SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-24248 - XML DB Extensible Security Not Installed?

Mar 29, 2012

When i try to gather server information by running the below query , i get error.

SQL> select utl_inaddr.get_host_address ('Hostnamename') from dual;
select utl_inaddr.get_host_address ('Hostnamename') from dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-24248: XML DB extensible security not installed
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_INADDR", line 19
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_INADDR", line 40
ORA-06512: at line 1

I ran below query to see what is installed.

SQL> select comp_name from dba_registry;

Oracle Database Catalog Views
Oracle Database Packages and Types
Oracle Real Application Clusters

My question is do i need to install XML database to resolve this issue and is SYS user is required to perform this install?

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Oracle Auto Extensible Tablespaces

Jan 7, 2011

I need to create a shell script to find the free space of an auto extensible tablespaces and send an alert when the free space is < 700MB. I tried checking with the dba_free_space, but I did not get the exact free space.

Tell me the logic to find the exact free space of autoextensible enabled tablespaces?

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Can Oracle 9 / 10 And 11 Be Installed On Same PC

Nov 4, 2010

I have new PC going to be used for Oracle 9, 10 & 11. It has Windows 2008, system processor - Intel® Xeon® CPU, Installed memory 2.00 GB and it is 64-bit operating system. My question is if it is possible to have 3 different versions of Oracle on the same box. I want to make sure that they are not going to create any problem! If it is ok to install all three on the same box then should i start installing from the lowest version (9)?

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Oracle 11g R2 Installed With Zero Bytes On IBM AIX

Dec 27, 2012

I have installed 11g r2 using silent mode. but all the executable like lsnrctl, expdp, sqlldr,impdp etc.... installed with 0 (zero) bytes.

couldn't trace out what the problem is,

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Forms :: Installed 10g - Not Able To Run Form?

Jan 6, 2011

I installed forms and built a simple form using EMP table.I was able to compile the form successfully but when I run the form it opens IE and says IE has stopped working and closes the program.I have Windows Vista OS and IE7.

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Security :: Oracle 11G And Advanced Security / FIPS 140-2 Compliant Encrypt Data At Rest

Dec 26, 2012

Any documentation supporting Oracle 11G and Advanced Security stating encryption at rest is FIPS 140-2 compliant?

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Security :: Enhance Security Of Windows And Recover Lost / Forgotten Password?

Nov 16, 2010

Lost Windows password? Forgot Windows password? Your PC was hacked? Therefore, it is a basic step for every Windows users to enhance the security of Windows password. In the networks, it is found that a number of user's passwords are easy to guess. Only the smallest groups are the most security conscious and select passwords that are mixed lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and punctuation to create cryptic passwords. Adopting strong password is one of the most effective ways to ensure system security. Here are several methods for you to enhance the security of your passwords in Windows 7/2000/XP/Vista and so on. You'd better remember the methods below unless you want to reset Windows password from time to time.

1. Is random password a great password?

A common myth is that totally random passwords like Ht3&e#L%5d@$B are the best passwords. This is not true. While they may be strong passwords, they are usually difficult to remember, slow to type, and sometimes vulnerable to attacks against the password generating algorithm. It is easy to create passwords that are strong but much easier to remember by using a few simple techniques. For example, consider the password "Luck-73@Better?". This password utilizes uppercase and lowercase letters, two numbers, and three symbols. The password is 15 characters long and can be memorized with very little effort. Moreover, this password can be typed very fast. The portion"Luck" and "Better" alternate between left and right-handed keys on the keyboard, improving speed, decreasing typos, and decreasing the chances of someone being able to discover your password by watching you.

2. Create the long Windows password

Although a password may eventually be discovered through some means, it is possible to create a password that cannot be cracked in any reasonable time. If a password is long enough, it will take so long or require so much processing power to crack it. That is essentially the same as being unbreakable (at least for most hackers).

3. Create the Windows password constantly?

This may be good advice for some high-risk passwords, but it is not the best policy for every user. It is frustrating for a user to have to constantly think of and remember new passwords every 30 days. It may be better to focus on stronger passwords and better user awareness rather than limiting password age. A more realistic time for the common user may be 90-120 days.

4. Write down Windows password in a proper place

Sometimes it is necessary for some users losing and forgetting complex passwords easily to write down them somewhere proper. However, it is important to educate users on how to write down passwords properly. Obviously, a sticky note on the monitor is not a good idea, but storing passwords in a safe or even a locked cabinet may be sufficient.

5. 14 characters is the optimal password length

Each character that you add to your password increases the protection. Your passwords should be 8 or more characters in length; 14 characters or longer is the Optimal Password Length. Many systems also support use of the space bar in passwords, so you can create a phrase made of many words. It is not easier to forget and lose, as well as longer than a simple password, and harder to guess.

6. Try not to use the same Windows password for all accounts

Some users always make the same passwords for every account to make it easy to remember. In that case, when any one of them lost, your other information protected by that password will be in danger as well. It is serious to use different passwords for different systems and accounts.

