SQL & PL/SQL :: Not Updating All Records In 1st Commit

Nov 22, 2011

I have made a correlated update statement using rowid. Find my attachment. Its updating all columns which i wanted but issue is that its not updating in 1st commit.

Suppose 6 rows is to be updated, then in 1st commit its updating 1 record, then in 2nd commit its updating 2nd record and so on. And in Toad its showing 6 rows updated in 1st commit, then 5 rows updated in 2nd commit and 1 rows updated in last record. I want that all records to be updated in first commit only.

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PL/SQL :: To Commit After Every 10,000 Records Inserted

May 17, 2013

What would be the best way to Commit after every 10 000 records inserted from one table to the other using the following script :

l_max_repa_id x_received_p.repa_id%TYPE;
l_max_rept_id x_received_p_trans.rept_id%TYPE;
SELECT MAX (repa_id)
INTO l_max_repa_id

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Commit For Every 10000 Records In Execute Immediate

Feb 12, 2013

This procedure is deleting records from 10 tables.I want to commit for every 10000 records for each table.How can we do it in execute immediate.

p_schema_name VARCHAR2,
p_actual_schema_name VARCHAR2,
p_buid NUMBER


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Delete Records Of Accidental Commit

Jul 16, 2010

while i'm inserting a records into the table tablespace has got full and next statement which is commit is executed

so now i need to remove the data due to the last insert into the table.

Table size is very huge and i was unable to find the records any criteria.

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Dividing The Cursor Records Using Commit Limit

Sep 18, 2011

I have to optimize a batch job which returns > 1 lakh records . I have a commit limit being passed . I am planning to divide the cursor records for processing as follows. If the cursor suppose returns 1000 rows and the commit limit passed is 200 , then i want to fetch 200 records first , bulk collect them into associative arrays and then bulk insert into target table.

After this is done, i will fetch the next 200 records from the cursor and repeat the processing. I would like to know how i can divide the cursor records, and fetch "limit" number of records at a time and also be able to go to the next 200 recs of the cursor next time.

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PL/SQL :: Scheduling Jobs - Without Commit Records Are Getting Inserted

Nov 12, 2013

Oracle DB Version - 11g XE I scheduled a job using dbms_scheduler which will insert a record into table T for each minute. I didnt mention COMMIT inside my procedure but records are being commited after each successful execution. How come it is possible. Here is my code.

SQL> create table t ( empno number, creation_date date);
Table created
SQL> create or replace procedure test_proc  2  is  3    4  begin  5    6    insert into t values (1,sysdate);  7    8  end;  9  /
Procedure created


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

SQL> select * from t;
     EMPNO CREATION_DATE---------- -------------         1 11/12/2013 11         1 11/12/2013 11         1 11/12/2013 11         1 11/12/2013 11         1 11/12/2013 12         1 11/12/2013 12         1 11/12/2013 12         1 11/12/2013 12         1 11/12/2013 12

9 rows selected

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Commit After 1000 Records In Simple Insert Statement

Oct 10, 2011

I am using Oracle 11g Release

OS: windows

I am taking an example of EMP table in a scott schema.

EMP_1 is also a same structure of EMP.

Here is the Insert statement used.(i might get where clauses etc in the real scenario i am taking a simple example here)


table EMP is having around 25 million records.

i would like to do a commit after every 1000 records. as my redo log is getting full if i use a single commit at the end.

Quote:pls note: Increasing of redo log is not possible as of now

is there anyway i can acheive this without cursor bulk collect.

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PL/SQL :: Commit After 2000 Records In Update Statement But Not Using Loop

Mar 12, 2013

My oracle version is oracle 9i

I need to commit after every 2000 records.Currently am using the below statement without using the loop.how to do this?

do i need to use rownum?




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PL/SQL :: Updating Records With Different IDs

Jun 6, 2012

Im looking for the posibility to update some records using new id with the column values with another id


the table contains these records:

id    gross      net

7     0,1     0,0507749
8     0,2     0,1015499
9     0,5     0,2538748
10     0,83     0,4214
11     0,85     0,4315873


and I would like insert the same gross and net column values of ids 7 to 16 into columns with the ids 40 to 49 in the same order. therefore I would like to obtain the result that I describe below:

id    gross      net

7     0,1     0,0507749
8     0,2     0,1015499
9     0,5     0,2538748
10     0,83     0,4214
11     0,85     0,4315873


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Updating 15 Million Records

Jul 12, 2012

i'm using the below query to update a VOTER table with over 15million records but it's taking ages to finish. i am using 11gr2 on linux

the query:

MERGE INTO voter dst
SELECT voterid,
pollingstation || CASE

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Forms :: Updating Multiple Records

Mar 30, 2010

I have a form with two data blocks, one parent, one child block.

The parent is holds mineral lease info while the child holds the mineral owner info, such as addresses and phone numbers. One owner can be in the owner block multiple times (different owner types). The form only displays one owner at a time.

We have a separate master owner table which holds owner address. (We set it up this way because we get electronic info from mineral companies that we have to load each year).

As you tab through the owner block, it checks the FEIN against the master table and pulls updated address info from the master table.

