exit_form module shows that" i have unsaved data in the form" save Yes-No-Cancel?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Commit By Changes In Database After Second Transaction?

Aug 26, 2012

I hv a situation where a webservice interacts with the database.

Here the webservice will first make a request to database for some operation but i dont want the database to commit changes in first request itself. A response will be sent to webservice further a second request will be sent to database for committing the changes. So can that be done?

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PL/SQL :: To Commit After Every 10,000 Records Inserted

May 17, 2013

What would be the best way to Commit after every 10 000 records inserted from one table to the other using the following script :

l_max_repa_id x_received_p.repa_id%TYPE;
l_max_rept_id x_received_p_trans.rept_id%TYPE;
SELECT MAX (repa_id)
INTO l_max_repa_id

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Forms :: Commit With Condition

Jan 9, 2013

After committing form i want to clear few item and retain few item and make the form ready for next record to be inserted along with retained item.

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Forms :: 10g Win XP 32 Bit - Key-commit Trigger?

Oct 10, 2013

I have a problem with key-commit trigger. I have written some validations and computations criteria on the block level (lines level). Actually there are a number of loops involved in it.

Problem is that the computations are performed twice. (may be the validations would also be performed twice, which couldn't be felt ). Since i read somewhere that key-commit is fired on different events, which i infered to be firing only just before database commit.

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Inserting million Row With Commit

Nov 15, 2012

I need to insert almost million rows in my database.I have already split the row in separate files so that task would be easier. Now, i am planning to put commit after every 1000 line so that undo generation would be less and no locking would take place if i inserting those lines from multiple sessions.

But how can i insert commit after every 1000 line??

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