7. Do not use some common words that other users maybe guess

Most of users prefer to use some common words to remember easily, for example, login name, birth date, driver's license, passport number, pets' name and other words contained their personal information someone knows. In that case, your Windows system will not be safe anymore. Moreover, do remember not to use some words spelled backwards, abbreviations, sequences or repeated characters and adjacent letters, such as, asdfgh, 123456, 888888, abcdef and so on.

You can smoothly use your Windows now because the strong and powerful Windows password is created successfully, Certainly, I believe that many users lost Windows password and forgot Windows password, then you need have to reset Windows password or recover Windows password. It is a big problem for plenty of Windows users that how to reset Windows password. how to recover Windows password and they are puzzled by resetting windows password, for instance, reset Windows 7 password, recover password Windows XP, remove Windows Vista password and other operating systems after they create the password with complex letters, numbers and symbols. However, it is unnecessary to worry and it is said that things will eventually sort themselves out. There are many ways to reset forgotten Windows password, including use windows password reset disk and windows password reset software, like Super Windows Password Reset, a professional windows password reset software which could enable you to logon to Windows smoothly without reinstalling system.

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Installed Oracle11g - How To Build Demo

Jul 28, 2010

I installed oracle11g on my computer ,when im going to build demo its not working.its giving a error like this.

sys>conn u1/u1
warning product user profile information not loaded
you may need to run PUPBLD.SQL AS SYSTEM
u1>@?/sqlplus/demo/demobld unable to open file "/oraeng/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/sqlplus/demo/demobld.sql"

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How Many Databases Were Installed In A Given Server / Machine

Apr 10, 2013

10g and 11g


My boss has assigned me a task to check/audit a existing PROD + other databases which was configured (in a server or servers) by previous dba who have left with no documentation.I am just given the server ip and root password.

-How do you attack this kind of task?
-How do you know how many databases were installed in a given server/machine?
-How do you get all the oracle_home being defined or used?

Is /etc/oratab enough to start with?Is oraInventory enough to know all the databases installed? Is this keyword unique, and kind be search using "find / -name "oraInventory"?Do I need to find the existent of the "oracle" exec in all "bin" since this is the unique identifier of an OracleHome?

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Oracle Installed In Workgroup - Not Able To Login Database

Oct 15, 2011

I am new in oracle I have installed Oracle in work group, while i work group it is working fine. But latter I have change the server from work group to domain. At that time Oracle was not working , not able to connect.

After that I change the Domain to work group again. And same problem exist. But I found that lsnrctl is working fine. But OracleServiceXXX is not able to startup in services.msc

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Discoverer Desktop - Installed Software - Cannot Login?

Apr 27, 2012

.I am trying to install Discoverer Desktop 9.0.4 on a windows 7 x86 machine. I know the product is obsolete, but this is only temporary as we transition to a new platform.

I am able to install the software just fine; what I cannot do is log in. I keep getting

Unable to connect to: discov_user@op012
Failed to connect to database - ORA-02248: invalid option for ALTER SESSION

The NLS_LANG for the database is at AMERICAN.AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252
I have set it on the client to match
I have deleted it from the registries
I have created a system variable

Nothing works. I know the tnsnames.ora file is correct as the exact same load works fine on a XP machine.

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Installed Oracle 11.2.0 On Windows 7 64 Bit - Initialization Error

Mar 20, 2011

I install Oracle 11.2.0 on Windows 7 64bit and i install PL/SQL Developer.

when i run the PL/SQL and connect to Oracle i get this error:

Initialization error
Could not load "C:\app\MyComp\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\oci.dll"

OCIDLL forced to C:\app\MyComp\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\oci.dll
LoadLibrary(C:\app\MyComp\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\oci.dll) returned 0

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Windows :: OScanner - Java JRE Installed On Machine

Mar 16, 2011

I have recently downloaded (the zip file for) OScanner (1.0.6) and have Java JRE installed on my machine. However, I am experiencing some difficulty in running the scanner. how I should start to use this tool, once I have downloaded the zip file.

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Database Cloning Installed On ZFS Storage Appliance

May 14, 2013

I have an update Oracle database 11g installed on ZFS Storage, and I need to make cloning for it. HCC feature is enabled.

How can I make this?

Using RMAN backup + ZFS Snapshot + ZFS Cloning ?

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Clusterware :: Change Hostname / IP's On Installed GI11.2.0.3

Feb 28, 2013

Is it possible to change the Hostname/IP's nodes on installed GI11.2.0.3? Exist some notes for do this action on "GI standalone" but no for GI.

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Security :: Moving Application Security To Oracle From Sybase

Aug 18, 2010

In Sybase, my application was using system tables to perform application login security. Those tables obviously don't exist in Oracle. I am looking for ways to provide the following functionality in an Oracle world:

1. How to determine 'x' days of inactivity based on "last login date"?

2. How to determine when a new user logs in for the first time and force them to change their password?

3. If we need to reset a users password, how can we require the user to change their password?

4. Is there any other option other than storing a user-id/password in the application code for locking a user's account if their account needs to be locked due to inactivity?