I have a problem in which if an owner is on the lease multiple times, when you tab through the first instance, it pulls in the new address info, but when you go to the next instance, it won't update. If you requery, it seems that the first update actually updated all the owner records on that lease. How can I turn this off?

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Updating A Column Of A Table With 70,000,000 Records

Aug 1, 2012

I need to update column of a table with +,- 70,000,000 records.

If I perform an update it lasts......too much and does not finish!

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Updating Multiple Records In A Table

Oct 29, 2012


I have a situation where there are multiple records for a join criteria. I am trying to find a way to update a particular column for all the records returned by the join criteria. Example :

Table A

id number

1 1000
2 2000
3 3000
4 4000

Table B

id number
1 9999
1 9999
1 9999
1 9999
1 9999
1 9999
2 8888
2 8888
3 6666
3 6666

Result after update:

Table B

id number
1 1000
1 1000
1 1000
1 1000
1 1000
1 1000
2 2000
2 2000
3 3000
3 3000

update query ? When I use a update statement with where exists it errors out because the query returns more than one row for the join condition.

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Error While Bulk Updating Records In Oracle Using XML

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to bulk update records in oracle using XML , front end is vb.net.Now the problem when i updating for 1000 - 5000 records on my development server. Its getting updated.

But when we are updating on the production server for 100000-200000 records , we receive error

"ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested "

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Forms :: Saving Records In Tables After Updating

Jun 8, 2013




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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding Identical Rows And Updating Records?

May 30, 2013

I need to find the identical rows in the below table based on ID column and update the previous identical record's end_date with latest record's start_date-1.

1 "a" 05-MAR-10 31-DEC-99
1 "B" 30-MAY-12 31-DEC-99
1 "C" 30-MAY-13 31-DEC-99
2 "A" 02-APR-10 31-DEC-99
2 "B" 02-APR-10 31-DEC-99
2 "C" 30-MAY-12 31-DEC-99
3 "C" 04-MAR-10 31-DEC-99

Result should be like below format..
1 "a" 05-MAR-10 29-MAY-12
1 "B" 30-MAY-12 29-MAY-13
1 "C" 30-MAY-13 31-DEC-99
2 "A" 02-APR-10 01-APR-10
2 "B" 02-APR-10 29-MAY-12
2 "C" 30-MAY-12 31-DEC-99
3 "C" 04-MAR-10 31-DEC-99

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Putting Correct Records In Table And Updating

Jun 28, 2011

When I run the code below It runs very Long. It updates SUSR5 in the TEMPTABLE3 that has 112000 records. If I Change it when c>m to 2 to test. It runs very fast. The value for m is always between 10000 and 12000. That How many times it must loop to update the correct records.


a VARCHAR(50);
c NUMBER:= 1;


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Application Express :: Updating Records Within APEX?

Mar 11, 2013

I've created a system for managing football within APEX and it is at a stage now whereby the user can view any number of the tables through Reports and insert data into these tables through Tabular Forms. Its using triggers and sequences to allow for new primary keys to be generated each time within these Tabular Forms so I'm at a stage now where I'm really quite pleased with it..

The last thing I'm needing to do now is have it update certain fields when certain records are entered.



club1 (clubId foreign key from clubs table)
club2 (clubId foreign key from clubs table)
club1goals (the amount of goals, type Number)
club2goals (the amount of goals, type Number)
club1points (points earned, Type Number)
club2points (points earned, Type Number)

When filling out a result, the user will enter the following (as an example):

club1 - 1 (club with ID, 1)
club2 - 12 (club with ID, 12)
club1goals - 2 (the first club scored 2 goals)
club2goals - 0 (the second club scored 0 goals)
club1points - 3 (the first club picked up 3 points)
club2points - 0 (the second club picked up 0 points)

The result is then entered into the results table and what I am hoping to achieve at this stage is the following:

1) in the clubs table, the gamesplayed is incremented by 1 for both clubs as a result of playing this fixture

2) club1 has however many goals club1 scored added to its current clubtotalgoals field (in this case, it is of course 2)

3) club1 has however many points club1 earned to its current clubPoints field. (In this case it would be 3)

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Forms :: Updating Records Values And Post Trigger

Jul 15, 2013

I have a multi record block based on a view. All records in the view are displayed in the block by use of Post-Query trigger when entering the form.

The block has 5 items as follows:

1) RECORD_STATUS = a non-base table column which is a checkbox.
2) ITEM_TYPE = a text-item which has an LOV attached.
3) ITEM_TEXT = a text-item which is free format text.
4) LAST_UPDATE_DATE a date column
5) STATUS = a text item either 'Open' or 'Closed'

The LOV is based on a table of Item Types with values say, 'Type1', upto 'Type9'.

I have a Wnen-New-Record-Instance trigger which 'Posts' changes to the database. This has been included as i want to limit the values of the ITEM_TYPE column to values which have not been previously used.

Consider this scenario...

The block has 3 records.

record 1 has 'Closed' status so no updates are allowed.
record 2 has 'Open' status so updating of Item_Text is allowed.
record 3 has 'Open' status so updating of Item_Text is allowed.

