PL/SQL :: Create Trigger To Insert Data From One User To Another User In Same Database?
Apr 16, 2013
I Created One Trigger as Follows
ON table1
Here , I Want To Insert The Data From My User To Test User . In This Situation When I Execute The Above Trigger It Shows The Error PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
I would like to create a trigger that will fire whenever any user will access to a Schema of Oracle DB (for each and every login). regardless the access will be through an application or SQLPLUS and this trigger must insert the below information into a table.
1) IP address 2) Machine Name 3) login time 4) logout time 5) name of accessed schema
writing this trigger and creating the table that will hold the required data.
I have enabled Auditing in my oracle Database but I am not able to see any database for the operations of sys user or any other user in my "SYS.AUD$" and "SYS.FGA_LOG$" tables.
Value for the parameter "AUDIT_TRAIL" is set to "db,extended".
I am working as "SYS" user and I have shutdown and again startup the database but neither there was any information in both the tables nor I can see any files at the destination specified by "AUDIT_FILE_DEST".
I have two databases (say DATABASE 1 with user USER1 with table A and DATABASE2 with user USER1 with table A). I want to select the table A in USER1 DATABASE2 from DATABASE1 USER1.
Through an Oracle Apex application I need to create/drop a user/schema in another Oracle database. i.e., create/drop user remotely using an Oracle Apex application.
I am experimenting with the 4.2 version of Apex at URL.....
I have created a tabular form (based on a view with an instead of trigger) and have restricted this form to "Update only" mode. Whenever I modify a field value and submit the change I get the error "Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process".
how to create control file and how to load the data through command window in our database using sql * loader.i am having structure in my database and .csv file in my desktop.
SQL Plus version Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release - Production PL/SQL Release Production Forms Version : 6i Reports Version: 6i O/S : Microsoft Windows Xp professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3
With reference to the above version details here is the requirement. How do I restrict user on key next item trigger i.e I want the cursor to move to next field only when user presses "ENTER" button on the key board any other key like mouse should not allow user to move to the next field.
I have a table in that i have some columns along with that four columns to capture the user details. but these details must be captured whenever a user insert or update or delete his credentials must be captured in these columns. but i am not figuring out in which trigger i have to write and how.
How to Insert all user names into a table from sql for example when i use select * from all_users command it displays all user names i want that how we transfer these user names into a table.
I need to create PROCEDURE to create user in oracle
Error: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "BEGIN" when expecting one of the following:
; is with authid deterministic parallel_enable as Line: 9 Text: BEGIN
i want that the customer execute PROCEDURE (user_id,password,PROCEDURE )
I have a trigger program to track updated information's on perks column. I am failing to finish systime in my trigger program.
SQL> desc user_track; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- EID NUMBER ENAME VARCHAR2(15) OLD_PERKS NUMBER NEW_PERKS NUMBER UNAME VARCHAR2(15) ACTION_DATE DATE ACTION_TIME DATE
SQL> create or replace trigger tri_track 2 After UPDATE ON EMP 3 FOR EACH ROW 4 BEGIN 5 insert into user_track(EID,ENAME,OLD_PERKS,NEW_PERKS ,UNAME,ACTION_DATE,ACTION_TME) values 6 (:old.eid, :old.ename , :old.perks, :new.perks,user, sysdate, to_char(sysdate , 'HH24:MI:SS') 7 from dual; 8 end; 9 /
I want to update / insert records from one user to other user therefore I write this code in my form but it gives me error.
REPORT_DETAILS is a detail table of REPORT_PARAM, given code is working fine at master tables.
Form always goes in TOO_MANY_ROWS exception.
Correct my code, my requirement is: if data found then update else insert new record.
declare cursor c1 is select * from factory_data.report_details order by rd_rp_id; rec c1%rowtype; v_check varchar2(1) := null; begin for rec in c1 loop [code].......
There is a requirement in my database that I want to restrict the user from directly running queries on database from third party tools such as pl/sql developer and toad.
There is a utility in SQL product_user_profile through which this can be done but it is only restricted if you run the query through sql plus. If I want to restrict and (give suppose select,insert) to a user for directly running queries through PL/SQL.
I would like to know if 'user creation definition' is exported in user mode export if export is done with DBA role..If it is Not, does it mean we always need to precreate the user before we import the dump created using 'user mode export'?
I have make a new trigger.Create a trigger that inserting a new job_id MAX_SALARY assigned as the employee's salary more than 80 departmental charges
I have that code, is that correct?
We are trying to implement the following security to our database.
As of now, the access rights are same for all the windows users logging into the Oracle application with the same Oracle user Id.
But now, we want to improve our security by granting different levels of rights to the users based on their Network Id even though they use the same Oracle User Id to log into the application.
We are not looking for the users to be identified externally.
- we have user id parameter.can we update the parameter(:parameter.p_userid) before firing "WHEN NEW FORM INSTANCE TRIGGER"(when new form instance trigger contain code for tree node), for login another canvas as per user rights?
- i have created a login form in one canvas.
- also tree node Hierarchy form created on another canvas. now we want to login through login screen, after login only those forms should show in tree Hierarchy which users have rights. for this purpose we want to pass the parameter of userid before connecting to tree node form through the following query
SELECT COUNT (*) INTO v_count FROM usersinfo WHERE usersname = :USERBLOCK.usernames AND passwords = :USERBLOCK.passwords ;
Every thing is working but when we click on button in login form at that time parameter.p_userid will return null. because above code is define on button click in login screen, i cannot understand where i need to define the above code .
I have a table with table_ID, date_created, user_id.
I have sequence, and a BEFORE INSERT trigger, which uses the seq to increment the table_ID by 1, everytime the webpage is saved.
ques: (1).If i have date_creted defaulted to sysdate in the table, do I need to have it in the trigger? -- Update create_date field to current system date :NEW.DATE_CREATED := sysdate;
(2).How can I insert the user_id in the table, each time user SAVE the page ? web page procedure is getting the user info at the beginning. can i add it in the trigger
create or replace trigger aifer_transfer after insert on transfer for each new row begin
UPDATE Account SET balance = balance-:new.amount WHERE acc_id = from_acc_id; UPDATE Account SET balance = balance+:new.amount WHERE acc_id = to_acc_id; end if; end; create or replace trigger bifer_transfer before insert on transfer for each new row begin if get_balance(:new.from_acc_id) < :new.amount then raise_application_error(-20001, 'Not enough money in account!'); end if; end; create or replace function get_balance(p_acc_id in number) return number as v_balance account.balance%type; begin select balance into v_balance from account where acc_id = p_acc_id; return v_balance; end; select get_balance(123) from dual..................................................i am geting this error when executing the trigger..................................................Error report:ORA-01912: ROW keyword expected01912. 00000 - "ROW keyword expected"*Cause: keyword missing*Action:
I have a strange problem when creating a view in user from another user
I have a user called "Cash_tst"
its syntax creation is
-- Create the user create user CASH_TST identified by "" default tablespace CASH temporary tablespace TEMP profile DEFAULT quota unlimited on cash; -- Grant/Revoke object privileges grant connect to CASH_TST; grant dba to CASH_TST; grant resource to CASH_TST;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges grant create any view to CASH_TST; grant unlimited tablespace to CASH_TST;
I want to create a view
"AROFL" is another user on the same database when try to create the view "tamer" i got message of "insufficent privilege" although i granted "create any view" to the user "cash_tst"