5. In the USER_USERS view there is a status column. What the different status's can be?

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Windows :: Detect Oracle Version And Platform Installed?

Mar 14, 2012

Is there a way to check which versions or oracle installed on the machine from command line?

The thing is I don't want to login to the database so I can't use SQL Plus also, till now I ran tnsping and checked the output but in case there are several versions of different platform I got only one version that was first on the path env.

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Server Administration :: Installed Database Oracle With Installation

Nov 17, 2011

Yesterday i installed oracle 11g r2 by default i installed database Oracle with the installation .but today i tried to create the database with the name green tat also completed successfully..the problem is in startup

export oracle_sid=green
sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
database mounted

select instance_name from v$instance; But it SHowing the instance name as Oracle...i tried with the other method also

export oracle_sid=green
sqlplus /nolog
conn sys/b123 as sysdba

database mounted

select instance_name from V$parameter;

and it shows instance name as green..i tried to see the datafile location for green database

select file_name from dba_data_files; it shows the orcl datafile locations.

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Oracle 11gr2 64 Bit Database Software Installed - Not Register

Feb 19, 2013

1. oracle 11gr2 64 bit database software installed
2. oracle 11gr2 32 bit clinet software installed

The above software has been installed on server, Pop pup- Error messages coming during installing 3rd party software packages...on server.

Error is - igrORASPConnect412.dll not register...

what could be issues & how to resolve this problem? do we need to reinstall client software again not available this DLL file after searching on oralce home directory .

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Security :: Tracking User Security Violations

Jul 27, 2010

Provide me the script which would track all the users security violations like ... say for example i want to find which users logged in and what he did in database prospective.

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Server Administration :: Information Regarding Latest Patch Installed For ORACLE_HOME

Feb 23, 2010

How do i find out the information regarding the latest patch installed for ORACLE_HOME..


If given a patch number, how do i find out whether it's applied to ORACLE_HOME

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Server Administration :: How To Spot Which Oracle Packages Are Installed / Licensed

Feb 22, 2011

I need to figure out which Oracle Database packages are installed on a certain server.

First problem: no Enterprise Manager available. So I need some command line tools or SQL statements.

I've already found some with them I was able to spot RAC, partitioning and so on. But I'm still missing a option/command to spot

- diagnistic pack
- tuning pack
- web logic
- web server

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Application Express :: Installed APEX In Separate Tablespace And Datafile

Sep 27, 2013

I am working on Oracle The use of the DB is only for APEX.I installed APEX in a separate table space and datafile.When taking a full cold backup, is it enough to backup only two datafiles:

APEX.dbf : Where APEX was installed.

The workspace datafile. Or, what is the most efficient way to take  cold backup for Database that is dedicated for APEX ?

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Server Administration :: Installed 10gr2 And Implemented 3GB - Database Hang?

Jan 26, 2010

My server RAM is 12GB. i installed 10gr2 and implemented /3GB also. Eventhough my database is giving problem.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Get Exact Path Where SQLLDR Got Installed In UNIX?

Nov 1, 2013

How to get the exact path where SQLLDR got installed in UNIX. I am getting a path related issue while executing SQLDR unix command in Oracle

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Forms :: Installed Forms6i On Windows7 But Ifbld60.exe File Unable To Execute?

Oct 26, 2010

I had installed forms6i on windows7 but ifbld60.exe file unable to execute so i want to know is this os problem or need patch to run it.

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Forms :: Modifying Form On UNIX Server Using Builder Installed On Windows Desktop

May 20, 2010

We are using Oracle Applications hosed on UNIX servers. There is a custom form in XXX_TOP/forms/US folder that I need to modify.

My Windows desktop has Forms Builder 10g installed. I ft pied fmb file over from UNIX server to my Windows desktop and tried opening it. I get an error FRM-18108:

Failed to load the following objects: APPSTAND, etc etc.

Obviously I am not doing it right. What is the correct way of modifying a form file sitting on UNIX server, using Forms Builder installed on Windows desktop? Do I need to copy all dependent objects to Windows desktop along with fmb file?

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Security :: Security For Some Columns Of Table

Nov 29, 2012

how can we mask value of some columns in table? For example: user A is supervisor, he can query salary column in employee table, but for user B, he is staff member, he can query salary column but system just shows ***** or something like that for salary value.

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Real Application Clusters :: Newly Installed 11gR2 - Inserted Rows Completely Gone When Restart Cluster

Jan 2, 2013

I have recently setup a 2 node Rac on oracle linux 5.4 with oracel 11gR2, the installation went smoothly and all the cluster resources are up and running however the data is not syncing across the nodes, when I create a table it shows up on the other node but when I insert rows into the tables they don't show up on the other node and when I restart the cluster the inserted rows are completely gone even from the node where I inserted them.

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Forms :: Read / Write In Unix From Oracle Forms Installed In Windows

Nov 24, 2011

I have a requirement to read a file from windows m/c and write into Unix Server. How can i do that in Oracle forms.

I tried TEXT_IO package.But that is not allowing to access Unix path.

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