I check the RECORD_STATUS checkbox on record2.

(This sets the RECORD_STATUS checkbox to a checked value and changes the STATUS column to 'Closed' by When-Checkbox-Changed trigger.) At this point the record has not been saved so if you uncheck the checkbox , then the STATUS column will go back to 'Open'. However at this point i will leave it as Checked (Closed).

I then insert a new record, only values Item4 to Item 9 are correctly shown in the LOV. I select Item4.

I then go back to the previous record and uncheck the Checkbox to say that i wish to leave it 'Open' after all (in effect no changes have occurred), then the STATUS column correctly reverts back to 'Open' by my WCC trigger. If i then SAVE the changes, the new record has been inserted on the database correctly, however the LAST_UPDATED_DATE from the record which was checked and then unchecked has also been updated incorrectly even though no net changes have actually occurred.

(because i am using WNRI trigger to limit the List of Values on the LOV column, this has incorrectly set the previous records LAST_UPDATED_DATE column to be Sysdate.)

How can i stop this from happening?

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PL/SQL :: Updating Count Data Based On Records In Another Table

Nov 6, 2013

I have 2 tables

Table 1Name Item   DateJon  Apples  06/11/2013 00:30:00 hrsSam  OrangesNish Apples  
Table 2 - Net countName Item CountNish Apples 10Nish Oranges 17Nish BananaSam Apples 10Sam Oranges 1Sam Bananas 1Jon  Apples 8 

I need to create a job that checks Table 1 for new records added after last run and then add the count in Table 2 accordingly.how to achieve this using PL/SQl or something similar

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Commit For Every 500 Rows

Jul 10, 2010

How can we commit for every 500 rows in pl/sql block.

for i in 1 to 10000
Insert into t1 values(i);
end loop;

Here I am commiting after all the rows are inserted ,but i want to commit for every 500 rows are inserted .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Commit Or Rollback?

Mar 26, 2010

, which operator is more costly (Commit or Rollback) in terms of performance?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Commit In Oracle?

Apr 8, 2011

Can commit be used in trigger or not ?

If so, Can it be used directly or indirectly?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Rollback After Commit

Mar 23, 2013

How to rollback after commit.

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PL/SQL :: Use Of Commit Clause

Dec 28, 2012

I have this stored procedure and sequences:

create sequence a_seq;
create sequence b_seq maxvalue 26 cycle;
create sequence c_seq maxvalue 1000 cycle;

create or replace
procedure inserta_en_B (numregistros in integer) as
ultimo_año_nuevo date := trunc (sysdate,'year');
dias_transcurridos number(3) := sysdate - ultimo_año_nuevo;

First i insert into b 400000 rows using:

execute inserta_en_b(400000));

But then i need to insert 100000 rows more using the stored procedure and without removing the 400000 rows stored before. I think i need to use the commit clause, but i dont know where.

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PL/SQL :: Use Commit In A Function?

Sep 25, 2013

Can we use commit in a function?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Restriction On Commit

Feb 3, 2011

Tell me restriction on commit means where this keyword is not used....like i somewhere read in trigger we can't used commit...instead of that we use pragma autonomous_transaction..

but my confusion arise when i see commit used in trigger in our database table....

is commit used in trigger , if not then what will be use...

Another one is commit used while creating procedure or function?

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Implicit Commit While Purging

Oct 24, 2011

I have written a purge package that would delete records older than 10 years. Since the data is huge, the purging was taking 14 hours plus. To improve performance, I disabled constraints , deleted records and then reanabled them. This was quite quick but the only problem is rollback. Say for some reason if enabling constraints fails there is no way to rollback as enabling and disabling constraints does an implicit rollback.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Commit In Trigger In Oracle

Aug 3, 2013

I am using commit in a trigger as given :

create or replace
trigger comt after insert on tbl_city
pragma autonomous_transaction;
dbms_output.put_line('Value is committed');

Now when I perform an insert in tbl_city---->trigger fires properly and gives output stream. But If I perform rollback now --->there are the data rollbacked in table.

why?I think after commit(which is in trigger associated at insert to table)there should no any rollback in table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Possible To Commit Changes In Certain Rows Of Certain Tables

Jun 29, 2011

I am using the SQL-Developer to access and manipulate a database. I am not very sure about the format of the database (I'm new to databases), but I had to setup the TNS-folder.

Anyway, I guess the problem is the same for any database.

I am having a table with the BOM (bill of material) positions of certain articles and I want to change the BOM quantities of some of the articles. What happens is that I can only change some of the rows. For other rows I get the message like (it is in German, so I try to translate it):

"data was commited in another/the same session already. row cannot be updated"

This error message looks like there is somebody else locked on the database and manipulating it, correct? Is that possible to see somewhere which processes/people are currently accessing to the database?

I saw that there is one process/another database, which is having the authorization to access to the database. But where can I check if this process is accessing to the database?

BTW: I used to do this process before, and it worked. I had been able to manipulate arbitrary entries on the database. I guess that the process or the person, mentioned above, hasn't been accessing to the database at that time.

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